Aren't Graduations Grand! - May 2015 TR (New 10/30 - MK and California Grill)

Sounds like an awesome trip, I'm looking forward to reading more :)
We are doing a big 'Graduation Vacation' for our eldest daughter in November (we are in Australia) and can't wait!!!

:welcome: Thanks so much for joining in! I think a vacation to celebrate a graduation is the way to go!

Short night. :faint:

I may have gotten to bed closer to 12:30 instead of 1:00... but yes, far too short!

I'm fine with that. Food

It was a bagel sandwich. As it has nothing directly to do with Disney World and other TR readers possible food choices, it was one of the better food pictures to be missing.

In my opinion, it is worth it to get to sit together. I mean, why sit next to a stranger when your sister is on the plane with you somewhere else, right?


That's probably going to work against that idea of getting a little bit of extra sleep.:rolleyes1

Yes, I know. I tried so hard to fall asleep, but our first flight was so darn short I think I only slept for about ten minutes. When I saw the drink cart I figured, what the heck? Why not t a beverage?! :laughing:

(I did get a bit of sleep on the much longer flight #2. ;) )

I know! I try to spot it every year - I follow the I-4 and look for either the Epcot ball or the Downtown Disney area and lake. The Epcot ball is the easiest to spot - I seem to have the best luck when I sit on the right side of the airplane. :goodvibes

Don't you feel sorry for them? They're going the wrong way!

I know! :sad:

Yeah... and that's what matters. You're there. We've all seen the sign!

Very true. (That doesn't mean I didn't photograph the sign when I had the chance on trip #2 into the World, though! :laughing: )

I'm coming around to it too. I mean, we did online check in and still got an upgrade.

That was before they started texting the room numbers though so I'm not sure how that would play out now.

I never did online check-in before this trip as I wanted to be able to update our room if it didn't fit my requests. I think you could still do it with online check-in and the text - just pop by the desk and switch up the room (if you can!).

Well, if that's all you forgot in a late night scramble, I don't think you did too bad.

Agreed. ::yes::

What?!?!?!? :faint:

Yes, well... it was a necessary evil. ;)

I KNOW!!! :woohoo:

two hours of sleep will do that to you.

Tell me about it! :sad2:

:laughing: Paranoid much?
But you know... you know that if you only check 451 times that you'll forget them.

Yes! The magic bands could have been somewhat rectified, but I was so nervous about remembering those darn gift cards!

I wonder what he would've done if you hadn't gone out and waved him down?
Given up and driven away?
Waited somewhere and hoped?

Who the heck knows! :laughing: At least it all worked out!

On the way to Disney? Yes.
Coming back? Not so much.


Was it bigger than a bread basket?


Whoa! What was in that coffee???

We look pretty chipper, don't we? :rotfl2:

As I mentioned to Andy, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep on the first flight but I wanted my darn neck pillow anyway!

Good name for a bakery. I like it.

I thought the name was great! (And so was my blueberry muffin!)

Don't do it! If you split the window, the air will escape and you'll get sucked out!!!

Oh. Window seat.


Nice! I've never done that in... umm.... four flights.

Sitting on the right side of the plane and looking for the Epcot ball seems to work for me. ;)

I do too, but I seldom get the chance.
I'm usually travelling with DW or one or more DDs, so they get the window seats.
How does that work, exactly, when I'm paying for it??

That's usually my argument - if I pay, I want the window! (I generously gave it up on one of the flights each way as it was her graduation trip, and all.)

Oh, just some random stranger I photographed on the mini-monorail... :rolleyes1

I assume that means they're on their way home...


I know - those poor people! (At least it's not us... yet!)

I wish. But being a foreigner, I have to wait until I get to the resort.

It's really too bad that they don't ship outside the US - it was nice to have them in advance!

Oh, man! Why didn't you warn me ahead of time about the spoiler?
Now the whole TR is ruined.


Hah! I beat you with my zero minutes wait.


Stop! Stop!!!!
Did you not see the R2D2 carry on that boy has??????


Isn't it awesome?! I remember being really impressed by it when we stood in line for the bus! :thumbsup2

I hear ya.

At least we had another chance to get welcome sign pictures, so I wasn't too disappointed.

Try it without sound. :rolleyes:

I don't think the sound made much of an improvement. :sad2:

You know you've arrived at Disney when you start spotting princess dresses!

I wonder if online check in serves any purpose for me?
Even if I had a phone that worked in the States (I don't), I'd still have to go to the desk to get my Magic Band.

Yeah, I would imagine it doesn't have quite as many perks for those out of the U.S. Perhaps it creates shorter lines for you?

Hey! That's where we were!

Wasn't it a great location?!

Oooh, Florida wildlife in it's natural habitat?


Wow! Nice!

I was rather excited! :cloud9:

Whoops! Bet she won't make that mistake again.

Hey, if that's what I had to leave in the wrong spot, I'll take it! I could've made much worse mistakes! :laughing:
Joining in. :wave: What a wonderful graduation surprise! I look forward to reading along.

:welcome: Thanks so much for joining in!

The surprises were SO much fun!

Following! :cutie:

:welcome: Thanks for following!

Sounds like a great arrival day so far!

Great view you got from your room! I love that AoA and Pop are so close. We have stayed at AoA and walked over to the Pop food court. The theming there is so cute.

I'm the type that loves to look out the plane window to see if I can spot stuff too! So cool you got to see DW from the air!! :goodvibes

Despite its very early start, it was!

Although you don't really see your view at the values and moderates very often (as our curtains are often closed), it was a fantastic view!

I was so excited about being able to see Pop AND AoA in one swoop. It was the first time I'd been to both of them!

It was still pretty far away, but I know I spotted it! :D

I'm here and excited to read along. We actually overlapped some. I too was there for my graduation celebration from May 29-June 6. We also had 4 hotels if you count the Hampton inn on the way.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

A year of Disney?! How fun! It looks like you had a great selection of resorts for your June trip - I'd love to try the Contemporary and the Yacht Club!

Congratulations on your graduation! :flower:

It's okay, it's only the airport so we'll forgive you.

Thank you. :-)

Disney Departure Day Excitement! There's nothing like it!!!!! :hyper:

I KNOW!!! :yay:

Wow! I never have! How did you find it?!

I've found sitting on the right side of the plane, looking for the I-4 and then searching for the Epcot ball seems to work. It's pretty much impossible to spot Magic Kingdom, but Epcot (and Downtown Disney) can be pretty easy to find. :goodvibes

I would too if I was headed where you were headed :cool1:


It's so bad :sad2:

It really is. When I heard about how bad it was, I thought, "Oh goodness, it can't be that bad!"

Yes... it's WORSE than "that bad"! :sad2:

Yay!!! I love that feeling!

Isn't it the best?! :D

You got a great view! Awesome!

It was fantastic! I couldn't believe our luck!

I loved the video. You could tell that she was not liking the idea of the reveal's getting doled-out one-by-one! Hehehehe.

I'm sure it was tough waking up that early, but it paid off by getting to Disney with still a lot of the day left!

Thank you! She wasn't very thrilled about it at the time, but I'm glad I got her reactions on video. She's pretty laid back, but she was definitely interested to know all the surprises! (She asked me about the plans for MONTHS - it was driving her crazy that I wouldn't cave and tell her! :laughing: )

It's the earliest we've ever arrived in Disney World - I'll take it!

:faint: I don't think I could be cheery at that hour no matter how much sleep I'd gotten. I'd probably do better just to stay up until then. ::yes::

Yes, "Jenny" and "morning person" do not appear in the same sentence... unless it also includes the word "not"! :laughing:

Isn't it handy to just get the room number and go straight there? I really liked that too (well, when it worked :rolleyes1).

Oh, no! That sounds like an ominous story for your trip report! :scared:

Thankfully our alerts worked all three times and I was a BIG fan!

Awesome! One of the coveted standard/lake view rooms! Very nice!

I couldn't believe it! I was rather disappointed when I realized we wouldn't be in the 50's section... and then I saw the room and thought, "Nope! This is fine!" :laughing: :cloud9:

I'm back from my vacation to WDW and tuned in!

Fantastic! :welcome: both to the trip report and back from your trip! I hope you had a fantastic time!

(Perhaps you'll tell us all about it in a trip report? ;) )
Yes, well... it was a necessary evil. ;)

Oh, okay. As long as it isn't necessarily a weevil.

We look pretty chipper, don't we? :rotfl2:

you do!

As I mentioned to Andy, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep on the first flight but I wanted my darn neck pillow anyway!


Tell me about it! :sad2:

I will! It's lousy!

Oh, just some random stranger I photographed on the mini-monorail... :rolleyes1

Man, you're odd.... :rolleyes1

It's really too bad that they don't ship outside the US - it was nice to have them in advance!

To paraphrase one of my favourite people, Tell me about it! :sad2:

I don't think the sound made much of an improvement. :sad2:

Good point.

Yeah, I would imagine it doesn't have quite as many perks for those out of the U.S. Perhaps it creates shorter lines for you?

Only if it's open. So far... nope.

Wasn't it a great location?!

::yes:: It really was!
Joining in! What a great sister you are! I can't wait to see her open the next envelopes.
Woohoo!!!!! What a great start!!! I LOVE reading about arrivals... so much excitement in the air, your whole vacation ahead. :cloud9: And, seeing as how so many of us know of some of the surprises that awaited Anika, it's even more exciting!!! Can't wait to read all about it, Jenny :goodvibes And yes, I already knew what a great room location you had :rotfl:
I love reading about departure days. It's always so much fun to hear about people's travels and their excitement to get to WDW. Little things like reading about what people ate for breakfast at an airport or what they drank on a plane get me excited about upcoming trips. Love the detail!

What a lovely view from your room. Can't wait to see what you thought of our resort, AoA!!
Just thirty minutes after boarding we had a view of this beautiful site:

How awesome!! I'm so excited about the ME...Have never ridden it before and I can't wait to let someone else do the driving!!

I was never an online check-in person for prior trips, but I ended up doing early check-in for all three of our Disney resorts and I LOVED it.

This just seems weird...being able to walk right to a hotel room without talking to someone at the desk first...hmmmm weird in an awesome way though...
Oh, okay. As long as it isn't necessarily a weevil.

As in the bug? (Or is there some other reference I'm totally missing?!)

I'm impressed enough that we were smiling. Nothing but vacation excitement could do that!

Ah, some of my favorite birds. :lovestruc You'll see them in my next post!

Man, you're odd.... :rolleyes1

You're just figuring that out now?! :rotfl:

To paraphrase one of my favourite people, Tell me about it! :sad2:


Good point.

SO, SO BAD. :sad2:

Only if it's open. So far... nope.

That's a bit of a bummer.

::yes:: It really was!


Joining in! What a great sister you are! I can't wait to see her open the next envelopes.

:welcome: Thanks so much for joining in!

The next post involves our wandering around AoA, but the next reveal envelope will be in the post after that!

Woohoo!!!!! What a great start!!! I LOVE reading about arrivals... so much excitement in the air, your whole vacation ahead. :cloud9: And, seeing as how so many of us know of some of the surprises that awaited Anika, it's even more exciting!!! Can't wait to read all about it, Jenny :goodvibes And yes, I already knew what a great room location you had :rotfl:

There is! I just love arrival day... it's so much better than departure day! :D

It was fabulous how it all the surprises unfolded - she was very surprised for most of them. It was pretty fun for me to create the reveals!

Wait, how did you already know about our room location!? ;)

I love reading about departure days. It's always so much fun to hear about people's travels and their excitement to get to WDW. Little things like reading about what people ate for breakfast at an airport or what they drank on a plane get me excited about upcoming trips. Love the detail!

What a lovely view from your room. Can't wait to see what you thought of our resort, AoA!!

I'm glad you enjoyed the detail! I always wonder when I add all those moments if people are thinking, "So, how is the fact that she drank tea important to this vacation?!" :laughing:

It was a beautiful view. It's a shame we only enjoyed it for one night as I'm sure I'll never have that view again if I stay there in the future!

My thoughts on AoA, coming up!

More please More please!!!!! :goodvibes

Yes, ma'am! Coming right up! :goodvibes

How awesome!! I'm so excited about the ME...Have never ridden it before and I can't wait to let someone else do the driving!!

I LOVE the Magical Express! It's just a great way to get to Disney World - the excitement starts right at the airport! I'm also a huge fan of the luggage delivery - not having to lug the bags to the room is a major win!

The only negative now is the video - just look out at the scenery instead of the video. :laughing:

Just remember to go the "B" side, and you're all set! The airport signs will lead you right to it! :thumbsup2

This just seems weird...being able to walk right to a hotel room without talking to someone at the desk first...hmmmm weird in an awesome way though...

It was rather weird, but I really enjoyed it. It was even better once we reached Port Orleans - it was nice to drive right to the right spot! :goodvibes
The Awesomeness of Animation
Day 1 – Part II

I was SUPER excited about exploring the Art of Animation Resort! I was hoping to make it there on our 2013 trip, but there was never a good time to squeeze it in. Although I was excited about finally seeing (and staying!) at Pop Century, another big reason for booking there is so I could finally see Art of Animation!

Given our fantastic room placement in the 60’s, we had just a short walk to get to the bridge connecting Pop and AoA:


There’s Anika in the pink shirt – as usual, walking far ahead of me as I take pictures! :laughing:

The bridge goes straight to the center of the resort which leads into the Finding Nemo area. I loved how they decorating the sides of the buildings – it was like you were looking at the ocean (with all its swimming fish!):


There’s no way you can walk in the Finding Nemo area without saying hello to everyone’s favorite dude, Crush:


The Big Blue Pool looked AWESOME (and busy!). The splash pad with all of Nemo’s school friends looks like lots of fun for little ones:


Then there’s the pool itself – impressive!


The entire Big Blue Pool area is gated – no pool hopping here! I’ve never been a pool-hopper anyway, so I certainly understand why the resort would want to reserve its pool for guest use only. The place was hopping! :jumping2: Or swimming, if you will. :fish:

As it was already 1:30 in the afternoon (and we’d been up for nearly 10 hours!) we went straight for the food! I’d heard good things about the Pop Century food court, but I’d heard GREAT things about the AoA food court so that’s what I wanted to try.

Welcome to Landscape of Flavors!


Similar to the Pop food court (and probably the All-Stars as well?) the food court is divided into different stations depending on what you wanted to eat. We split up and wandered around to find the dish that looked most exciting to each of us. I used my magic band for my first food purchase of the vacation – that was pretty exciting! Not to mention, oh so easy!


Here’s our food… Anika chose the Mongolian Beef Stir Fry, with multigrain rice, some sort of spinach (you could pick a side, so I'm not sure exactly was it was!), and Naan:


I decided to get the Caprese Sandwich, which was tomato, fresh mozzarella, basil and balsamic on ciabatta bread. I choose to get the chips instead of the coleslaw:


We also had to get our first cupcake of the vacation:


We also picked up two very unexciting bottles of water – we were already SO HOT.

The biggest downside of the food was the cupcake, as it was a basic vanilla cupcake and honestly, a little boring. It was fine, but nothing special. As for the rest of the food - it was DELICIOUS! Anika thought her Mongolian beef was REALLY good and finished nearly the whole plate. My sandwich was a perfect choice for the hot day – fresh, crisp, and tasty. As great as the sandwich was, the best part was the chips – I don’t even really like chips, but they looked different so I thought I’d give them a whirl. BEST DECISION EVER! They were running low when I got in line so I received fresh, hot potato chips – they make them AT THE FOOD COURT! I could not stop eating them. Yum!

Not only was the food tasty, but the surrounding were pretty neat, too. I thought they did a great job creating Landscape of Flavors:


The restaurant wouldn’t be the same without its namesake… landscapes!


The restaurant is full of background pictures from the four movies featured at the resort - Finding Nemo, Cars, The Lion King, and The Little Mermaid. It was really fun to wander around in there and look at all the pictures! It’s a big place with a wide variety of seating – I wouldn’t mind eating there for several meals.

I was SO GLAD we held out for Landscape of Flavors for lunch. The food lived up to the hype and the surroundings were neat. If you have a chance to check it out, I’d highly recommend it! (And try the chips!)

After we finished our lunch, it was time to explore the rest of Art of Animation. We started wandering backwards to the lobby. Of course, I had to take a picture of the multi-colored check-in area:


It was so fun to wander down the hall and look at all the drawings! They start out as black and white or color-free pictures near the front entrance of the lobby:


And as you walk further into the lobby, they have color!


I really loved this light fixture in a skylight near the entrance of the Ink and Paint Shop:


All of the “bulbs” are decorated with drawings!


I believe at least one of the drawings is signed by John Lasseter – I didn’t spot it, but I know I’ve seen it on a Disney World special or two.

At the back of the lobby area is the entrance to the Ink and Paint gift shop. You walk through Ink and Paint to get to the Landscape of Flavors food court:


The concept drawings were fun to look at:


(continued in next post)
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(continued from previous post)

After we’d soaked up plenty of air conditioning, we ventured back into the (hot, hot! :crazy2: ) outdoors to look at more of the resort.

I was excited to see that they included the seagulls! Mine! Mine! MINE!


I just love those guys! :lovestruc

We veered left at the Big Blue Pool to look at the Lion King area. They painted the buildings to match each section of the resort – I thought this was great!


There are so many great picture taking opportunities here – and you’re going to see (nearly) all of them!

Here’s everyone’s favorite lion on Pride Rock:


Does this make anyone else want to break into “Hakuna Matata”? :rotfl:


The elephant skeleton playground was fun – and it came with hyenas!


Not to mention Scar looking a bit... menacing:


I also thought Zazu was great:


Next up was the Little Mermaid section. I love that included a dinglehopper!


Prince Eric’s statue was also available for viewing:


Sabastian just looks elated! I think this was one of my favorite statues (other than Crush):


Of course, I had to get a picture of Ariel with her favorite friend, Flounder:


No visit to the Little Mermaid section could be complete without saying hello to Ursula:


There's Anika walking in front of the statue - you can see how HUGE it is!

What’s so impressive about each section of Art of Animation is their attention to detail, all the way down to the plant life:


The plants and other landscaping in the Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo sections look like they came from the bottom of the ocean. If you look back at the pictures of the Lion King, the plants are very different! This is one of the things I love about Disney – their themes are completely immersive and no detail goes unnoticed. :goodvibes

Here’s the view of Pop Century from the Art of Animation side:


We hadn’t wandered outside for very long, but the heat and humidity was really beginning to get to us – especially Anika. Looking back at my timestamps it looks like we were only outside about 20 minutes! :eek: I think Anika was more tired than hot (although we were warm) as we were outside a lot more than that in days to come and did just fine. Nonetheless, I had no desire to deal with a grumpy person on the first day, so back to the resort we went! I look forward to checking out the Cars section of the resort next time.

We headed back over the bridge and back to our home for the night:


Honestly, I was pretty impressed by the Generation Gap Bridge. If it wasn’t so hot, it would be a neat place to sit and enjoy a snack or beverage!

My plan to stay at Pop Century to see the sister resort across the way was well worth it – I was so impressed with Art of Animation! It is definitely worth a visit! The theming is incredible, the colors are bright and cheerful, and the pools look awesome! I was also really impressed with the food court – it was large, comfortable, and had tons of tasty and interesting choices. I look forward to returning one day and getting a chance to explore the Cars area (and perhaps eat more chips!). :laughing:

Up Next: Resort #2 Reveal and a DISmeet!
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Following! Loving it so far, we will be in AoA for our next trip in a couple of months!

:welcome: Thanks for following!

I thought Art of Animation was awesome - I think you'll really enjoy it! I thought the Big Blue Pool looked great and I adored the food court. Make sure you find an opportunity to get fresh chips! :D
I love the pictures of AoA. It's too bad you couldn't wander over to see the Cars section. The theming looks like a kids dream (and Disney loving grown ups :D). I hope you two get well rested and ready for the next day.
Hi Jenny! I'm excited to join your TR! What a great graduation gift for Anika. I'm a big fan of rewarding special milestones with a WDW trip! ;)

Wow! What a dream trip with 4 resorts! I loved the reveal video. Sounds like Anika's gonna want all the details before you are ready to reveal everything! Great job putting this all together. (I'm a big US fan now that we've ventured off-property starting last year so I'm excited to hear that part of your trip as well.)

I would love to tour AoA and eat at Landscape of flavors. Thanks for sharing your photo tour and dining experiences. Hmmmm ... caprese and house made chips, that sounds pretty good about now. The cupcake looked good - bummer that it wasn't as spectacular as the rest of the meal.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about your trip.
I was so impressed with Art of Animation!

I was also really impressed with the food court

I absolutely love Art of Animation. It is by far one of my favorite resorts; I wish they gave discounts on the standard rooms because I would be staying these a lot if they did! I also really love the food court. I have been known to make special trips there just to eat.

Can't wait to read about resort reveal #2.
I was SUPER excited about exploring the Art of Animation Resort!

I wanted to do the same thing, but just never had the time!
So glad I can live vicariously through your posts!

There’s Anika in the pink shirt – as usual, walking far ahead of me as I take pictures! :laughing:

:laughing: And that's why you won't see that many great shots on my TR this time around.
I didn't want to make Kay wait as I took my time composing shots.

it was like you were looking at the ocean (with all its swimming fish!):

Really? For a graduation gift the first thing you do is take her to a school (of fish)?

There’s no way you can walk in the Finding Nemo area without saying hello to everyone’s favorite dude, Crush:

What? I thought I was your favourite dude!
I'm crushed!

(See what I did there? Hunh? Didja?)

The splash pad with all of Nemo’s school friends looks like lots of fun for little ones:

That looks like fun for an adult!

Then there’s the pool itself – impressive!

Whoa. It really is. I wonder if they still pipe the music underwater?

The place was hopping! :jumping2: Or swimming, if you will. :fish:


Similar to the Pop food court (and probably the All-Stars as well?) the food court is divided into different stations depending on what you wanted to eat.

Ugh. I don't remember about the All-Stars... I don't think I ever ate there, even though we stayed there twice.

I used my magic band for my first food purchase of the vacation – that was pretty exciting! Not to mention, oh so easy!

::yes:: That first swipe... filled with angst and excitement.

We also had to get our first cupcake of the vacation:

Well.... of course you did.

we were already SO HOT.

It's not polite to brag, Jenny.

Seriously, I had to go back and look at your dates. I'm surprised it was already that hot in May!

They were running low when I got in line so I received fresh, hot potato chips – they make them AT THE FOOD COURT!

No way! I really wish I'd known that!

Not only was the food tasty, but the surrounding were pretty neat, too. I thought they did a great job creating Landscape of Flavors:

::yes:: Looks really nice!

Of course, I had to take a picture of the multi-colored check-in area:


It was so fun to wander down the hall and look at all the drawings! They start out as black and white or color-free pictures near the front entrance of the lobby:

And as you walk further into the lobby, they have color!

I had heard about that, I think that's so cool.

I really loved this light fixture in a skylight near the entrance of the Ink and Paint Shop:

I've seen that light on someone else's TR... it's really impressive.

I was excited to see that they included the seagulls! Mine! Mine! MINE!

I just love those guys! :lovestruc

:laughing: They just may have been the best part of the movie.

Does this make anyone else want to break into “Hakuna Matata”? :rotfl:


The elephant skeleton playground was fun – and it came with hyenas!

Man... the theming just goes on and on and on...

Next up was the Little Mermaid section. I love that included a dinglehopper!


Of course, I had to get a picture of Ariel with her favorite friend, Flounder:

Ah... There she is...

There's Anika walking in front of the statue - you can see how HUGE it is!

Funny. I saw the picture first, and was going to leave a comment like "That's huge!" and then read what you wrote about it.
But, man! It really is!

The plants and other landscaping in the Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo sections look like they came from the bottom of the ocean. If you look back at the pictures of the Lion King, the plants are very different!

That just blows me away.
Incredible. Just, incredible.

Nonetheless, I had no desire to deal with a grumpy person on the first day

Good call!

Honestly, I was pretty impressed by the Generation Gap Bridge. If it wasn’t so hot, it would be a neat place to sit and enjoy a snack or beverage!

It's a nice bridge, I managed to set foot on it... once.
Didn't cross it, just stepped on it.

Up Next: Resort #2 Reveal and a DISmeet!

Can't wait!
The Big Blue Pool looked AWESOME (and busy!). The splash pad with all of Nemo’s school friends looks like lots of fun for little ones:
It really is a great pool and a beautiful area. They really nailed it on this one!

The biggest downside of the food was the cupcake, as it was a basic vanilla cupcake and honestly, a little boring. It was fine, but nothing special.
I had one. I agree 100% with your opinion of it.

But it did look like Mickey, so that always makes it just a little bit better.

Does this make anyone else want to break into “Hakuna Matata”? :rotfl:
::yes:: ::yes::

When I was a young warthog!!!

What’s so impressive about each section of Art of Animation is their attention to detail, all the way down to the plant life:
::yes:: Look at Little Mermaid and then look at Cars... They really did an awesome job.

Nonetheless, I had no desire to deal with a grumpy person on the first day, so back to the resort we went! I look forward to checking out the Cars section of the resort next time.
NOOOOOOOO!!!!! You missed the best part!!!!

But I get it.

Honestly, I was pretty impressed by the Generation Gap Bridge. If it wasn’t so hot, it would be a neat place to sit and enjoy a snack or beverage!
::yes:: I remember in 2008 when we stayed at Pop, DW, my sisters and I all sat out there one evening for a couple of hours just having a few drinks and talking. It was one of those random, seemingly non-memorable things that I always look back on as a great memory.


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