Marathon Weekend 2016

Extremely important marathon question :)

I'm pretty sure I saw someone on this thread (or another related thread) talking about stopping at the McDonalds around mile 15 for a snack. I actually fueled my last 20 miler, in part, by grabbing a $1 mini-cheese burger from McDonalds around mile 12. I'd love to try to grab one during the marathon but I'm worried about how long it'll take to run in there, grab a burger, and then get back out. I'm in corral L, and anticipate a pretty slow pace throughout the race (probably 15 min/mile average). Does the McDonalds there tend to run food through pretty quickly on marathon day? I don't want to risk getting swept for a dumb burger :)

My alternative idea was to get my husband to meet me somewhere on the course (ideally after the halfway point) with a mini-burger. He'll have the rental car so he'll have a little flexibility, but I'm not sure what the best meet up/spectating point would be for him to get to easily. Ideas?

Ooooh! It's McFlurry John! I can't remember his handle to tag him - but he goes to McD's every marathon for a McFlurry! I only remember that because I'm impressed that a McFlurry sounds appealing to him at that point in the race.
Stupid question here...why chocolate milk? I'm not a milk drinker to begin with but I'm thinking that is the last thing I would want after running. I'm sure I'm missing something since I've never done this before.

Essentially chocolate milk performs as well as commercial recovery drinks but is about 1/3 the price. By drinking it within 15 minutes of finishing a workout, you boost the bodies ability to recover from the workout. Whether it be a placebo effect or not, I know it works for me and is always part of my daily recovery process.

Carb ratio 4:1 (shown to be an ideal ratio for absorbing the nutrients post-workout)
Chock full of essential amino acids (improves recovery of small tears in the muscles)
Highly bioavailable protein (casein and whey protein, allows the body to absorb the nutrients more rapidly)
Cheaper alternative
Ditto everyone's reasoning behind chocolate milk. I found for me, I need two cartons and a couple bottles of water, within 10 min of finishing, and I'm good to go for the rest of the day. My first HM, I tried to eat and ended up sick. Two weeks later, second HM, I skipped the eating and just had water and a banana. I ended up almost passed out on my kitchen floor (it might have something to do with adrenaline drop - my last 5 miles were done in rain, thunder, lightening, and hail). By the third HM I tried no food, water and chocolate milk. It's truly my salvation and ensured that even after my 20+ training runs, I was able to still function as mom for the remaining part of the day.

Thanks for the reminder about not having chocolate milk at the end of the race (boo, hiss). I was planning on picking up some cartons ahead of time (or if I can find a way to get my hands on it - fairlife) and having them readily available at the end. I need to take a look at the layout - faster to have it in bag check or with DH spectating at the finish line.

We checked into our hotel tonight - becoming realer and realer by the day :tongue:
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Huge my wife and daughter.
2. Drink a Bear Republic - Racer 5 IPA at our resort or nearest location. (Love that beer and we no longer get it in Louisiana. Its been many years since I've had one.)
3. Spending some time in the parks with my family with my new hardware.

1. Hang around the finish to encourage people behind me. Take pics with any characters that may be there.
2. Back to the hotel for a shower and something to eat.
3. Back to the parks and dinner at the Boathouse at night, sporting my new medal of course.

Been a while since I've been on Disboards, so I'll answer both sets of Questions:

1. I will be 6 weeks post major surgery and not cleared to run yet. I will be power walking Dopey #3
2. Is it possible to not look forward to a Disney trip? This is my first solo trip (DH passed away last June), so playing this one by ear
3. Coming from frigid Southern California on a 5-ish hour flight Tuesday.

1. Linger in a long, hot shower until my fingers look like raisins
2. Eat a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger and wash it down with a bigger, fatter, juicier beer
3. Take a nap and maybe check out the festivities at DTD

I am sorry to hear about your husband. I think you will love this solo trip. They are addicting so I hope you get everything you want out of this trip.

Extremely important marathon question :)

I'm pretty sure I saw someone on this thread (or another related thread) talking about stopping at the McDonalds around mile 15 for a snack. I actually fueled my last 20 miler, in part, by grabbing a $1 mini-cheese burger from McDonalds around mile 12. I'd love to try to grab one during the marathon but I'm worried about how long it'll take to run in there, grab a burger, and then get back out. I'm in corral L, and anticipate a pretty slow pace throughout the race (probably 15 min/mile average). Does the McDonalds there tend to run food through pretty quickly on marathon day? I don't want to risk getting swept for a dumb burger :)

My alternative idea was to get my husband to meet me somewhere on the course (ideally after the halfway point) with a mini-burger. He'll have the rental car so he'll have a little flexibility, but I'm not sure what the best meet up/spectating point would be for him to get to easily. Ideas?

McDonalds is not far off course at all you can see it right from the bridge on course. You can see it from a bridge right near the All Stars if I remember correctly. It is still probably easier to have your husband have one for you somewhere on the course though.
Extremely important marathon question :)

I'm pretty sure I saw someone on this thread (or another related thread) talking about stopping at the McDonalds around mile 15 for a snack. I actually fueled my last 20 miler, in part, by grabbing a $1 mini-cheese burger from McDonalds around mile 12. I'd love to try to grab one during the marathon but I'm worried about how long it'll take to run in there, grab a burger, and then get back out. I'm in corral L, and anticipate a pretty slow pace throughout the race (probably 15 min/mile average). Does the McDonalds there tend to run food through pretty quickly on marathon day? I don't want to risk getting swept for a dumb burger :)

My alternative idea was to get my husband to meet me somewhere on the course (ideally after the halfway point) with a mini-burger. He'll have the rental car so he'll have a little flexibility, but I'm not sure what the best meet up/spectating point would be for him to get to easily. Ideas?
Last year my hubby was waiting on the overpass for me with a McFlurry in hand. He said there was not a long line when he was in there. For a timing reference ...I was passing through animal kingdom about 10 mins before Everest opened. (I Rode it) and it was still another mile to my hubby. There were plenty of runners going down the hill to McD's to grab a snack when i got there. I started mid pack and finished around 11-11:30am, I think.
Unrelated to the above, but I just realized that tomorrow is a big day! Not only will we have our new installment of QOTD, but it will also be monthly/yearly mileage post... while we are at, may have to include another weather update. I think its official, I have a problem with posting to much this week.

It's taper time. It's what you do. :)
Taper time? What is taper time?

According to my Garmin, my "Taper" has consisted of a long run followed by three straight 15+-mile days in theme parks, and then a trip to Typhoon Lagoon yesterday, where I "swam" almost 6 miles.

My final pair of new shoes FINALLY arrived today, so I'll be breaking them in tomorrow at EPCOT for NYE. I'll also be renting a locker to store two different pairs of socks, a pair of Chucks, a pair of Reefs and a pair of Oofos ... because, you know, you need four pairs of shoes for a holiday at EPCOT. :guilty:

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Possibly cry when I cross the finish line. It's been a long journey, and it'll be truly amazing to cross the finish line for my first full marathon.

2. Eat all the food in Epcot. Also, beer.

3. Watch Sunday evening fireworks (either in Epcot or Magic Kingdom) with my husband by my side and my medal around my neck :)

1. Drink all the coffee
2. Eat all the Mickey waffles (I'm hoping I"m not too slow to miss breakfast completely) :(
3. Take all the naps before heading to HS for the evening. Late lunch at Sci-Fi!

I have found the most difficult thing about planning this race weekend is everyone running different races. One friend is Dopey, then most of the girls are doing the half, and the boys doing the full. So while I would love to drink it up after my half, I have my bf and his marathon the next day to consider. As a DL running vet, this is very troublesome. :) But I'm sure we will manage.

3. Head to Dream for Castaway Cay Challenge Wednesday and race to Anaheim Friday for Rebel Challenge at Disneyland (10K Saturday and 1/2 on Sunday) - getting Coast-to-Coast (12 medal bling)!

I SOOOOO tried to talk my group into this. Didn't happen. Although, the one friend doing Dopey is doing the Rebel Challenge in CA. We call him the crazy one. I mostly just wanted the cruise add-on. LOL. ENJOY
A challenge IN a challenge!!! You're on!!!!!

Pro tip: when you leave the tent after getting your drop bag, the beer truck is straight across the parking lot in the back left corner. They take magic bands, no cash needed.

Pro tip #2: if you buy a beer in a refillable mug at the beer cart while you're at the expo, you can get it refilled at the post-race truck for half price. That should be the first item placed in your drop bag.
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

As it pertains to this WDW Half:

1) Need carbs and proteins!
2) Stretch and wait for my wife to finish
3) Afternoon and evening trip to Epcot, especially Spaceship Earth!
As for chocolate milk we bought the NESQUICK bottles that don't need refrigeration and plan to check those for after the races.
Good morning fellow runners! Eagerly awaiting the QOTD from @LSUlakes, the man is on a roll.

The final early morning frigid temperature run is in the books (or in this case on Garmin Connect.) Enough of this nonsense, moving on to the warmer climes of Orlando this afternoon. Very excited!

Kudos to everyone for training for these races. Between the holidays and adverse conditions, it has been a real challenge.

I've been thinking about the term singly marathon. Can I use "doubly" to describe running the 5k and marathon? I guess not, that sounds pretty dumb...

Happy New Year!


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