High School Class of 2016/College Class 2020

I'm sorry she's disappointed, but anecdotally, my oldest DD did not get into her top choice, but she was ultimately very happy at the school she attended. It was a much better fit for her on so many levels. I hope in 4 years, your DD can say the same about her choice.

Thank you! I'm sure that will be the case with DD.
My DD just heard back from her top school UMass Lowell and was accepted into the Nursing Program and also the Honors College program. Now we just have to fill out the FAFSA paperwork next month and see.
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I wish I would have discovered this thread a few months ago. My DD will be graduating in 2016 as well and is in full stress mode (along with her parents) over her college choices. Her desire is to have a dual major in Japanese and International Business/Marketing. She has four years of Japanese in high school and speaks the language pretty well, has a 3.85 GPA, and is a NHS. She does want to stay in Ohio and her choice of schools that offer what she is looking for is Mount Union (very nice small private college) and Ohio State University. She has been accepted into Mt. Union and we won't find out until mid January on Ohio State. She also has been accepted into Kent State University, but that would be plan C.
DD got a rejection from her first choice school. I have mixed feelings about it. I hate to see her so sad, but I'm not sure it was the right fit for her to begin with.

She has two great choices at some really good state schools. It will be interesting to see what she decides.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I know that must be a disappointment for her. But it sounds like it will give her the opportunity to go somewhere that is a better fit.

My DD just heard back from her top school UMass Lowell and was accepted into the Nursing Program and also the Honors College program. Now we just have to fill out the FAFSA paperwork next month and see.

Congratulations to your DD!!

OMG!!! She finally submitted her first application. I'm so excited.

Woo hoo :)

I wish I would have discovered this thread a few months ago. My DD will be graduating in 2016 as well and is in full stress mode (along with her parents) over her college choices. Her desire is to have a dual major in Japanese and International Business/Marketing. She has four years of Japanese in high school and speaks the language pretty well, has a 3.85 GPA, and is a NHS. She does want to stay in Ohio and her choice of schools that offer what she is looking for is Mount Union (very nice small private college) and Ohio State University. She has been accepted into Mt. Union and we won't find out until mid January on Ohio State. She also has been accepted into Kent State University, but that would be plan C.

Congratulations on the acceptance to Mount Union. We are playing the waiting game on the State schools also (even though DD is pretty much set where she wants to go). I'm still hoping we can find something she likes that is more affordable.
I wish I would have discovered this thread a few months ago. My DD will be graduating in 2016 as well and is in full stress mode (along with her parents) over her college choices. Her desire is to have a dual major in Japanese and International Business/Marketing. She has four years of Japanese in high school and speaks the language pretty well, has a 3.85 GPA, and is a NHS. She does want to stay in Ohio and her choice of schools that offer what she is looking for is Mount Union (very nice small private college) and Ohio State University. She has been accepted into Mt. Union and we won't find out until mid January on Ohio State. She also has been accepted into Kent State University, but that would be plan C.

International Business/Marketing is DD's major choice!

Congrats on the acceptance.
DD just got into WPI and Northeastern within the span of 30 minutes. She got into the Honor's program at NEU, and $15,000 scholarship, but for a $60,000 a year school I don't think that is going to be a big enough dent. I hate that she worked so hard and is going to end up at a SUNY because these schools are all so crazy expensive.
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My DD just got accepted to another of her top choices with a Dean's Scholarship but got denied for her ED - which was an Ivy League school and she wasn't that upset :) Now she's finally ready to send all her other applications! I'm so ready for this period to be over!!!!
Last night was the band/choir Christmas concert. Her last one. And she will only have one more concert this year on that beautiful old stage at her high school. I cried.

When those beautiful voices came out singing Oh Come All Ye Faithful (they walked in singing and surrounded the auditorium) I just lost it. Then later when the a capella group sang, I lost it again. Heck I even teared up when the choir director sang a solo! Oh my its going to be an emotional roller coaster for the Spring semester.

Its starting to sink in to her too. She's excited about the new chapter in her life coming but knowing she has to say good bye to that choir is going to be so hard.

Next up will be practice for state choir auditions and then college auditions.
DD just got her Congratulations from Case Western with a $25,000 scholarship. Now she is 5/5 with her EA schools. 3 more to hear from. One should be fine.. two reaches that would be miracles but she wanted to try. Anyone else get news?
DD was in talking to her college counselor and a former student came in who goes to one of her accepted schools. She loves it and was telling DD how wonderful it is and how next year's freshmen are so spoiled because they are getting brand new dorms. I think that lifted her spirits a lot.
DD just got her Congratulations from Case Western with a $25,000 scholarship. Now she is 5/5 with her EA schools. 3 more to hear from. One should be fine.. two reaches that would be miracles but she wanted to try. Anyone else get news?
DD got her acceptance notice today as well. Scholarship was 23,500. This is only the second school we have heard from so far- 2 others that she applied EA for have pushed back their decisions to the end of January. The last 3 she applied to are regular decision, so she won't hear until March.

Of the schools left to hear from, one is pretty much a sure thing, 2 are good matches that she should get in with no big issues, and 2 are reaches (one an Ivy League, and the other a very highly selective school in the South- the southern equivalent of an Ivy).
I think my DS is trying to drive me crazy. My older one was early on everything, and when he was a senior he had all of his applications in by November, and was getting answers by December. This DS has only sent in three applications so far, and is procrastinating on the rest. He even keeps eliminating schools from his list to avoid the paperwork.
He got his first acceptance, but since it is a fallback school for him, it wasn't something he was excited about.
I'd like to light a fire under his butt to get him moving, but I promised myself that I would help my boys more if I don't hover too much, and let them learn to be responsible.

A part of me is afraid that he's afraid of the next step. He is having an epic senior year, his soccer team won the championship game and his track team won the championship last spring. He was named soccer player of the week by our local paper, for the championship game week, and was MVP of the playoffs. He is out with friends every weekend, and is just having the time of his life. Rationally, he has to know that next year may be a let down after this, and I wonder if that is causing him to procrastinate. :confused3

Congrats to all of you whose kids are getting acceptances, this is such an exciting time, and it's nice that we can share it with others who understand what we are feeling.
Nice way to spend Christmas eve - dealing with a freak out over essays. 4 hours of screaming and crying...leading up to banging out one of the funniest things I have ever read...and now off to a Christmas party. Give me strength for another week....oh and she added more schools to her list. I think we're up to 18 and all have supplemental essays.

Shoot me now.
Nice way to spend Christmas eve - dealing with a freak out over essays. 4 hours of screaming and crying...leading up to banging out one of the funniest things I have ever read...and now off to a Christmas party. Give me strength for another week....oh and she added more schools to her list. I think we're up to 18 and all have supplemental essays.

Shoot me now.
18!?! Oh, my! DD has only applied to 7, and we feel like it is costing us an arm and a leg. Hold on- it will all be over soon. We haven't had to deal with any meltdowns yet- DD goes to boarding school, so we just get an email with instructions to read and edit if necessary.
Wow - 18!!! Mine has actually cut hers down after getting the two big scholarships for her 2 Early Action schools. You'll survive it and laugh about it in a couple of years!
I wanted to pop to update:

dd had her baby girl in late September. She had some issues from the epudural, but it was remedied.
She ended up getting her GED after.

So October, our German Shepard died suddenly and dd was home to see it. She doesnt want to go to school for a vet assistant anymore, it may change I hope it does because she is wonderful with animals.

So her career plans are kind of up in the air right now.

I wish I had known about this thread earlier. I am going to go back and try to catch up. My oldest son is graduating this June! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. It was a struggle to get him to apply to schools even though he wants to go to college. This past summer we were able to visit several of them.

Last night was an exciting moment for our household! He received his first acceptance letter to Bradley University (along with an award of $44,000 in scholarships). This was one of his top schools and he was practically giddy with excitement. We are anxiously waiting for the time to submit the FASFA to see if this will be a financial possibility. In the meantime he is working on applying to additional scholarships and waiting to hear back from the other 6 or 7 schools he applied for.

This is such a nerve-wracking and exciting time. I want time to slow down while I want to see what the result it at the same time!
FAFSA QUESTION.... For any experts out there...

So, everything I've read says fill it out in January and to use your prior year if you don't have the information yet. I've never gotten all my tax info in January, typically the first couple weeks of Feb., so I know I won't have it all in time for the FAFSA.

Also, I've had a major change in income during 2015. I went from part-time CNA to full-time RN after completing my own degree. My income from 2014 would be a very poor estimate for 2015.

Our state and first-choice schools have a March deadline.

Would you wait until filing taxes to complete the FAFSA once, or would you go ahead and use the prior year taxes, then update when we file for 2015?

Everything I read says get it done early to make sure you don't miss cutoffs. And I'm notorious for having "issues" with complicated online forms, lol. If I wait until the last couple weeks of Feb, will I get caught up in the masses trying to complete the FAFSA and have issues getting it completed, etc.
Has that ever been an issue with the FAFSA website??

I don't really want to go through the process 'twice', but if that will ensure we don't drop the ball somehow by trying to file the entire form last minute, I'll do it.

What would you suggest???


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