BWV 1 bedroom rehabbed!

So a 1br only sleeps 4 now?! I have 3 adults and 2 kids for our Oct trip!!

The one bedroom always slept only 4. I may be wrong, but I think occupancy CAN be five, but you must provide your own air mattress and bed linens. And believe me, the extra space and kitchen in the one bedroom far outweighs the studio that sleeps five.
Thank you all! Looks like I can easily order an air mattress, have it sent to BWVs and my little guy can sleep there! And I totally agree, the larger rooms and kitchen make it all worth it! A small twin air mattress will be an easy addition to the room!
We used to use the couch cushions on the floor (when our youngest was a 5th in a 1 BR) and it worked perfectly but not sure the pullouts have detachable cushions anymore :)
We used to use the couch cushions on the floor (when our youngest was a 5th in a 1 BR) and it worked perfectly but not sure the pullouts have detachable cushions anymore :)

We used to do that too and it worked perfectly. I understand the push for 1 bedrooms to sleep 5, but not the BW studios. They ruined those with the refurb, completely IMHO.
thanks or the photo's, I'm just buying points at BWV and hope when we finally get there we get a refurbed room
Hi everyone, I am currently booked at BCV for last week of April 2016 in a 1 BR and was hoping it would be all refurbed by then, but am hearing they delayed it. I don't want to be in the middle of a construction zone or in a beat up room (my 2011 GF stay was dimmed because the room was such a disaster). Do you think BWV will be all done by then? I would like to stay in epcot area because the monorail is useless for rope drop these days.
Hi everyone, I am currently booked at BCV for last week of April 2016 in a 1 BR and was hoping it would be all refurbed by then, but am hearing they delayed it. I don't want to be in the middle of a construction zone or in a beat up room (my 2011 GF stay was dimmed because the room was such a disaster). Do you think BWV will be all done by then? I would like to stay in epcot area because the monorail is useless for rope drop these days.
BWV rehab is supposed to be done later this year.
This stinks. The one change I had hoped for in the 1-2 bedrooms didn't happen...a sleeper chair.
BWV 1BRs have the connecting door to the studio in the living area. If you look at the floor plan, you can see that there isn't room to add either a sleeper chair or a murphy bed to the living area of the 1BR. A sleeper chair would block the connecting door and there isn't enough wall space between the kitchen and the connecting door for a murphy bed.
BWV 1BRs have the connecting door to the studio in the living area. If you look at the floor plan, you can see that there isn't room to add either a sleeper chair or a murphy bed to the living area of the 1BR. A sleeper chair would block the connecting door and there isn't enough wall space between the kitchen and the connecting door for a murphy bed.

Which, when booking a 1BR wouldn't have made any difference. Only for the 2BR lock-off would it have. :scratchin And in the 2BR case both rooms would have still had access to both outside and the hallway in case of fire so it being open would have only been a concern for the occupants logistics, not fire code. So, would the concern of it being moved be enough to not have it? Furniture gets moved in the rooms anyway so I wouldn't think so. They don't all have to be huge pieces of furniture and there is already a chair there, isn't there? Or am I just thinking of the dedicated 1BR's.



But then I've previously mentioned that a ottoman could have been used in some way. Perhaps like BLT with the tray on top since the coffee table needs to be moved anyway if you open the sofa sleeper.


http:// http://
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Which, when booking a 1BR wouldn't have made any difference. Only for the 2BR lock-off would it have. :scratchin And in the 2BR case both rooms would have still had access to both outside and the hallway in case of fire so it being open would have only been a concern for the occupants logistics, not fire code. So, would the concern of it being moved be enough to not have it? Furniture gets moved in the rooms anyway so I wouldn't think so. They don't all have to be huge pieces of furniture and there is already a chair there, isn't there? Or am I just thinking of the dedicated 1BR's.
We usually stay in a dedicated 1BR at BWV so I don't know if the wood chair is also in the 2BR lockoffs. But even if the same chair is in the lockoffs, it is lightweight and smaller than an opened sleeper chair would be. If someone needed to move between the 1BR and studio in an emergency (for instance if there was a fire and there were young children in the studio portion) it would be no problem moving the wood chair.

Another thought is that it could be an overall occupancy issue. If there was a lightweight sleeper chair option for the 1BR living area as well as the murphy bed in the studio, the occupancy of a 2BR lockoff could be as high as 12 if they allowed 5 plus a child under age 3 in both the 1BR and the studio. Perhaps that was pushing the limit for the building as a whole. Since studios are the most popular room type and DVC appears to be trying to appeal to families who will only purchase if they can legally squeeze as many people as possible into a studio, maybe they saw more benefit in increasing the occupancy of the studio rather than the 1BR if they could only increase one of the two.
We usually stay in a dedicated 1BR at BWV so I don't know if the wood chair is also in the 2BR lockoffs. But even if the same chair is in the lockoffs, it is lightweight and smaller than an opened sleeper chair would be. If someone needed to move between the 1BR and studio in an emergency (for instance if there was a fire and there were young children in the studio portion) it would be no problem moving the wood chair.

Another thought is that it could be an overall occupancy issue. If there was a lightweight sleeper chair option for the 1BR living area as well as the murphy bed in the studio, the occupancy of a 2BR lockoff could be as high as 12 if they allowed 5 plus a child under age 3 in both the 1BR and the studio. Perhaps that was pushing the limit for the building as a whole. Since studios are the most popular room type and DVC appears to be trying to appeal to families who will only purchase if they can legally squeeze as many people as possible into a studio, maybe they saw more benefit in increasing the occupancy of the studio rather than the 1BR if they could only increase one of the two.

I went and found a picture from one of our stays and the chair is also in the lock-off. Looking at the space I still think a smaller sized sleeper chair could have gone in.


If it were turned to run along the slider when open it might have been fine, at least I'd bet there's a product out there to do this that would have worked. But, yes, it still would have been tight.

So then is occupancy the issue? Since they already allow 5 they could have just kept that and not made it 5 plus one. I'm sure they'd have more taking advantage of it but would it be that many more? I'm really not concerned about getting 5 into a 1BR but as an owner I would have rather seen them doing something towards that rather than increasing all the studios.
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Based on the photo, I can't see how they could replace that chair with a sleeper chair. It would have to be turned sideways so that it opened parallel to the balcony door, right up against the curtains. As it is the current chair prevents the connecting door from opening more than 90 degrees. A sleeper chair would be at least as bad if not worse.

It's interesting to look at the floor plans for the dedicated 1BR and the 2BR lockoff. In the dedicated 1BR, they show the chair over by the couch where you could watch TV from the chair and use the coffee table and side table. The corner where the connecting door would be is completely empty. In the 2BR lockoff floor plan where it would actually be helpful to have that area clear, they show that chair crammed into the corner behind the door, preventing the door from opening fully.

BWV 1BR.jpg BWV 2BR V2.jpg
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I know it would seem like an odd arrangement, but I do think a sleeper chair would fit in the master. The sleeper chair could open parallel to the slider. In some cases it makes sense to put kids in the master and leave the living area available for adults to be up later at night or earlier in the morning.
BWV 1BRs have the connecting door to the studio in the living area. If you look at the floor plan, you can see that there isn't room to add either a sleeper chair or a murphy bed to the living area of the 1BR. A sleeper chair would block the connecting door and there isn't enough wall space between the kitchen and the connecting door for a murphy bed.
But, the studio isnt utilized with the one bedroom. We don't book studios, but choose the 1 bedroom. Ugh...bummer.
But, the studio isnt utilized with the one bedroom. We don't book studios, but choose the 1 bedroom. Ugh...bummer.
It seems a lot of people "missed the memo" a year ago that this is how it would be, an additional bed in the studio only, and are upset that the 1BRs stayed as they were originally built, so you're not alone in being surprised by what was done. Fortunately there are other options for people who want to put 5 in a 1BR with sleeping spaces for everyone. While some of the older resorts (BWV, BCV, VWL) have floor plans that make it a challenge to change the occupancy after the fact, they changed what they could (OKW, because the living area in the 1BR is huge and could accommodate a sleeper chair) and included an additional sleeping space in the design of some of the newer resorts (AKV except the Values, BLT, VGF, maybe others?)
Has anyone used an air mattress or sleeping bag at BWV after they put the laminate floor in the living area? -- Suzanne


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