I imagine the loss of discounts on dining, shopping, and access to member-exclusive events will lower the value of resale contracts - but to what extent?
I am not sure. To be honest I do think think I was even aware of member discounts until after I already bought resale. I saved 17k buying resale so to me it is still a no brainer to buy resale but the lack of the AP discount would give me pause... for a minute or two.
Still I will not buy direct for these small perks. Yes If I need these perks will add 25 points direct to get access to all membership perks till DVC increases this minimum purchase to qualify as member for membership extras.
So we have three levels of membership:
a) Direct purchasers and Resale purchasers before March 21, 2011
b) Resale purchasers between March 22, 2011 and April 4, 2016
c) Resale purchasers after April 5, 2016

and three levels of benefits:
- Disney and Concierge Collections: only available to a)
- Membership Extras like AP discounts and members events: only available to a) and b)
- Other benefits like pool hopping and TOTWL: available to everyone

Questions on the DISboards about benefits will account for 50% of posts :)
When the 2011 changes were made, how did this affect sales and prices (direct and resale)?
In the guide, there's a paragraph that states,

"The incidental benefits described in this Statement are offered to prospective purchasers of the vacation ownership plan. These benefits are available for your use a period of 3 years or less after the first date that the vacation ownership plan is available for your use. The availability of the incidental benefits may or may not be renewed or extended. You should not purchase an interest in the vacation ownership plan in reliance upon the continued availability or renewal or extension of these benefits."

Has that mention of 3 years always been there?
When the 2011 changes were made, how did this affect sales and prices (direct and resale)?
We bought resale (closed in jan), and to be honest, those restrictions weren't enough to bother us as we'd never use them any way. Most people buy into DVC for the WDW DVC resorts, not cruises, ect. These changes would absolutely make us think twice. For two reasons. (A) Not having the extra little perks like Top of the world, the new Epcot lounge, and the ticket deals (with discount gift cards we saved $$$) would really piss me of. (B) This would make me think 'What else would I be told I can't do?' I'm honestly surprised they even grandfathered the current resale buyers. I honesty think this will backfire a little. There are many people that just won't buy if they are going to be treated like second class members.
In the guide, there's a paragraph that states,

"The incidental benefits described in this Statement are offered to prospective purchasers of the vacation ownership plan. These benefits are available for your use a period of 3 years or less after the first date that the vacation ownership plan is available for your use. The availability of the incidental benefits may or may not be renewed or extended. You should not purchase an interest in the vacation ownership plan in reliance upon the continued availability or renewal or extension of these benefits."

Has that mention of 3 years always been there?
I wondered about that too.
I am more concerned about serious restrictions concerning booking windows if they ever came into play. I wonder what percentages of memberships are currently resale vs. direct? Can they ever touch the 11 month home resort booking advantage for resale owners?
In the guide, there's a paragraph that states,

"The incidental benefits described in this Statement are offered to prospective purchasers of the vacation ownership plan. These benefits are available for your use a period of 3 years or less after the first date that the vacation ownership plan is available for your use. The availability of the incidental benefits may or may not be renewed or extended. You should not purchase an interest in the vacation ownership plan in reliance upon the continued availability or renewal or extension of these benefits."

Has that mention of 3 years always been there?


http://i235.************************************************************* DVC Mike - *******.com
Have they said the Epcot lounge will not be for everyone? I am just wondering how they can actually police some of these things.
Honestly, here's the thing.

If you want to stay at Boardwalk, these "incidentals" make no difference. You aren't buying direct. Buying Poly (or Aulani, or VWL2) when you want to go to Boardwalk in October every other year is not going to be a value, no matter how many member crui$e$ or "member lounges" you lose access to, because the primary benefit of a DVC membership are the 11/7 booking, which cannot be changed easily within the condo association charter.

Almost every benefit, save your primary resort interest and the ability to book at 7 months in other ongoing resorts, is subject to change. The contract with RCI isn't a 50 year contract. A Poly buyer today won't be booking BCV (probably) in 2044.
Sorry if this has been discussed- too lazy to read all the responses. Do you think this will effect resale value on DVC contracts? I wonders if resale pricing will go down.
Not that I've seen. And i've been watching like a hawk.

TOWL, pool hopping, etc are all things that require you show your member card. I don't see how they will prevent people from entering the lounge unless they start having 2 different member cards which is certainly possible.

This again makes me believe that all the special member events they announced for this year are really just sales tools and not actually about the members. They don't announce them far enough in advance for a member to plan a trip around those events.
Sorry if this has been discussed- too lazy to read all the responses. Do you think this will effect resale value on DVC contracts? I wonders if resale pricing will go down.

I don't think this will too much effect resales values. A person buying resales is educated in the DVC product and will understand the the true "value" or lack there of these benefits.
Honestly, here's the thing.

If you want to stay at Boardwalk, these "incidentals" make no difference. You aren't buying direct. Buying Poly (or Aulani, or VWL2) when you want to go to Boardwalk in October every other year is not going to be a value, no matter how many member crui$e$ or "member lounges" you lose access to, because the primary benefit of a DVC membership are the 11/7 booking, which cannot be changed easily within the condo association charter.

Almost every benefit, save your primary resort interest and the ability to book at 7 months in other ongoing resorts, is subject to change. The contract with RCI isn't a 50 year contract. A Poly buyer today won't be booking BCV (probably) in 2044.
I guess I would have to disagree to a certain extent. As in, I can book BW all day long via cash through the regular site. Sure, it costs more, and the availability isn't nearly as good, but it can be done. I think so blatantly taking the extras away is just kind of a slap in the face. As a business owner I understand protecting value. But I also understand perception. And a move like this is almost petty. It would be like telling people who booked a moderate through Priceline/Hotwire that they couldn't use certain pools, have access to the resort cups, or other deluxe features because they didn't book direct.
I don't understand how DVC is being "spiteful" by restricting certain privileges to resale buyers. This is business folks whether we like it or not. This makes me think of Marriott rewards members who are ticked that they don't get the best views/locations in-house at a Marriott timeshare when they have not invested the big bucks to own there. As an owner, I would be more than a little mad if someone that "hadn't paid the piper" got the exact same privileges that owners did. Marriott and other TS limit privileges and usage for resale buyers as well.

This does not affect those of you that ALREADY have your DVC resales. It only affects those that purchase today or after.

25 points as add-on will not go away for members. No way I believe that will ever happen. The only way anyone has been able to buy that small a "master" contract as a new member is via resale. As a member of well over 20 years, I don't think it was wise in many respects to ever offer a master contract of as little as 50 points. One of many reasons is that it has definitely impacted Studio availability and IMO DVC satisfaction in some respects. In the early 90's the minimum was 230 points so it doesn't impact me at all, but I know it does a lot of folks that own say, 100 points or so.
TOWL, pool hopping, etc are all things that require you show your member card. I don't see how they will prevent people from entering the lounge unless they start having 2 different member cards which is certainly possible.

This again makes me believe that all the special member events they announced for this year are really just sales tools and not actually about the members. They don't announce them far enough in advance for a member to plan a trip around those events.
Couldn't agree more. A little notice on the events would be nice.


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