The 75% All New Trip! - All done! Bonus Material finished, Link to new TR!

Enjoying the facebook teasers of your Florida trip--looks like you're having a blast!

Thanks! Trying not to give away too much! Got to save some for the TR!

I can't believe you are updating your TR while on vacation!!! :scared1:

That part was written before I left as well as one more update, so it was easy. However without giving away too much, I am here in the Villa virtually alone with my computer. Yesterday wiped everyone out and they're all fast asleep. It's good I had nothing planned for this day other than breakfast and dinner. Saturday in the parks is too busy for my taste. I figured why not catch up. Besides I'm waiting to meet a DIS friend who lives locally, and she and her BF overslept this morning. :laughing:

Wow! That's what I call a beautiful sunset!

Thank you very much!

Yummy! Good choice!

It was!

And another yummy choice! Exactly what I would have ordered! ;)

Okay, you are killing me with your food choices!

You and I would get along well if we had to eat the same meals.

Can you blame them?

No, they worked equally as hard as DCL CMs, if not harder.

Nevertheless, being sick or even feeling sick on vacation is NO fun! Hope it got better soon.

No it isn't, and I'm not sure I can tell you there is a happy ending to the story.

You were perfectly right to skip it. It looks a lot like the HMS Belfast in London and you really need to climb a lot of stairs and duck under low entryways.

We have a ship like that in San Pedro and my friends who have toured that one said it was a lot of small staircases and tight corridors. I think we made a good choice.
Sweet update and while on vacation no less. :woohoo: Sounds like last night was fun if everyone is still asleep. party: Sorry to read yesterday was so busy. Michael was at Disneyland yesterday and he said it was a zoo. :crazy: At a few minutes to midnight, the posted wait time for Space was still 70 minutes. :faint: Even if the CMs fudged a bit, I am thinking it was still about 30.
Great update again! I love it that they have bikes available for use on land! That is a nice feature. I would love to make use of that. But considering the age of most of the cruisers, I wonder if they were even in use that much.

I had no idea that Baton Rouge was the state capitol of Louisiana. It is fascinating that so many states don't have the best known city as capitol, but rather a smaller, lesser known one.

And the Capitol itself looks very interesting!! For the European here a high rise building looks far more "American" than those classical domes that seem to be so popular otherwise.
Welcome to Baton Rouge! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day. I live right over the bridge, less than 10 miles from where you were.

St. Francisville is a nice little town. I have never toured any of the plantations there, we may have to fix that!
you're updating and you're on vacay???? :faint:

Go and enjoy!!!!

(Nice update. Shame so many things were closed. Baton Rouge looks interesting!)
They make movies in Canada. Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth!

That's true.

Except there weren't any chairs except the two that they were sitting in.


No chairs, no drinks = not staying long

I can see that.

I'm good with staying in the 21st century.

Too bad not everyone has joined us here.

Hmmmmm, so you were an ornery little kid? Eh?

That and everything in between.

Yes, it was very smooth. I've mostly had Bacardi Rum and this tasted nothing like that, it was very easy to drink and no harsh aftertaste.

Interesting. Maybe I would've liked it.

Probably not, though.

You can see how far inland the water extends.

Looks very familiar with the water right up to the road.
Was there water on the other side of the road as well?

I found it interesting that all these houses were built on stilts.


Now it would have made more sense to visit Rosedown Plantation first as far as the genealogy is concerned, but I’m glad we did it the way we did because the second house was much more impressive.

Save dessert for last.

The homeowner still lives there and leads the tours herself.

No way! That's so cool!

The two of them had a son William J. Fort Jr. who married one of his mother’s sisters from Rosedown Plantation.

He married his aunt?!?!?

Fort Jr's first wife died after 18 years of marriage, and so he married another one of the sisters.

Another one!!!

Clear as mud?

Mississippi mud.

Mary greeted us from her Porch.

The way she's standing there. She looks like such a proper southern lady.

With the butt of his rifle, he put that hole in the neck of the dog as he walked on to loot and destroy the house.

Cool. Love little details like that.

These pictures were very unique, you can’t tell by the photos, but they are made with real fabric for the women’s outfits.

I've seen that before. Not that exact one, but similar.
But I can't for the life of me remember where I've seen it.

This trunk was authentic for the 1800s, pretty much a suitcase for the time.


She was a dog lover and had something like 8 or 9 dogs. One of the guys on the tour got bored with the inside of the house. I heard him say he was going outside, and all of a sudden the dogs all went crazy, barking and stuff!

:laughing: Basically scolding him to get back with the tour.

All of these pieces of china we from the period. Many of them were buried in the yard to hide them when the Union Soldiers came. She showed us a chip on one of them where it had been chipped during the digging up process.

Another nice little detail.

Mary talked about this pot during the tour and how she would have loved to use it as a “cooler” to serve beverages at for parties, but she was afraid it would get broken so instead it became a plant holder.

I wonder how the former owner of the pot would've felt about that.

But, yeah. Would've been a terrible thing to break it.

It was interesting to think that she lived in a museum.

I was thinking that too.

Can you imagine riding up this impressive drive in your horse and carriage?

Rather breathtaking, no?

Now I will say that I heard the Europeans on the tour saying that they thought these houses would be more impressive. I know that there are far more impressive castles in most of Europe, but you have to remember the South is a bloody swamp! Many people lived in shacks, the fact that these people have giant houses with all the amenities is no small feat for the 1800s in the middle of a swamp in the middle of nowhere!

I get that. But I also get the entirely different circumstances.

Notice the wallpaper. This is not the original as it was painted over so many times that it was ruined. However, they were able to find the manufacturer (someone in France) and they still had some of this left in their archives, so it is “original” just redone in the 20th century.

I find that really incredible that they found archived wall paper.

This flooring was quite remarkable for the time. It was painted canvas,


That's fascinating. Truly from another era.

You can see the slave staircase hidden here. It extends from the top floor to the basement.

Look how steep it is.

This room was added on, the ceilings in this wing were 17 feet instead of 14.

Whoa. There's definitely money there.

Your “sink” for tidying up before bed.

Been there, done that.

Martha Washington cross stitched this for the couple as her sister’s great granddaughter married the Turnbull’s son who was killed crossing the Mississippi at age 27.

No way! Cool!

All these Azaleas were supposedly grafted from one original plant.

Huh. Impressive.

I found out how the boat got tied up that morning. I pity that poor sap!

Someone drew the short straw.

I liked the look of this bridge.

Me too.

I decided to try and do laundry again. There was loads running in the washer but they only had about 10 more minutes so I ran down to the room (not really, my legs were too tired to do that) and got my hamper full of dirty clothes. When I came upstairs the person using the machines was just finishing up, so I got both machines and started my whites in one machine and the rest of the load in the other.

So you did manage to get the laundry done. And both machines were free, too!

Evidently there are casinos there and the crew was excited about a night on the town.

Did a lot vanish as soon as you docked?

We also arrived in Baton Rouge while we were having dinner so the evening staff was happy to get things wrapped up quickly.

"Here you go enjoy your meal do you need a refill would you like dessert no okay then goodnight."

Both of us were really feeling the congestion and coughing.

That's too bad.

They had a Modern Family kind of family (but without the patriarch having a trophy wife)

But that's the best part!

I had and couple bites of her croque Madame.

Is that a custard on top? Or melted cheese?

This was our first real port where we docked instead of landed.

You're in the big city now.

This ship, the US Kidd was included in our tours but Fran would have had a hard time navigating the ship so we skipped it.

Too bad. I can't fathom such a ship on the river.

The Red Stick or Le Baton Rouge

:eek: There's an actual baton rouge???? I had no idea!
As soon as I post this, I'm off to Google.

This statue is of Christopher Columbus and was erected by the Italian community of Baton Rouge before they found out his Portuguese heritage. Oh well.


The Governor's Mansion built by Huey Long was closed today. That's one we would have liked to see, oh well, next trip. This became a common phrase this trip.


I may not have posted a lot of comments about the plantations, but I read every word and enjoyed every photo. Thanks for that!
Sweet update and while on vacation no less. :woohoo: Sounds like last night was fun if everyone is still asleep. party: Sorry to read yesterday was so busy. Michael was at Disneyland yesterday and he said it was a zoo. :crazy: At a few minutes to midnight, the posted wait time for Space was still 70 minutes. :faint: Even if the CMs fudged a bit, I am thinking it was still about 30.

Yesterday was a day of rest and catch up. Jim and Alberto were still tired from their red eye, and Fran is always tired. That sounds crazy. We're off to a park in a few minutes once everyone is dressed and breakfasted.

Great update again! I love it that they have bikes available for use on land! That is a nice feature. I would love to make use of that. But considering the age of most of the cruisers, I wonder if they were even in use that much.

I did see some people using the bikes, but they were the few young folks on the cruise.

I had no idea that Baton Rouge was the state capitol of Louisiana. It is fascinating that so many states don't have the best known city as capitol, but rather a smaller, lesser known one.

In a lot of states the Capital is not the most well known city. It's kind of interesting.

And the Capitol itself looks very interesting!! For the European here a high rise building looks far more "American" than those classical domes that seem to be so popular otherwise.

Interesting. But then as has been discussed on other TRs, most Americans think Germany looks like Bavaria and don't know about the modern side of German Architecture.

Beautiful Sunset picture!

Thank you!

This looks Yummy!!

I'm debating between having something similar to this tonight or Bison!

So does this, I love all the crumbly stuff with the ice cream. :thumbsup2

She said that it wasn't as good as it looked, but it sure looked good!

Too bad so many things were closed for you this day, that Governor's mansion would have been nice to see inside.

It definitely would have been nice to see!

Sorry you are all wiped out, but sounds like you are having fun. Looking forward to that report too. :goodvibes

Well, I wasn't wiped out, but everyone else sure was. It was really quiet for a few hours!
Beautiful pictures, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the plantations. I just could not stop thinking that he married two of his aunts... I know it was a different time back then but it wasn't that long ago and there had to be other girls...

That's unreal the water level was that high, wow.

Your meals have looke mighty delicious!

I wonder if the company who made the wallpaper was keeping it on purpose or did it get forgotten. Amazing they still had some.

Glad you had a down day, sounds like everyone needed the rest :)
Shame so much was closed in Baton Rouge. We stopped there on a family trip 30 years ago and stopped at a Cajun buffet. I had the spiciest shrimp I've ever eaten there...that's the only thing I remember about Baton Rouge. :)

Have a great time at the parks today!

Jill in CO
This is the first time on your trip you've gone somewhere that I've been of our chemical plants is in Baton Rouge (was on the phone with them earlier today). In fact, the plant is within spitting distance of the state building there (that big tall building in your picture). I haven't been down in nearly 20 years though. I can't say much nice about Baton Rouge except there's some damn fine cuisine there. That and the Riverboat Casino there is where I learned to play Cra-ps. (I'm spacing that out in case I get *bleeped* for a bad word.) I won $250 on an initial $10 bet. It paid for my Star Wars Trilogy Laserdisc set. Yes it was a long time ago. On the rare occasions that I gamble, it's the only game I like to play.

There's nothing that makes you feel more like a real gambler than Gambling on a riverboat on the Mississippi. At the time, they had only had riverboat gambling for a few years. The story goes that to make gambling legal, they had to agree that they would leave the dock to gamble. However, there was a caveat that if River conditions were not appropriate to leave the dock, they could stay docked and still run the casino. At the time I went, it had been nearly two years since they had found river conditions OK to leave the dock. I wonder if they've left since.
Baton Rouge looks like a great stop. It is a strange feeling I think when the boat comes in to dock whilst having dinner. You are left with this feeling of hang on I'm eating my dinner I'd like to see this... They did this a lot on our Hawaaiin cruise. I am too nosey and prefer the choice taken away! Do it in the dark whilst i sleep or at non dinner time!

The dinner menu looks nice. I love that they always have standard items on there in case you don't want tonights offering. Bread and butter pudding? Oh yes!

I love a good made to order omlette station. What a bonus. It is amazing how many chefs/cooks cannot get simple eggs right! Eggs benedict, omlettes etc. When they are good they are good!

I see that as part of the day tour they visit the Governors Mansion but you mention it is closed on a Sunday. An oversight?
I love that bunny bus option! So much flexibility. Those day tours are very long. Intetesting re the history of Baton Rouge and the name meaning. How nice they give you this information.

Lots of activites available to do on the boat. Crochet, quizes very impressive. I'm sorry you were both feeling under the weather still.
I hate it that we get to the stops so quickly. Half the fun is cruising on the river.
::yes:: I'd actually be disappointed about going down the river during the night hours though. For me, a big part of the fascination of the trip would be sitting and watching the scenery pass by.

They had even been on a Disney cruise. They had a Modern Family kind of family (but without the patriarch having a trophy wife)

I'm glad that you weren't made to feel uncomfortable on the cruise.

This ship, the US Kidd was included in our tours but Fran would have had a hard time navigating the ship so we skipped it.
That would have been really cool to see, but definitely not scooter friendly!

The next stop was the Louisiana history museum, this is where we exited the bus. I’ll have more on the rest of this day in a few days.
Baton Rouge looks like a really neat town. I look forward to seeing which parts of it were actually open so you could check them out!
Welcome to Baton Rouge! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day. I live right over the bridge, less than 10 miles from where you were.

Thanks! You might be disappointed. Since it was the daybefore Easter, only about half the things on the map were open.

St. Francisville is a nice little town. I have never toured any of the plantations there, we may have to fix that!

Like I said, if we had a car, it probably would have been a cool little place to visit. Have lunch in a quaint cafe, stop where we wanted. But being at the mercy of the bus we didn't have a lot of choices for stops.

you're updating and you're on vacay???? :faint:

Go and enjoy!!

Only during the times when we are kickin' it in the room. Saturday I was the only one awake and I was waiting for Dana to stop by. I was just too darned tired to be out running around taking pictures, so catching up on updates was a fun choice. And now waiting for the luggage, I can't beat my view! Just waiting for the adult beverages to arrive!

(Nice update. Shame so many things were closed. Baton Rouge looks interesting!)

It was a shame, but so far Louisiana isn't on the "no visit" list! So we can go back.
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Beautiful sunset pics. Baton Rouge looks lovely.

Enjoy that beautiful view.
Too bad not everyone has joined us here.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

That and everything in between.

Makes total sense.

Interesting. Maybe I would've liked it.

Probably not, though.

You never know. It was very smooth.

Looks very familiar with the water right up to the road.
Was there water on the other side of the road as well?

Yup. Just about the same amount on the other side too.

Save dessert for last.

Of course, that's my motto, Fran's is "Life is uncertain, eat dessert first."

He married his aunt?!?!?

I remember all the jokes about Southern folks when I was a kid. I guess there was some truth to the jokes.

Another one!!!

I guess with eight daughters, it was easy pickins.

Mississippi mud.

Wasn't there a pie by that name?

The way she's standing there. She looks like such a proper southern lady.

I'm sure she is.

I've seen that before. Not that exact one, but similar.
But I can't for the life of me remember where I've seen it. clue.

:laughing: Basically scolding him to get back with the tour.

That's about right.

I wonder how the former owner of the pot would've felt about that.

But, yeah. Would've been a terrible thing to break it.

Probably the same they would think about people trapsing through the house.

Rather breathtaking, no?

Yes very much so!

I find that really incredible that they found archived wall paper.

I'm sure there are stranger things hanging around French warehouses.

That's fascinating. Truly from another era.

A whole different way of life.

Look how steep it is.

Yeah, slaves didn't have a lot of choice about their surroundings. Sorry if they had claustrophobia.

Been there, done that.

Really? Did the room have a chamber pot too? Wait don't answer that. I don't want to know.

Someone drew the short straw.

Either that or the new guy.

So you did manage to get the laundry done. And both machines were free, too!

Yes, I was on a mission. It had to get done that day.

Did a lot vanish as soon as you docked?

I'm not sure since we were still at dinner.

"Here you go enjoy your meal do you need a refill would you like dessert no okay then goodnight."

But yeah, that's about how it went.

Is that a custard on top? Or melted cheese?


You're in the big city now.

Yup. And it's all closed up.

:eek: There's an actual baton rouge???? I had no idea!
As soon as I post this, I'm off to Google.

So what did you find. :rolleyes1


I may not have posted a lot of comments about the plantations, but I read every word and enjoyed every photo. Thanks for that!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Beautiful pictures, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the plantations. I just could not stop thinking that he married two of his aunts... I know it was a different time back then but it wasn't that long ago and there had to be other girls...

I think it was a combination of things, they wanted to keep the bloodlines in tact and the land in the family. Plus they didn't know about the science related to inbreeding. I don't know if it was still a big joke when you were growing up, but I remember all kinds of jokes about Southerners marrying their cousins, brothers and sisters. You don't hear that kind of thing so much any more these days.

That's unreal the water level was that high, wow.

It really seemed unusual to me, no one seemed bothered by it, but they did say it was higher than normal.

Your meals have looke mighty delicious!

Thank you!

I wonder if the company who made the wallpaper was keeping it on purpose or did it get forgotten. Amazing they still had some.

Good question. Who keeps things around for 100 years these days? :confused3

Glad you had a down day, sounds like everyone needed the rest :)

The rest of them sure did! We've been taking it pretty easy. None of us are spring chickens any more!

Shame so much was closed in Baton Rouge. We stopped there on a family trip 30 years ago and stopped at a Cajun buffet. I had the spiciest shrimp I've ever eaten there...that's the only thing I remember about Baton Rouge. :)

Funny! We'll have to go back there to experience any of their cuisine.

Have a great time at the parks today!

We did. I think.

Hppy Birthday girl!!!!! party::hug:

Thank you! It was a fun and exhausting day!

This is the first time on your trip you've gone somewhere that I've been of our chemical plants is in Baton Rouge (was on the phone with them earlier today). In fact, the plant is within spitting distance of the state building there (that big tall building in your picture). I haven't been down in nearly 20 years though. I can't say much nice about Baton Rouge except there's some damn fine cuisine there. That and the Riverboat Casino there is where I learned to play Cra-ps. (I'm spacing that out in case I get *bleeped* for a bad word.) I won $250 on an initial $10 bet. It paid for my Star Wars Trilogy Laserdisc set. Yes it was a long time ago. On the rare occasions that I gamble, it's the only game I like to play.

Oh, no they let you say "Crap" on the boards.

That's interesting, I've always been afraid to try craps, it just seems so confusing. Glad you were able to make some money and get something you wanted.

There's nothing that makes you feel more like a real gambler than Gambling on a riverboat on the Mississippi. At the time, they had only had riverboat gambling for a few years. The story goes that to make gambling legal, they had to agree that they would leave the dock to gamble. However, there was a caveat that if River conditions were not appropriate to leave the dock, they could stay docked and still run the casino. At the time I went, it had been nearly two years since they had found river conditions OK to leave the dock. I wonder if they've left since.

I don't know. I always felt like gambling in Vegas made me feel like a real gambler! I don't think those boats could leave the docks anymore. They looked fairly permanently attached.

Baton Rouge looks like a great stop. It is a strange feeling I think when the boat comes in to dock whilst having dinner. You are left with this feeling of hang on I'm eating my dinner I'd like to see this... They did this a lot on our Hawaaiin cruise. I am too nosey and prefer the choice taken away! Do it in the dark whilst i sleep or at non dinner time!

It was so dark that there wasn't much too see, but I would rather they do it in the light so I can see!

The dinner menu looks nice. I love that they always have standard items on there in case you don't want tonights offering. Bread and butter pudding? Oh yes!

I liked that they had the "fall back" offerings as well. There were some nights I really wasn't too sure about what I was ordering.

I love a good made to order omlette station. What a bonus. It is amazing how many chefs/cooks cannot get simple eggs right! Eggs benedict, omlettes etc. When they are good they are good!

Normally I don't take advantage of the omelette stations, so I'm glad I got to do this one.

I see that as part of the day tour they visit the Governors Mansion but you mention it is closed on a Sunday. An oversight?

No, it was the Saturday before Easter and they couldn't find any volunteers who would come in and work that day.

I love that bunny bus option! So much flexibility. Those day tours are very long. Intetesting re the history of Baton Rouge and the name meaning. How nice they give you this information.

I was glad we had something to do that was as long or short as we wanted.

Lots of activites available to do on the boat. Crochet, quizes very impressive. I'm sorry you were both feeling under the weather still.

We didn't end up doing many of the activities on the boat. Maybe if we had felt better.
Oh, no they let you say "Crap" on the boards.

That's interesting, I've always been afraid to try craps, it just seems so confusing. Glad you were able to make some money and get something you wanted.

It's only confusing compared to a slot machine or roulette. It's actually fairly simple, but it DOES have a bit of a learning curve. What I like about it is (a) the odds are essentially even - meaning it just BARELY favors the house and (b) unlike the other game with close odds - blackjack - how you play doesn't affect the other players. I've tried blackjack, but if you aren't playing by the "rules" the other players get mad at you. Craps is also the most fun game. If the shooter goes on a roll, it is by far the funnest place in a casino to be. That said, I gamble about once every 2-3 years, so I'm not really the guy to talk to about what's "best"!


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