Lions and Tigers and CGI Bears, Oh My! June '16 - COMPLETED 6/4, page 22

Day 1 - Monday - Flight, Arrival at Coronado Springs

  • Flight to MCO at, 9:15am arriving at 12:04am
  • Check in and swim at Coronado Springs
  • That's it

  • N/A

  • Maya Grill: 6:00pm
I woke up around 6:00, and Kristin and the kids rose around 7:00. It's Disney day! The OFFICIAL 0 days until Disney!

The kids and I start the day off with a Premier Protein bar, which quickly became a staple of this trip. We get them at BJs, and I like them a lot more than Cliff, etc. Plus, I think they're slightly more nutritious.

Anyway, we get ready and head downstairs to catch the shuttle. It's there, but where's Kristin? She was throwing a bag of yesterday's clothes into the car, but ran back in time to catch the bus. *phew*

I seriously doubt they would have left without her, but I have to try to be at least somewhat dramatic. It's a story, after all. Embellishment is a good thing.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the name of the hotel: The DoubleTree Newark Airport Hotel. Yeah, the one with the cookies. And the free parking. We love it, and it seems to be where the flight crews end up staying, too.

This is us at the airport:

The flight boards without delay, and we're up in the air in no time. We're flying JetBlue this year, and while they have seatback video screens, they link up to live DirecTV, not pre-stored shows and movies like United. I preferred last year, but this flight was cheap and convenient, so oh well. I didn't end up watching much anyway, since I opted to start this Trip Report instead :)

This is us on the airplane:

Dylan's tired of being photographed already. It's going to be a long two weeks for you, kid.

This is us on the monorail at MCO:

The flight was rather uneventful, so I fast-forwarded to this part. And then, to this part:

Duffy made the trip again, and I can't even remember how many years Emily's had him. He's her "main" now, but I also demanded she bring Baby D, who is the "My First Duffy" that was actually her third Duffy (she got Dylan's old one, too - he's "Dufferson"). So she did.

I think we FINALLY know our way around this airport, and soon enough, we see this:


(Note: every time you read "Mickey!" in this Trip Report, you should read it in the voice of Randy, the little brother from "A Christmas Story", when he spots Mickey in the Christmas parade. Watch the film again if you do not know what I mean. Yes, I realize it's July. But watch it anyway. Or, at least, that part. Or not. It's optional. Our rules are pretty loose around here, to be honest.)

Now, where were we? Oh yeah, the Magical Express, and before noon!

We get in line for the CSR/AKL bus, and we're the first ones in. I'm guessing it won't be a crowded bus. More people come in after us, but other resorts seem much busier. GOOD.

Fists and bands in. We're on our way.

You may notice that Dylan and Emily have the "Awaken Summer" BB-8 Bands. If so, good catch! They do.

You may also notice that I have a purple MB. Yep, that's right. They finally have purple, and OF COURSE I'm getting it. SKOL.

It was at this time that I taught the rest of the family the Official Family Fist Bump (tm), which is a regular fist bump, followed by an immediate, 90-degree turn of the fist upward, and completed by pulling your fist straight back. Sort of like turning a key. There's really no significance to any of it, but I think it's cool to have an Official Family Fist Bump (tm). And I came up with it on the plane.

The others disagree. Oh, well. I thought it would be fun. Hey, there's our bus!

This is us on the bus:

And this is where we're headed:

We sat near the front intentionally, so we could get this shot:

And this shot:

We're home! Not fully home yet. One more stop to go. But almost there.

The bus driver puts Disney trivia up on the monitors, and our family are ringers. The driver tells us we won a prize...hand sanitizer, located at the front of the bus. And everyone else has won, too, because as you know, everyone gets a trophy. Or hand sanitizer. To be honest, I think it was all a cruel prank, and he wants us to all sanitize our hands after the ride. What aren't you telling us about this bus, Mr. Not Gus the Busdriver? Should we be wearing surgical masks?

As if that's not bad enough, he actually PUNISHES us for Kristin cheering when he asked who wanted the bus to stop at CSR first. Nope, now he's stopping at Animal Kingdom Lodge. Jerk.

Anyway, in spite of me calling him a "jerk" and attributing nefarious motives to the trivia game, he was actually really nice, and really funny. We did stop at AKL first, but I'm imagining that MIGHT have been the route all along. Or maybe he really was a jerk. Anyway, soon enough, we were really home.

Coronado! Our true home. It's welcoming us back :)

For those of you who have read my other TRs (thanks!), you know that we had a 5-year run at Coronado, then took a year off to stay at Caribbean Beach in 2015. I loved it, but not as much as Coronado. Kristin wasn't a fan. The pool slide and location of Customs House were big downsides, in her opinion, but we're back here now, and it feels like we never left!

Into El Centro we go to check in.

I got a text on the bus saying our room wasn't ready yet, so we don't know where we'll be. We requested First Floor Cabanas on the web, since they don't give a lot of options, but Kristin called a few days before we left and asked for Building 8A. We found out we got 8A, but the room isn't ready yet. Ok. At least we got the building we wanted!

Kristin and I ask some other questions, and before the end of the conversation, our room is done! Nice! Starting out great. Most likely, no room change. Hey, there's some nonsense going on over by the fountain!

Something with big picture frames and even bigger hats. And a Photopass CM. I think they have some sort of "fiesta" every day around this time. I gather up the kids...

...take a photo of flags...

...and we head on out.

In case you're wondering, yes, Dylan is really wearing a sweatshirt in Florida, in June. I didn't even bother to pack any jeans or long-sleeved shirts. It's Florida. In June. Let's be realistic.

This is the kid who wants to wear shorts in winter, btw.

We reached the room, and it's about 100 feet, at most, from the pool area. Awesome! This is exactly what we wanted. Here's our view from the room:

There's the pool area:

See? I told you we were close.

Our luggage hasn't arrived yet, but that's ok, because we're hungry anyway. Off to the Pepper Market we go!

But first, in for a quick stop at Panchito's, where I show the entire internet where to find me, for stalking and harassment purposes.

Looks like someone else from near where we live is here, too, but I don't know exactly where.

We arrive at the Pepper Market, and it's changed quite a bit:

For those of you who have never eaten there, they used to have this dumb system where you get a punch card, and when you pick a meal from one of the various stations, you got it stamped. The card, not the meal. Then, you'd take your food to your table, and a waiter would come take your drink order. At the end, you took the stamped card and used it to determine what you owed.

Silly? Yes, I know. They started to redo the place, though, and we ate here again in 2014. It was really bad. The selection was very small, and it seemed like the whole thing was in flux.

And it was. It's fully updated now, with menu screens, a great selection, and no dumb punch card system. Looks promising!

They have sandwich, burger, Mexican, and some other stations I didn't use. The three eldest hit the burger station, with Kristin and I getting Crab Cake Sandwiches with garlic wedges.

Dylan had the bacon cheeseburger with fries.

And Emily got...

Big surprise, eh? She's on the adult menu this year, so dinners will be interesting.

All were great! We're loving this place again, already. Desserts were good, too!

I know the one of the right is red velvet cake, and THINK the one of the left if German chocolate cake:

Kristin and I are both drinking unsweetened iced tea this year. Me, because I want to limit the soda. Her, because she's on vacation from thinking about kidney stones. Dylan and Emily got Mexican sodas - Pineapple and Fruit Punch, I think.

In all, we were really happy with

again! I'm not sure if I like it as much as Old Port Royale at CBR yet, but there's potential.

We got a few more photos, including Giant Buff Chicken/Parrot Guy...

...and...well, that was the only picture we took.
After lunch, we stopped back into Panchito's, where Dylan picked up a great CSR hat (as shown below)...

...and we took on the challenge of Epcot trivia. Lots of trivia on this trip, which is great, because we love trivia.

This one is a board of Epcot area symbols from Epcot's early days, and we have to try to guess what they are. We got MOST of them right, but missed on the Epcot logo (I thought that was too obvious), and got at least one other wrong. Communicore, I think. Or one of those. I somehow got Horizons right.

That done, it was back to the room, with one quick shot of Emily on the bridge, first.

Alright, we have time for one of our building, from afar. Ours is on the left.

And one of us.

And one more of Emily.

Notice how the beaches and waterfront look? They won't look like that at the end of the trip.
Since we ate lunch late, we move our Maya Grill ADRs from 6:00 to 7:00, with no problem whatsoever. That place is never crowded.

The refrigerator seems to be making a weird Kristin, at least, who is the authority and policewoman of strange noises or smells in our house and beyond. I'm hoping this doesn't mean a room switch. It also seems it's not getting that cold, so she calls Guest Services and asks if we can have it looked at. I'm hoping this doesn't mean a room switch, either, but Kristin assures me it would mean, at most, a refrigerator switch.

I just really like this room, is all. And don't like moving once we're in. Though moving has worked out great in the past, including last year. But let's stay here. Please?

Swimming is next on the agenda, and our luggage is here, so we don't have to use the small tube of sunscreen we were able to get into our carry-ons. We hit the pool, and of course, photos are in order!

LOVE this pool!

And, in the world of strange coincidences (or, as I call it, living in the Matrix, where everything I love seems to line up with one another), my favorite band of 30 years, Iron Maiden, released a Coronado Springs pool-themed album this year. Or, at least that's what I'm telling myself. You be the judge:

Down the Jag-u-lar slide we go, and it's into the pool!

Emily in the water is essentially the same as Emily on land. She's on her hands. She's doing some sort of flip. She's asking us "are you ready?" before every trick.

Here's the pyramid again, only because my photos in Photobucket are organized chronologically:

Since I'm on vacation, I decided to hop on over to Siestas for my first beer of the trip!

I got some sort of IPA, which was good, but to be honest, I wasn't really feeling a beer right now. I sort of got it for the heck of it, and didn't enjoy it as much as I should.

I downed it pretty quickly, then it's back on the slide!

The pool was reasonably busy, but it's big and spaced out, so it never feels too crowded.

For whatever reason, Emily decided she'd rather be in the quiet pool, so that's where the girls went.

One of Emily's favorite pool activities is "give herself hair similar to that of the Founding Fathers."

I call it the "Ben Franklin wig", based on an old Jerky Boys bit. If you didn't already know, EVERYTHING I think is some sort of reference. Not an original thought in my head.

After some pool snuggling... was back to the room to get ready for dinner!
We walked back to El Centro. We had some pennies as change from something the day before, so into the fountain they go!

Bonus points toward your wish if you get it into the top level. I realize it's a pain for the CMs to remove the coins from these fountains, but I hear that Disney gets a fair amount of money this way. Plus, if you put a fountain in my path, I'm throwing a coin into it. That's just how it's going to be.

Em stopped for some poses with the Giant Pepper Market Cow/Dog...

...and we were ready to eat! We got seated quickly (the place was near empty, to no one's surprise). More photos!

Sorry, Dylan. It's going to happen, whether you like it or not.

It all starts off with cornbread (yay!) and some sort of hard tortilla-like thing. Both were good. They came out in this contraption, for some reason:

Up next, the meals. I went Shrimp Tacos, because shrimp. And tacos. Shrimp IN tacos.

Kristin got them as well, and they were good. Dylan got the Queso Fundido, because big bowl of cheese.

Emily got...

...which appears to be defying gravity, because I forget to rotate this photo. We're using Kristin's new iPhone as our camera (for the most part) this year, so I have to adjust to the frequency of vertical photos we'll be taking. I'm more of a horizontal shot kind of guy, to tell the truth.

We all really enjoyed our meals, but I think the combination of early rise, travel, and swimming hit us all HARD, because we were whooped. It was pretty obvious it would be an early night. We're still big fans of Maya Grill, and dinner at the resort on our first night ended up being a great decision.

Dessert at Maya Grill was no dessert, because we were paying out of pocket, to accommodate a two-credit meal at Narcoossee's later in the vacation. Also, their dessert selection's not our favorite. On top of it all, we had our eyes on something else, at Cafe Rix:

I think I got the mint chocolate chip, Kristin got cookies and cream, and Emily got the candy explosion.

All were delicious! Here's a close-up of the candy explosion:

And here's Emily holding it.

Great decision to forego dessert at Maya Grill and go for these instead by Kristin!

Dylan wanted to go straight back to the room, and since he's got his Magic Band on, he can. Kristin, Emily and I took the long way, through the Casitas and past the Ranchos. Emily stopped, apparently to be photographed doing that Whip and Nae Nae thing that's all the rage with kids either now, or at some point in the last year.

I don't get it, but I don't think I'm SUPPOSED to get it.

CSR is beautiful when the lights go on!

Emily in a hammock!

Enjoy it while you can, girl. Changes are a-comin'.

Kristin gets this photo, because she really likes fountains. I think because they're like man-made waterfalls. And she REALLY like waterfalls.

The Casitas area is really nice, but we still prefer the Cabanas. Hard to go wrong at Coronado!

More evening shots!

Well, one more. And this mini-lillypad shot:

Then, it was back to the room. Dylan wanted to throw the football on the beach (changes are a-comin'), but sudden thunder shot that idea down. So, a little more Trivia Crack and photo importing/resizing/uploading, and then we're in bed by 10:00. For us, in bed at 10:00 is unheard of back home, but we're done for the day. Early rise tomorrow for rope drop at Magic Kingdom!

(Up next, Day 2 - Tuesday - Magic Kingdom)
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A Christmas Story is one of my favorite movies. I actually saw it for the first time in July on TBS Christmas in July, I think I was 10. As in your life, my husband and I live in a world of references, A Christmas Story included, along with The Simpsons, Family Guy and just about everything under the sun. We usually both start giggling at some prompt and then one of us says whatever we were thinking of .
I was wondering how Emily was going to do on the adult menu, with the glaring lack of mac & cheese.
Can't wait for rope drop at MK!
BB-8 bands!! Yum to Shrimp Tacos and Candy Explosion.

The resort really is beautiful when the lights are on. I've stayed there twice, I think. We used to be a moderate family and we've stayed in them all except POFQ but recently we've been at SSR the last two trips and I'm hoping for WL next year.

Oh and we are totally doing the "relax at resort, maybe some Disney Springs, on arrival day plan" next year. We drive from GA but we went to a park on arrival day this year, after splitting the drive, but nope, not next year or anytime soon that I can help.

Looking forward to more!
Your pictures of the CSR are so beautiful! I really wish we could stay there, but being we are a family of 5 it has to be CBR for us. CSR needs to renovate some of their rooms to include a Murphy bed too so that those of us that had a surprise third baby (when we said we were done having kids) have more options!
Found your TR yesterday and now I am caught up. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.

Nice start to the trip, your meals at Pepper Market and Maya Grill looked good. Somehow I just KNEW Emily was going to get Mac and Cheese! LOL. I am a huge fan of Mac and cheese too, in fact almost anything with "cheese" in the title, so I don't blame her. Will be interested to see how it goes with her on the Adult Plan.

Beautiful night time pics of the resort.
(Note: every time you read "Mickey!" in this Trip Report, you should read it in the voice of Randy, the little brother from "A Christmas Story", when he spots Mickey in the Christmas parade. Watch the film again if you do not know what I mean. Yes, I realize it's July. But watch it anyway. Or, at least, that part. Or not. It's optional. Our rules are pretty loose around here, to be honest.)

Love that movie, I tend to quote lines through the whole thing. The Mickey line being one of them. Can't imagine why.
Btw, I forgot to mention I finished the 2010 report and am onto the 2011 one. Let me just say that's it's a tad challenging to read so many TRs from the same person at the same time. I'm totally confusing details! " Wait, didn't I read they flew in at noon? Why does it say 5 here?" " Wait, didn't I read they just ate at *insert restaurant name*? Why are they eating dinner again at a different restaurant?" "They just rode Haunted Mansion, why are they already riding again??"

Yay, another Nilla report!

I am so excited to see how your trip went this year. I am super bummed that we were not able to make it down there last month. We will be there next March though. I can't wait!

Coronado Springs is the only moderate resort that I have not stayed at. Hopefully that will change soon. It just looks so beautiful!

I can't believe how tall Dylan is!! He reminds me so much of my step-son who is 15 (and also wears sweatshirts in June and shorts in the winter :confused3)

I look forward to reading your next update!
A Christmas Story is one of my favorite movies. I actually saw it for the first time in July on TBS Christmas in July, I think I was 10. As in your life, my husband and I live in a world of references, A Christmas Story included, along with The Simpsons, Family Guy and just about everything under the sun. We usually both start giggling at some prompt and then one of us says whatever we were thinking of .
I was wondering how Emily was going to do on the adult menu, with the glaring lack of mac & cheese.
Can't wait for rope drop at MK!

There will be a lot of Family Guy references coming up :)

Day 2's dinner is a buffet, so you can probably imagine what Emily got to eat.

BB-8 bands!! Yum to Shrimp Tacos and Candy Explosion.

The resort really is beautiful when the lights are on. I've stayed there twice, I think. We used to be a moderate family and we've stayed in them all except POFQ but recently we've been at SSR the last two trips and I'm hoping for WL next year.

Oh and we are totally doing the "relax at resort, maybe some Disney Springs, on arrival day plan" next year. We drive from GA but we went to a park on arrival day this year, after splitting the drive, but nope, not next year or anytime soon that I can help.

Looking forward to more!

SSR looks beautiful! Dylan asked if that's a deluxe, and I wasn't sure. Is it technially a deluxe, or is it something else?

The relaxing travel day was great! Especially with wanting to hit rope drop the next day.

Your pictures of the CSR are so beautiful! I really wish we could stay there, but being we are a family of 5 it has to be CBR for us. CSR needs to renovate some of their rooms to include a Murphy bed too so that those of us that had a surprise third baby (when we said we were done having kids) have more options!

We missed the Murphy bed this year! That was another big plus to CBR. The queen-sized beds are big enough for us, but it was nice having one to myself for most of the trip.

I am a surprise third baby when my parents, but I'm not sure if my parents said they were done having kids at that point. I found out I was an "accident" from my sister about 25 years later :)

Found your TR yesterday and now I am caught up. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.

Nice start to the trip, your meals at Pepper Market and Maya Grill looked good. Somehow I just KNEW Emily was going to get Mac and Cheese! LOL. I am a huge fan of Mac and cheese too, in fact almost anything with "cheese" in the title, so I don't blame her. Will be interested to see how it goes with her on the Adult Plan.

Beautiful night time pics of the resort.

She only likes SOME mac and cheese. She's become the more picky eater of the two. Well, they might be equally picky, but are picky about different things. It's annoying, and hard to coordinate at home. Dylan would just eat sandwiches for every meal if we let him, and he makes them himself, so a lot of times, we just let him.

Emily will go from loving something one day to hating it the next. What she's in the mood for that day is what she wants - and nothing else. Kristin used to be a really picky eater, too, so hopefully that will change!

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Love that movie, I tend to quote lines through the whole thing. The Mickey line being one of them. Can't imagine why.

"C+!", "I was just handing in my theme", and "you're full of beans, and so is your old man" and three others we use a lot :) Emily used to watch that movie year-round.

Btw, I forgot to mention I finished the 2010 report and am onto the 2011 one. Let me just say that's it's a tad challenging to read so many TRs from the same person at the same time. I'm totally confusing details! " Wait, didn't I read they flew in at noon? Why does it say 5 here?" " Wait, didn't I read they just ate at *insert restaurant name*? Why are they eating dinner again at a different restaurant?"

I get confused writing it! I'm sure I repeat things, too.

"They just rode Haunted Mansion, why are they already riding again??"

You might want to skip Day 11 of this Trip Report. Just sayin' :)

Hmmm...rather suspicious that you spelled "Whip" and "Nae-Nae" correctly. Perhaps you are a bigger fan then you let on?

Google! Or something :)

Yay, another Nilla report!

I am so excited to see how your trip went this year. I am super bummed that we were not able to make it down there last month. We will be there next March though. I can't wait!

Coronado Springs is the only moderate resort that I have not stayed at. Hopefully that will change soon. It just looks so beautiful!

I can't believe how tall Dylan is!! He reminds me so much of my step-son who is 15 (and also wears sweatshirts in June and shorts in the winter :confused3)

I look forward to reading your next update!

Dylan and I are going to miss the Disney trip next year. Kristin, Emily, and Kristin's mom are going, but Dylan and I will be going to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, for two weeks of backpacking. That will be great, but it will be rough having to wait two years for Disney!

Thanks for reading, everyone! Whether or not I post an update today depends on how much I drink today :)
SSR looks beautiful! Dylan asked if that's a deluxe, and I wasn't sure. Is it technially a deluxe, or is it something else?
I think technically it is a deluxe but it's all DVC. The two times we stayed though, we just did a cash ressie. We did get the 30% discount that deluxes get, so more evidence it's a deluxe? I guess? Lol.

The relaxing travel day was great! Especially with wanting to hit rope drop the next day.
Good to hear! I'm looking forward to our new plan of attack for next year.

I get confused writing it! I'm sure I repeat things, too.
As a current TR writer, I completely understand!

You might want to skip Day 11 of this Trip Report. Just sayin' :)
Noted! ;)

Dylan and I are going to miss the Disney trip next year. Kristin, Emily, and Kristin's mom are going, but Dylan and I will be going to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, for two weeks of backpacking. That will be great, but it will be rough having to wait two years for Disney!
WHAT??? Isn't you missing Disney like sacreligious?? ;)
Don't remember if I ever posted much, but have read all the other reports (a couple marathon reads).
They're all great! Glad to see another one up and running!!
Will enjoy seeing a current TR just a few months before mine.

It's amazing how kids grow and change so quickly. Somethings don't, I do remember Emily an her mac and cheese!
She's not the only one, I have followed another writer who goes every year and her son (just graduated HS) orders cheese pizza all the time.

Enjoy your 4th!
Don't remember if I ever posted much, but have read all the other reports (a couple marathon reads).
They're all great! Glad to see another one up and running!!
Will enjoy seeing a current TR just a few months before mine.

It's amazing how kids grow and change so quickly. Somethings don't, I do remember Emily an her mac and cheese!
She's not the only one, I have followed another writer who goes every year and her son (just graduated HS) orders cheese pizza all the time.

Enjoy your 4th!


When it comes to eating, these kids are missing out :)

Update coming now...


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