No more saving seats for the parade

I almost think this will be tough to enforce. How will they prevent people from waiting around the area before the ropes go up?

And what if people are just sitting on the curb eating ice cream from Gibson Girl? Will they be told they can no longer sit? So many questions!
I almost think this will be tough to enforce. How will they prevent people from waiting around the area before the ropes go up?

Yeah, I'm skeptical too. I really don't have the answer. I have to think that could bottle things up as people hover instead. Just glad my trip isn't until November!
I highly doubt they'll be able to enforce this. No one is going to listen and Disney has a hard time saying no to people.
I think it's a good idea and I'm glad they're doing this.
Me too! All they need to do is consistently and fairly enforce this and people will follow the new rules. If your entire party has to be together then I think it makes it less attractive to invest 3 or 4 hours to get a spot.
I don't have a problem with people waiting for the parade, it's the people who have blankets down the whole side of the curb that I have an issue with. I think if they said no to blankets, ECVs, and strollers saving spots it would be easier to enforce.

I think if they start telling people that the curb is off-limits until an hour prior, it's going to cause issues. I can see people blocking traffic while standing around the curbs waiting for their spot. Then people are going to be pushing and shoving at the designated time to grab a spot.
We're headed back in 2.5 weeks for Spring Break. I will be interested to see how this plays out. We grabbed curb seating for the 2nd show right after the fireworks (which were canceled) - I honestly didn't pay attention to if the ropes stayed up or were put back up. We'll have to see if this changes anything for the 2nd parade or not.
Its going to take a lot effort on Disney's part. If you move them from one area they are just going to go to another.
Thank. Goodness.

As for enforcement? I actually think it will be quite easy. Employee high crowd 60th Anniversary night time strategies- anybody not in a roped off area must keep on waking. DLR has shown they are proficient in moving crowds when they want to be- they place CMs in the area with those big Mickey hands waving people to keep moving (using those glow sticks at night) and come down on you like a ton of bricks if you stop- even to wait for your group to catch up (actually had that happen on multiple occasions as I often walk in front of my slow moving family). I don't see any problem here as long as enough CMs are stationed throughout Main Street close to parade roping off time. Will guests argue? Undoubtedly. Blankets are practically a time honored tradition! Will it take security 10 seconds to come over and give them an imposing look that encourages them to stop arguing with the CM? Yep. Problem. Solved. It's not like someone can pretend to tie their shoe for hours on end but I'm sure the CMs will hear every excuse in the book during the 30 mins leading up to parade time setting up as to why people just can't leave that spot :rotfl2:


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