Teresa for the News

She did such a fantastic job with the news, John even got her a gift after the show

Just a bit hurtful
I am glad someone started this thread. I really want to be delicate and not take away from Pete, but I like the variety in hosts. It's not better or worse, it's just completely different. The dynamics and conversation went a different way. It's one of the things I miss most about Dustin. I was excited about this week's show knowing John was hosting because of a string of fun shows he hosted last fall and it did not disappoint.
John hosts at a different tempo, he shares his humor, hams up the role of stern boss ruffled the room is a bit out of hand and shares a sincere and relatable viewpoint without the rant, a la B&B. I thought the list of gay Disney characters was adorable and so cute that he took time to prep that. #everyoneonWinnieThePooh
I laughed out loud at several places.. it was a fun show. I wish they mix up the hosts regularly, not because I don't love Pete, I can list a dozen things I love about Pete, but it's so rewarding to get to know the others in a different light.
On Monday, I re-watched an older episode of the DIS Unplugged to refresh my memory on comments made during a dining segment. While this was awhile ago, the mood of the broadcast was very light, jovial, and enthusiastic... and it was easy/fun to watch. Yesterday's show reminded me of this feeling-all quirkiness included. Also, the passion exhibited from the Dreams Unlimited show on the Alpine Magic ABD is another reason why it's great to watch; I think the sincerity of the positive experiences really shines.

I think the reason yesterday's episode stands out is that it just had a little bit of everything.
I felt the same way! I laughed out loud on the treadmill. Julie's comment on how Teresa was like a favorite Aunt was spot on. She reminded me of Esmeralda on Bewitched.


I very respectfully disagree. I thought the news segment was a mess. She shines in other aspects, but this isn't her thing. She even admits it.
All that joking and poking fun at her had a serious thread running through it. They seemed irritated.

I agree that the diversity of the different personalities on the shows is great. It's nice to see the different vibes that the different hosts have.
I thought Teresa was a great sport and did beautifully, she was sunny and set a light jovial tone. Yeah it got a little jumbled in the pause when she had to go quickly from the news to rapid fire but I have always thought it is strange they don't just switch the rapid fire order around to give the News person a chance to get ready and clear their throat.
It was a true round table discussion, with everyone participating and they aren't always and it's that engagement that makes this episode a little better IMO
I looved this weeks show. Especially Teresa doing the news.
Craig, plz get Teresa to sit in on the Universal show from time to time. I don't even care if she's not as knowledgable in that area as Disney :D

All that joking and poking fun at her had a serious thread running through it. They seemed irritated.

I don't think they were serious, really. If anything, Craig has a job to produce the show, so when there's dead air, he knows HIS boss isn't gonna like that for too long. So of course, they wanted Teresa to get on with it, haha
All that joking and poking fun at her had a serious thread running through it. They seemed irritated

I re-watched last night and I don't think they were taking it too seriously because, it wasn't only Teresa with the News causing laughter and mayhem

Other memorable moments to name a few (apologies for spoilers if you haven't watched) :

John list of all Gay Disney Characters
Julie's and Kevin's - Steel Magnolia's at Sea
Craig offering Steve a "Fatty End Piece" - in among all the exclusively gay moments lol
I just love this the Podcast crew and how each of them adds an interesting perspective. Their chemistry makes it a must-watch. I was literally laughing out loud several times during this episode.

One moment, though, was more poignant. When Kevin said people have only ever quoted the Bible to him to use it as a weapon. Just crushing. Kevin, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Not all of us Jesus followers agree with the those you've encountered. God bless you. Thank you for shining a light and illuminating the need for acceptance and love.
There's a fine line between having a good time and being unprofessional. It bores me when nobody can finish a thought due to interruptions, or when somebody flubs a line and says, "I can't talk today!" We get it. Just move on. Y'all have been doing this a long time.


John list of all Gay Disney Characters
Julie's and Kevin's - Steel Magnolia's at Sea
Craig offering Steve a "Fatty End Piece" - in among all the exclusively gay moments lol[/QUOTE]

These things were indeed highlights.


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