Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

I totally didn't realize
there was a Cows in Halifax!

I have to make sure
I have some when I'm there
in a couple weeks.

I can't guarantee that they don't close for the off-season, but it'll be summer-ish and tourist season again by the time you get here, so that should be irrelevant.

...You're coming to Halifax.

If you happen to have any spare time and are interested, I can probably arrange to meet and say a quick hello! Absolutely no pressure if your plans don't allow for it though. ...or if you just don't find me an appealing person. :P

And just in case you've never been to it, I've noticed when I'm out running errands that there appears to be a Harley Davidson store in Halifax in Bayers Lake Business Park.
This sounds made up.

A few people here have
already commented
that they know about them.

But.... I thought the same!

This GIF made me laugh. My orange cat will sometimes try to jump onto something, completely miss and then immediately look around to see if anyone was watching.

Take a video and post it!

Banff is so pretty, but always way too busy and touristy for me.

It really is pretty.
I don't mind the people.
I get that's the kind of place it is.

Mmm, I always forget that Banff has a Cows. Obviously, as a Maritimer I've consumed more than a few cones of Cows ice cream in my day... I've also owned quite a few of their tshirts over the years haha. The last time I was in PEI I also bought Cows ice cream lipgloss - they were amazing!

Yumm... I can't wait to get some more soon.

Ice cream, I mean.

You can keep the lipgloss.

1. 8:30am
2. 2. Even though you are now close to Calgary, it'd be cheaper to drive back to Edmonton and fly out of there (because of the rental car and stuff). So, you'll stop at a Harley in Calgary and then drive back up to the one in Edmonton, it's only like 10 minutes from the airport.
3. A tour bus full of people arrive.
4. Wendy's, because you probably stop in Red Deer on Gasoline Alley - and Wendy's is almost always our stop.
5. Cookies (By George of course!)
6. This is tough. Lately I've been loving Indian Food, but nachos still probably own my heart.

What kind of nachos?
Chips and cheese only? Or?

I saw it, I will PM you now.

Got it!
Glad you got your iPod back!! Bet that was a big relief :cool1:

I was pretty upset.

Beautiful pics as usual.

Thanks! :)

The Mountains in the background are really something.

They really are.
Breathtaking, in fact.

Glad you had nice weather.

The weather really was great.
We lucked out.
I think it snowed before
and after we were there.

But during? Very nice.

Banff is a really cute town, I love those places with all the cute Shoppes (when my friend and I talk about these places we even pronounce the E - "Shoppies" I don't always buy anything but I like to look.

I like Shoppies.

I have heard of the washer and dryer in one machine (I'll be honest and say I think it was in one of Allison's TR's, I think maybe one of the DVC's have those now?)

She very well may have
and I just missed it.

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)-------------9am

2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2----------------------------2
c. 3
d. none.

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty
restaurant?---------------------------------huge crowd behind you

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys-------------------------Five Guys (one opened near us about a year or so ago, my hubby went there for the first time last weekend)
d. Burger King

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies--------------------------cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?
----------------------------------Just about Anything with CHEESE-fairly basic ones like cheddar, Monterrey Jack, Muenster, Mozz, etc, although I do like brie at times

mmmm... cheese...

yes I saw it, PM sent.

Got it!
Hi Pkondz

Hi Mac!

Great that you got your I-Pod back saves a lot of time re-programing a new one which would have cost some as well.

I was greatly relieved.
I was more worried
about the data and information
than the iPod itself.

Banff looks a picturesque place to visit real touristy.

It's a very beautiful town
in an incredible setting.

I take it you didn't come across any moose whilst you where there.

I think, in my life,
I've only seen one.

And I'm not eve sure of that!

Your hotel pool area looked good must have been cold though as not many people in swimming.

Yes it was.
It had snowed not long before.

Hi it's me again answers to the questions coming up
1. Up at 08:00 hrs that's a lie in for yourself
2. I will go for one visit to a Harley dealer so one poker chip aquired.
3. Due to the lack of patrons in the restaurant they closed it.
4. As they closed the restaurant you had to comprise and ended up in Wendy's.
5. Banana loaf in the airport.
Being from Jock land it has to be Mince and Tatties for the favourite food dish.

I had to Google Mince and Tatties. I'd eat that! Looks good!
How do you like your mince?
With or without veggies?
Yes! But only recently, and only because my sister lives in London and ya know... space (or lack thereof...).

Ah! Yes, that makes sense.


This is pretty much my thought bubble whenever pulling into a drive-thru which, truth be told, happens more frequently than it should :laughing:

"Get out of the way people!
I'm hungry!"

Oops. :headache: But you at least won the esteemed Husband of the Year, right?!

But she got an honorary membership
in the Perturbed Wife Club.

<sigh> yeah...

Yay!!! Silver lining. :thumbsup2

I suppose.... but by then
I was pretty sick
of those particular mountains.

Of course you were... they were just making the reconciliation build-up more... ya know... exciting!

Oh! I should write them
and thank them.


Wow, Banff is spectacular!

It really is. Absolutely gorgeous place.

But most importantly, SO happy to hear of the iPod recovery!!! :hug:

Me too!
Tracy, I was so upset...
and so excited when it was found.
Stealing your identity - big mistake on their part - they will never sleep again!

They'll sleep with the fishes!


What? How will we guess what time you get up tomorrow?

Because I got my iPod back.

Oh yay! This would make Jim really happy too. Part of vacation for him is laundry every chance he gets.


He's a keeper.

Yes, I have seen one a time or two. Never tried it though.

I kinda wish I had.
Just to see.

oh, well.


Well..... maybe.


It makes me strangely happy that your communication with Ruby is somewhat like ours. Of course she meant in the hotel - I already knew that just reading, but Jim would have driven to McD's too! :rotfl:


I think I like Jim.



Love this one!

Thanks! :)

Looks like great shopping!

We did pop in to a few here and there.

Looks like maybe LeCellier copied their menu a little?

Nah. Every Canadian restaurant is like that.


No fair - never heard of it. Okay now I have.

Public service.
It's what I give my readers.

Now I wish I hadn't heard of it.

Hmmm... Same question I asked a few minutes ago.
Have you ever tried them?

Such a pity. But I'm glad you had a great dinner.

I will gladly replace ice cream
with a dinner at the Keg.

Wow! Is that the place from the Last Holiday movie?


Nice digs


MAGICFOR2 - 2 points for sliding into home. Awe, thanks.

You're welcome!

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)

8 am sharp

2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.

d. none

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty
you decide it must not be the place to eat and ....see number 4.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King

c. I will say Five Guys because In N Out is not a choice

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

Freshly baked cookies!

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

Chocolate cake!

mmmmmm... chocolate cake....

Yay! you got it back! I'm sure it made your day that much better.

It definitely did!

I would love to visit Banff again some day as an adult. I only remember the tall tall mountain and breaking something at a gift shop from my visit as a child.

Definitely in need of a do-over.

Love the pics, fun update!


I can see why I don't do this multi quote stuff - I really suck at it, but I tried.
I guess it wasn't even a multi. I'm sure that trying is worth a bonus point.

I think you're right! pixiedust:
This TR could be turned into an action packed drama about how you lost your ipod and never knew if you were ever going to see it again LOL

Well hi there stranger!

Think I could sell it
to Hollywood?

Nah. No one would believe it.

glad you got it though, makes it A LOT easier to enjoy the rest of your trip. :fish:

And a lot easier to write!
Cool! I've always wanted to do laundry on vacation. Not.

:laughing: Ditto!

But I probably would have done a load of wash like a Ruby just to see how it worked :tilt:

I'm actually kinda sorry I didn't.

I've never seen one in person but did know they exist, thanks to House Hunters International.

Oh! So that's two shows
it's been seen on.

Unless you give me 150 bonus points I'm afraid all hopes of catching up to Steppe are lost.

You can simply guess right....
And you'll earn them.


"Dumb luck"
would be more accurate.

Yea!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1: So glad you got it back!


It's a very pretty town

It really is!

Super yum!

Oh, yes. Ohhhh... yes.



You leave and go somewhere else.



Mashed potatoes and gravy, and anything chocolate, but not all together :rotfl:

I love your mash and gravy pick.
HI Pkondz
Being a male of the species I don't know if I should admit this but I could do with some bonus points.

Granted. pixiedust:

I have heard of washer dryer's the are quite common in our country because our house's tend to be smaller the your ones as we don't have the land space to build big house's so our kitchens are smaller therefore only room for one washing machine and no room for a dryer as well so a washer dryer it must be.

This was mentioned...
and makes total sense.

And I had no idea.
Well, kind of yes. But I have never seen them "over here" and assumed they were a European thing. I had one in my flat when I lived in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Well, there's proof
that they're here too!

Wow, I did not expect that. Good to know there are still some decent and honest people left in this world.

I like to think that most
people are decent and honest.

Maybe I'm naïve.

Maybe I'm right.

Well, hi there!

How about the guy who walked into the psychiatrist's office saying "I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee". The Dr. says "relax, you're two tents".

A man barges into a psychiatrist's office.
"Doctor!" He shouts. "I'm invisible."
The doctor replies.

"I'm sorry. I can't see you right now."

I have never tried it. I don't know. SNAILS? Really?

But not all are created equal.

I've had escargot in Paris.
While they were okay,
they weren't
so-good-it-brought-tears-to-my-eyes good.

The Keg's however.


Sounds much like my dear wife. Bless her, but she doesn't have the most adventurous palate. At The Keg and any grill type place, it's the chicken & rib combo. At any Italian type place, it's lasagna. Any other type place, she doesn't go...

That last sentence.



Sorry, dude.

1. 8:30am
2. 1
3. It fills up
4. A&W
5. cookies
6. cheeseburger (with bacon, of course)

(And... of course.)

PM on its way.

Got it!
Okay I better post my answers first then come back and comment. I am getting so close to the top I don't want to lose points.
Washing machine - we had one of those at our condo we rented in Edinburgh - good thing I didn't have to use it but my brother and nephew did and ended up washing the clothes again by mistake.

Questions, next round:

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up? 7:30
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)

2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
b. 2

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we go into the practically empty restaurant?
I was going to say nothing they just seat you and take your order but then I read the next question which was dinner part II so I will have to say that they said there were closed for a private party and couldn't seat you.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
c. Five Guys

5. What treat did we eat in the airport?
c. cup cakes

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?
Well when I want something good to eat I make up a package of Kraft Dinner. I love the stuff and to tell the truth I prefer it over homemade mac & cheese.

Did you see it?
PM sent.
Okay I can't get the multi quote thingie to work so I will just comment.

I forgot the bonus question with the chandeliers - ladies of the light - you know let there be light
Makes sense.
And you're just squeaking in under the wire!
Just adding in Liesa's and Tammie's scores before posting the update.
Good thing I decided to check out the Disboards before my day of AutoRacing - we get up and watch the F1 Monaco Race, then have friends and family over for the Indy 500 and Coca Cola 600 races. All day car racing - can't get any better. :car: :happytv: and now we get to watch the local boy race - James Hinchcliffe.

We tried Cows ice cream in PEI when I was there in 2010 and thought it was good. They also produce a nice cheese and we buy it at the local Sobey's store in Ajax. We really like Kawartha Dairy ice cream made just down the road from our cottage in Minden.
Love the Keg -we ate there as well when we went to Banff - maybe I should use my gift card from my retirement gifts and go eat at our local one soon.

We stayed at the Banff Springs hotel when we went there and took the tour of the hotel. I think the tour guide had been their for many many years and knew everything about the hotel.

Tomorrow, we head back home. :hug: - always sad to have to go home from a vacation.
I know - I have had to come home this year from Disneyland and Jamaica. Oh well back to the real world.
Either that or there are a lot of ID-10-T candidates

My kind of humor.

True, but they are better than having someone set out a “Next Window Please” sign just as you finally reach the front of the line.

:lmao: followed closely by the wait in a line 20+ people deep with one person helping - as soon as you are being helped, 2-3 additional windows/registers open up.

You're going to have to explain
that one to me.

Dumb & Dumber - Jim Carrey/Jeff Daniels trying to look up the name of the gal to return a generic black suitcase to (Mary Swansen)- they then look at the suitcase and it has the company logo on it - Samsonite and one of them says 'I was way off' - or something like that.

But oil or broth based?
Or chocolate?

I've not tried oil based. We used to order broth with a citrus twist to it. We would have cheese, a salad, entree, and chocolate as part of the 4 course meal our local place shows on their menu......and we would be stuffed sausages. We were looking for the experience one night and knew we really didn't want an entree. We ordered 2 different cheese courses, a salad, and chocolate....yum yum yum. Now when we go - that's what we do. sorry - bit of a long winded reply.

Have you ever tried escargot?

If your answer is no,
I have a story to tell you. and I never will. I'm very odd with my food - I'm one of those people that looks at it, smells it, picks at it if I'm just not sure about it. I have issues with texture as well. As a kid, I would eat clam chowder and there was always something rubbery that I couldn't stand - but the rest was ok. When I was older, I found out those rubbery things were clams - well I just don't eat clam chowder anymore - I'll stick with potato soup. :-)

What's a potato taco??

The ones I have enjoyed typically have a mashed type potato placed inside a corn tortilla and fried (yes, the whole thing with the potato filling) - once the shell is crispy - it is drained and then cheese, lettuce, tomato and sauce (the sauce is key - and I have not mastered this at home). Yummy. If I want to make it at home, I will lightly fry a corn tortilla and drain - use whatever leftover potato I have (worked well with leftover German fried taters), and toppings.

Aww... He sounds like a good man.

I like to think so. If there is something he can do to make my day easier, brighter, happier, he usually will. I like to do the same for him. :love: Aww....who knew I would get all sappy. Although it may not always be that way, it is on most days and we really can't ask for more than that.
I have heard of those crazy washer/dryer combos in like TV shows and Movies and such, but I have never seen one in real life.

Well, then you were ahead of me.
I was completely taken by surprise by it.

I don't really understand how they can work. Water and then the heating element doesn't seem to mix well!

I know, right?
"Sorry. Not possible."

Glad you got your iPod back! Even if I was wrong! (Now would you please stop driving that same stretch of road already!)

I'm actually planning a road trip
next year and will drive it twice.
Once north and once south.

Okay. I'm totally lying.
I think I've done that one enough.

Banff looks beautiful! I feel relaxed just looking at the pictures!

::yes:: It's an absolutely gorgeous town.

And you dinner sounds to die for, even if it means missing out on some delicious dessert!

The Keg... soooooo good.

And my guesses!
1. 7:30am.
2. A. 1
3. They close because they can't cook anything else.
4. C. Five Guys (mainly because I could go for one of their burgers right now)
5. A. Cookies
6. Chocolate. I can almost always go for chocolate. And by some serendipitous event, brownies just appeared on my work desk as I was typing this! It's like I wished them into existence!

Please teach me how to
make chocolate simply appear
out of thin air.

And nope. I didn't see it. I even went back. And I still didn't see it! I stink at these games!

Awww... sorry.
You're not the only one.
I only heard about it on a TR! I thought it was Alison's, but since no one else is mentioning that, I'm questioning my memory! But, I'm pretty sure it was somewhere at a Disney place.

Actually, you're the second person
to mention that they might have
seen it on Alison's TR.

So it probably was there.

Somehow, I think of the National Park when I think of Banff, and not the town. I keep expecting more hiking.

We did hike up in Jasper.
And... we might have...

If I hadn't lost my stupid iPod
(Ever notice when you do something
stupid, it's the poor inanimate object's fault?)
we would've had more time!

That sounds yummy. I've never seen bacon on a filet mignon, but it just seems like it would be yummy.

I think it's fairly common?
Either way... yes... yummy!

1. 7:30 am
2. 1
3. it fill up
4. Five Guys
5. banana loaf
6. Difficult choice! How do I narrow it down??? I might have to get back to you on that...

And throw in a couple or three if that helps!

And, yes I saw it...will PM you.

Got it!
I first learned of them a couple summers ago when we were buying another washer and dryer. At first I thought the idea was cool until I realized that you can't wash and dry two loads at the same time.

I never thought of that!
(Probably because Ruby
does almost all the laundry.)

But that is a huge detraction.

I also had one in our DVC Villa at the Beach Club. I put a load in the dryer, took out some of the clothes that we already dry and restarted it, washing again. :headache:

Right!!! I remember reading that!
But I had it in my head that
you put them back in the washer.
As in a separate machine.

Two others have mentioned
that they read about it on your TR
and I was wondering if I'd somehow
missed an update or something.


Surely there has got to be another way they can determine if it's yours? :confused3 Really is she going to be booking flights and transferring money from your bank account while you're on the way?

How many black on black iPods
can they find in one day? :confused3

Plus they could have just had
me key in the password
when I got there.

Oh, well.

And now I'm wondering why you think Liesa was so lucky. Obviously you are too.....

Because she's done it several times.
For me it was just the once.

See I wouldn't trust something this sensitive to anyone.

So... not a fan of breakfast in bed?

But, but, but you're Canadian!!!!!!! Tim Horton's!!!!! Do Canadian Micky D's have muffins? Besides Egg McMuffins?

I got her an Egg McMuffin.
She said muffin,
but I knew what she'd rather have.

And yes. They do have muffins up here.
I take it they don't down there?

See why I don't trust the most important meal of the day to anyone else!!!!!

But she was much happier
with what I got her.

Let me put it this way...

Ruby: "Can you get me a muffin?"
Me: "How about an Egg McMuffin instead?"
Ruby: "Yes!!!"

You should have called this trip...Pkondz visits the icefields, again and again and again.....

But that would've given it away.

Accurate though! :laughing:

Or I would have had more points... :rolleyes1


Didn't you mean "your"?


Alison!!! That implies that he could
see that poor man's privates!

I, being the pure, angelic person that I am,
never even considered that!

Well at least you got to do something that didn't involve driving to the icefields!

It was a nice change of pace...

Mmmmmm I want some!


Love fondue.
But haven't had cheese fondue in decades.

Is this some kind of Canadian Chain? Never heard of it down here....

Not really a chain.
They have a few stores in
Prince Edward Island.
(Four I believe.)
And then four other ones
in the rest of the country.

Right. Strictly for our pleasure.

I seriously only took that shot
for the TR.

No photos, never happened.

And the proof's loooong gone.

I need another Keg meal.
It's been....
At least a couple weeks.

I see what you did there.


Looks very nice. Was it part of the hotels built by the railroad across Canada?


Sometimes not very exciting is better than too much excitement.

I'm just glad I didn't have to
drive back to the icefields.... again!

Ugh! How will I ever get another Caramilk bar?

Gotta pick up your game, girlie!

I'm going to guess 8AM.

c. 3

A tour bus arrives.

I'm gonna go with A&W again and you're trying to get the frosty mug. But my back up choice would be Burger King.

c. Cup Cakes

Now how can you ask that question? It all depends on my mood, what I'm craving and all sorts of factors, but I guess if I have to narrow it down to one thing I will say noodles.

No wonder you and Kay got along.
She's crazy about noodles.

OK. OK. PM Coming.

Got it!
I still think I should get some bonus points for calling my shot. Bonus points aside, I'm pumped that I guessed right originally.

You had your chance,
fair and square.


(but I almost did just that.
I decided the bet was more fun.

Well... for me, anyways.)

YOU have to be either impressed or scared with my knowledge of your behavior. :-)

Only slightly terrified.

and I really did accidentally cut off part of my right index finger yesterday. 10 hours in the ER only to find out they can't reattach the piece is not the best way to spend a Holiday. So i'm not above seeking pity points.

Ouch. Index finger too.
And... you're right handed!

Ohhhhh.... crap.

One piece (no pun intended) of advice -- dont be careless when sharpening your knife.

Always send 'em out for that.
Now I know why.

the silver lining for me is that I should be able to get 10% discount on any future manicures.

Whoa.... that bad?!?!?!
OMG this might be my ONCE ever opportunity for some points in one of your games!! YES I have seen these in Europe!! Though I found they really didn't do a good job of either washing or drying. Or perhaps it was that I couldn't understand how to work the darn things because the controls were in Hungarian...

Well, yeah.. that might make
things a bit more complicated! :laughing:

Translation from instruction manual:
"...But if you really want your clothes
to be clean and dry, make sure you
push the red and green buttons simultaneously."

That is seriously amazing stuff.


They should just serve this in a bowl with bread and forget the escargot.

Now that is an excellent suggestion!

"I'll have the escargot,
hold the snails."


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