Try Everything! A Hotel Extravaganza! Updated 07/04

What can I say? You always look hot! :laughing:

I make it a point to never argue with a lady.

Especially when she's right.

I think I might be up to page 5 now :rolleyes1


:thumbsup2 Keeping clean and PG! :rotfl:





Oh no we are far too busy for that kind of poppycock...

That's our Lu. Always gettin' busy.

Is that what that little red light is??

Ever notice how it blinks faster when you change?

Depends who you fly with...


Soooo.... when's your next flight?

It just keeps coming up

Well, sure. When it's about you.
And it always is.

They were stick ons, but I do have some nail polish that washes off when I use's called every polish I own apparently! :sad:

Oh, dear.

I'm not surprised...errrr I mean awww poor Ponzie :sad2:

I get that a lot.

A. Lot.

It would have helped had I ever had my mind to begin with...

Don't sell yourself short.

But if you are.... how much?

She is adorable...and totally insane! :laughing:

:laughing: Not surprised!

I'm not a snorer. Geez, maybe it's time to upgrade that camera

Oh! So that was moaning. Got it.

All those days planning and I didn't do like half the stuff I had on my "Must Do" list :sad2:

So... 2018 you say?

Really? Huh I thought they did this everytime :confused3

Not when I was there.... Did I somehow go right by it?

What?! Just cause she's green?!

Please. We don't use that word anymore. Not PC.

I can't tell you the real number. It's a secret!

Just type it in really small characters. I won't tell anyone.

You do like Figment inside you don't you?

Doesn't everyone?

And @TheLittleKatie is right you should have come with us to MK!

I know, I know.... :sad2:
What can I say. I'm an idiot.

I really wish I had... but really didn't want to bother you guys.

I hear that a lot too.

Oh yes I'm a total kapelophile, I don't think anyone would mistake me for a Cocklaphobic!

I certainly wouldn't.

These are real words. I'm not making them up.

Someone made them up.

I did! :laughing:

Because I like getting wet! :banana:

But I wasn't even there!

Oh wait you're not a stranger anymore! Well darn! Okay then...


Oh she already did all her yakking on the train

I know... but that was the day before.

That is actually how we got onto the topic! I'm not sure if I should feel offended...

You should. I would write Disney. Demand a free lifetime pass.

Really? I thought you would have been a fan. Oh well better get rid of all this whipped cream then...

Depends on the application.
On cake? Nah.

Other places? Well......

Oh I don't think that's a good idea

Yes. Yes it is.

All the others were fine it was just AKL, and mainly to and from AK which is like 7 minutes away from AKL :confused3

Maybe they expect you to walk.

Who wants an update?! Anyone?

Me! Me! Meeeeee!!!!

Wow. Now I feel totally insignificant.

I mean... more so.

(I’m sure no one with notice that is a photo I just found that I took on the DME…)


And grabbed some drinks from the fridge to sustain us on our journey to our room!

Nice of them to keep alcohol chilled.

This cracks me up. Previous two pictures, just that gazelle.
"Crap! Someone's looking! Kick out the giraffe!"
"But she's sleeping!"
"I don't care! Get her out there!!!"

Any guesses where we were heading?


Complete guess.

Our bus arrived twenty five minutes after we got to the stop and it turned out we had the whole thing to ourselves!

25 minutes??? What? This happens?

Did you just make a popping sound with your finger in your mouth?

Two very pretty ladies.

I thanked our chauffeur for the ride (he didn’t get my joke)


Oh right! It’s Disney Springs now!

pbbbtttt... I'm going to keep saying DTD.

I have like a million photos of It’s A Small World but about four photos of DS.

That's about a million too many.

Sometimes I have no idea how my mind works at all.

In mysterious ways, of course.

you might just have to trust me that we went round all of it!

Not buying it.
You probably got those photos off the internet.

Brokeback Lego.

This is there???


I loved that they had Sephora and Mac and all those other new stores there but it just doesn’t feel Disney to me.

Oh? Too bad. I haven't really been yet. I ran in, went straight to one store and ran out again.

and Arribas Bros to watch that guy blow stuff!


Glass! He blows glass! Get your minds out of the gutter people!

I can't! It's been there so long that it's stuck.

Nice of you to keep me company, though.

One day I will have a tree made entirely out of Disney ornaments!

The tree will be from Disney too, yes?

A steal at only $37,500! I was tempted to get two!

One for the front room and one in the bathroom. Of course.

I didn’t think it would make the flight home so I sadly had to leave it there! Darn!

You spent $37,500... and wouldn't spring for the extra $50 for shipping???

(but seriously person who made this gif you can't spell which??)


I have no kids, and have no plans to have kids anytime soon , and not gonna lie I do not cope well with kids! They scare me!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

there was a kid having one heck of a melt down and strangely I was cured of my broodiness!


I’m going to talking stop now…

Love you and your British idioms.

Anyone want to guess if they had a boy or a girl?? You could win...this baby hippo!

Boy! No! Girl! No!... One of each!!!

Okay, so maybe because of all those “animal rights laws” stopping me giving away baby hippos you couldn’t actually win one, but I bet that made you wanna guess!


The BOATHOUSE! Why is the boathouse part in capitals? Are you meant to shout that part?


seriously our water glasses were never all! We would take a tip and BAM Marcus was refilling it! Sometimes while we were still drinking it…

Better than the reverse.
"Excuse me? Hello? Can someone... Hello?"

It’s that time for Lu’s Confession Corner again! I forgot to take photos of our alcohol beverages A LOT and this time is no exception! Mainly because I drink them pretty darn quickly! But alcohol was indeed had!

No worries. Enjoy first. Photos later (if you feel like it.)

DM ordered the Filet Mignon Oscar style, which was the regular 8 ounce steak topped with jumbo lump crab, asparagus and Bearnaise sauce (bleh)


I ordered the Filet Mignon Noscar style, because bleh…


...instead I did have this little fellow!

mmmm.... yum!

It was all really good, only slight thing I would say was the salt was a tiny bit salty, but I still ate it!

Salty tasting salt? Who does that? Total fail!

apparently DM didn’t think we could manage the baked Alaska for four just the two of us. I mean really.


Now here my Disney knowledge failed me as I didn’t realise that no buses went directly from DS to the parks (but that might have changed? I don’t know!) so we would need to go to a resort and catch a DHS bus from there. I made the executive decision that we should take a bus to Old Key West, my main reason being it was one of the closest resorts to DS, makes sense right?? Of course my bus jinx-ness followed us and no Old Key West buses were to be had! It took thirty minutes before one turned up and two, yes TWO AKL buses came and went in that time.

You didn't think to just take the first bus that came along?

DM decided to see if she could get some anti-motion sickness tablets in the general store and they had them! She was feeling a lot better but better safe than sorry.

Motion sickness tablets for TOT... hmmm.... interesting.

I just have to say that really I am a big fan of Fastpass Plus. I know a lot of people hate, and that it takes away the spontaneity out of WDW but really I loved knowing I had three rides locked in and I didn’t have to hit rope drop to make sure I could get a paper Fastpass for whatever popular ride I wanted, plus I found it really easy to change things on the fly...mostly in the queue!

I'm on your side. I like the new FP system.

DM came on ToT twice before she started to feel unwell

Not bad. Too bad she wasn't feeling well after, though.

As the wait time was only 13 minutes you can’t really not go on again right?


I did make a new friend as the woman next to me grabbed...well not my hand! It was a little too high, and on my chest, to be my hand! :rotfl:

Hah! I knew you didn't see through my costume!

uh.... I mean.... Huh! Isn't that interesting.

I think she was foreign and I’m not totally sure she even knew what she was doing but it was equal parts awkward and hilarious! But mostly awkward!

I'm foreign too! Can't wait to meet you again!

DM really wanted to try and ride but I didn’t think that was a good idea, see I can be caring!

And then... a miracle occurred.

So I took both of our Magic Bands and rode twice alone...OK so maybe I’m not that caring!

Miracle aborted.

Of course our luck with our buses continued and we had to wait nearly thirty five minutes for our AKL bus...three Old Key West buses passed as we waited…

35??? What? Not possible.

As we didn't have any dessert the only sensible thing to do was to visit the lounge and see what sweet treats they had out, I mean it would be stupid not to right?!


This is what I chose:



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I did! Nothing happened! What kind of cruel trick is this?
I'm joining in! 4 weeks sounds magnificent!!! AKL is my favorite hotel at Dis! We stayed one summer for 2 and a half weeks, but 4 weeks at different hotels is a DREAM! I cannot wait to read more!!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! AKL was really nice! I find it really hard to pin down a favourite hotel (maybe why we stayed at so many :rolleyes1) but it's up there :thumbsup2 I think 2 and a half weeks sounds like a good stay at AKL! But yeah doing different hotels was my kind of trip! :goodvibes
Thanks for commenting! Hope you still want to read more...even though I have been terrible at updating this! :rotfl:

Ummmmmm am I excited??? All I have to say is "yaaaaaaaaaaaasssss"


Girl I watched the whole season in like a day! And now I don't have anymore to watch!! :sad:


Please sign me up for the transatlantic flights diet ASAP

Oh yes me too! I need that diet agin too!


Awww what a nice photo! I love your sunnies by the way!! Super cute!!

Thank you :goodvibes I bought way too many pairs of sunglasses! Oops! :laughing:

There seems to be a running theme in these photos and it's not the animals :rotfl:

Urg! I know! If it's not some randoms dude's head it's some random iPhone! :sad2:


Priorities! :thumbsup2

Always :thumbsup2

BEARnaise sauce? That sounds horrifying! No wonder you didn't want any! :rotfl2:



Your crustacean friend does look quite tasty!

Oh he was ::yes::

Just like that :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Your descriptions of food are clearly the #1 one reason why I wanted to follow your TR :hyper:

Oh good! I knew there was a reason we were friends ;)


I make it a point to never argue with a lady.

Especially when she's right.

Wise ::yes::


And not always true :rolleyes1

That's our Lu. Always gettin' busy.

Ah if only :rolleyes1


Ever notice how it blinks faster when you change?

So that's what caused that seizure!

Soooo.... when's your next flight?

20th September 2018


Well, sure. When it's about you.
And it always is.

Of course :lmao:

Don't sell yourself short.

But if you are.... how much?


So... 2018 you say?

Yes, yes I did ::yes::

Not when I was there.... Did I somehow go right by it?

I don't know, I thought they did it everytime :confused3

Just type it in really small characters. I won't tell anyone.

Okay it's

Doesn't everyone?


I know, I know.... :sad2:
What can I say. I'm an idiot.

I really wish I had... but really didn't want to bother you guys.

Well I guess we just need to a redo...I'm thinking September 2018??




Me! Me! Meeeeee!!!!

Wow. Now I feel totally insignificant.

I mean... more so.

Well you were the only one!

Nice of them to keep alcohol chilled.

Isn't it?

This cracks me up. Previous two pictures, just that gazelle.
"Crap! Someone's looking! Kick out the giraffe!"
"But she's sleeping!"
"I don't care! Get her out there!!!"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

25 minutes??? What? This happens?

Well we can't all have the VIP bus service :rolleyes:

Did you just make a popping sound with your finger in your mouth?

I can't do that :sad2:

pbbbtttt... I'm going to keep saying DTD.

Me too

That's about a million too many.


Not buying it.
You probably got those photos off the internet.



I can't! It's been there so long that it's stuck.

Nice of you to keep me company, though.


The tree will be from Disney too, yes?

If it fits in my luggage then yes

One for the front room and one in the bathroom. Of course.

Of course, where else would you put it?

You spent $37,500... and wouldn't spring for the extra $50 for shipping???

It's the principle

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

I am. I am.

Love you and your British idioms.

Hey did you just call me an idiot?!

Boy! No! Girl! No!... One of each!!!

One of each?!


Just the one, an iclke girl! princess: Called Lexi. Alexia is her full name but they only chose that so they could shorten it to Lexi. Why not just call her Lexi? :confused3 Who knows my brother is weird!

No worries. Enjoy first. Photos later (if you feel like it.)

Or are not too inebriated to still use a camera ;)

Salty tasting salt? Who does that? Total fail!


I'm just going to say that's what I meant to say! Okay?!


You didn't think to just take the first bus that came along?


Hah! I knew you didn't see through my costume!

uh.... I mean.... Huh! Isn't that interesting.


I'm foreign too! Can't wait to meet you again!

September 2018 ;)

And then... a miracle occurred.

Miracle aborted.


35??? What? Not possible.


I did! Nothing happened! What kind of cruel trick is this?

Well try it now (or in like a day or so...) it works now doesn't it! :cool1:
Wow, it's all just wow!


That little Cookie Dough is very cute, and I'm sure will keep you very busy! Do NOT fall down the stairs over the puppy and break your foot like I did over my new puppy! Wait, you are young and athletic and coordinated, you have nothing to worry about.

She is lovely...BUT CRAZY! :rotfl:

Ouch that does not sound like a fun thing to do! I haven't fallen over her just yet but she has a lovely habit of biting me! :laughing: :sad:

The trip is looking fantastic! As one who suffers from motion sickness, I would also have voted to sit out the EE repeats and let you enjoy yourself. Nice sunglasses, by the way! And one can never predict the wait times for Disney Transportation, not all of us are offered the Transportation Package like @pkonz.

She usually is okay with EE but the sickness from travel day just wiped her out!

Urgh! I wish I had that VIP transport package :sad2:

And I am guessing baby boy, and I will never reveal where I got the baby hippo from...

It was a little girl :earsgirl:

Sadly I guess that means I have to keep the baby hippo...:rotfl:

Following! This is great!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

Following along! Enjoying the report!

:welcome: Thanks for following along!
Oops! I did it again!!


Well probably not...this TR seems to be going really well doesn't it?! At the rate I’m going I should just about be finished by year! Which is lucky as that is when I will be heading back to WDW!


Yep! I just booked our next WDW adventure!! 2018 baby! I’m gonna be starting a PTR for that trip (which I’m sure will be frequently updated, as evidence by this wonderfully pacey TR!) feel free to hop on over and join me in my super long wait for this next trip! Check it out here!


In other news I got a puppy! I can hear you all saying “Yes Lu, we know Lu, you already told us this Lu!” but HA! Tricks on you cause I actually got two!


Meet Blaze!


Or as I call her IckleBickle! She is just the most adorable thing that has ever been created!


And she loves her big sister Cookie Monster...yes she has been re-named Monster rather than Dough...


So now I have four nutty dogs who are ruling my life!


But hey it has it's perks!



Right then...maybe I should, I don’t know, post an actual Disney 2016 trip TR update? Sounds crazy for my TR though doesn't it?

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Day 2, Part 1:It's A Busy Day!

This happened to be our one and only non-park day! I know! Sacrilege! So nothing interested happened, the end of update!


Phew bet you’re glad you waited over a month for that one aren’t ya! :thumbsup2

I’m just kidding! Even though it was a non-park day we still had some pretty groovy plans. Groovy plans? Note to self maybe try writing these things before the vodka kicks in…

giphy.gif alarm went off at 7am (thankfully USA time this time…), and I got myself ready. Why 7am for a non-park day I hear you ask? Why because I made the really weird choice of booking an 8am breakfast of course! Seriously sometimes I don’t understand me either. DM was less than thrilled at the prospect of getting up so early on a “rest” day! But really my DM is of the school of thought that morning should really come much later in the day, so really anytime before 10am is the middle of the night!


After some convincing DM got herself up and dressed, and we were out the door by 7:45am. Leaving us a cool 15 minutes to get to our breakfast reservation. Any guesses where we were headed? If you said Magic Kingdom for Be Our Guest…


If you said...




Now I will say that the main reason I booked Boma was for the french toast bread pudding...thing...that they serve at breakfast. Neither DM or myself are really that into buffets or breakfast really (unless pancakes are involved then I am down) so this may not have been the best idea I ever had!


I just told you Daenerys I don't know!

Boma is very pretty!



We both started off with the juice, which I cannot for the life of me remember if they called it POG or Jungle Juice, I always get confused but it was that passion-fruit, guava and orange juice mix (if this is wrong...blame 2016 Lu who took these wonderful notes!) which was very nice.


Hmmm...maybe I should became a food critic!


Here is my first plate (for some reason I forgot to take photos of DM’s plate, but really who is surprised by now!):


Let’s see...I can see some of that bread pudding stuff...some strawberries...a Mickey waffle...and some Disney bacon (which is not real bacon to me as a Brit…) oh and a really gross blueberry muffin! Clearly I was feeling health conscious!


I really liked my Mickey waffle and the bacon and strawberries, but that bread pudding stuff that I specifically made the ressie for? Eh...not so much. It was just too sweet for me and left me feeling a little bleh.


So of course I had to get a second plate! It was a buffet after all:


Oh good! Another healthy feast! More Disney bacon! Some sausages and some fruit so I could at least pretend that I didn't just run on junk food!

All in all I enjoyed Boma (as for DM...I’m gonna say she did too!), I’m not sure I would make an effort to go if I wasn’t staying at AKL, but really as neither of us are breakfast people not many places would really tempt us for breakfast anyway. Maybe one day we will try Boma for dinner. After we settled the bill at Boma, we wondered around the grounds for a while before heading back to our room.










We took a look at the large viewing area off the lobby before we headed back and we saw some of the Red River Hogs who lived under (well not just under) our balcony who just so happened to be DM’s favourite animal!


They are pretty darn cute! Oh and bonus giraffe! Funny thing about staying at AKL you get used to giraffes just wondering about!

We didn’t have much planned for the day until later that afternoon so we sat on the balcony and animal watched.

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I think I might've missed an update or two!

I hadn’t ever seen her before in the leaf! Get it?

:rotfl: We saw DiVine for the first time this trip too.

DM was very confused as to why I was taking photos of a random AK tree. I pointed out that it was DiVine and she could not see her AT. ALL. Still doesn't get it.


At the time we had no idea if the baby was a boy or a girl so we were a little unsure what to get

I have a friend who isn't finding out the gender so I had the same problem when shopping for her baby.

Yep! I just booked our next WDW adventure!! I’m gonna be starting a PTR for that trip (which I’m sure will be frequently updated, as evidence by this wonderfully pacey TR!) feel free to hop on over and join me in my super long wait for this next trip!

Ah! We're going in September too! When are you going?

but HA! Tricks on you cause I actually got two!


And she loves her big sister Cookie Monster...yes she has been re-named Monster rather than Dough...


But really my DM is of the school of thought that morning should really come much later in the day, so really anytime before 10am is the middle of the night!

I agree with her!
Hi Lu! I'm here! I'm new! I just came over from @TheLittleKatie's TR, and @Raeven's TR, and @pkondz's TR, and...oh, well you get the drift. Looking forward to following along!

I was a bad Diser and quoted almost nothing in all the updates I had to catch up on, so sorry about that.

I will say that a month at Disney is the absolute dream, and there is definitely a small ball of jealousy surging in the pit of my stomach wanting to do this, too! We get a couple of weeks this summer though, so I'm cool.

Also, I love your puppies, and I love that you stayed at AKL because we're big fans.

I feels like an upmarketish outdoor mall.

I had to quote this because I've never heard of "upmarketish" before. And we watch a fair bit of British tv, so I know my way around a boot, a loo, and a lorry. ...ok, that was weird.

I have no kids, and have no plans to have kids anytime soon , and not gonna lie I do not cope well with kids! They scare me!


But I totally wanted to buy everything thing for my imaginary kid! That biological clock combined with Disney, dude...luckily as we went into a different part of the store there was a kid having one heck of a melt down and strangely I was cured of my broodiness!

I feel you on this! Kids are scary and unpredictable and downright sticky! But every once in a while I see something, or an ickle child does something, or I pick up the tiniest little pair of sneakers I've ever seen in my hand at the mall, and for a moment I can feel that biological clock ticking. ...and then I see a kid throw themselves on the floor in front of me in a wild tantrum of rage...and I'm over it.

It’s called “Guess What The Heck Lu Has Taken A Photo Of!”

This could be fun!

We both started off with the juice, which I cannot for the life of me remember if they called it POG or Jungle Juice, I always get confused but it was that passion-fruit, guava and orange juice mix (if this is wrong...blame 2016 Lu who took these wonderful notes!) which was very nice.

Both! Hehe seems to depend on where you are. At Boma it's Jungle Juice. Yet...surprisingly it tastes awfully similar to POG. Maybe I have an unsophisticated palette. :P
I think I might've missed an update or two!

Don't worry it took me over a month to get one part of our full second day done so...


:rotfl: We saw DiVine for the first time this trip too.

She can be really hard to spot



I have a friend who isn't finding out the gender so I had the same problem when shopping for her baby.

It is so so hard, do you get something that would be fine for either, or something girly or boy..ey?!


Ah! We're going in September too! When are you going?

We aren't going until 2018 so I that we will miss you as I think you are going this year right? :sad1:

And crazy! :laughing:

I agree with her!

Oh I do too! Mornings should come at least after 5pm! :rotfl:


Just started your TR.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

Had to post how I love your gifs.

I am a slight gif addiction...


What site do you get them from?

Normally I guess just google images. I just type like "woohoo gif" into search and pick the best one!


Now to page 2.

Good luck! :laughing:

I love that you can just "sit on your balcony and animal watch" there. Such an awesome place to stay for that reason.

It is such an amazing resort for that ::yes::
I do think we will stay there again at some point (like the trip after the next trip after next trip! :laughing:)

Following along

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

Hi Meghan! :wave2:

I'm here! I'm new!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

I just came over from @TheLittleKatie's TR, and @Raeven's TR, and @pkondz's TR, and...oh, well you get the drift. Looking forward to following along!

Oh well then this is going to be a total let down for you! ::yes:: :laughing:


I was a bad Diser and quoted almost nothing in all the updates I had to catch up on, so sorry about that.

Don't worry, I tend to ramble anyway so that fact you read it is enough for me! :thumbsup2

I will say that a month at Disney is the absolute dream, and there is definitely a small ball of jealousy surging in the pit of my stomach wanting to do this, too! We get a couple of weeks this summer though, so I'm cool.

At month at Disney pretty darn good! Should I make you even more jealous? I have done 6 week Disney trips before :ssst: :rotfl:

But you are having a Disney Wedding!! Now I'm starting to get jealous!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also, I love your puppies

Thank you. Do you want one?? Here have one!!


I'm kidding! They are adorable! pluto:

and I love that you stayed at AKL because we're big fans.

I do love me some AKL :thumbsup2

I had to quote this because I've never heard of "upmarketish" before. And we watch a fair bit of British tv, so I know my way around a boot, a loo, and a lorry. ...ok, that was weird.'s not really a formal British more of a...made up one! Welcome to my TR! We just make shizz up here! :rotfl:

Who needs a dictionary when you can just make up your own words?! Am I correctsical or am I correctsical?


So basically you are more than qualified to be a lorry driver than! :laughing:

I feel you on this! Kids are scary and unpredictable and downright sticky! But every once in a while I see something, or an ickle child does something, or I pick up the tiniest little pair of sneakers I've ever seen in my hand at the mall, and for a moment I can feel that biological clock ticking. ...and then I see a kid throw themselves on the floor in front of me in a wild tantrum of rage...and I'm over it.

Yes! This is totally me too! :rotfl:

I'm a great babysitter! :thumbsup2


This could be fun!

Or as I found out looking through my photos really really weird ::yes:: :lmao:

Both! Hehe seems to depend on where you are. At Boma it's Jungle Juice. Yet...surprisingly it tastes awfully similar to POG. Maybe I have an unsophisticated palette. :P

So they ARE the same!

Day 2, Part 2: Look At All The Zebra Butts!

Our afternoon plans started at 3:20pm so after a quick change we headed off down back down to the lobby. We had a little bit of time before we needed to get checked in so we took a look at these fine fellows.



And saw this very rare bird!


Once we were all birded out we headed to Jiko to check in for our Wanyama Safari! This was something DM had been looking forward to, and one of the reasons I decided to stay CL at AKL. At the time we did it Wanyama Safari could only be booked by guests staying CL at AKL, now I think it is open to everyone no matter where they are staying.

We checked in at Jiko and met the rest of our group, I think there was three (or was it four?) couples with us.


The tour guide took us into one of the small, private rooms in Jiko where one of the CM who worked at Jiko (and was from Africa) talked to us about her home country as we had some nibbles.






I can’t comment on how these tasted as I didn’t try any of them (plus, no surprises here, I don't remember what they all were!) but they looked nice!

At 4pm our tour guide came back and we were off to our safari vehicle! We went backstage to the AKL savannah. They took us through the giant double safety gates which keep all the furry residents in...and all the furry non residents out!


As we made our way into the savannah we saw some of the holding pens where some of the animals are kept if they are new to the savannah or if, like some of the zebras we saw, they are too young to go out yet.







These zebras were still too young to got out onto the main savannah. They had this mound of earth that they loved playing on, it was so funny! They one would claim up to the top of it and then the other would knock them off and roll them in the dirt! They seemed pretty happy chaps!








We made it onto the first of the savannahs, which I think was Uzima savannah...but don't quote me on that!


We met this Ostrich who, apparently, is very “attracted” to the lodge trucks! He did quite to alluring dance in order to tempt the truck but sadly he was not successful!





They only have male Ostriches on the savannah (to keep the numbers down) so they put out eggs to keep the “natural instinct” alive!


Okay there was a reason I chose not to bombard you all with my millions of KS animal photos...and the reason was so I could bombard you with my millions of Wanyama Safari animal photos (and zebra butts!)

















continued in next post
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continued from last post

We did have to stop as it was a Zebra crossing! :rotfl:



More zebra! I seem to have an affinity for the natural kind of Zebra Domes!













We did see a lot of giraffes on this tour, not that I’m complaining! And they got so close to our vehicle it was pretty amazing!








We moved onto the Arusha savannah (which was our savannah).













We met another frisky Ostrich!




Apparently our truck was very attractive. Clearly he knew I was there! :laughing:





Alas he was also unsuccessful. Better luck next time buddy!


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It is so so hard, do you get something that would be fine for either, or something girly or boy..ey?!

I know! I usually buy more boyish stuff because it looks the most unisex, but I want to know so I can buy cute frilly dresses for a girl or an adorable Donald Duck onesie with a hat I saw for a boy.

We aren't going until 2018 so I that we will miss you as I think you are going this year right? :sad1:
Yes but I'll be there then too :rotfl: We generally go September each year so I'm pretty sure.

Oh I do too! Mornings should come at least after 5pm! :rotfl:

afternoon plans started at 3:20pm so after a quick change we headed off down back down to the lobby. We had a little bit of time before we needed to get checked in so we took a look at these fine fellows.

The time we went to watch the flamingos two of them were behaving quite inappropriately...:laughing:

We met this Ostrich who, apparently, is very “attracted” to the lodge trucks! He did quite to alluring dance in order to tempt the truck but sadly he was not successful!

This is the greatest:rotfl:
continued from last post

Before we went onto Sunset savannah we got to see them brining the Red River Hogs (DM’s favourite I mentioned before) in for their dinner! Each animal on the savannah has it’s on sound to let them know it’s time to go in for dinner, or to their barn area to have a nap! The hogs respond to an old sounding air horn which our guides let some of us honk to bring them in. Unfortunately for us (not for the hogs!) it was acorn season and the lure of the acorns was more powerful then the promise of their dinner so it took a really long time for them to be convinced to come in!



While we waited for those little rascals our guide explained that underneath the hotel there was actually a large number of the animals barns, which I did not know. And also that those fenced off areas you see on the savannahs aren’t for containing animals, they are actually for corralling guests! In case of a fire that’s where you would go. When the hogs finally made it into their enclosure we ventured into our final savannah.




Hello gorgeous!


Fun fact: they put that netting round the trees to stop the giraffes destroying the tree!

































And just to prove I was there! Here I am:


You’re welcome!

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