Served alcohol at the parks without being asked for ID

In an example of how the business can make their rules more strict than the law at Universal they won't do this. At least in all our visits.
They must hand the alcohol to each person drinking it, 1 person can not be handed 2 beverages. Even to pass it to another person. It got quite annoying actually since I'd often stand off to the side while DH ordered but we learned that wouldn't work. I had to walk over and take the drink from the server myself. DH couldn't take it and hand it to me. They didn't need my ID but they wouldn't allow DH to take 2.

Well, this was only one day and one place and they handed both drinks directly to me.
My adult children and son in law, ages 23-27, all get carded in WDW. However, they also have their ID's ready before ordering a drink. We live in PA and most places card all the time, especially grocery stores which have a 100% carding policy.
On our recent trip we were all at a restaurant in WS and talking with our server who was from a country where the drinking age is lower than the U.S. and when he came here to work he was no longer of age to drink. He admitted that when people show him US ID's he doesn't even know what to look for half the time since every state has a different ID.
I can't blame him there

Which does bring up something I've heard, here I think, as I understand it, technically foreign guests are supposed to have their passports as their ID. I can't imagine carrying that around. Seems like a risky thing to loose, no? Surely they have something else that can be used for proof of age, no?
Well, this was only one day and one place and they handed both drinks directly to me.
Oh, no, sorry, didn't mean to confuse, at Disney it's common. We do it all the time there. It's not a problem at all. This is a Universal policy only, as far as I know.
I'm 29 and fiance is 30 and we get carded every time. We have even been told they can't serve us with out our IDs even if we are over 30.

I do think it is hit and miss in Epcot because a ton of the ICPs just do not care. Worst that can happen to them is their program is cut short and they get sent home which to some that's not a big deal. The level of strictness seems to go in waves. I think they retrain after Disney gets in trouble or something and then after a couple months people who got in trouble become lax again and then the cycle starts over.
Being Canadian we're legally able to drink at 19.

My DD at age 20 ordered a margarita from Mexico while I was on a bathroom break and was served. She knew the FL/US law but she had vacation brain and didn't think about it. She had her ID ready because we get carded EVERWHERE here but wasn't asked for it.

Me be the the huge law abiding square of the family wouldn't let her finish it and since I'm a non-drinker it went to waste. :-)
18 in Quebec and Alberta!
I can't blame him there

Which does bring up something I've heard, here I think, as I understand it, technically foreign guests are supposed to have their passports as their ID. I can't imagine carrying that around. Seems like a risky thing to loose, no? Surely they have something else that can be used for proof of age, no?

It is Florida law that internationals need a passport to work as their ID. Funny enough drinking age is still a state thing (the federal government just won't give you certain tax money if your drinking age is less than 21) and so each state can make their own ID laws. Case in point in NYC we have city IDs that show birth date and have photos. Problem is anyone can get one and they don't really need much real information to get it (point system that is more lax than state ID or passport) so they do not consider them valid for any purchase that requires proof of age. People suddenly realized what the heck are these IDs for then?

Disney actually is a little lose with the passport policy. They will allow a copy as long as you have another form of ID with your birthday on it. Universal and Sea World require the actual passport.
I can't blame him there

Which does bring up something I've heard, here I think, as I understand it, technically foreign guests are supposed to have their passports as their ID. I can't imagine carrying that around. Seems like a risky thing to loose, no? Surely they have something else that can be used for proof of age, no?

I have heard that also about the passport. I know we've sat near people from other countries at the various restaurants in WDW, but I never took notice to what they showed their servers for ID.

I felt bad for the poor kid. He definitely wasn't being lax with looking at the ID's, he just looked confused and looking it over for a bit. Although, it was the ID of my single, very attractive DD! He could've had an interest more than making sure she was legal age, lol!
I went to WDW in April with my girlfriend and while I was there had my fair share of alcoholic drinks. But, across my week stay, I was only asked for my ID once and that was at Ohana during breakfast. I was 22 at the time and I have some facial hair but I don't nearly look like I am surely over the legal age. My girlfriend was only 19 and she (without thinking at all) went and bought a drink for me at one point at animal kingdom.

I remember (I think in January) there was a news story on the podcast where an underage guy got so drunk that the police had to come and pete was wondering how he was served at all on Disney property.

Anyone else have a similar experience?
Is your girlfriend from a location where the drinking age is under 21? Why would she buy you a drink if she was under the legal drinking age? I do agree that it seems odd you weren't asked for ID more often - especially if you don't clearly look older - or if you look under 30. I am much more than the legal age - let's just say that - and I am never asked for ID at Disney or anywhere else lately. I have to admit that it disappoints me sometimes!
Sometimes I get carded, and sometimes I don't. I'm waiting to see if they card me again when I go in September (for my 50th birthday ):rotfl2:

So many places where I live card everyone, that I just usually expect to be asked.
I supper rare that I drink but I always show my ID with out being asked my parents think I am at the point where I should wait to be asked even though I am only 32
I am in TN, because of the way our laws are. No matter if you are 21 of 121, you must have your ID on you to drink. The way to know you have your ID on you is to ask for it when you order a drink. So everyone, no matter what your age is, is carded.

This is a really good policy. I am terrible at judging people's age. It would not only take some of the burden off of the servers, but it's a good idea to always have your ID on you anyway.
My dad was 51 one one trip and was carded and didn't have it. (Mom had convinced him with Magic Bands you didn't have to carry ANYTHING). They would not serve him at all.
So I bought 2 and gave him one.

PLEASE don't do this!

Trust me first repsonders and hospitals can't read Tragic Bands. If something was to happen to you they need to know who you are.

(Not to mention the Friday evening last October when the entire Tragic Band payment system failed. Leaving people like your mother and father upset when Disney wouldn't sell them anything!)
PLEASE don't do this!

Trust me first repsonders and hospitals can't read Tragic Bands. If something was to happen to you they need to know who you are.

(Not to mention the Friday evening last October when the entire Tragic Band payment system failed. Leaving people like your mother and father upset when Disney wouldn't sell them anything!)

OMG, calm down. It was my very first onsite stay, first interaction with a magic band and my parents first time to a Disney park EVER.

I'm so sick of the "chastise police" on these boards telling people what they already know.

That's why included the comment in parenthesis.
This is a really good policy. I am terrible at judging people's age. It would not only take some of the burden off of the servers, but it's a good idea to always have your ID on you anyway.
Yeah, I think it's a pretty smart policy myself. Takes all burden off the staff. It's not all that hard to pull out your ID.
We don't live in an area where people use transit systems so 99% of us have driven to wherever it is we are. Or have at least have a drivers license, even if someone else drove on this particular night. So you are going to have one. If it wasn't a common thing to have it would be one thing, but it is.
You'd think someone asked the customer to give a blood sample by the reaction of some to having to take out their ID. I just don't understand why it's so awful to do.
OMG, calm down. It was my very first onsite stay, first interaction with a magic band and my parents first time to a Disney park EVER.

I'm so sick of the "chastise police" on these boards telling people what they already know.

That's why included the comment in parenthesis.
Some really get bent out of shape if you dare mention that you go with only a MB. It's really not all that an awful thing to do so don't feel bad.
I carry my ID but shock upon shock, I don't carry other forms of payment. And you know what, I survive and have never had no means to pay for things
I used to bring my Disney Visa but now that the AP gets a bigger discount I don't carry the Visa
Disney is generally very strict on serving underage persons. I think if a CM is discovered doing so, they are at risk to be fired. If the bartender so much as sees you offering your underage kid a sip they will freak out, because they can get fired.

Passport as ID for foreign visitors is Florida law. They can use a copy of the passport if it is accompanied by another form of photo ID.
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I don't think I was carded at all on my last trip...but then again, the grey streak in my hair may make the servers feel secure.:rotfl:


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