Are women and men inherently different?

I really don't subscribe to the idea that we're different. I DRESS different, I play to some pretty hardcore fem stuff because it suits me satorially. I don't think I'm any different than my male friends which tend to get their feelings hurt more than I do. I work in a male dominated field. Men tend to be bigger than I am physically. That's absolutely true. I know no men my physical size.

ETA: Cool topic. I love this kind of discussion!
Regarding the particular article, I don't struggle with math, but geometry and trig weren't as naturally easy as stats was to me. Pattern stuff I can kill at. I mean, I never received anything but an A in any math class from high school to grad, but spatial crap did take me a hot second to get. Stats/predictive quant type stuff was as easy as breathing.
I haven't read the article but I have always supported the idea that men and women are "wired" differently. That doesn't mean that women are incapable of doing what men can do or vice versa, it just means as animals the male and female sexes are meant to be different for survival reasons. Speaking in the biological sense, not in the living day to day in the modern world sense.
I haven't read the article either but yes, we are different. Definitely, biologically. Just look at us :) And I have worked with children a looooonnngg time and it is pretty obvious from a young age that males / female think differently(That's not to say that there are instances of exceptions). I have given boys barbies and they have used them as guns, shovels, bats etc. I've given girls hot wheels and they have played house with them. When we told the pre-k 4 kids that they could go have free play, all the boys went to the cars, tool play area and all the girls would go to the dress up and kitchen.Ofcourse they would flit back and forth but on the whole the girls went to the babies and the boys went to the cars :) Halloween: the girls all came in pink glitter and the boys all in Batman etc.
Men are from Omicron Perceii 8, women from Women are from Omicron Perceii 11. And dogs from Funky Dog Planet.
It sounds like NLRB is going to decide if male and female software engineers are inherently different. I eagerly away being told if that's true or not.
There was a really interesting episode of Brain Games (I believe the second season) and it talked about the differences. Of course not everyone is this or that....that sorta goes without saying.

But they did do experiments on things like spatial abilities, following directions, directional abilities, facial recognition, etc.

There are plenty and plenty of material available on discussing differences in male and female brains.
Naturally men and women are different. And our differences are meant to complement the other sex. The differences between men and women should be celebrated and embraced, not repressed or stunted.

That said, there is no "one type" of woman or man either. Clearly there are differences among each gender also.


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