It happened for me yesterday, so 10 days out and they only gave me 1 day warning. But I guess it doesn't really matter how many days warning they give because my last day still got dropped even though I deleted. And everyone in my family had their last day deleted, even members of my family that didn't have MNSSHP FPs. Everyone in my account had the last day deleted.

I highly recommend that everyone deletes any FP on their account that starts before 4pm long before that 10 day mark.

Here's my question of the hour. A friend's trip overlaps mine and she was trying to help out and included me in her FastPasses. But she made FastPasses for me on our MNSSHP day, which is also our arrival day. She made three and I deleted the one prior to 4 pm that I wouldn't have made regardless. I don't go till the last party so I have a while to wait, but I'm wondering if I should delete the FastPasses altogether and start over for that day or if it will be ok since i deleted the 3rd FastPass prior to that 10 day mark.

Additionally, my tickets, while attached to my MDE account, are not attached to my room reservation as they are military tickets so they are not tied to the dates I'm staying there so to speak.
When did this appear?? I leave in 41 days and although I have 2 party dates and 5 park dates, I actually booked FP for 6 days.

We were notified in Late July, we leave tomorrow. I think I triggered something in the system when I altered my reservation by dropping the dining plan. But I have no way of knowing for sure.

Thank you for all your help! Geesh! What a headache. So you can't adjust your own dining reservations or anything right now?

I wonder if mine are going to disappear again after all of that. When did yours disappear the second time? Was it the day after they put them back?

I think I'm going to try to reach out to your person tomorrow. I talked so many different CMs today. I'll just say that one person I spoke to tried to tell me RoL FPs don't exist and the CM that ultimately got the FPs for me wasn't the friendliest person in the world.

I really hope everything goes smoothly for you once you get there. This would be nuts to try to deal with while on vacation :(

Yeah, I can't alter anything. Every time I try to adjust dining plans it says there's an error and to call. So, I just call Audra! Any CM at that number I listed can help you; they're for the terminal cases.

Mine disappeared a second time after we switched plans for parks. I had FP for MK and we changed it to AK. Next day the passes for our last park day we're again, deleted. I actually don't have any FPs for that day in MDE, we were given three special passes for the rides we wanna go on instead.

Call again, express your concerns and try to stay positive! At the end of the day, for me, I'm celebrating my baby girl being 3! A hurricane is on the horizon, my MDE is a mess, but she's super excited, and I can't wait to walk down Main Street with her. I trust Disney service to come through if things go wrong; that's why I keep coming back as costs rise, and attendance does too.
Thanks, FoxC63! I'm glad your husband is doing well!

Actually, the itinerary planning was a lot of help and worked well up until a certain point. Then the bad weather made the start times of events so uncertain that we just had to wing it. The great thing about planning the party was that it made me think about what was most important to us, so even though the schedule went "off" I still kept in mind the things we wanted to do.

We actually had a really great time, it was just way different than what I was expecting. We got to ride a lot of rides, which is our favorite thing, and the kids got a lot of candy, which made them happy. We got to "see" a lot of characters too, which was fun, although we didn't meet them. That was fine with us since we're not really into that anyway. We happened to be right by the 7 Dwarfs when they went in for a break, and they walked right by us in a single file line and waved to us, and something similar happened with Cinderella's step-sisters, so we got some mild character interaction!

The rain itself didn't bother us much, it was actually kind of refreshing. We really enjoyed seeing the guests dressed up! I just wish they had made announcements regarding delays, so people could plan better. They did for the fireworks, but not for anything else. Also, it would be nice if they kept the cast members a little better informed. I was planning on watching the last Hocus Pocus show, and a CM told me it was cancelled so we left. Then I read here that it was just delayed. I would have liked to have seen that. Oh well, I guess I'll have to go back next year!

Sorry it didn't quite work out but I'm glad that you still had a great time. I would contact Disney, if everyone who had trouble with this lack of information complained they might change. It's not a big ask to just be informed about changes and have the CM's better informed.

Thank you for all your help! Geesh! What a headache. So you can't adjust your own dining reservations or anything right now?

I wonder if mine are going to disappear again after all of that. When did yours disappear the second time? Was it the day after they put them back?

I think I'm going to try to reach out to your person tomorrow. I talked so many different CMs today. I'll just say that one person I spoke to tried to tell me RoL FPs don't exist and the CM that ultimately got the FPs for me wasn't the friendliest person in the world.

I really hope everything goes smoothly for you once you get there. This would be nuts to try to deal with while on vacation :(

No RoL fastpass? :lmao:It's even listed on the website. I'm sorry you had trouble, fingers crossed for you.

I will add a thought. The CM's were giving fairly exaggerated wait times. When I got in line for Moana around 7:30 pm on 9/1, the line was to about the entrance of Swiss Family tree house, I was told 2.5 hours. If not for lightning, we would have met her in about an hour. The 7 dwarves line was also moving very fast. We were told 2.5 hours for them too, but, in about a half hour we had traveled more than half of the line. (Didn't get to meet them either, but, wait times definitely exaggerated on our party night.) So, I would caution to use your judgement and if you really want to meet a character give the line 15 minutes or so and see how far you move.

I guess that allows for guests that take longer or maybe so guest feel happier that it took less time when they leave haha. That's good to know though, thanks.

I probably will. I'm going to sleep on it. I feel guilty because I did get some value out of the day. It wouldn't even be an issue if we could have gotten better information from cast members. If we had some way of knowing the delayed parade was actually going to happen before it was over, or if we had some way of knowing more than 5 minutes ahead that the fireworks were going to fire, OR, if we hadn't been told Hocus Pocus was cancelled. They really need a better system for that sort of thing.

I would defiantly let Disney know, if nothing else they can learn to better inform the guests.

We were notified in Late July, we leave tomorrow. I think I triggered something in the system when I altered my reservation by dropping the dining plan. But I have no way of knowing for sure.

Yeah, I can't alter anything. Every time I try to adjust dining plans it says there's an error and to call. So, I just call Audra! Any CM at that number I listed can help you; they're for the terminal cases.

Mine disappeared a second time after we switched plans for parks. I had FP for MK and we changed it to AK. Next day the passes for our last park day we're again, deleted. I actually don't have any FPs for that day in MDE, we were given three special passes for the rides we wanna go on instead.

Call again, express your concerns and try to stay positive! At the end of the day, for me, I'm celebrating my baby girl being 3! A hurricane is on the horizon, my MDE is a mess, but she's super excited, and I can't wait to walk down Main Street with her. I trust Disney service to come through if things go wrong; that's why I keep coming back as costs rise, and attendance does too.

I hope your trip goes much more smoothly once your there and I'm sure you'll have a great time celebrating, happy birthday wishes to your little one!
I have 8 Day PH and one MNSSHP ticket, and 3 FPs on our party day, and they are also all still there. I'm a little concerned by the new report as they reported that they had made it through the initial flurry of cancellations emails etc and thought everything was ok since no more reports. Then they reported today that they got the cancellation email on their trip arrival day!!! :eek::faint: With a MNSSHP date of friday. So I wonder if more cancellation emails will be triggered and sent to people starting their trips?
Well dang, I got the dreaded FP cancellation email this morning. We arrive in 3 days. Haven't changed anything etc, and all of a sudden bam, email. Sucks. Going to cancel my party FP so I can keep our last days FPs. Hate to lose those party FPs though. Really messes up my party plan. Sigh. That and our party is Sunday and it's not looking good weather wise with possibly Irma or rain off Irma.
We'll be there sunday too! maybe we'll bump into each other in line......Hopefully not too much rain will happen.
Did you get it at 4 pm or did you have to wait until 7?

We were first in line at our tapstyle and they let us in a little before 4:00. It was a few minutes later than the 3:48 time reported at the first two parties and I didn't check the exact time, but it was definitely before 4:00.
We were first in line at our tapstyle and they let us in a little before 4:00. It was a few minutes later than the 3:48 time reported at the first two parties and I didn't check the exact time, but it was definitely before 4:00.

Woops! That wasn't what you were asking! I bought the pumpkin bucket just a few minutes after 7:00. I don't know if I could have gotten it any earlier. I noticed the CM did glance down at my wristband before getting the bucket for me.

If you HAVE to have the pumpkin bucket, you should definitely get it early, but it sure is awkward to carry around! One tip: I always bring ziplock bags to transport unfinished snacks. I ended up dumping the popcorn into a bag, which made things much easier. Then I could put the bucket in my backpack, at least until it got too full of candy and I needed the extra room!
Woops! That wasn't what you were asking! I bought the pumpkin bucket just a few minutes after 7:00. I don't know if I could have gotten it any earlier. I noticed the CM did glance down at my wristband before getting the bucket for me.

If you HAVE to have the pumpkin bucket, you should definitely get it early, but it sure is awkward to carry around! One tip: I always bring ziplock bags to transport unfinished snacks. I ended up dumping the popcorn into a bag, which made things much easier. Then I could put the bucket in my backpack, at least until it got too full of candy and I needed the extra room!
You could also get a locker. People have said that is handy for extra candy, so you can also store the popcorn bucket in there!
Well dang, I got the dreaded FP cancellation email this morning. We arrive in 3 days. Haven't changed anything etc, and all of a sudden bam, email. Sucks. Going to cancel my party FP so I can keep our last days FPs. Hate to lose those party FPs though. Really messes up my party plan. Sigh. That and our party is Sunday and it's not looking good weather wise with possibly Irma or rain off Irma.

Did you roll back a few pages here? @MissMaryQC listed a contact person who can help you.

DH is afraid DD will be pooped and crabby if we wait for the second parade, not sure I agree, but I've thrown this together, just in case. Below are two plans, one for the first parade and one for the second.

Our party date is Thursday September 7th. DD will be dressed as Danny, I'll be Max and DH will be Winifred Sanderson, all at DD's request. Here's what we've got:

First Parade

3:15 PM - Take the boat over to MK
4:00-5:20 PM - Jack and Sally M&G
-Tag Team: Purchase popcorn pail?/HM FP 4:10-5:10 PM
-Tag Team: Treats from Sleepy Hollow/purchase party pin(s)
5:30-6:50 PM - 7 Dwarfs M&G *Check line, if it's nuts we will skip this and try for Cruella.
-Tag Team: FP Barnstormer 5:30-6:30 PM
-Tag Team: Start some Trick-or-Treating; Pete’s Silly Sideshow
7:00-8:00 PM - Double back towards HM for Photos Pass pics and maybe a Madame show
-Grim Grinning Ghosts
-Hitchhiking Ghosts
8:05-8:30 PM - Trick-or-treat through Adventureland into Frontierland
8:35 PM - Find a spot near Casey’s for the first parade
-Tag Team: Treats/food
-Tag Team: Main Street Photo Pass??
9:15 PM - First Parade
9:40 PM - Grab a spot near Walt’s Statue for Fireworks
10:15 PM - Hallowishes
10:45 PM - Hocus Pocus Castle Show

*At that point we will evaluate DD’s mood, if she’s still going we’ll hit the dance party in Tomorrowland, then ride some rides until midnight. If she’s cranky, or asleep, lol, we’ll head out.

I don't think this second plan will work for us, but I'm gonna keep it just in case. We've had a few later nights with DD recently (end of summer stuff here) and she can stay awake, sure, but her tude is not so sunny...
Second Parade
3:15 PM - Take the boat over to MK
4:00-5:20 PM - Jack and Sally M&G
-Tag Team: Purchase popcorn pail?/HM FP 4:10-5:10 PM
-Tag Team: Treats from Sleepy Hollow/purchase party pin(s)
5:30-6:50 PM - 7 Dwarfs M&G *Check line, if it's nuts we will skip this and try for Cruella.
-Tag Team: FP Barnstormer 5:30-6:30 PM
-Tag Team: Start some Trick-or-Treating; Pete’s Silly Sideshow
7:00-7:20 - Head towards Tomorrowland for Dance party
7:30-8:30 PM - Trick-or-treat through Adventureland into Frontierland*
8:35-9:30 PM - PP of Grim Grinning Ghosts near Haunted Mansion/ride HM??
9:40 PM - Grab a spot near Walt Statue for Fireworks
-Tag Team: Treats/Food
10:15 PM - Hallowishes
10:30-11:00 PM - Move closer to stage for Hocus Pocus Show
11:00 PM - Hustle down Main Street to get near the bakery for the second parade. Will likely duck out right after.
*maybe try for a ride on Pirates during the first parade?

This is a bit much, it's been reported lines for merchandise/pins is long, try this first.
4:00-5:20 PM - Jack and Sally M&G
-Tag Team: purchase party pin(s)
-Tag Team: Purchase popcorn pail?/HM FP 4:10-5:10 PM

5:30-6:50 PM - 7 Dwarfs M&G *Check line, if it's nuts we will skip this and try for Cruella.
-Tag Team: FP Barnstormer 5:30-6:30 / Treats from Sleepy Hollow
-Tag Team: Start some Trick-or-Treating; Pete’s Silly Sideshow - Does not start until 7pm
Well huh! It looks like the cancellation notifications are happening at totally random times.

Just to put more info out there: I hadn't made any changes to anything on MDE account in weeks when I got mine. I did make some changes yesterday just to check and see if my account was working normally. I also wanted to see if I changed anything, if I would lose my FPs again. I'd rather deal with it sooner than later. As of right now, it is working and I haven't lost anything again yet.
Party newbie here, looking for advice. Sorry if already answered upthread. We have two younger kids, DS and DD. DD does not like fireworks. So I'm thinking we will have to do the 9:15 Boo To You parade, and then split up so DD and Mom can avoid the fireworks while me and DS stay to watch them. Does it make sense to post up at a spot 45-60 minutes before the parade, and then DS and I just stick around at that location for fireworks? If so, where's a good spot that we can stay in and get a good view of both?

Looks like my question above got buried so trying again. Can any of you party pros help?
@Neverbeast are you all set with your itinerary? Were you able to make FP's or has this changed. Remember FP's on Party Tickets starting at 3ish are having issues.

@Lesley Wake you look golden!

5:00-6:40pm: I will wait in line for 7 dwarfs M&G @story Book Circus
---Tag Team: DH and DD Ride Dumbo or Barn Stormer
---Tag Team: ToT at Pete’s Silly Side Show - ToT does Not start until 7pm
Sorry I haven't updated my touring plan yet! I starting to get really worried about Hurricane Irma ruining our party and my daughter's birthday plans!!! If they cancel the party on the 10th do you think that would make the party we have tickets for on the 12th be really crowded?
We are going on Friday 9/15 and according to TP this is the 8th busiest party.

We are going on Friday 9/15 and according to TP this is the 8th busiest party. Two Adults & Two toddlers
I'm assuming you're using a stroller so allow more time. You have a lot of items on your list and really don't have the time.
3:15/3:30 Arrive @ MK
4:00-4:15 Main Street Bypass
4:20-4:35 Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin
4:40-5:00 Speedway - If this is for DH then
5:10-5:50 FP 7DMT 4:20-5:20 Rider Swap
6:00-6:35 FP Enchanted Tales with Belle 5:20pm - 6pm
6:45-7:45 6:55 BOG

7:55-8:15 Journey of the Little Mermaid
8:20-8:40 Dumbo
8:45-9:00 It's a Small World
9:05-10:00 Haunted Mansion (20min) & Magic Shot (30min)
Would also like to get the Hitchhiking Ghosts Photo if it's there. Pick an alternative Magic Shot, this is done

XX:XX-10:20 10:15 HalloWishes Location? The hub will be very crowded and using a stroller will be difficult.
10:30 Hocus Pocus
11:00 try to find somewhere on Main Street (below Disney Clothiers) to catch Nick & Judy and Parade
(Headless Horseman 11:10-11:12, Nick & Judy 11:15)

This is not complete, you'll need to go over your plan and pick your priorities. Please do not re-post your itinerary just edit it and post me a note and we'll go thru it again.
Did you roll back a few pages here? @MissMaryQC listed a contact person who can help you.

The magic number for us was 407-939-7410 any CM there should be able to help you.

This is a bit much, it's been reported lines for merchandise/pins is long, try this first.
4:00-5:20 PM - Jack and Sally M&G
-Tag Team: purchase party pin(s)
-Tag Team: Purchase popcorn pail?/HM FP 4:10-5:10 PM

5:30-6:50 PM - 7 Dwarfs M&G *Check line, if it's nuts we will skip this and try for Cruella.
-Tag Team: FP Barnstormer 5:30-6:30 / Treats from Sleepy Hollow
-Tag Team: Start some Trick-or-Treating; Pete’s Silly Sideshow - Does not start until 7pm

We will likely do just one or the other and kinda see how it goes. Weathers looking ok as of now, but I see us taking it really slow. DH also want to ride Dumbo with DD cause she usually only wants to ride with me, so he's hoping this line is his opportunity (awe!)

As for the pin, I, not actually sure I'm gonna get it. I wanted the HP pin or the mystery set, that and a HP shirt, so we may not do much shopping during party time.
Sorry I haven't updated my touring plan yet! I starting to get really worried about Hurricane Irma ruining our party and my daughter's birthday plans!!! If they cancel the party on the 10th do you think that would make the party we have tickets for on the 12th be really crowded?

It certainly is possible.
Call Disney and we'll work on a new plan, heck I won't even charge you for it! :D
Call Disney, call Disney, call Disney echo, echo :P

I called. Person I talked to said that everything did happen, so tough luck basically. I explained that we were told the first parade wasn't going to be running anytime soon, so we left the area but apparently at the time we left the parade must have already started. Explained that we were told fireworks were starting by a cast member so left the 7 dwarfs line only to have fireworks delayed. Then fireworks started with only minimal notice. He just didn't care at all. Really sounded like a jerk. I haven't been so angry after dealing with customer service in a long time. I was only mildly annoyed when I called, now I'm thinking I won't bother staying at Disney ever again. Might not renew the passes next year.
I called. Person I talked to said that everything did happen, so tough luck basically. I explained that we were told the first parade wasn't going to be running anytime soon, so we left the area but apparently at the time we left the parade must have already started. Explained that we were told fireworks were starting by a cast member so left the 7 dwarfs line only to have fireworks delayed. Then fireworks started with only minimal notice. He just didn't care at all. Really sounded like a jerk. I haven't been so angry after dealing with customer service in a long time. I was only mildly annoyed when I called, now I'm thinking I won't bother staying at Disney ever again. Might not renew the passes next year.

Noooo! How frustrating! Call again. You may have just gotten an a bad CM.
Disney Guest Relations - 407-824-4321 and/or (407) 939-5277 and REQUEST to speak to Guest Services.


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