Hurricane Irma?

"Yes, a possible projected path out of the thousands out there where the particular one being promoted just happened to be a path (one contrarian to almost all the other major ones out there) which conveniently takes the storm away from Florida and Disney.

Which hints at "shop tracks until I find one I like"."

You're using a logical fallacy to argue against a logical fallacy. I'm going cross-eyed.

Nothing to see here lol
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I completely sympathize as I'm in a similar boat. As I mentioned a few pages ago, clearly I made a mistake in booking now and forgetting insurance but it's the only trip I have ever booked and I'm not from anywhere that ever gets hurricanes. I genuinely, truly didn't know, and all the research I did just said "omg wow September so great, kids in school, low crowds, still warm, great!" Nothing that indicated I had such a high likelihood of having my entire trip devastated by the worst storm to have ever been recorded in the area...

I know lots of people here are veteran travelers, FL residents, people who can afford to make changes and I get it, I'm sure it's frustrating to see people like myself mope around. But I'm very low income and already mentally fragile on a good day, and seeing "you should have known better" is like twisting the knife. I do want to sincerely thank everyone who has been so helpful and informative, I've learned a lot and still trying to figure out what to do. I am leaning towards just going at this point because I don't know that I'll be able to cancel and afford to go again and only have til tomorrow morning to choose. I should have known better, but I didn't, and nothing can change that now.
Watching Mike's live facebook stream again tonight.

He does a great job diseminating the massive amount of info available from multiple sources and makes it easily understood.

His info last night ended up being pretty much spot on.

He said just now that he expects the northward turn that is expected to change Irma's track just off The Keys, will be on the next NOAA update at 11pm (I've found NOAA updates come up on their site about 30 minutes ahead of the posted time)
He is sticking with a landfall in south florida at the present time based on many models -- he just had a graphic up that combined 91 spaghetti models into one possible track.

For those having difficulty finding the live stream -- it's on facebook on his page
Mikes Weather Page
You can also find it by using the search bar and typing in the page name - the stream will come up at or near the top of the page.
New GFS has it missing Florida completely! Glad I'm waiting until tomorrow to change.
That GFS run had an issue, it is not a valid run. The 2AM EST Euro will be the one to watch.

Spacecityweather dot com does a great job parsing the information into very understandable and more importantly actionable thoughts. They were vital in getting us through Harvey and Eric is posting regarding Irma. Wife and I arrived Sunday to the world, and literally just got the last two seats out on a United flight before Sunday. We switched to Friday evening.
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As a Florida part time resident I just have to ask what kind of stupid do you have to be to travel to our state to experience the 5th largest storm to ever be recorded in the Atlantic ocean. I of course say this with tongue in cheek, and I know people plan their Disney trips over many years, but I seriously have to ask if people think a major, one of the most major storms ever recorded, will be just cleaned up the day after with a few men and brooms and then its all Dole whips and Peterpan. Folks need to think that if it is a major storm then it will probably take more than a couple cleaning folks to make the results go away. Additionally I cant believe that adding more humans to an environment set to be inundated will make things easier on the safety responders. This baffles me.

I don't think you should criticize because right now the hurricane isn't going to definitely hit Orlando OR it may just move east and go back into the Atlantic. I think most people on here are just trying to speculate on what is going to happen based on the "maybe's".
I guess I was a special kind of stupid last year. We didn't leave during Hurricane Matthew. Right up until hours before landfall they were predicting it to be VERY bad for the coast, and we knew WDW was closed the following day. We hunkered down in Pop and in hindsight we were so glad we didn't fly home early.

I honestly don't know what I do if we were planning to arrive this week. I think we would probably cancel with this being a cat. 5, but I would never call someone stupid for weighing their options several days out.
I don't think you should criticize because right now the hurricane isn't going to definitely hit Orlando OR it may just move east and go back into the Atlantic. I think most people on here are just trying to speculate on what is going to happen based on the "maybe's".
I agree, tongue in cheek or not that was quite insulting.
It is not too late to buy trip insurance from an independent company online. Just search on the Internet for best travel insurance companies. Many of them you can still buy a policy until your trip starts. They are much cheaper than Disney. Read the reviews before choosing a company.
That GFS run had an issue, it is not a valid run. The 2AM EST Euro will be the one to watch.

I just spent a day in Epcot. I'm hitting Trader Sam's and then crashing. I don't see watching a hurricane model at 2:00 AM in my future. :thumbsup2
Guess you didn't see the "roll eyes" emoji. It wasn't meant to be anything bad.

I personally didn't take it as bad, or disrespectful of we locals who have a larger stake in the outcome. It could be helpful to some of the people who are shifting their trip a few days one way or the other. This thread has a mix of scenarios going on, from the people who have cancelled, to the postponements, to those of us who have to deal with it either way and are hoping to arrive as planned (even if we are stuck indoors a day or two). It doesn't make any of us a bad person for going, or for delaying, or for cancelling. Everyone has to weigh their options and go with what is best in their situation. It is, after all, a thread about how a hurricane will impact a Disney vacation, and all planning info is appropriate. :earsboy:


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