***Riding out the hurricane at a Disney resort? Post your experiences here!***

Hey all, Irma has now taken a move eastward and is now predicted to bring 80-100 mph winds to Orlando overnight. For those of you who think the parks should open tomorrow, remember that your CMs have homes, families, pets, etc. While your vacation may be ruined, their lives may be turned upside down after this hurricane leaves the area. Stay safe everyone!
I considered both of these options. I didn't do the first because I'm a young woman alone in a hotel room, and where I was raised paranoia is what keeps you alive.

I didn't call security because I didn't want them to have to go out in this. Mostly it was people walking by and being loud briefly, although a lot of different people so it was near constant, but a couple times they were staying in the same spot (smoking, I think). Just as I considered calling to see if a CM was in the building that could talk to them, they went back inside. So here's hoping they stay quiet now!
Fingers crossed for you!!
Sorry to hear about your experience. I have to say I visited several different resorts over many years with my nephew who I raised from a small child. He was on autism spectrum and had several additional disabilities as well. Other than difficulties with Disney buses since my nephew was not in a wheel chair but could not maintain his balance standing on a bus so we often had to wait for a few buses before I was able to get him a seat, we never had a negative experience with a CM. Sometimes a guest might try to distance themself from him but CMs always went over and beyond to engage him in conversation or acknowledge him in some way. Once when we stayed at WL Cl level a CM overheard him ask if there was root beer and later we found a six pack of root beer in our room!
I lost him last year very suddenly. I will be forever grateful to all of the CMs who made our trips to Disney so magical and given me so many wonderful memories. I guess what I am trying to say is that your experience is not typical of Disney CMs at all.
@Lsdolphin - I'm so, so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine.

While it's disappointing to hear @trishy 's experience, we also had so many of the opposite experiences with my brother (who has Down's/autism). I got teary-eyed many times during our trip last year because CMs went above and beyond to treat him not only like they would any "normal" child, but like he was important and valued. It was true Disney magic. I do understand, however, that not every CM has the personality or training to treat guests that way, and that this is probably a very stressful time for them in general. I'm glad you're able to see the bright side, and I just hope the rest of your trip is filled with magic moments, @trishy.
I considered both of these options. I didn't do the first because I'm a young woman alone in a hotel room, and where I was raised paranoia is what keeps you alive.

I didn't call security because I didn't want them to have to go out in this. Mostly it was people walking by and being loud briefly, although a lot of different people so it was near constant, but a couple times they were staying in the same spot (smoking, I think). Just as I considered calling to see if a CM was in the building that could talk to them, they went back inside. So here's hoping they stay quiet now!
As long as you still have power, you could use a white noise app on your phone or tablet. There are lots of free ones. WhiteNoiseHD is what I use, couldn't travel without it!
Just said 76 MPH gust in Orlando, higher than Bradenton on the coast.
They moved everyone out of the bungalows, right?

Yes, believe so!

Its is getting pretty loud out with the wind. All of the entry doors to our building (Moorea) are on close and have sandbags or towels at the foot of the doorways. Even in the center of the halway you can hear a slight howl of the wind. Pretty wild.
Just a quick post about the dogs. I personally don't have a problem with dogs in the main areas especially for an emergency, as long as they are well behaved - of course, the same goes for kids! :rotfl2:. However, an easy solution would be to have one adult or teen stay back in the room while others go to get food or have some time outside of the room to bring back or then switch off. I certainly understand there are some who are going solo, especially as an evacuee but these are the small minority. Most are couples/friends or families who could easily take shifts for a 24-48 hour period. It is no different than if you had a child who needed to stay in the room to rest.

anybody else have luck getting tickets for their loss of MNSSHP and the 2 days they believe will be canceled..? I know everyone is getting tickets or money back for MNSSHP but combined into a 2 or 3 day hopper pass...
https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/hurricane-irma-info/ about half down the page, it gives an email and a number to call for refunds for the MNSSHP Last year, they made us go to ticketing at the parks to resolve it. The CMs at the resorts wouldn't do it and you couldn't call either so this is great!

After hearing all the horror stories from previous hurricanes/storms that have hit the Orlando area, and how unprepared and poorly Disney handled things, I am glad to read how improved things are, this time around. I hope everyone continues to be safe and enjoy your vacations as best you can. You guys will have a heck of a trip report to write! Everyone in FL has my prayers
yes - sounds much better than last year. We had very little in the way of food options before/during the storm at BWV last year. After the storm a few restaurants opened on the board walk but the lines were long. And everything was so expensive.

Meanwhile, next door....View attachment 268500
I have to say, I find Hook to be the scariest of all the masked villians. He just looks so vicious.

According to the FAA, MCO airport is currently expected to begin operating on Monday 9/11 at 2:00 pm A lot of posters on the TPAS Irma thread are reporting that their incoming (to MCO) flights on Tuesday are being cancelled. Incoming flights being cancelled directly affect outgoing flights. I would suggest anyone with a flight using MCO on Monday or Tuesday check with their airlines. The earlier you find out your flight is cancelled, the earlier you can re-book and find an available seat.
With there being a curfew until Mon 6p, unless they lift it early, it is going to be difficult to get there... It is not just due to storm but keeping the roads open for utility and emergency vehicles right after the storm. Also, a lot of flights will continue to be canceled b/c there is not many paths outside the path of the storm.

I seriously should not have read this thread. We were due at the Poly on Friday (leaving next Saturday) and I cancelled everything Friday morning. I'm so upset I could cry.
Same here we would have arrived yesterday. I waited till Friday to postpone but finally gave in when i saw the reports of gas stations running out. I didnt want to run out of gas trying to get there. Losing Sunday and Monday would have made it hard to get all our plans in with just Tues Wed and Thurs left to go to the parks (assuming everything opens back up Tuesday).
We were there for Matthew last year. I was ok with it because I truly felt the storm was not going to hit bad. IT was the right choice for us but it was really boring sitting in our room for 24 hours. I had 3 teens so the characters in the lobby weren't exactly their kind of entertainment. As for IRMA, We were supposed to arrive today initially but I booked an extra night so that we could arrive yesterday. I kept watching the predictions and the gas station lines (coming from NC) and I just got such a bad feeling about it so we decided to modify our reservation on Friday to arrive this coming Tuesday. I extended the reservation to include next weekend. I am just praying that I95 is clear for Tues so we can get down. If not, then we will have to decide if it is worth going at all. So, I understand - it is such a hard decision. I can tell you - after gong through MAtthew there and now watching the reports on the news for Irma, I am very glad I modified to go down later in the week. 2 full days in a villa without going outside or getting away from each other (remember, 3 teens) would put me over the edge :faint: especially with the added stress of the storm, wondering about my car, my house at home, etc. I also didn't want to risk being stuck in several hours of traffic and no gas...

Anyone who's staying in their room right now, or from around here, do you have a preferred news station to watch for updates? I want to keep one on when I'm not watching Disney movies, but I don't know enough to know if any of them are better than others.
If you have it, I would recommend the weather channel. They have been incredible.

We talked to a Cast Member this morning at Disney Springs and she said that if the weather projections changed that Disney would resume operations on Monday, despite the closing notices that were posted yesterday. I'm hoping the most recent notice on Channel 3 is evidence of that.
Is there any word about the parks actually opening tomorrow?
I believe they opened Disney Springs early last year so maybe that one. My god will it be packed though.
They opened it at 5p Friday last year but Matthew was a mini storm compared to this one. IT did very little damage in the Disney area. I am thinking there will be considerably more damage seen tomorrow. Also, they only opened it after the county curfew was lifted. They would need to wait for that again this year.

On CNN they just announced Irma may veer away from Tampa and more towards Orlando. And that it's playing games. If you are there, don't break the curfew!
Definitely coming straight for Orlando area but the eye of the storm has essentially collapsed now so while you will get the rain the winds will be much lower by the time it is overhead.

My daughter and grandkids aged 5&6 evacuated from Plantation Florida on Thursday. We got them booked into BWV on our DVC points. It took me a few days to get them rooms as everything would be booked up, then open up, then book up again. It ended up being two different reservations so she had to check back in to her room again today. She is reporting to us and sending photos- it took her 7+ hours to get there - usually a 3.5 hour drive.
Glad she was able to get there safely even though th ride was much longer. BTW, did you call MS to try to merge the two reservations before she checked in? It can't always be done but it is so much easier to do that than have to deal with checking out/in again. Good luck to her when she makes her way back home.
Sorry to hear about your experience. I have to say I visited several different resorts over many years with my nephew who I raised from a small child. He was on autism spectrum and had several additional disabilities as well. Other than difficulties with Disney buses since my nephew was not in a wheel chair but could not maintain his balance standing on a bus so we often had to wait for a few buses before I was able to get him a seat, we never had a negative experience with a CM. Sometimes a guest might try to distance themself from him but CMs always went over and beyond to engage him in conversation or acknowledge him in some way. Once when we stayed at WL Cl level a CM overheard him ask if there was root beer and later we found a six pack of root beer in our room!
I lost him last year very suddenly. I will be forever grateful to all of the CMs who made our trips to Disney so magical and given me so many wonderful memories. I guess what I am trying to say is that your experience is not typical of Disney CMs at all.

Very unacceptable that you will have to wait for a few different buses to get a seat. Just tell the bus driver he/ she should announce can anyone give up their seat. Than everyone that is able to should get up with no hesitation and offer their seat
Yes, believe so!

Its is getting pretty loud out with the wind. All of the entry doors to our building (Moorea) are on close and have sandbags or towels at the foot of the doorways. Even in the center of the halway you can hear a slight howl of the wind. Pretty wild.

Hope you stay dry and can get some sleep. The doors at the Poly buildings and patio doors seem to leak a little. I think they are strong enough, just not brand new and well-sealed.
Honey I Shrunk the Kids started a few minutes ago on 31 for anyone still up!

Pressure from the storm is really hurting my ears (they are sensitive). Wind is loud at AKL. Haven't seen any animals from peeking out the doors. I hope they are safe!


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