Harvey Weinstein

Probably sharing a chateau with Roman Polanski (who was given a STANDING OVATION when he won an Oscar in 2003) I doubt Weinstein ever steps foot back in this country.
Apparently he never left the country. He is supposedly in "rehab" in Arizona now.
Cruiser21 isn't trying to excuse the behavior of the boys, but is acknowledging that group pressure is very difficult to withstand. I will give my experience in group behavior.

When I was a teen, I marched in a parade that celebrates Israel in NYC. The group I was marching with, were at a side street that was closed off to traffic and we waited a long time to march. As we waited, I noticed that all of a sudden a lot of police were coming into sight and they were locking arms from one corner to the other corner of the street. I was puzzled about why they were doing this. Then I noticed the people protesting the parade. A lot of them were Arabs, yelling slogans and raising fists. So we started yelling back, some curses in Arabic and when our teachers told us to stop we sang songs in Hebrew. There was definitely tension between the two groups, I felt it and then this thought came to my mind. I was thinking that if there was a spark that led to violence I wasn't sure that I would not join in. I did take that mental step back, and I acknowledge that my behavior until I took that step back that I was not thinking, joining in, and even with my thoughts I would have joined. We were a group and it was easy to not think about consequences. At the end of it, no violence or any one getting hurt. I guess that is why it wasn't on the tv news that night, even though I saw the camera filming us.
I understand what you mean about group pressure and it's affect.
For me my step back moment was a something my mother used to query my sisters and I with:" ....if alllll your friends jumped off the Empire State Building would you leap too?" This rhetorical question required a moment's thought during the deepest times of my teenage wasteland existence but yes I'm still here. And and don't worry it wasn't always about my ability to complete my collection of Troll dolls.....oops.

Critical thinking requires stepping back from the herd and it seems you were able to do that. Good on you!:)
Some in the media and politics and Hollywood covered for Weinstein for years. They want to highlight the mistreatment of women EVERYWHERE but Hollywood. Hypocrites!

There are hypocrites everywhere. Look at all the people who have no problem seeing how wrong Weinstein's behavior is but excuse other powerful men accused of similar things.
Some in the media and politics and Hollywood covered for Weinstein for years. They want to highlight the mistreatment of women EVERYWHERE but Hollywood. Hypocrites!
You have proof of your assertion or is that your opinion?

I find credible news outlets throughout the country. It is however important to be able to separate the entertainment and/or opinion segments from the hard news though. Learned that in grade school and the lesson still serves me well.

I think if it was that easy to find the information on Weinstein's abuses, Fox, for instance would have found it long ago.
BUT they didn't.
That honor belongs to the New York Times who might be thought by some to be biting the hand that feeds them.
What many forget is that the media is supposed to embody the 4th estate which neutrally presents facts and helps citizens of this and other countries make decisions on how effective and transparent their governments really are. This tradition goes all the way back in the USA to Peter Zenger, who fought in court for the freedom of the press pre- American Revolution.
Spent this summer not only @ Disney but also at Colonial Williamsburg, DC, and Philadelphia trying to help my DGD understand the current our roots and how it relates to the present. Interesting to see a child's mind at work:).
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Some in the media and politics and Hollywood covered for Weinstein for years. They want to highlight the mistreatment of women EVERYWHERE but Hollywood. Hypocrites!

There is no place that is free from the abuses of men and women it seems.

We see abuse on police body cams as one example. What should we do there as a people?

We see "abuse of power" in our schools, churches, daycares, homes, employment, and on and on.

We rely on the "system" to "take care of it". What if the "system" itself is corrupt or broken? Are we damned forever to live with the knowledge and live in despair.

If you speak up at your place of employment you may be in fear of losing your job. You will be heralded as a hero & a villain.

If you try to get ahead in a corrupt system you further the degradation, right, as in the case of reporters not highlighting these facts.

I just do not know what to think, do, be, anymore to be honest.

Perhaps this is just the beginning of "The Purge"? Everything is wide open and you cannot hide any longer.

What do you think?
I know for a fact that Tina Fey and some of the other comedy writers use comedy as a platform to bring people's attention to things. They discuss it in interviews- it is not a secret. As you say, comedy can be a tool. I guess not everyone understands that? For so many things in life there's never a good time to bring them up. If you get people thinking, there's a potential for reflection and examination.

I loved this show.

I guess you had to know what was going on to understand the inside joke.
Only in an industry full of phony tough guys could this loser get away with this habitual abuse.....what a bunch of cowards, I could not have any less respect for that town as a whole
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Some in the media and politics and Hollywood covered for Weinstein for years. They want to highlight the mistreatment of women EVERYWHERE but Hollywood. Hypocrites!

Yeah. Nobody anywhere else has EVER hush hushed this kind of thing. Oh and NOBODY is doing anything about it even though it's been story number one on every network out there.
Only in an industry full of phony tough guys could this loser get away with this habitual abuse.....what a bunch of cowards, I could not have any less respect for that town as a whole

Better start hating nearly every other town in the United States too because those that work in Hollywood come from everywhere. You can start with mine. We have a big hush hush scandal at one at one of the bigger private schools in the area. It happens everywhere and it happens from people in all walks of life.
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Says the poster who mentioned Bill O'Reilly on the "Celebrities you like/love" thread.

I kinda lump all show biz into a single industry, and it's my personal belief this problem is worse in show biz than industry "in general", but it's true he's not part of Hollywood.
I kinda lump all show biz into a single industry, and it's my personal belief this problem is worse in show biz than industry "in general", but it's true he's not part of Hollywood.

I didn't mean he was part of Hollywood. I meant it's hypocritical to list Bill O'Reilly as a celebrity you like/love while condemning Weinstein and Hollywood.
So Harvey Weinstein is going to challenge his firing from The Weinstein Co. Apparently his contract was written in such a way that if he was charged with sexual harassment, the company couldn't fire him. Instead, Weinstein would have to personally pay for any judgment that was awarded + a fine (payable to The Weinstein Co). First offense was 250k, second 500k, third 750k, 4th and each one after that 1 million.

Should be an interesting case.


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