Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

Bass Pro Shops Marathon
Spoiler Alert!! I finished!!

As those of you who read my journal with some regularity know, this was a big goal race for me this year. My prior PR for a marathon was 5:55 and I was hoping for a sub-5 hour marathon on this race. I've had a great training year, and was optimistic I could pull this off. Expo was uneventful with nothing much exciting for swag, but I did like the quarter zip shirts we got this year.

Unfortunately, mother nature had some plans that would ultimately spoil my ultimate goal as the finish time temps will attest.

Yeah, it was a hot one. We knew that was what we'd be dealing with, so we did do a good job of hydrating in advance of the race. Chris also had arranged to have our kids meet up with us along the race route as well to help with getting us rehydration supplies and other needed items. He even had the race map all lined out for them. :D

Gotta love a guy this organized, right?

We had everything laid out for the race and in bed by around 9:30. We did also get an extra hour of sleep which was nice! I went with my Fish Tank as the medal for this race was celebrating the new Wonders of Wildlife aquarium at our Bass Pro Shop in Springfield.

I also wore my newer Saucony Freedom shoes. I'd wore these for up to a 10-mile race, but not over that. I knew it was a risk, but they'd been feeling really good lately, so I decided to take a chance on them. *spoiler* Not my best decision.

Sleep was a bit fitful as I worried about the temps, but we were ready to get up and get after it when alarms went off at 4:45. The plan was to meet up with our Galloway group at 6 AM for a group photo before lining up for the 7 AM start. We got a good parking spot and headed in.

The new aquarium just opened a few weeks ago, and we haven't had a chance to go yet, but it looks amazing!

We quickly found our group and chatted for a bit before our group picture. I do love our Galloway group so much!

After the group photo, we found the 3 other folks in our group who wanted to run with us and headed to the start. It was already 70 degrees. :( Still it was exciting waiting for the start and we listened to the National Athem before we started out!

Once the anthem was done, we situated ourselves around the 4:45 pacer and then we were off!!

I've got a LOT of pictures for this race, so be warned. Chris was photo happy on this one. :D
Continued in next post!!
And we're off!!

I think the race has around 7,000 participants between the full, half and 5K. Confession, I colored my hair last night and YIKES it turned out really dark and a little scary. HA! I have no secrets from you people. Anyway, we had decided to just run the first mile or so since the course is crowded. The marathon turns off from the half route at mile 1 and we thought we'd just take it easy out of the gate and then settle into our intervals. The plan was to run :90/:30 and try to run around 10:45-11:00 m/m for as long as I could manage. The first mile was great and we ran it nice and steady and then settled into our intervals. Shortly after the turn off a woman named Wendy asked what intervals and pace we were running and when we told her, she asked if she could run along with us. Of course we said, "YES". The more the merrier!
Mile 1: 10:35
Mile 2: 11:13

Around 2.5 miles was when Chris said the kids should meet up with us for the first time. I asked him why so early and then was greeted with my surprise. Not only were my kids there, but 4 of our other friends as well! Apparently Chris had arranged for them to cheer us along the route as well. It was a great boost to see them. I didn't get a picture of it, but one of them was holding a sign saying, "If TRUMP can run, then so can you..." It cracked me up. (No political intention meant here, folks, just thought it was a funny sign!)
Mile 3: 10:53
Mile 4: 10:34

Feeling great here, although we were already starting to work up quite a sweat!

Mile 5: 11:03
Mile 6: 10:43

We were all feeling good and crusing along through our normal stomping grounds of training runs.

All smiles!!
Mile 7: 11:13

Shortly after this turn, we saw our group leader, Zoe, in her full Viking regalia cheering us on!!

She's awesome!

Mile 8: 10:45 and right on track and cruising past one of our favorite lakes!

Bit of a slog through here with a long hill, but the trees were beautiful!

Mile 9: 11:07

But that's not all, folks. There's more to come!!
And the going gets tough!!

But we're still happy!!

Shortly after mile 9, we ran into our support group again and found 2 more of our friends had joined as well.


And my kiddos!!

I felt like a celebrity running up to them!!

I mean, come on!! Who gets this kind of attention??

They had all kinds of goodies and refills for our electrolytes and again provided a great boost!! In no time we were off!!

Mile 10: 11:31
Mile 11: 11:08
Mile 12: 10:34
It was really starting to heat up and 2 of our running buddies were starting to spread the gap on us a bit, but it's still always nice to see the halfway point!!

Mile 13: 11:09

But now, the heat was really starting to get to me and the struggle began. We were running through some beautiful neighborhoods - love this house

And the leaves were spectacular

Mile 14: 12:03

And there were our friends again!!! No pictures on this one though. :(
But they had pickle juice and that makes lots of things better!!!

Around this point, though, the 5 hour pacer passed us. We decided to work hard to keep up with him though and we did keep him in our sights for quite awhile.

We saw the kids along in here as well again although I don't have a picture. Plus the official stop was handing out beer! Also no picture, but you better believe I drank some!!!
Mile 15: 12:03
Mile 16: 11:38

Mile 17: 12:03

It was really getting to be a struggle here though, so we opted to switch down to :60/:30 intervals to try and salvage the race as best we could at this point.

Mile 18: 12:00
Mile 19: 13:20
Mile 20: 12:32

What a relief to see mile 20. It was clear by this point that sub-5:00 was not going to happen, but I was still reasonably content with where we were all things considered. So on we went!!

And, yes, there's STILL more to come!!!

Seriously, though, it's freakin' November

AKA Mother Nature is a cruel Mistress!!
My darling husband and running partner was doing his best to keep me moving, and we managed to carry on clicking off some miles.
Mile 21: 12:13
And there were our friends again. Honestly, these people were life savers - running me into our next little pit stop and encouraging me

But, man, was the fatigue setting in - clearly

More pickle juice and ziploc bags with ICE (and, yes, they'd had those for us since mile 9 - life savers!) and they sent us on our way.
Mile 22: 13:26
Up a long hill here, but we managed to keep on keepin on
Mile 23: 14:54 Oh yeah, the wheels were coming off!!

Mile 24: 14:54
And one last visit with our friends. My face says it all here

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OK, yes, I was putting it on a bit here, but I was legit exhausted. I'd dumped around a gallon's worth of water on my head throughout the race and looked like a drowned rat.
More ice baggies and a short run with us to cheer us on to the last leg!!
I was feeling a bit better here. Still moving slow, but we were going to finish no doubt and with a great new PR, of that I was certain.
As we were approaching the final aid station around 24.5 or so, they had a little nordic friend sitting out. I couldn't resist a photo op.

Hey, at least I still had my sense of humor. :D
Mile 25: 15:14
And nearing the end, thank GOD!

We saw our group leader one last time along here and she had some ice for us. HUZZAH!! And then it was mile 26!!
Mile 26: 14:28

That stop sign up ahead is the final right turn into the finish which is a blissful 0.2 of downhill with cheering crowds. We saw our daughters (our son had bailed) and our friends as we ran into the finisher's chute!

Those are LEGIT happy smiles.
26.2 DONE in 5:20:32!!! Crushing my old PR by 35 minutes. I'll take it on a day like today!!!

Got our medals and posed with a couple of cuties!!

So happy to have that one done and in the books. We met up with the crew around the corner and they had nice cold beers for us as well!!

I don't know how to thank those folks enough. It was a brutal race, but seeing them throughout the course and getting their support and encouragement was amazing. I'm all verklempt about it.
And the bling's not half bad either.

Thanks also so much to everyone who read here and encouraged me. This race wasn't what I hoped for in terms of time, but, honestly, it was even better than that. You can't beat the kind of love and support I felt on this race and I wouldn't trade a sub-5 for any of that feeling. It was an amazing day and one I'll remember forever. Thanks for reading my long-winded and indulgent report.

Now it's on to Dopey. But, I might rest a day or two first. :D

:jumping1:Congratulations!!! Thatis a huge PR!!:cheer2:

Congratulations on your PR!! You are such a strong runner! Way to go! :cheer2:

Congrats on an awesome PR!!

Woo hoo @ZellyB and what a tease for the recap, can't wait!

Thank you!!! And, hey, I've gotta build up interest, right???

Keep them coming! Btw, huge props on the outfit, it looks great!

Thanks again. I was loving it too. Felt very appropriate.
This was a really tough day but Gisele was a beast fighting to complete this marathon. Like she said as hard as it was I enjoyed so much seeing our kids and our friends help us. My favorite picture for the whole day is the one at the end with our girls. They were so proud of their mother and asked her so many questions about her run, it was really awesome.
I would like to point out that I took this while running backwards. :teeth:
You have mad photo/running skills!


Wow, you worked hard in hot conditions!
I know you felt like a drowned rat, but your mile 26 on pics are just gorgeous. Strong, glowing, superwoman :)

Kudos to @Chris-Mo for running backwards as I'd have definitely bit it.

Congratulations on the impressive PR in miserable conditions!! 80 degrees in November? Ridiculous!

So happy for both of you! Hot conditions and still got a PR---you guys are my heroes!

Congrats on the new PR! Sorry the weather wasnt cooperating, but wow, awesome spectators and hubby!! :)

Awesome sauce! Congrats on that PR!

Thanks so much everyone!!


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