The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD Yesterday: I went outside at work to see it. Unimpressed from our views.

ATTQOTD: When I went through PT for Ankle Surgery - PT told me what type of shoe I needed. Looked up her recommendations and bought one of those.
ATTQOTD: I went to a running store when I first starting running with any seriousness and got fitted. They did a whole process as well where they recorded me on a treadmill and then analyzed my foot strike etc. Then they gave me several shoes to try and I settled on Saucony Kinvaras and I've run in them almost exclusively ever since. I've tried some other shoes now and again thinking something else might be better, but I always go back to the Kinvaras. Recently I bought some Saucony Freedom ISO shoes and while I wasn't sure I liked them at first, I'm now using them more and more.
I went to a local running store and it was a major game changer. I’ve had knee pain my whole life and wore arch supports and custom orthotics, and still had pain.

The shoes I was fitted with have allowed me to run pain free with no arch supports needed. Sort of a miracle in my mind!
I went to a local running store when I started running and was recommended to run in shoes with light-medium stability. I tried on several different options and liked the Saucony Guides the best. I've gone to get checked a couple time just to make sure nothing has changed and the Guides always seemed like the best option. In between checking, I just usually buy new pairs of Guides online as I tend to be able to get them cheaper that way.
QOTD: Lets discuss running shoes today. How did you determine what shoes you currently have? Did you try new brands / type as you circumstances change?
I currently run on New Balance and have for a while now. I haven’t really tried other brands although I’d like to see if any other brands do work for me. I need to go to a store and try on some different types.
QOTD: Lets discuss running shoes today. How did you determine what shoes you currently have? Did you try new brands / type as you circumstances change?
ATTQOTD: :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: I'm laughing because, as some of you already know, my running life has been one long search for THE Shoe! I am, I was told by my sports med doc, very hard to fit, and no running store fitting has resulted in good shoes for me. I'm much better off on my own. I look for certain characteristics I know work for me and will try any brand/model that seems to fit that criteria. The few shoes that have been my favorites were shoes no store would have put me in! My least favorite shoes were those an "expert" said I needed. The shoes I wore for Dopey training and racing weren't ever great, and resulted in some issues I'm sorting out now, so I've got a new pair of something else waiting at home to try.
QOTD: Lets discuss running shoes today. How did you determine what shoes you currently have? Did you try new brands / type as you circumstances change?

Like others, I also got fitted at a running store. I got fitted in my college years at a very popular running store in that city and just never had the best luck with them.
Several years ago, I went to what is now a "Fleet Feet" store (it was a private store then) and was fitted in Asics GT 2000 and have actually been in them ever since. I was refitted last year to see if I'd like something different, but I ended up in the new model.

Since then, I bought my current pair from Zappos with a coupon and have an identical "pair in waiting" that I bought from runners warehouse for like 1/3 of what I paid at the running store. I like supporting the running store, but at the same time... I like a good deal too!
ATTQOTD: :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: I'm laughing because, as some of you already know, my running life has been one long search for THE Shoe! I am, I was told by my sports med doc, very hard to fit, and no running store fitting has resulted in good shoes for me. I'm much better off on my own. I look for certain characteristics I know work for me and will try any brand/model that seems to fit that criteria. The few shoes that have been my favorites were shoes no store would have put me in! My least favorite shoes were those an "expert" said I needed.

This is me entirely! I love low drop, extra light, wide width shoes. Not a lot to choose from that fit the bill. I really like New Balance racing flats. I'm currently trying out some Sketchers GoRun 6's that I bought at a race expo. Liking them so far....
QOTD: Lets discuss running shoes today. How did you determine what shoes you currently have? Did you try new brands / type as you circumstances change?

I have two pairs of shoes right now - both New Balance. One I was fitted at my regular running store, and the other I was fitted at a New Balance store (it was the NB Run Hub @ NYRR, so it was a running-centric NB store). I've actually gotten fitted at the running store twice - the first shoe was okay but not perfect, so after two pairs of those, I decided to go get refitted. If your shoes ever don't feel right, definitely go get refitted - your gait can change as your body changes (whether that's gaining or losing weight, changes in muscle or joint, etc), and it's important to understand that just because a shoe worked for you a year ago, doesn't mean it's good now. The second shoe they fitted me for seems to be working out really well. Only problem is, it can get kinda heavy sometimes, and I don't think I need that much cushion for shorter runs. Once I realized that, I went to the NB store (because I figure they would be best at comparing NB shoe cushioning) and got fitted for my second type of shoes.
In terms of buying shoes ... I usually buy the first pair in-store and then subsequent pairs online for cheap. Unfortunately, both of my shoes have newer models out (and one I'm actually holding out to see if they come out with an even newer model in the next month or two), so I may go back into the running store and try the new models to see how they feel.

I know some people can probably get away with running in whatever shoes, but I think there's no harm in getting fitted, and it can help you look at shoes that you might not have previously considered (for example - before I got fitted, I only wore Asics. When I got my first pair of NB, I specifically told them that I liked Asics, and I ended up liking the New Balance shoes way more than both pairs of Asics shoes that I tried). And if anything in your running changes (whether that change is related to your body, your plan, your location/terrain, your mindset, or anything else), it definitely doesn't hurt to go back and get refitted. Even if you like your current shoes, you can go in and say, "I like Shoe X, but I want to also explore other shoes and see if there might be an even better fit" - I'd imagine most stores will give you a new pair of your current shoe to try so that you can compare it to other shoes. Definitely no harm in going to get fitted as often as you think you might want/need to.

I also have to give a big shout out to the people around here who encouraged me to go get fitted in the first place. There were a lot of people involved in that, but @Keels was the one who actually made it happen. So thank you everyone (especially Keels).

I picked the shoes I thought looked the coolest and have never looked back. I’ve stuck with the Gel Noosa line from ASICS because they’ve never caused me pain and have kept me relatively blister free (only a few times during marathons). I’ve tried other models and have determined the two aspects of the shoe that work best for me: I need a firm heel grab/cup (not sure on the lexicon) and a wide toe box. I tried Kayanos last year to see what a more heavily cushioned shoe would do for me and my heel moved around way too much and I was blistering on the Achilles/heel area after runs of less then 4 miles. I’ve also tried a couple Nike versions and the toe box squeezes my toes and causes a lot of discomfort. I can’t run on those long enough to even know what damage they would do. The Noosas aren’t the most cushioned and as I’m not an elite athlete I think I’d like a little more cushioning, but every time I try to move on I come right back and have a new expensive pair of not that comfortable walking shoes.
ATTQOTD: I had some joint pain when I came back to running after having my kid, so I went to a local running store and got fitted. I ended up with a pair of Saucony Zealot's that I liked at first, but when I started running more, I had more joint discomfort. I went back armed with new info about what I liked and didn't like about the Zealots, and I showed them the wear patter on the heels (I'm was a heel striking badly in them).

We eventually landed on a pair of NB 1400s that I adored for speed and long runs, and I rotated in a pair of Kinvara's that I got on huge sale and liked for easy efforts at first, but I noticed that I felt a little clunky in my stride in them. Then, at the MCM expo they had a Brooks area. I did a gait analysis and they recommended Brooks Pureflows. I tried them on and LOVED them. They don't have a ton of spring, so I tend to wear them for shorter efforts. So now I have three completely different brands in rotation: NB 1400s (just breaking in a new pair now) for outdoor speed and LRs. Brooks Pureflows for shorter or easier efforts outdoors (EA/EB runs, for the DB plan users here). Interestingly, the Kinvara's are really comfortable on the treadmill, so I use them for all treadmill runs now, no matter what kind of run it is.
ATTQOTD: What a timely question...and a great opportunity to gather my thoughts on this as I'm having some issues. I started out running in cheerleading shoes....because we were forced to run at practice and that's what I had- why I never thought to bring a different pair, who knows. So that continued through college, but when I started to run on my own I wore Nike Shox...yikes. My shins were on fire at all times. Finally, when I was 22, I got evaluated at a pop-up Brooks store. They sold me the Ravenna. Worked for me when I was running for fitness, but no so much when I decided I wanted to start training for a half in 2013. Ended up with a tibial stress fracture and a broken heel (which could have been there for a long time because I didn't even know I had pain in my heel). So after I got cleared, I headed to the local running store to get fitted. They put me in Asics GT 2000. I did wear basic drugstore PF insoles, but after W&D 2014, I got evaluated for a pair of aetrex insoles at Fit2Run at DS. I wore this combo up until May 2017 (changing out shoes every 300 miles, insoles every year). Started having some shin pain, so back to my local running store. This time, I got the Brooks Adrenaline GTS. Combined with my aetrex, these worked out amazingly. But, after doing 3 halfs in them this fall, I knew it was time for new shoes and insoles.

Here's where I'm having problems....I ordered the correct model number in my insoles, but from the wrong line. My insoles that I had success in were from the Sports line, and I ordered from the Complete line. I'm not sure what the difference is. But I have been experiencing substantial calf/achilles pain equally in both legs. I assume the shoes are not the problem, so I put in my old insoles from the Sports line and did a few miles. No calf/achilles pain, but shin pain the next day- probably because the insoles were worn. One of the guys at the running store, and my husband who kind of coaches me, think that I may have gotten a lot stronger than when I got fitted for the insoles and my form has improved, that it may be too much correction to have the corrective shoe and insole. So I ditched the aetrex insoles this weekend and ran a pain-free 5K Saturday, with no residual soreness. I ran 10 miles yesterday with no corrective insoles, and the only thing that hurts today are my knees (normal). I had some calf cramping around 9.7, but nothing major that slowed me down. So, I think this is the best bet for now? After my March half, I'll have 4 weeks before my April half, so I think I might go get fitted again.

This was very long-winded, but it's been on my mind the last few weeks. Any insight is welcomed!
ATTQOTD: I went and got fitted at a local running store about 5 years ago. I ended up in a Saucony Guide and then switched to a Hurricane. About a month ago I went back to the running store to get fitted again, and two different employees both evaluated my gait and decided I don't pronate and don't need a stability shoe after all. So now I'm in Saucony Ride 10s and haven't had any issues with them.
ATTQOTD: I went to some local running stores. Unfortunately it seems anytime I find something I like the next model is made narrower and so I have to start my search again for a shoe that comes in wide. Why can't they all come in wide? :confused3
ATTQOTD: When I started running again I went to D1ck’s Sporting Goods and tried on a bazillion pairs of shoes and ran around the shoe department. That’s when I discovered Brooks Ghost and loved them. Had a gait analysis done at Fit 2 Run the following year and found out I had a neutral gait so I stuck with the Ghosts. The next year when I needed shoes I went to a local non-chain store. I had another analysis done there and they said I had a neutral gait. So I figured I’d just go with the Ghosts again, but that was the year Brooks changed them and messed up the toe box for me. I have a wide foot, but my regular width Ghosts always fit fine. With the new Ghost shoe design even the wide width were too narrow. After trying on many pairs of shoes from many brands and hating them all he had me try on a new shoe by New Balance (1080 Fresh Foam). They were perfect. I’ve worn that style ever since. I love that they offer a big selection of colors in a wide width. A lot of times shoe manufacturers only make them in one color and not always the prettiest either. I’d like to get myself a lighter pair of shoes for my shorter easy runs. Not sure if I’ll go directly to New Balance or a local running store. Maybe both?
Today's QOTD inspired me to try to recall aaaaallll of the shoes I've tired over the years... I'm sure I'll miss some, but here's what I remember and how they fared:

Supernova Sequence 9 - okay, but altered my gait to the point of injury
Ultra Boost ST - too soft, returned

Instinct (the original) - loved the ride, hate the fit; too loose in the heel
Paradigm, Torin, Provision, One - none fit right, returned

Nimbus 11 - one of my most favorite shoes! wore them into the ground, but no Nimbuses (Nimbi?) since have worked
Noosa, Cumulus, Kayano, GT1000 - none fit well; too narrow in the forefoot
GEL Phoenix - a good one for me, but they stopped making them
GT2000 - worked well enough for a while, but not an ideal fit and forefoot sole was shot at 150 miles

Launch 2, 4, 5 - best fitting shoe ever for me! But not enough cushion up front for long runs
Ghost 7 - a favorite that I wore into the ground, but no Ghosts since has worked
Glycerine 15 - great fit, good ride, a little too squishy and HEAVY
PureFlow (original) - a favorite that I wore into the ground!
Ravenna 4, 8 - both fit beautifully, but altered my gait uncomfortable
Transcend - most painful shoe I've ever tried!
PureCadence (original) - almost as perfect a fit as the PureFlow and Launch, but the heel was looser than I like

something that started with a K - was amazing... until it wasn't
Arahi - ditto. Something about Hokas just does not work for me

Nexxus - a favorite! and they stopped making it
Inspire 9 - fit well, but made my gait feel wonky; drop too high
Sayonara - great ride, but too narrow

New Balance:
Vazee Prism - great ride, but the heel is just loose enough to irritate me
Vongo v2 - I want to love these, but they just have too much stability
what I think was a 1400, long ago - I rarely ran in them, but wore them out using them at WDW

Cortez, satin - My first running shoe, circa late 70s! I loved those shoes with all my heart... and the multi-color heart laces I laced them up with lol! Had a few pairs in a row.
Pegasus, original - ditto, but with purple heart laces. Various more Peg incarnations throughout my schooling
another Peg in the 1990s - an all-time favorite shoe I wore the heck out of
Peg 34 - new and waiting to be tried tonight! maybe the shoe search comes full circle?

Gravity II - a favorite I wore until the outermost lug was completely gone; wish I'd have stocked up on them
Gravity III - never fit as well as the II, though the ride was as good
Motion III - poor fit; heel too loose
Kismet - great ride & fit, but only in one color; other colors fit poorly
Kismet III - working well so far!

Guide 9 - what a store put me in; never fit right and altered my gait uncomfortably
Kinvara 5 I think - looooved the ride! but Saucony just does not fit the shape of my feet; loose heels, tight forefeet

Miles - just tried this last night; doesn't fit me well. but for the right foot they have serious potential

PHEW! That's a LOT of shoes. :faint:
ATTQOTD: When I first started running I went to Dick's and bought some Nike Frees. They ended up giving me Achilles Tendonitis, so off of running for a while (probably because I bought ankle braces and ran a half in them while I was in pain!). Then went to Fleet Feet and they fitted me with Brooks Transcend 3's. I loved those shoes so much, but not the teal color (the only color the store carried) so I ordered some pink ones from Runners Warehouse when I needed new shoes. Well, they were obviously manufactured in a different place as they were the same size as the ones I bought in store but they were so tight they hurt my toes. Of course I didn't really figure out what the problem with them was until I had them too long to return them. So I went on Brooks website and bought another of the same pink pair but ordered up a half size and ran in them for a while, thinking I had solved my problem. Well, I was continually getting blisters on the outside of my big toes and finally figured out that the toe box in Brooks is too big for me (I had been losing weight so that probably contributed to it also).

I went to a Fleet Feet in NC while visiting DD28 and they have a new system for fitting you, where you stand on a machine and it maps your feet. I tried on a few pairs of shoes, Brooks Adrenaline, Saucony Glide and Nike Zoom Structure that the machine said were right for me and went with the Nikes. I am not 100% happy with them as I am used to a lot more cushioning but I like them ok. They have a much narrower toe box so my feet aren't sliding around and I stopped getting blisters.

I was just telling DH that I am going to go to a non chain running store to get fitted when I need new shoes, just to see what they would put me in. Fleet Feet's machine sends out an email that supposedly tells you all about your feet and I disagreed with a bunch of their data. I think they had just gotten the machine and maybe they girl waiting on me didn't know what she was doing? She kinda lost interest in me when I declined the $50 insoles she wanted me to buy.

On a side note, DH remarked that my "cheap" running sport wasn't very cheap. :laughing:
I've been running with New Balance 860s or 880s for several years now as they work for me. I need a stability shoe and they also work well with my orthotics. I tend to buy in bulk when I get a shoe that works [and looks good] so I do have closet full of new [or old] pairs ready to go!
QOTD: Lets discuss running shoes today. How did you determine what shoes you currently have? Did you try new brands / type as you circumstances change?.

ATTQOTD: An Orthopedics surgeon instructed me to get motion control running shoes and to go to a running store to get fitted. He gave me a list of brands/types he preferred. I also needed strength training for my knees. I went to 2 stores and got 2 different types and I love them both. They don’t have a lot of cushion for my longer runs, so I just was fitted again and I’m now neutral! I still wear the motion control for shorter / trail runs but longer runs I use the new cushy neutrals.

Towards the end of life on my first motion control shoes I’ll head back and see if there are any other changes, most likely in the fall.


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