The Running Thread - 2018

Sleep: I'm in the 8-9 hour a night category, with naps on the weekend to add to that.

Workouts: I walk everyday, rest day or not. I also try to knockout a 100 calories on the recumbent bike every night. I go to the Y for strength training on one of my days off.
ATTQOTD: My recovery days are purely recovery. :) I do go to OrangeTheory twice a week (before work) and then I run after work, also. My recovery days fall the day after the combo days, so it all works out.
Yesterday’s ATTQOTD: I like to have 7-8 hours of sleep. Sometimes I work overnight so I might not get even close to that...and I will definitely feel very sluggish during a run.

Today’s ATTQOTD: On my rest/recovery days, I track 3 different activities. The 1st is obviously just rest and no strenuous activities. The 2nd is weight training and the 3rd is cycling.
ATTQOTD: Perfect timing for this question! I’ve been walking around the neighborhood on non-running days and I did an hour of yoga last week. really love lifting weights, but I’m finding it hard to squeeze in time for the gym. My goal for this weekend was to make a new schedule to fit in running, gym, yoga, boot camp, kids school & homework, kids sports/activities, son’s therapies (he has autism), errands and housework. I have to make two - one for when my DH is home and one for when he is traveling for work. Eventually I’d like to get a BowFlex for the house. It’ll be so much easier to work out and do laundry at the same time LOL!!!
On non-running days I like to do body pump and the elliptical 2 times per week. I have one actual rest day per week and like to take a lunch time or post work walk on those days when the weather cooperates. Sometimes I also do recovery yoga on the rest day but I've been skipping that too much recently.
ATTQOTD: Currently I do nothing. I've THOUGHT about doing some yoga now for about a year, but have done nothing of the sort. I know I should do more than just running. Someday...
ATTQOTD: I do Body Pump and Beachbody's 80 Day Obsession program currently. I run 6 days a week, so Wednesdays are my days off from everything, and they are GLORIOUS.
ATTQOTD: Last year I did nothing, rest meant rest. This year I have decided to do some body weight exercises using a set of fit deck cards that we got many years ago and just rediscovered and to try lap swimming. I am not a swimmer by trade so it is not pretty, but I did manage to get through a 500 SKIPS. Of course it took me like a half hour vs kids 6mins but that's another story.
This week we have the following folks with races, and possibly others who listed a race this week that I havent caught up to yet.

10 - @kleph - Dash for the Beads 10k (NG / N/A)
10 - @HomeiswhereMickeyis - Brevard Zoo Bat Boogie 3K (NG / N/A)

If you would like to revise you goal or make another change of any kind let me know. If anyone else has a race they would like to add to the list let me know and I will get it to the OP. Best of luck this weekend!!

@LSUlakes Planned races this year:

Feb. 17 Disney at Heart - Thrill in the Hills 21k Trail Race (NG / N/A)
May 05 Disney at Heart - Lake Hartwell Dam Run 10k (NG / N/A)
May 28 Disney at Heart - Georgia Peach Jam Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
June 10 Disney at Heart - Echo Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
July 4 Disney at Heart - Atlanta Peachtree Road Race 10k (NG / N/A)
August 24 Disney at Heart - Midnight Flight 10k (NG / N/A)
October 21 Disney at Heart - Atlanta 10-Miler (NG / N/A)
November 22 Disney at Heart - Atlanta Thanksgiving Half Marathon (NG / N/A)

Cutting back a little this year. I'll sign up for a few local 5k's, but they are not set up yet. The "Triple Peach" Atlanta events are not open for registration yet, but I plan to sign up for them.

Sleep: 8+ hours
Recovery Days: Used to do an Internet "Pilates for Runners" routine 2 days a week, but like many others, got out of the habit a while back and haven't done it for a while.
I usually try to do a walk on my non-running days (30-60min).

I need to be doing more yoga. Went for the first time in months this weekend....and....ouch!
@LSUlakes - when you get a chance, I have two new races to add:

September 30 - SarahDisney - New Balance Bronx 10 Mile
October 14 - SarahDisney - NYRR Staten Island Half

No goal for either one just yet - they're too far away for me to start planning/thinking. But since I'm registered, I figured I might as well post them here.
sleep is...variable. Last year, while juggling work/finishing my dissertation, I got *very* little. Now that I'm essentially unemployed, it's really hard to get motivated out of bed, especially if my foot is really sore (plus, something like 30 years of accumulated sleep debt). Evening things out is a work in progress.

other activities: would love to get back in the pool (I swam varsity in h.s.) but with an uneven schedule and yet-to-hear-an-ok from the doc, that's on hold. (did a water session while I was still delusional about my ankle, and the kicking motion hurt like hell, hence the waiting even for the non-impact of doing laps) Likewise, would like to add in biking, but still in a holding pattern. Ugh.

On the plus side, less than a month until my sister and I head to New Orleans, and even with the recent inactivity we should still be fine walking the 5k. Plus that weekend is being turned into something a bit more high-key, as she got accepted into a program at Tulane, so now we get to build in a school visit so she can make a decision. Woo-hoo!
@PCFriar80 , I'm not shoveling that big of an area!
sleep is...variable. Last year, while juggling work/finishing my dissertation, I got *very* little. Now that I'm essentially unemployed, it's really hard to get motivated out of bed, especially if my foot is really sore (plus, something like 30 years of accumulated sleep debt). Evening things out is a work in progress.

other activities: would love to get back in the pool (I swam varsity in h.s.) but with an uneven schedule and yet-to-hear-an-ok from the doc, that's on hold. (did a water session while I was still delusional about my ankle, and the kicking motion hurt like hell, hence the waiting even for the non-impact of doing laps) Likewise, would like to add in biking, but still in a holding pattern. Ugh.

On the plus side, less than a month until my sister and I head to New Orleans, and even with the recent inactivity we should still be fine walking the 5k. Plus that weekend is being turned into something a bit more high-key, as she got accepted into a program at Tulane, so now we get to build in a school visit so she can make a decision. Woo-hoo!

Congrats on finishing a dissertation! I have to say it was simultaneously a high and low point in life, and the need to sleep for weeks on end is familiar to me.
Can you swim with a pull bouy or rig something else to immobilize your kick until you get an all clear?


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