I love your descriptions of Total Wine! We really enjoy it there, too. So many pretty bottles to look at! I really want to try 4 Rivers....how does it compare to Bubbalous?
So, we got boxes to take away and then we waddled out to the car to head back home for I think a snooze before we could move again.......this had been a gorgeous lunch once again.......we tell so many people to come here, we should get shares!!!!
This is in Winter Garden? May have to try this in June! We have friends who have won national competitions in BBQ (love being a guinea pig for them) so we need to check this out, and o. m. g. on the dessert.

Seems people are getting ruder - have seen it on a couple TR across a different boards. I used to shrug off the occasional 'accidental-but really avoidable' stuff but now I make a snarky comeback (so sorry my 'insert body part' got in way of 'insert rude behavior') as it is really more frequent.
Love seeing your day trips to the towns and areas surrounding Universal! They always look so lovely! One of these days I should really make a point of exploring a little more but I rarely have a vehicle when I'm in Florida and don't rent a car, also commando touring schedules often don't include too much wiggle room for it all. I love living vicariously through you! :)

Dunedin in particular looks gorgeous! I don't think I've ever been myself but one of the girls I work with was just there in March and had a great time! I'll have to put it on the list!
I love your descriptions of Total Wine! We really enjoy it there, too. So many pretty bottles to look at! I really want to try 4 Rivers....how does it compare to Bubbalous?

Oh we could spend hours in there just wandering around and wondering how many unique bottles would make it home safely wrapped in bubble wrap.......lol........

That’s a tough one between those two........I think they’re mostly on a par but 4Rivers just gets the edge I think.......we haven’t been to Bubbalous for a few years now though.......

Bubbalous does have a spicier sauce!
This is in Winter Garden? May have to try this in June! We have friends who have won national competitions in BBQ (love being a guinea pig for them) so we need to check this out, and o. m. g. on the dessert.

Seems people are getting ruder - have seen it on a couple TR across a different boards. I used to shrug off the occasional 'accidental-but really avoidable' stuff but now I make a snarky comeback (so sorry my 'insert body part' got in way of 'insert rude behavior') as it is really more frequent.

This one was Winter Park, there is another in Winter Garden too that was also excellent. Oh I could do that for friends too......lol.......desserts were amazing!!!

Yes, I hate rude. I’m finding a lot of people my age and older seem to be the guilty ones a lot.......I’m generalising of course........

A young lad of around 17 bumped into Tom near Jurassic Park and he honestly couldn’t apologise enough and his mother apologised to him too as the lad was walking backwards.......then gave him into trouble.......very different from the mother at the boat line.

Yes, accidents happen, but I always apologise if I bump into anyone.......and yes have been known to have a snarky reply too on occasion. My favourite is to shout “you’re welcome” when you let someone through or hold a door open and they don’t say Thank You.........manners cost nothing.

Thankfully most people aren’t like that........
Love seeing your day trips to the towns and areas surrounding Universal! They always look so lovely! One of these days I should really make a point of exploring a little more but I rarely have a vehicle when I'm in Florida and don't rent a car, also commando touring schedules often don't include too much wiggle room for it all. I love living vicariously through you! :)

Dunedin in particular looks gorgeous! I don't think I've ever been myself but one of the girls I work with was just there in March and had a great time! I'll have to put it on the list!

I’m so glad you’re enjoying reading along........:thumbsup2

There really is so much to see and do around and outside the parks, but of course schedules are limiting and parks are priorities........and if you have a car of course it makes it so much easier.

Dunedin is gorgeous! It is so laid back (usually) we will go back up there another trip........but we have a few other places we want to visit too.......just a few :D
Wow- a great couple of days! Total Wine looks great- we usually just buy our wine at Publix but will have to check this place out!

So sorry about your ankle! Just horrible how some parents ignore their children's bad behavior. They should have thought ahead that this could happen and stopped the ball flinging!

O'Charley's has been on our to do list for a bit, too. Your food looks good!

Windemere and the Smokehouse look great- haven't been there yet.

$15,000 bottle of wine??!!!! You could take a couple of vacations ( and good ones) for that price!!
I'm surprised it was out on the shelf. At the liquor store here, they have a locked room with glass walls for all the expensive stuff. You need to take a worker in with you! Us poor folks just stare in and look!
Wow- a great couple of days! Total Wine looks great- we usually just buy our wine at Publix but will have to check this place out!

So sorry about your ankle! Just horrible how some parents ignore their children's bad behavior. They should have thought ahead that this could happen and stopped the ball flinging!

O'Charley's has been on our to do list for a bit, too. Your food looks good!

Windemere and the Smokehouse look great- haven't been there yet.

$15,000 bottle of wine??!!!! You could take a couple of vacations ( and good ones) for that price!!
I'm surprised it was out on the shelf. At the liquor store here, they have a locked room with glass walls for all the expensive stuff. You need to take a worker in with you! Us poor folks just stare in and look!

Total Wine is amazing! They have so many wines, and plenty of good ones it makes your hair curl!! It’s maybe a good job we don’t live there.........lol.......they also have some very nice brandies that are in locked cabinets too......and so many rums, tequilas and amazingly priced too........but the wine place in Windermere that bottle was just sat there.......we didn’t hang around for long near it.......I’m a bit klutzy at times........

4Rivers is worth a visit.......good food and service is always so friendly.........

The ankle was fine really, I just don’t understand parents who don’t stop their kids doing things like that when surrounded by people........

Glad you’re still reading along.........:)
Oh my goodness....that coconut cake..... was it as delicious as it looked?

Loving your report!

It really was divine!!!

We shared both cakes......it was like microsurgery slicing them so we both got an equal share of each......:rotfl:

So nice to read you’re enjoying reading along.........:)
Just back a from a few days away visiting my parents a couple provinces away and enjoying catching up on your trip report. We've headed out to the gulf coast on the last two trips and both times (plus the day we went to Legoland) the traffic was seriously backed up around the Davenport turn off for no apparent reason. i have no idea why it always seems to be backed up around there but presume it is just the volume. i was just glad the traffic was still moving albeit slowly. There seems to be a couple spots like that en route to Tampa area.

PS. I ended up enjoying RPR so much even though we were there for only one night that I've been obsessively checking rates for Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb and decided to book a week club level in mid December as I found a rate I can't pass up. DH and DS are on board with the plan and we going to just stay there for our whole week rather than breaking it up going elsewhere for a few days (or a bit more depending on flights and how comfortable I am taking DS out of school for that long, although they really don't do much the last week before the Christmas break).
Just back a from a few days away visiting my parents a couple provinces away and enjoying catching up on your trip report. We've headed out to the gulf coast on the last two trips and both times (plus the day we went to Legoland) the traffic was seriously backed up around the Davenport turn off for no apparent reason. i have no idea why it always seems to be backed up around there but presume it is just the volume. i was just glad the traffic was still moving albeit slowly. There seems to be a couple spots like that en route to Tampa area.

PS. I ended up enjoying RPR so much even though we were there for only one night that I've been obsessively checking rates for Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb and decided to book a week club level in mid December as I found a rate I can't pass up. DH and DS are on board with the plan and we going to just stay there for our whole week rather than breaking it up going elsewhere for a few days (or a bit more depending on flights and how comfortable I am taking DS out of school for that long, although they really don't do much the last week before the Christmas break).

Oh I think the traffic always seems to be backed up there! We avoid as much as possible.......but when you’re heading to that area it’s hard to avoid isn’t it.........yes, we had a few spots that are always the same every time we travel that way.......

How fabulous you have booked a week at RP! It’ll be so much fun for you all........we can’t wait to go back in December again.......especially as Kyle will be with us again on that trip........

We always took Kyle out of school to go to America.......and even faced the wrath of everyone by taking him out in his final year of senior school, and even his 2 years at college before University when everyone says you shouldn’t do that........well, he still graduated University with a First Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering......so didn’t do him any harm........ :-) Vacation time is priceless.........:thumbsup2

I’m so glad you’re still reading along and enjoying it..........:)
The horse -- back in the day, I think this all started with themed cows. We had a ton in Kansas City (a cowtown!). I had completely forgotten about them until I saw this. I have a miniature cow made like these... I think it had a "theater" theme.
The horse is part of the Painted Ponies: The Trail of the Painted Ponies. First Dude was a G1 winning racehorse and was bred in Florida and stands at Stud in Ocala. They have/had a number of them in Saratoga Springs, NY, Lexington and Louisville, KY. They are usually painted with something meaningful to the area. We are a racing and rodeo family, so I seem to have lots of useless knowledge like that
Also they sell the various horse statues in miniature, not my taste but there are a lot of collectors.

Love the pictures of Hogwarts!! I must get back to see the castle show! Coconut cake was my Dad's favorite...Mom is a champion baker and it's the main cake he would always ask for. None for me though as I am allergic.:sad:
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The horse -- back in the day, I think this all started with themed cows. We had a ton in Kansas City (a cowtown!). I had completely forgotten about them until I saw this. I have a miniature cow made like these... I think it had a "theater" theme.

The horse is part of the Painted Ponies: The Trail of the Painted Ponies. First Dude was a G1 winning racehorse and was bred in Florida and stands at Stud in Ocala. They have/had a number of them in Saratoga Springs, NY, Lexington and Louisville, KY. They are usually painted with something meaningful to the area. We are a racing and rodeo family, so I seem to have lots of useless knowledge like that
Also they sell the various horse statues in miniature, not my taste but there are a lot of collectors.

Love the pictures of Hogwarts!! I must get back to see the castle show! Coconut cake was my Dad's favorite...Mom is a champion baker and it's the main cake he would always ask for. None for me though as I am allergic.:sad:

Well, that kinda explains it.......I did mean to Google it, but forgot till I saw the pic the other day..........

Tink2Day.....I love useless knowledge about anything......it`s how we tend to win at quiz nights as I seem to know the most useless stuff about everything and folks always say.....how on earth did you know that.......lol.......

I can`t bake very well at all, I can cook but baking doesn't seem to be my thing. I love coconut cake.....well, anything coconut really........shame you`re allergic as it is so nice!!!!

You`d enjoy the Castle show.........not anything major, but cute.......:)
MONDAY CONT.........

We went down for the boat and Tom realized he had forgotten his hat.......I wasn't bothering as I have much more hair than Tom and the sun would be going down soon, but he went back for it just in case........it was a little dull right now, but as soon as he came back the sun burst through the trees and it was hot!!! So he did the right thing........we had missed a boat with him going back, but there was another one appeared just as he got back through.......and it was a busy boat again. This was a thing this visit, usually boats weren't overly busy, but this time we had seen many boats filled to the brim with people.

We went through the gates and again Tom`s AP wouldn't recognize him.......today he hadn't brought his driving licence which we use for ID in Florida, so the guy had to go do something in the office and took the room key as ID.......took a few minutes and he was back and gave Tom his AP and key back.......we got in. We went to Guest Services and asked if there was an issue with the Pass, but they said it was fine....and if it did it again they could change it for another......we did think briefly of asking about standby for the floats, but thought better of it.......we`d be happy just watching.........

This was another day we planned to take our time and enjoy all things Mardi Gras........but we did go on the Minion ride and regular line was 95 minutes........we actually walked straight on without stopping in the EP line as we just timed it nice for the amount of people she was letting in. That was nice timing. Enjoyed the ride as always and got back out into the sunshine.........we gave RRR a miss today and went over to see the MG area........we weren't planning on having any food today as we were still pretty full from lunch.........but it`s always nice wandering around.....we do however risk The Mummy again.......and it wasn't nearly as bad as the previous day.....I think they must have turned it up or something.......today felt normal, but the EP again was around 15 - 20 minutes, so we only did it once.......we always ask for the first row as it doesn't seem to hurt my back as much as the back rows........but you still get airtime if that makes sense.......it is such a good ride and one of the best themed rides around........

It is early and we see some of the MG dancers around......we are heading to Finnegans but first we stop and watch them dance around, and may even have joined in at certain points..........:D




They were so good with everyone, especially the little kids and spent a lot of time interacting with the people around.....the atmosphere was very carnival I suppose and it was so lovely to be there..........

But, cocktails were on our agenda right now.........

Finnegans isn't somewhere we eat, think I may have mentioned that, but they do good drinks........and it was busy again.......it usually is, especially on HHN......you can`t move sometimes for bodies in there, so we tend to avoid it. But today, although there were no seats at the bar, we got a seat at the row of bar type stools behind......

I opted for the Rum Neuralyzer again.......but instead of a tall glass I had before, it was in a pint glass.........Tom had a beer........


The Neuralyzer is a gorgeous cocktail.....very fruity........it did have lots of ice in but Jim behind the bar has a very good pour!!! They do a few nice cocktails too........


It was so nice in here........there was a guy singing and playing the guitar, he was ok.........then a girl I assumed was his singing partner and had been on a break got up and started singing an Adele song.......she was fantastic!!! I mean really amazing.......she did one song and sat down with her friends again.....she was just in the bar having drinks.......honestly, I`d have laid money she was part of a double act with him......she got a huge response!!!!

We weren't ready to move, so Tom got up and got us another drink......he had just got up when someone sat his daughter down on it.......I said to him my husband was sitting there, he had just gone to the bar.......the young girl had an absolute meltdown.......but her father did well and persuaded her it was someone`s eat and they moved, but they couldn't sit at the bar as she was only around 13. They eventually left looking a little frazzled. Tom came back and we had our second drink and just enjoyed the atmosphere for a while longer........we were enjoying this time where we weren't going around on any time scale and not doing rides as a priority.......it was nice.

We eventually left the bar and wandered around this area a little.........so many little details on the windows and buildings.......love it.


We walk around past Louie`s, our favourite park pizza place........and wander round to Lombards which has the prettiest outlook from their restaurant........this area is so nice too......


We walk straight around to Potter after a brief bathroom visit here.......it looks busy again today........but we do go in and have a quick ride on Gringotts.......the EP line wasn't too bad, maybe around 15 minutes.......but the regular line looked dreadful.......we didn't take any pictures today as we had put the camera and bag in a locker........the ride was good......we got on the second from front row, but have to say we prefer the last row as you feel the tiny drop a little bit more back there........it`s not really a drop that you imagine on a ride, it`s very small, but some seem to think it`s sharp......we don't.

We come back out and have a wander round the Knight Bus......of course I like it since it`s Purple.........but, it`s neat to be able to look inside at the back......most people want their picture with the conductor of course, but we had done that many times and didn't need another one today.........




We move away as there is someone else wanting to look in, we realize she`s on her own and ask if she`d like some pictures taken......she is delighted and poses for a few pictures then thanks us and asks us where she can ride FJ.....we tell her she has to go to the other park for FJ does she have a 2 park ticket......she says no but thought it was in this park.....tell her Gringotts is the Potter ride in this park......she looks confused.......she shows us her park map and points to where we are.......yes, Gringotts ride is here........she then argues with us we are wrong, she was told the Potter ride was here........oh dear.

I then kindly tell her to find a TM who will help her as she blatantly thinks I`m talking nonsense.........she smiles and wanders off.......I did wonder what happened to her........



We head round to the bar at the Simpsons ride........this was a very pleasant bar crawl after all........although it was feeling as if it was going to rain at some point.........but for now it was fine........



I`m not fond of this bar.......anytime we have gone I`ve not been impressed with anything, of course it was probably how I was feeling at the time......but we would try again.......Tom wanted to try the Duff beer again as he wasn't sure he liked it, and I wanted something fruity and alcoholic.........


I asked if they did margaritas or anything.......He said they didn't do cocktails as such but I could get a strawberry slushy and have a Capt Morgans rum in it.......that would work.....he asked if I wanted a double shot, I declined and said the single would be fine.........and Tom got his beer........we also got a bag of potato chips as we like to nibble when having a drink.......it` one of the reasons I will never be slim!!!




Tom wasn't thrilled with the Duff beer......and I couldn't taste a drop of alcohol in the drink I had........no wonder he asked if I wanted a double.......I didn't look to see him make it, but I doubted his measure was decent. But, it was refreshing and a nice stopping off point as we waited for parade time.........

As we sat, we could feel some tiny specks of misty rain hit us........we did wonder if we should cut and run about now, but we were convinced it wouldn't come to anything.........

We left there and went to do ET.......always a fun little ride, It wasn't busy at all tonight.......we got straight on and we were the only ones on our bikes......this is such a dated ride, but doubt it`s going anywhere........weirdly fun.

We then continue or cocktail event tonight and head for Chez Alcatraz........we really like this little place.......however Luiz isn't working tonight, its another girl we don't know.......but she`s nice also........very chatty.

Tom has another beer and I order the same cocktail I had the previous visit.......I knew I liked it and it was quite refreshing.......


We enjoyed this much more than the one from Simpsons area.........but it was getting decidedly cool now........and I did wish I had brought my hoody......it wasn`t time yet for the parade so we thought we`d just sit here till it was nearly time and go to the same place we stood before.......

But, as we nearly finished our drinks, the rain began ever so light.........and it began to look darker than it had been......


Then, it came down fairly heavy.......and the girl was closing the shutters for finishing time........we finished our drink and made our way to the shop in Richter Burger.......then it really started to come down. Heavy and constant. And it was so cold.

This wasn't fun. We stood as people began to run back towards the exit of the park......it was quite honestly just emptying before our eyes.....and rain was bouncing down now. Non stop.

We made it across to outside the bathrooms as there was little canopy to shelter under......why we didn't stay where we were I don't know.....but we stopped there with a load of other people who were all similarly dressed........this was miserable and looked to be on for the night.........I was stood behind Tom trying to shelter just a little bit more......we looked a picture!!! Of course you had to laugh, it was kinda funny........we knew now the parade wouldn't be going ahead........

We must have waited around 15 minutes to see if it would ease off.......it didn't. It just got heavier.......and heavier.......

We thought then we could be here all night.......so we braved the cold rain, we were used to warm rain in September, this wasn't nice........and headed off by Louie`s, round past Mummy where everyone was sheltering.......by now we were soaked through.......and there`s me.....trying to avoid the puddles??? I gave up eventually........I hate being cold, but it was funny in a weird kind of way.......we looked ridiculous.....lol......

We made it to the boat and everyone was wanting to get back home now........we rather reluctantly joined the long queue and amazingly we all got on the boat that was there.......well, most people as I looked behind me and another 30 or so had joined the line.......but we got a seat and sat beside a family who used to live in South Africa........had a nice chat with them on the way back while shivering by now......but we were still laughing..........we looked totally drenched.

Got off the boat and went straight upstairs and saw not only had turndown been, but we had a delivery while we were out........


It was from Andy in Club Lounge.........how lovely!!! With a card with some lovely sentiments inside........we wouldn't see him for a couple of days, but we were thrilled with his gift.

I then made the shower first.......it was bliss, we had also turned the heat up in the room as it was quite cool, but the shower really warmed us up......we couldn't have sat in those clothes having some food.

We wondered then where to eat, as we had planned somewhere in citywalk after the parade........but we thought we would just go down and get some sushi from Orchids Lounge..........we certainly didn't have the inclination to walk back there if the rain did go off.

It was fairly busy tonight, we could see the rain was still on and pool was still closed. So everyone had to go somewhere.........but we got a comfy seat and waited for someone to take our drinks order........the cocktails in here are nice and we love sitting in this lounge....even if you don't have food or a drink, it`s a nice place to relax.........

We order from a very busy waiter a Royal Orchid Mai Tai for me and a plum wine for Tom and said we would wait to order food.......he planned to order saki but decided since he hadn't tried this he would see what it was like, if he didn't like it he would get some saki.........but he did enjoy it......



Rain had now gone off and the pool was open, but, such a shame all the parade people had got ready and then cancelled last minute.......

It had suddenly quietened down again now in here, not sure if some had headed down to the pool.....it was far too cold for us to even consider some pool time this time of year.......but others weren't as weak willed as we were.


We then ordered our food.......two of our favourite dishes here........Mexican Roll which is the spiciest dish they do, and the Volcano Roll which is a little spicy....of course I have pickled ginger which I adore, and wasabi which we both like.........

You can also order from a more regular menu if you don't like sushi.....they have a burger and various other items. It comes from Jake`s downstairs, so if they are busy you may wait a little longer. But, it`s a good option if you are with people who don't eat sushi.


As always it was lovely. Very fresh and so tasty.......

We sometimes order another plate of food between us, but tonight this was enough........we sat for a little while and enjoyed the atmosphere, but eventually we felt tired, so we went upstairs and before we went to bed, we would enjoy our purchases from 4Rivers bakery........


We had already eaten the salted caramel slice and some of the cake before I took a picture.......this really was lush!!!!

And we were full again........we had eaten a lot today, but it felt spread out over the day.......and the good thing was despite our numerous cocktails, we didn't feel as though we had enjoyed a lot to drink.......I can`t deal with that feeling of too much alcohol anymore.....maybe when I was younger, but not now and certainly not on vacation do we want to feel bad!!!

So, after that we watched some tv and saw folks were still in the pool. It was nice it was open till 11pm at this time of year. We are used to it closing at 10pm when we visit in September.

But, wasn't long before the tv was turned off and time for sleep.

Park day tomorrow.
I swear I want to lick the screen when I see your food and drink pictures! (especially the creme brulee !) Im starting a list of all the things I want to get when Im there. Im not sure Ill have any time for rides! :love:

And your pictures of the park are gorgeous- I love looking at them- and I cannot wait to see it myself.
I swear I want to lick the screen when I see your food and drink pictures! (especially the creme brulee !) Im starting a list of all the things I want to get when Im there. Im not sure Ill have any time for rides! :love:

And your pictures of the park are gorgeous- I love looking at them- and I cannot wait to see it myself.

Lol........so funny!!

The rides were certainly secondary for us this visit, although we did manage a few ::yes::........you’ll fit it all in I’m sure!!!

The creme brûlée is indeed gorgeous!! I shouldn’t post them when I’m hungry either.......it’s not good!!

But, glad you’re enjoying it........


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