Anyone up? Harry & Meghan Royal Wedding Watch thread

This is the one I was thinking of with Kate. I guess there are many tiaras! :p
That's the Cambridge Lover's Knot, and I think it's so pretty and different with the distinctive large pearls. It was apparently something that had been made as a gift for Queen Mary and was "given" to Diana but remained property of the Crown. Kate has it now, under the same provision.

Diana wore the Spencer tiara for her wedding - it is apparently quite traditional for noble brides to wear their own family jewels - her sisters both wore it and it remains the belonging of their brother Charles. Sarah and Sophie were both commoners and apparently didn't have a family tiara. Sophie's wedding tiara was re-fashinoned from bits-and-pieces of other tiaras that were apparently Queen Victoria's and she still has it; there are lots of pictures of her wearing it at other times. Sarah, OTOH, apparently was never well-enough received to get anywhere near the Crown jewels. Her tiara was made especially for her and given as a wedding gift from Andrew and the Queen. Something about that seems a little sad to me and even back in the day I though it didn't suit her or her wedding gown particularly well. It was way too "dainty" and insipid looking for the robust, happy person she seemed to be.

princess: I've studied up on tiaras over the past few weeks!
I saw and heard that American minister speak 7 1/2 years ago when he was the guest speaker at my mom's church one Sunday. He's amazing. 7 years ago, his sermon was one of the best ones I've ever heard and the one he gave today at the wedding ceremony was just as good. He grew up in the AME church and later decided to become an Episcopal minister. My mom was dying of cancer at the time (she passed away 1 month after he did the sermon that Sunday) and his sermon was totally exactly spot on what she needed. I thought his sermon at the royal wedding was pretty darn great. And what an honor to be able to preach to the Queen of England.

I love him too. I've been Episcopalian all my life. When I was younger, there was a nickname for us, the "frozen chosen". I love Bishop Curry, and feel that he's moving our church forward. I'm so glad your mother got to hear him preach in person, and it gave her what she needed at such an important time.
I love him too. I've been Episcopalian all my life. When I was younger, there was a nickname for us, the "frozen chosen". I love Bishop Curry, and feel that he's moving our church forward. I'm so glad your mother got to hear him preach in person, and it gave her what she needed at such an important time.
LOL @ your 'frozen chosen' comment! :rotfl2: That's funny. Bishop Curry's personality is such a stark contrast to what an Episcopal service usually is. At the service where my parents and I heard him preach, he spoke for a good 45 min. At one point, I shouted out a "Whoo! Amen!" to him. My mom was horrified but she quickly got over it when Bishop Curry laughed and said that we needed more joyous noise in the Episcopal church. :goodvibes His sermon that day was all about true love, joy, and how you never need to fear for anything.

And...millions of people got to hear him preach today. Pretty cool.
So. Many. Tiaras.

I very much enjoy this blog. Here is a link if you're interested. It details many of the jewels and tiaras of many royal houses.

Loooooove that site! I just spent about twenty minutes browsing through all the tiaras, picking out my if I was shopping for my own!

I read a book a while back called The Sweet Potato Queen's Book of Love. There was a line that I'm paraphrasing: we can all pretend that the Miss America pageant is now a "scholarship competition", but take away the crown, and no one would participate. :)

Sarah, Duchess of York sat with her daughter's fiance Jack Brooksbank, who wasnt allowed into the same area aa his bride to be because they are not yet married.
not true.

Here is the seating chart. He is #10 seated in the first row next to his fiancee.
confused, why were you all not watching either BBC online or SKY NEWS online, they actually had multiple reporters on the ground in various places around Windsor and were interviewing many people connected to the wedding. They have dedicated full time royal correspondents who get the info direct and first from the royal press office and are actually known and recognised by the royal family as they travel with them on over sees visits. These royal correspondents know their stuff and have the real actual facts and figures, not just what they think are the facts
I watched the replay on MSNBC. Half the wedding couple was from the US, so I watched a news station that got US facts correct. They did a pretty good job tthough, being the thorough journalists they are, of getting all the actual facts and figures correct.
Was out of my comfort zone!
I agree. There is a time and place for everything. What is that saying? When in Rome, do as the Romans do? His style of preaching and long-windedness may be welcome in his home church, but unfortunately furthered the stereotype of the crazy, over the top, American. He came across as showboating and making a beautiful wedding all about him, hardly a good look for a religious reading at a formal wedding.

It did provide for the most entertaining panning of faces in the audience though. I especially liked the camera catching all the eye rolls of the Brits, and Zara's obvious "What the....?" expression on her face.
There isn't any way the entire ceremony wasn't vetted so they knew what would be said.

To me the funniest part was how they kept saying that the paparazzi had reached somewhat of a respectful truce with the royal family after what happened with Diana and now that small children were present and that they hoped that wasn't going to change too much now that an American actress was marrying in. It seems they think Meghan Markle is much more famous here than she actually is...but I am pretty sure no one ever heard of her before she started dating Prince Harry. Certainly she wasn't a target of paparazzi.
Fergie's daughters are both wearing rather boring hats this year. :p

Boooo!! I was hoping for something ridiculous like the last time. Maybe the Queen threatened them with the dungeon if they repeated their outlandish head wear.

Amal Clooney looks just STUNNING

Looks like she just flunked an audition for a Chiquita banana commercial.

When I saw Princess Beatrice's dress with all the pom-poms on it, I thought it looked like something my cat would love to play with... Such a pretty color for her, but the pom-poms looked foolish.

I couldn't stand listening to the commentary from the networks - the blathering women talking over each other, etc.

I thought it was interesting watching how the American celebrities could walk smoothly in their heels, but a lot of the British society women sort of clumped about? Not very graceful, so much so that my husband even noticed, LOL!
Imzadi, I can't believe I missed your Royal Wedding Watch Thread! We have company at the house and I haven't been online all day. We watched the whole thing. The dress was unexpected and beautiful. I didn't foresee her picking such a simple, timeless design. It was gorgeous on her. I got teary several times just thinking about how much Diana would have loved every bit of the wedding. Harry looked nervous. Meghan looked solid as a rock. Good for her for not letting all the build up and negative vibes from her family break her.
hardly a good look for a religious reading at a formal wedding.


This surprises me. He didn't do a religious reading. He gave "the address" at a church service. It would have really been strange had he been asked to give an address and just done a reading! They invited him specifically because of his reputation for the message he gives during sermons.

For those who don't have a church tradition where a wedding is considered a church service it might seem different to YOU, but that doesn't make it in any way inappropriate.

I loved every bit of the wedding and especially the music. Loved the Rutter and definitely enjoyed the Gospel choir.
I watched all the coverage. Meghan looked stunning, and I was so touched when Harry wiped tears from his eyes. He did that more than once. And I loved their romantic kiss after walking just outside the church.
When I saw Princess Beatrice's dress with all the pom-poms on it, I thought it looked like something my cat would love to play with... Such a pretty color for her, but the pom-poms looked foolish.

I couldn't stand listening to the commentary from the networks - the blathering women talking over each other, etc.

I thought it was interesting watching how the American celebrities could walk smoothly in their heels, but a lot of the British society women sort of clumped about? Not very graceful, so much so that my husband even noticed, LOL!

I noticed that too, about the high heels. They looked like me trying to walk in them.
Boooo!! I was hoping for something ridiculous like the last time. Maybe the Queen threatened them with the dungeon if they repeated their outlandish head wear.

Looks like she just flunked an audition for a Chiquita banana commercial.

There was actually a little bit of a tiff between the commentators I was listening to when one of them dared to voice a mild criticism of Clooney's outfit. As if, I guess, she's just the defacto goddess of good taste and everybody should just bow to that no matter how she actually looks. :rolleyes:
I just read that two of the wedding guests were wearing the same dress. But, that was not the story. The dress that both guests wore was the dress "Meghan" wore to meet the queen in the recent Lifetime TV movie about Harry and Meghan. Oops. I guess none of the wedding guests saw that movie. ;-)
So I taped it as we were away and had a little tea party with the girls and watched it this afternoon.
Lovely way to spend the afternoon.

I thought her dress was dissapointing, really bland and her hair looked like how you would tuck it back to go to the bar.
She didn’t look anywhere near as gorgeous as Kate did.
Just some random thoughts:
* Does Meghan wear hair extensions? Regardless, I didn't like how it was just a part down the middle and the sides seem to hang and look messy.
* I thought the dress was too plain. Comparing her to Kate might not be fair, but I much prefer a dress with a little embellishment.
* Most people couldn't pull off Amal Clooney's dress. In the middle, it seems to be so bunchy. I thought it was too bright yellow.
* I just can't get in to team Harry/Meghan for some reason. I can't put my finger on why though....guess I don't think they are a good fit or that this marriage will last
* I really liked her reception dress. She has a great figure.
* I wonder if they will have children together. She is 36 already (and yes, I realize people have children in their 40's nowadays). Harry is 33.
* I don't find Harry attractive. I think its the squinty little eyes.
* I love how they drove off in the convertible. Looks like a fun way to just be alone together.
* Will Meghan still continue to be an actress? If so, I bet she will have to be a bit more selective in the roles she chooses.
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