Where and when did you honeymoon?

2005- we spent a week in Las Vegas. I was in a car accident 2 weeks before our wedding so I went with a broken ankle and crutches along with stitches and bruises. Maneuvering to an airplane restroom on crutches with turbulence is not an experience I will likely ever forget! Lol! We still had a great time and my husband was a trooper. He rented a wheel chair for me and pushed me around Vegas all week.
Cancun 1999. Our resort sucked, we never got to the beach, and we got sick the last day. We liked visiting Chichen Itza, though. That's the first and last vacation I used a travel agent for.
1992- Spent our wedding night at the Aladdin. We drove to California the next morning and spent four days on Catalina Island.

We chose Catalina Island by throwing a California guide book up in the air and going where it landed.

At our reception everyone “bought” us a drink (it was an open bar so technically we paid for them) every time we stopped to visit at their table. We were pretty well hammered by the time we got to the Aladdin. When we walked into the lobby people started clapping and cheering. We could not figure it out. Get on the mirrored elevator and realize he was still in his tux and I was still in my gown. :lmao:
1992. We went on a cruise from Miami to the Bahamas. It was a tugboat compared to the ships today, but it was the best cruise we've been on to date. The current food quality & service don't even compare to what we received on that cruise. Back then, we lived in small town NC & thought we were going on an exotic honeymoon. :rotfl: We now live next door to Miami & know all too well than neither Miami or the Bahamas are exotic. It was back then for us though.
1982, my wife and I went for a week to Williamsburg, VA. Our kids look at us funny....

DW and I went to Williamsburg for a long weekend a few days after we got married in 2011. Several months later we went to WDW for a week.

First marriage: Aruba, 1992.
2002- a week in Washington DC. I had found a really great deal on a driving tour of Scotland that I was excited about but my dh didn’t renew his passport in time. We finally got to go to Scotland this summer but the kids were in tow so it wasn’t the same.


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