The Running Thread - 2018

QOTD: I saw someone mention rain gear earlier in this thread yesterday and I thought we should turn that into our QOTD to get a few more answers for that person. So, rain gear for running, what you got?

Edited to remove my answer from the quote. How do I keep doing that?

Thanks for this, since I asked. :)

In temps above 50 F, I run in the rain with a baseball hat and plan to get soaked and no big deal. If anything in the summer, it helps to keep cool.

The issue is that I ran earlier this week in low-40s F with enough rain to get totally soaked, and well, it was really cold. Duh, I suppose. Last winter, I moved to the treadmill for those sorts of weather conditions, but I really just can't train on the treadmill, so I am committed to outside all year except with ice on the ground.

This evening, I'm looking at rain in the mid- to upper-30s F. I have a jacket that I am thinking is only somewhat water resistant, but I guess I'll find out tonight. I have a full-out raincoat for hiking, but definitely too bulky and not at all breathable for running. This week, due to other commitments, I don't have the option of moving my run to another day.

So I'm looking for something to keep my upper body at least reasonably dry so that I don't get hypothermia. @Keels mentioned a jacket that looks reasonable. Hoping for any other suggestions - I can Google stuff, but getting reviews from legit runners is a plus. Thanks.
This week the following folks are lacing up the running shoes and running a race:

17 - @KSellers88 - Soldier Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
17 - @Slogger - Philadelphia Liberty Bell Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
17 - @sourire - Philly Half Marathon (2:30:00 / N/A)
17 - @mtnmjd - Spartan Sprint Long Island, 3-4 Mi (NG / N/A)
17 - @Smilelea - Crosspoint 5K (34:49 / N/A)
17 - @AntimonyER - Statesboro Turkey Trot 5k (24:00 / N/A)
17 - @jennamfeo - Turkey Trot 5k (TBD / N/A)
17 - @camaker - Holly Springs Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
18 - @JulieODC - Norwood Turkey Trot (4miler) (NG / N/A)
18 - @MissLiss279 - Route 66 Marathon (NG / N/A)
18 - @KevM - AACR Philadelphia Marathon (4:59:59 / N/A)

Good luck this weekend folks! Let me know if your plans or goals need changing. Have a great race and I look forward to hearing how it goes!
QOTD: I saw someone mention rain gear earlier in this thread yesterday and I thought we should turn that into our QOTD to get a few more answers for that person. So, rain gear for running, what you got?
ATTQOTD: A Ziploc sandwich bag for my phone. That's the only "gear" I use for rain outside of what I normally use! But that's because I'm in FL and our rainy season is also our HOT season, so the rain is either a welcome relief from the usual heatstroke, or is accompanied by lightning, in which case I'm indoors. I've run in very light rain in slightly cooler temps - say, 60 - and just wore a long sleeve tech shirt over short sleeves. If I ever need to run in colder temps with rain, I own multiple rain jackets for everyday Florida monsoon living, so I guess I'd throw one of those on top of warm layers.

Pre-race rain is another matter and is why I own a pile of cheap plastic ponchos.

Dear everyone dealing with snow and/or stupidly cold weather,

I am sorry I complained about how cold it was this morning when it was only 50 degrees.
But not sorry about it now being jean jacket and scarf weather in AZ.

I hear ya; it was near-90 yesterday here, but a cold front is coming through today and we should be in the 40s tonight! Time to bust out the wool jackets. :)
QOTD: I saw someone mention rain gear earlier in this thread yesterday and I thought we should turn that into our QOTD to get a few more answers for that person. So, rain gear for running, what you got?
My first attempt to PR a 10K was in a 60 degree F downpour. I thought ahead to put my phone into a plastic bag, but wished I had a hat and used more body glide. I continued to remind myself all summer that I did it and was not cold, so I have enjoyed wet runs while wearing a hat and using the glide- I can still learn! A few weeks ago I went on a 40 degree rainy group run and was envious of another person's jacket. I have an amazing hiking rain coat, but it is far too warm for running in, so I just got wet. After a few days thinking about it I bought the jacket and it is ok for running in the cold rain (it was about 35F and not a downpour), but the swishy noise irritates me. I think that would be the case with any rain jacket. I also have tailgating rain pants, but there is no way I would attempt running in those.

Today I went out in a snow storm. My co-workers thought I was nuts. I thought it was rather dark and skipped my sunglasses. That too was a poor choice as those flakes were sharp! I am thinking safety glasses would have been better than a hat with a bill but I would be curious if anyone else has an idea or opinion.
ATTQOTD: in the summer, nothing special except a waterproof bag for my phone. Winter? Well...if it is a cold rain forget it. I haven't found anything comfortable enough to keep me warm. Today is 30° alternating between rain and snow. Ew.

ALSO -- this will be my DD's first 5k and she is suuuuper nervous! Her and my husband are going to run/walk the whole thing together! Wish her luck!
Awww I hope she has a blast! I'm trying to talk my 7 year old into a 1 mile or 5k with me but after a HOT 2 miler with me this summer she is adamantly opposed to running ever again.
Edited to remove my answer from the quote. How do I keep doing that?

The issue is that I ran earlier this week in low-40s F with enough rain to get totally soaked, and well, it was really cold. Duh, I suppose. Last winter, I moved to the treadmill for those sorts of weather conditions, but I really just can't train on the treadmill, so I am committed to outside all year except with ice on the ground.

This evening, I'm looking at rain in the mid- to upper-30s F. I have a jacket that I am thinking is only somewhat water resistant, but I guess I'll find out tonight. I have a full-out raincoat for hiking, but definitely too bulky and not at all breathable for running. This week, due to other commitments, I don't have the option of moving my run to another day.

Coming at this from a backcountry hiking point of view (where you don't really have the option to go in and get dry/warm), there are really two types of "water proof" gear. Those that breathe and those that don't. The ones that don't are the old school rubberized material, so once you start running/hiking, you'll be soaked from the inside with sweat even if it is keeping the rain out.

Breathable gear is amazing, but it isn't cheap. You are looking for Gore-tex or eVent types of material. The exact models of REI jackets that I use for hiking and running aren't made anymore, but I've never regretted spending the extra money on them. I can spend hours in the rain and remain comfortable. Something like the Outdoor Research Foray jacket is similar to what I like.
ATQOTD: since i ran in the rain this morning. I am near @OldSlowGoofyGuy so rain and cold this week. Monday was a short run so I hit the treadmill. Tuesday I was hoping to go out but pouring at 6 am so hit the treadmill. Wednesday still raining but cross training day so stayed in. Today there was no way i was on that treadmill again. I was lucky and could start a little later so 6:30 it was and it was only light raining and stopped about a mile in. It was cold 39, hey i am in the south that is cold, plus it was wet so not nice. I had on my lined tights, short sleeve top, long sleeve warm top and to protect from the rain, my chicago marathon running jacket. it was perfect. Blocked the rain and the wind. I was warm but it had vents so i let the heat out. When it rains i do wear my contacts instead of my glasses to run. i prefer a ball cap to keep rain off my face but too cold, i had on a beanie and gloves. I also wear my goretex mizunos. This helps keep my feet dry. they are not trail shoes the soles have the normal traction of my wave riders but the uppers are goretex, helps with rain and cold.
This week the following folks are lacing up the running shoes and running a race:

17 - @KSellers88 - Soldier Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
17 - @Slogger - Philadelphia Liberty Bell Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
17 - @sourire - Philly Half Marathon (2:30:00 / N/A)
17 - @mtnmjd - Spartan Sprint Long Island, 3-4 Mi (NG / N/A)
17 - @Smilelea - Crosspoint 5K (34:49 / N/A)
17 - @AntimonyER - Statesboro Turkey Trot 5k (24:00 / N/A)
17 - @jennamfeo - Turkey Trot 5k (TBD / N/A)
17 - @camaker - Holly Springs Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
18 - @JulieODC - Norwood Turkey Trot (4miler) (NG / N/A)
18 - @MissLiss279 - Route 66 Marathon (NG / N/A)
18 - @KevM - AACR Philadelphia Marathon (4:59:59 / N/A)

Good luck this weekend folks! Let me know if your plans or goals need changing. Have a great race and I look forward to hearing how it goes!

Best of luck to everyone this weekend. @LSUlakes, please change my NG to 2:00 as my new goal for Philly half.
I'm either going sub 2 hours if things go well or 2:24 if not.
My first attempt to PR a 10K was in a 60 degree F downpour. I thought ahead to put my phone into a plastic bag, but wished I had a hat and used more body glide. I continued to remind myself all summer that I did it and was not cold, so I have enjoyed wet runs while wearing a hat and using the glide- I can still learn! A few weeks ago I went on a 40 degree rainy group run and was envious of another person's jacket. I have an amazing hiking rain coat, but it is far too warm for running in, so I just got wet. After a few days thinking about it I bought the jacket and it is ok for running in the cold rain (it was about 35F and not a downpour), but the swishy noise irritates me. I think that would be the case with any rain jacket. I also have tailgating rain pants, but there is no way I would attempt running in those.

Today I went out in a snow storm. My co-workers thought I was nuts. I thought it was rather dark and skipped my sunglasses. That too was a poor choice as those flakes were sharp! I am thinking safety glasses would have been better than a hat with a bill but I would be curious if anyone else has an idea or opinion.

I saw that one on Amazon, but it didn't have any reviews...I am leery of things without reviews. :) At least it is prime!

Awww I hope she has a blast! I'm trying to talk my 7 year old into a 1 mile or 5k with me but after a HOT 2 miler with me this summer she is adamantly opposed to running ever again.
My DD is 6 (and a half, if you ask her) and she has ran a few of the shorter runDisney and Rock N Roll kids races. This will be her farthest to date. Not sure how well she is going to do. She ran a full 1/4 mile with me yesterday before walking at about a 12:30 pace. I am hoping she can finish and feel proud. She is worried about coming in last.
QOTD: Looks like I will need something to hold my phone during the marathon this year. I have a iphone 10 or whatever it called, not thats really the most relevant part of the question. Anyway, those who run with your phone, what you use to hold it during the run? Do you bring a extra battery as well and what do you do with it?

I love the Fitletic belts. I use this one for all my races, and this one for going to the parks. I have a Galaxy S8 with a case and it fits snugly but still easy to get in and out for pics. And, the straps are very soft. I've never had a rubbing problem. Amazon has them as well.

The 2nd one is especially great for Universal because there are so many rides that require you to put anything not in pockets into a locker. The belts are ok, though.
ATTQOTD: I usually avoid running in the rain, but 2 weeks ago, I ran my 13.1 training run in a steady, chilly rain. And finished feeling so hard core. I wore my north face rain jacket with the hood up the whole time. I wore an older pair of shoes that took forever to dry and kept my phone in a ziplock bag.
Okay, I think I have determined that my goal is 2nd place in my AG, no time goal.

ALSO -- this will be my DD's first 5k and she is suuuuper nervous! Her and my husband are going to run/walk the whole thing together! Wish her luck!
Best of luck to Bay.

My DD is 6 (and a half, if you ask her) and she has ran a few of the shorter runDisney and Rock N Roll kids races. This will be her farthest to date. Not sure how well she is going to do. She ran a full 1/4 mile with me yesterday before walking at about a 12:30 pace. I am hoping she can finish and feel proud. She is worried about coming in last.
Even if she does come in last, remind her that coming in last means she finished ahead of anyone who was too afraid to sign up. And you can always tell her that my fastest 5K time is over 90 minutes. She doesn't need to know it was at Dark Side this year.pirate:

I remember a kid lamenting how he was never running a race again during the 2015 Star Wars 10K. We all chuckled because we figured that once he got the medal, he would think it wasn't so bad after all and get excited for next year.
I love the Fitletic belts.

I love my Fitletic belt too. I have a question for Fitletic/SPI Belt (or any belt with a buckle and a pouch) users: do you wear the pouch in the back or front?

I wear the pouch in the back, since I generally don't access it during a run. It's easier to put on and easier to ignore that way.

I guess that puts me in the 'fanny pack' club with @Baloo in MI
I love my Fitletic belt too. I have a question for Fitletic/SPI Belt (or any belt with a buckle and a pouch) users: do you wear the pouch in the back or front?

I wear the pouch in the back, since I generally don't access it during a run. It's easier to put on and easier to ignore that way.

I guess that puts me in the 'fanny pack' club with @Baloo in MI

I wear it on the front so that I can access my phone if I want to take a picture or something. (Also, I find it more comfortable with the buckle in the back)
I love my Fitletic belt too. I have a question for Fitletic/SPI Belt (or any belt with a buckle and a pouch) users: do you wear the pouch in the back or front?

I wear the pouch in the back, since I generally don't access it during a run. It's easier to put on and easier to ignore that way.

I guess that puts me in the 'fanny pack' club with @Baloo in MI
I wear mine in the front and at hip level. It is padded well by my little round belly!
I love my Fitletic belt too. I have a question for Fitletic/SPI Belt (or any belt with a buckle and a pouch) users: do you wear the pouch in the back or front?

I wear the pouch in the back, since I generally don't access it during a run. It's easier to put on and easier to ignore that way.

I guess that puts me in the 'fanny pack' club with @Baloo in MI

During Disney races, I wear mine on my hip. Cuts down on the bouncing and very easy to access the phone for character photos.


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