The Running Thread - 2019

QOTD: When you started running, how did you plan our your running routes at first? Did that method change as your runs got longer?
ATTQOTD: Back in the old days, when I started running - before GPS, smart phones, online maps, etc., I would get in my horse and buggy...errr...automobile...and drive around my running route and mentally map out my distances and approximate mile markers.

Now I use Miler Meter to map out my route. I always have to think about traffic, crossing busy roads/intersections. Especially when I am doing longer routes. I also try to avoid hills because, well, I just don't like running on hills. On my longer runs, I do several zig zags through neighborhoods so I don't cross too many main roads. But I always like my route to be a loop with little if any crossing over areas I have already run. I do this so my route looks pretty on my GPS map when I am done running. :)
ATTQOTD 1/2: My goals for 2019 in order of importance...
1. Stay relatively healthy over the entire year so that I don’t have to take a break over 1 week long
2. Complete my first marathon
3. Run 1000 miles for the entire year
4. Finish my first marathon in under 4 hours
5. Get a PR in the HM and go sub 1:45:00

ATTQOTD 1/3: My run routes haven’t changed much. I simply plan on a specific mileage for that day, get an idea of where I want to run, then adjust the route while I’m running to get me my goal mileage. The only difference now is that I might use Strava or Google Maps to plan my route a bit more specifically.

Also @LSUlakes, can you please add this race to the list?

2/17- chuckille - Heartbreaker Half Marathon (Hillsboro, OR) - 1:45:00 goal
My friend ran it this year as her first marathon and totally enjoyed it. She didn't have any complaints about it, it seems to get good reviews for sure.

I've heard good things too and I like that it wouldn't require all summer long training. My only hang-up is that we are tied up with travel baseball during that time of year - maybe I can get our team to schedule a tournament in Duluth next year. 8-)
ACK! I missed that the new thread had started...

Thanks as always for the thread, @LSUlakes

So, catching up...

Short term goals for 2019 - Enjoy the WDW weekend and the races. :) Lay out a new schedule for 2019 and play with paces. Roughly planning for some shorter mileage races and working on speed.
Long term goal fir 2019 - I want to focus on a new PR for a half distance. Last year had a big disappointment for me on setting a new PR for a marathon at Chicago, so I'm going to dial back and focus on a distance that I enjoy more. Also really wanting to run a Ragnar at some point this year.

Running routes are just local ones that are easy to get to. I try to make sure they are as safe as possible and so off busy roads. For longer runs, try to ensure there's an option for a bathroom somewhere along the way if needed as well. :)
When I started running, I trained with the local road runner group. They had two group runs per week, so I just left the planning to them. And my third run for the week was on a treadmill. Once I started running in my neighborhood, I just kind of went out for a loop and figured out routes that varied from 2-4 miles. Now, I can add a couple of those routes together as needed and get to about 8 miles in my neighborhood area if needed. If I'm traveling, I use Map My Run to figure out relative distances and a route.
@LSUlakes, please add a race for me:

01/05 - @OldSlowGoofyGuy - Braselton Life Path 8K (39:59 / TBD)

Goals for the race:
Automatic PR, as I've never run an 8K
Get back in race mode and remember how to push pass some discomfort
Gauge my 5K/10K performance level. I've been doing plenty of miles, but at a easy pace.
Stretch goal: Get a good race photo for once in my life

Bonus answer to yesterday's QOTD (2019 goals): Get rid of some old running gear. I don't have a lot of stuff, but some of it is old and never gets used and is just taking up space.
QOTD: When you started running, how did you plan our your running routes at first? Did that method change as your runs got longer?

I used to use Microsoft Streets & trips to plot my course because it gave a rolling distance as you plotted. Now I either just rely on the watch and turn around when I'm half way or, if I'm doing a more convoluted run through an area I don't know, I use the path tool in Google Earth. The added bonus is it gives elevation though it has it's issues. It sometimes things running over a bridge is running down one side and back up the other instead of just over the bridge.
ATTQOTD: Where we are in NC there is a really nice greenway system. It's pretty well connected so I could easily get 20+ miles or more one way if I had too. For long runs we've alternated point to points around the greenway system or out and backs. I've also used miler meter/ Gmaps-pedometer to map out runs through the city. I like that as it enables us to stitch together some greenway and some road/sidewalk to form big loops.
ATTQOTD: My neighborhood is a perfect 3 miles, so that makes things easy and if I don’t feel like going anywhere I’ll just do loops even though they are boring. We live off a 2-lane road with no shoulder so I have to drive to get anywhere safe. It’s literally one of the only streets in the whole city without a sidewalk. When I started running longer distances, I went to the trails or parked at my dad’s business and just used Google Maps to see how far away certain places were using the sidewalks.

Is anyone going to try and Hang with Meb's pace group at Shamrock. I've heard he's pacing the 1:30 pace group. I'm tempted to sign up and just see how long I can hang with that group.

If I run shamrock, I’ll wave to that pace group as I head to the back corrals :)

I don't want to be accused of enabling, so I will just share my joy with you that my shoes are on sale today for $65 (Brooks Launch on the Brooks site.) And right when I needed my next pair!

Ooohhh thanks for the heads up! I just got 2 new pair of launch’s but I like the 5s so might need to stock up!
On to 2019 calendar (which means they have been paid for):


13 - Wendy98 - Walt Disney World Marathon (??? / N/A) -changed for a top 10 to ???. I just don't know, between my foot pain and intermittent back pain.


15 - Wendy98 - Boston Marathon (2:59:59/NA) - going shoot for under 3


4 - Wendy98 - Flying Pig 5k (NG/NA) --I will be running with one of my kids, so whatever pace they want.


29 - Wendy98 - Berlin Marathon (2:56:59/NA) - I want to channel my inner Kipchoge and PR. My birthday is 2 days prior and I will be entering a new age group! I am so excited to run my first international race and even more excited that I will have my husband and kids with me.

Overall, my goals for 2019 is to get my love of running back, not hurt so much, and try to stay healthy. I try not to focus so much on numbers, but fall down that hole EVERY TIME.
QOTD: When you started running, how did you plan our your running routes at first? Did that method change as your runs got longer?
When I first started running, I only had a watch so I would just head out and run for a certain number of minutes and assume I was running 10 min miles.

Now my watch tracks my distance so I just keep an eye on the distance and how far I think I am from my house or car. I still don't really plan the route. I have a general idea of where I'll run but will take random turns to explore
ATTQOTD: I would plot routes on RunKeeper then Strava after I moved to that of the correct distance. I still do that when I need something of the right distance and I don't feel like doing a route I have done before. :)
ATTQOTD: I use the run go app to create new routes. I have favorites I do to hit certain distances, but will create new ones occasionally to keep from getting bored. I don't do loops, hate them. My "quickie" three miler is an out and back, but the rest of my routes are a circle of some distance. I have a 16 mile route that covers a good part half of Atlanta, lol. Its also useful in new cities (I ran in Europe with it this summer and had some great routes all over.
QOTD: When you started running, how did you plan our your running routes at first? Did that method change as your runs got longer?

When I first started I had a rough idea of distances around me and ran routes that got me the distances I needed.

As I started running longer miles while training for Dopey 2017, I needed a way to find longer routes, as running loops will never work for me. I found an app called RunGo that lets you build routes and then gives you turn by turn directions. I’ve found it particularly useful when traveling. It isn’t always 100% accurate with its turns but it’s close enough.
ATTQOTD: In the last 2 neighborhoods I ran in, I settled for 2-3 mile loops. Which were mostly fine because my mind was distracted by podcast listening and my distances weren't terribly long. Now that I'm in a new neighborhood we've done about 5 different variations of the same area, sometimes using a biking/walking path. Eventually when the longer runs come up on weekends I'm going to suggest some different scenery. This area has some very picturesque running paths, like the American River Parkway.
Best wishes for the New Year!

Thank you @LSUlakes for this new thread, it is a real gift to share with others.

ATTQOTD goals:
  • Keep treating injuries with respect not to aggravate any of them
  • Improve/maintain sub-2 time for the Half
  • Train for and attempt my first full Marathon (September)
  • Coach DD to her first 10k if she wants to (see next line... She wants to come)
  • Plan and get ready for Dopey 2020
  • Enjoy this board
  • Drink more water
ATTQOTD routes: I start with a rough idea of where I am heading to based on what I am trying to accomplish that day and then let myself be drifted by feel.

@LSUlakes please add these races for me:

17 - @flav - Hypothermic 1/2 Marathon - (NG/NA)

27 - @flav - 5k des Érables (NG/NA)

8 - @flav - Demi-Marathon des Vignobles (1:59/NA)

22 - @flav - Marathon Oasis de Montréal Rock’n’Roll (finish my first full/NA)

January 2020
So looking forward to Dopey registration!
ATTQOTD: This is a tough question for me, LOL. I don't live in a neighborhood at all. We live out in the middle of nowhere on a lake so I run on those roads and have since I started running. The longest distance I like to do from my house is 8 miles (found that out the hard way). I basically run from one slough to another and out to the main road and back for a total of 8 miles. I've attached a picture for reference since this being typed out makes no sense. :rotfl:I do all my longer runs in town on the Riverwalk or a bike trail they converted from the old railroad, but those are both about 30 minutes away from my house.

ATTQOTD: When I first started running, I used a lot of the paved multi-use trails that we have in our area. I had walked them a lot, but when you run, you go a lot farther in the same amount of time, so I had to do some exploring with them.

Now, I have mental half-mile markers for most of the trails, and I'll pick a trail for an out-and-back based on various relevant qualities: how much shade, how hilly, how many times I'll have to stop for traffic lights, anticipated need for port-a-potties, and so on. Also, some of them I can get to on foot, but some I have to make a short drive (not good during rush hour).

What I've never really done until this winter season is run on the blocks around my neighborhood. This is because it's quite hilly - nothing too huge, but constantly up and down, which isn't really much fun. And there isn't much shade, so the combination is not good for summer. However, I decided that I couldn't face the treadmill indoors after work when it's dark. But, I have concerns about traffic-crossing and lighting on the multi-use trails. So I've mapped out a loop route around the neighborhood that comes to just over 1.5 miles, but I can make some adjustments to do 1.1 or 1.3 miles instead. And I wear a reflective vest, a blue LED lamp front and back, and carry knuckle-lights for visibility, since I have to cross some streets, but not major ones. Yesterday, I ran by someone getting into her car, and she told me I was very visible, so mission accomplished!


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