The ABC's of Sauntering Through WDW- J is for: Just Like That, It's Judiciously Ended! (4/23)

And out of all of those lovely pictures, Yes - I would scoop poop for a lifetime AP! Glad you had a great time in San Francisco!

I would too! :) I hear that once in a while an RN position comes up. I'd take that too.

I did, I did!!! It's always great to get a quick getaway to get out of the normal routine!

Sigh, it's been FAR too long since I've watched any Monty or Black Adder. Need to correct that.

Uh, huh. Sure you will. So will I.



Sure you will.

mmmm.... pie.

Well, since my dream is to eat apple pie... then, yes.

I think we may disagree on best pie. I prefer pecan, blueberry, or fresh peach over apple any day. Oh and pumpkin. If apple is what is there, I'll pick out the filling and eat that and leave the crust.


$15? They've gone down in price?

LOL!!! I just can't bring myself to spend that much on something so temporary. Then again, I've been known to plop down $350 for a single meal, so I guess it's all in the eyes of the beholder. I remember Kathy who used to be on here buys one every single trip in honor of her dad and gives it away to bring joy to a nearby child. Nice act in memorium.

Me. I bought one for each DD. But... They knew they couldn't take them with them (planes make balloons pop), so at the end of our stay, they each gave them away to other kids. They got to spread their own pixie dust and (I think?) were pretty happy to make someone else smile. :)

Yes, see above comment. That's a very nice thing to do to share the joy. :) I like it.

Hmmm... well, there's the obvious POTC. And also in PP. Also on the PP float at the parade... all I can think of off the top of my head.

Yep! That's another! Pretty sure JC has one too. Either there or Swiss Family/Tarzan. Makes me want to find them all; I'll bet there are others. Fort Langhorn on TSI is long gone, but there were some there.

I don't know if I'll ever try it.
I'm too much a fan of the float.

I like those too, but Imma stick with cake for a bit. ;)

:goodvibes This is such a great photo.
I also note that you are smaller than a fairy, apparently. :)

LOL!! I didn't even notice. But, apparently it is true. Now to find me some of that pixie dust....

Shoot. I had one in mind, but then forgot it.


That's two and a half days... and considering someone has to do it already... Sure!

I would too. In a heartbeat!

Nice shot!

Thanks! I thought it was one of my better ones too. :goodvibes

It's not there? I guess... bowing to political correctness?

I suppose that's the most likely explanation, but in a sense, they got it backwards. He was stately, and authentic. Why remove something that was such a good representation of that culture? :confused3:confused3:confused3 Erasing it seems like the exact opposite of the intention if so. I will look for it again in May. Perhaps it was out for refurbing.

Good thing you're cleaning the crapper this weekend.

But... I had to go look. I could've sworn there was a kite there too!

Yes! and Yes. WTHeck? I am wondering if the marquis was re-done when they redid the queue area? :confused3

Is it really a victory if you had to ride IASW to get it?

I like that ride every now and then. Brings back so many childhood memories. :)

I adored collecting these from ARCO gas stations in the mid-70s; even then I loved travel/learning about other cultures.


Well, it's your TR, so you can make up any rules you want!

Correct. :laughing:
Oooohhh... toilet cleaning. You really know how to spend a weekend! First San Francisco and now this? Will the wonders never cease????

Livin' it up!! LOL!
Wait, no more cigar store Indian??? For the longest time he was in Frontierland on the porch outside the row of shops! And you know I was just in Frontierland 4 days ago and can't remember if he was there :scratchin I guess my memory is as good as yours!

I know!!! And in years past, it was on Main Street. So confused! Definitely looking in May.

Excited to hear about your visit to the museum :goodvibes

Hopefully soon. All the photos need to be edited and I need to write it. Might finish this 2 part update first.
Liesa, I am so way behind with comments that I have to give up on doing it properly.

I feel that way every Friday after work and Saturday when I sit down to finally get some DIS time.

Currently on my phone, in a cafe, and I just read your last update. So I decided to just jump in and say how much I enjoyed all your updates!

Thanks, Magdalene! I'm still enjoying writing and sharing the photos I got. :) Still have a ways to go from the last trip but hope to finish it all up before I head back in May.

I had to laugh that you didn’t post pictures of the obvious elephants in Storybook Circus!! The flying ones.

You mean these? I actually did take a photo, and will share it now. ;)

I can only come up with three canon locations: Pirates/Adventureland, Little Mermaid, Storybook. The biggest Disney canon is at DLP btw: Their Space Mountain fires the trains through a canon!

Pretty sure JC or nearby the Tree House area has one too.

But that is really cool that they do that on SM there!! I need to see that!

The day at Discovery Cove sounds amazing!! I think this is something Michael and I need to do on our next visit to Orlando, whenever that will be! We always wanted to, but we’re reluctant because of the price. But it looks like Michael will finally drop his AP for WDW in March and so, we might end up in Orlando with both of us having to buy admission and then things change. Yes, we might even end up with an Orlando trip that does not involve WDW! Shocking!!

That would be quite something for you to venture out and not do at least something at WDW!! I'm on the fence about renewing. I love it there so much, but also have other travel I want to do. We'll see in Sept. :)

As for DC, I just know you'll love it there. Yes, steep price tag, but a full day of gorgeous and relaxing scenery.

I hope your neck is getting better!

No, sadly, it got better for a while, but is acting up again.
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Oh don't get me wrong, most of it is spectacular! Especially, and trying to take my bias into account, the parts in Central and Northern Oregon.

Okay, then!
It's back on!! :laughing:

I didn't actually go to the concert itself. I sat in the Fairmont Hotel and had lunch and studied.

So... then you enjoyed the concert.


I did! And maybe, if I'm lucky, there will be more later this weekend. First I have many, many threads to read and enjoy!

Standing by!
Sigh, it's been FAR too long since I've watched any Monty or Black Adder. Need to correct that.

I've never watched Black Adder. It wasn't available here, possibly? Not sure. :confused3

I think we may disagree on best pie. I prefer pecan, blueberry, or fresh peach over apple any day. Oh and pumpkin. If apple is what is there, I'll pick out the filling and eat that and leave the crust.

Pass on Pecan. Pass on Pumpkin. Binge on Blueberry. Pig-out on Peach.

Try my apple pie first. Then see.

LOL!!! I just can't bring myself to spend that much on something so temporary. Then again, I've been known to plop down $350 for a single meal, so I guess it's all in the eyes of the beholder.

And... the balloon lasts longer, although you do get to experience the meal twice.

I remember Kathy who used to be on here buys one every single trip in honor of her dad and gives it away to bring joy to a nearby child. Nice act in memorium.

Awww... that's nice.

Yes, see above comment. That's a very nice thing to do to share the joy. :) I like it.

I think they did too. :)

Yep! That's another! Pretty sure JC has one too.

Can't remember. Was thinking of it, but... just don't remember if there is one.

Either there or Swiss Family/Tarzan. Makes me want to find them all; I'll bet there are others.


Fort Langhorn on TSI is long gone, but there were some there.

What's TSI?

LOL!! I didn't even notice. But, apparently it is true. Now to find me some of that pixie dust....


I would too. In a heartbeat!


I suppose that's the most likely explanation, but in a sense, they got it backwards. He was stately, and authentic. Why remove something that was such a good representation of that culture? :confused3:confused3:confused3 Erasing it seems like the exact opposite of the intention if so. I will look for it again in May. Perhaps it was out for refurbing.

Hmmm... but all it takes is one group to say it's offensive and... <poof>

Yes! and Yes. WTHeck? I am wondering if the marquis was re-done when they redid the queue area? :confused3

Hmm... wonder if I can find some older photos...

Either I can't, or it hasn't changed. dunno

I like that ride every now and then. Brings back so many childhood memories. :)

Good reason, actually. :)

I adored collecting these from ARCO gas stations in the mid-70s; even then I loved travel/learning about other cultures.


Those aren't creepy... at all...

Livin' it up!! LOL!

X is for: eXcellent eXercise in Alphabetical Hunting

It’s been far too long since this TR has seen any MK action. Or any action at all. But, the weekend is here which means a little bit of free time. Let us rejoice.

It's been far too long since I've been able to reply much and being at a normal computer vs. on my phone.

Balloons make everyone happy! Well, except the person shelling out $15 for one. They look nice anyway and make great photos. Poll time: How many of you have bought one somewhere along the road at Disney? While I’ve bought plenty of other crap that is decades long gone, I’ve never splurged on one. Probably because my kids never asked.

I got one for my grandson, but not for my kids...I don't think they ever asked either. On the other hand, I can't tell you how many other way overpriced things I did buy for my kids there
C is for Cannons! And the Magic Kingdom has a plethora to choose from. Here are just 2, but I can think of at least 2 other places you can find them. Tell me all the places you can think of where you can find a cannon.

I know the obvious is on PotC. I think there's one on JC.

Everyone, well everyone I know, loves a Dole Whip. However, I might be in the small minority that likes the Dole Whip Pineapple Upsidedown Cake even more. I tried this little beauty for the first time on this trip and fell in love all over again. MMM!!!
D is for Dole Whip.

I don't know if me raving about them in my TR had anything to do with you trying one, but regardless...I'm right there with you. I love my Dole whips, but when you put the pinapple upside down cake also, that's (as you said and I've said before) as if an angel peed on my tongue.

As I came out of the shop and started walking right down the middle of Main Street, I found my Letter H. A horse of a Disney color! A stroll up Main Street just wouldn’t be the same without seeing a horse-drawn trolley, now would it? Poll time, if you would get a lifetime AP in return, would you be the pooper scooper for 20 hours a week?

Considering how much APs cost (even for FL residents) and considering I'd scooped a LOT of poop on the farm, absolutely!!!!!!

I spy with my little eye some Indians. Believe it or not, Indigenous People can be found in at least 3 locations that I can think of in the Magic Kingdom. Here is 1. I know at least some of you can name a 2nd or 3rd. Sadly, the one I had in mind for this photo when I developed my Scavenger Hunt is no longer around, I guess. I distinctly recall as I kid, or even into my adulthood, a carved wooden Indian with a full headdress standing on Main Street. If not there, in Frontierland.

Jungle cruise and railroad. Can't think if there are others. I don't recall the one on main street, but I believe you.
Yes, I may actually finish this TR before I go again in May. :rolleyes:)

No rush. If I finish a report before the year anniversary rolls around I start to think somethings wrong.

While I’ve bought plenty of other crap that is decades long gone, I’ve never splurged on one. Probably because my kids never asked.

I've been fortunate that none of my kids have asked for one, either. 40 dollar stuffed plushes from the Emporium, definitely. But no balloons. (Although, they might have never realized they were for sale before. A part of me thinks they think the Cast Members are supposed to hang around Main St. with the balloons.)

However, I might be in the small minority that likes the Dole Whip Pineapple Upsidedown Cake even more. I tried this little beauty for the first time on this trip and fell in love all over again

This version looks really good. Can't wait to try it eventually.

She adored my shoes and demanded we show them off exclaiming that all good fairies have just the right accessories for every occasion.

Your Tink outfit turned out great!

Poll time, if you would get a lifetime AP in return, would you be the pooper scooper for 20 hours a week?

Absolutely. If I can handle all my pets and my children during their potty training years, being a pooper scooper would be easy going.

I distinctly recall as I kid, or even into my adulthood, a carved wooden Indian with a full headdress standing on Main Street.

The statue was definitely there in the summer of 2014. I remember taking a picture of my mom with it. What a bummer that it's not there anymore. This saddens me, I liked seeing him on Main Street.
Yes, I may actually finish this TR before I go again in May. :rolleyes:)

It's good to have goals!

Afterall, it’s apple pies that make the menfolks’ mouths water.


Balloons make everyone happy! Well, except the person shelling out $15 for one. They look nice anyway and make great photos. Poll time: How many of you have bought one somewhere along the road at Disney?

Nope. Because they're $15 and won't last two days.

Tell me all the places you can think of where you can find a cannon.

Well, I remember they were at Gettysburg and Antietam battlefields. And the Castillo de San Marcos fort in St. Augustine.

Everyone, well everyone I know, loves a Dole Whip. However, I might be in the small minority that likes the Dole Whip Pineapple Upsidedown Cake even more. I tried this little beauty for the first time on this trip and fell in love all over again. MMM!!! D is for Dole Whip.

Sounds good. But usually in 90+ degree Florida heat, I just want the ice cream.

You might think that's water coming out of its trunk, but it's snot.

Gah! He's burning his hand off!

Poll time, if you would get a lifetime AP in return, would you be the pooper scooper for 20 hours a week?

Nah. I got better things to do with my time.

I spy with my little eye some Indians. Believe it or not, Indigenous People can be found in at least 3 locations that I can think of in the Magic Kingdom. Here is 1. I know at least some of you can name a 2nd or 3rd. Sadly, the one I had in mind for this photo when I developed my Scavenger Hunt is no longer around, I guess.

I remember the ones on the back side of Tom Sawyer Island you could see from the train ride. Are they still there?
But.... Disney Family Museum here I come!
Sounds wonderful. That museum is definitely a place I would like to visit. It's a bit far for me to travel there now of course, being on the far east coast, but I envision myself as a travelling retiree one day, finally able to take in all these things.

Afterall, it’s apple pies that make the menfolks’ mouths water. One bite and all your dreams will come true.
Have you been reading Friday night posts in the DisDads thread again? I believe something has been said about Snow White and her apple...

Balloons make everyone happy! Well, except the person shelling out $15 for one. They look nice anyway and make great photos. Poll time: How many of you have bought one somewhere along the road at Disney?
I've bought two. One for each DD. And I made it known that was the one and only one they would ever get. While I appreciate the appeal and cuteness of the balloons, they are a right pain in the backside to carry around (at least we had a stroller back then and just tied them on, but still a pain) and I really felt like they were such a waste. Lucky for me they took my warning to heart and haven't asked for one since.

My Tink Bounding outfit was crazy fun to wear and, while I’m decidedly NOT a character Meet and Greety sort of gal, I admit, this was worth it.
Very cute pictures! I would feel a bit awkward to meet characters by myself, but dressing up like that certainly make sit more fun, and at least gives you something to talk about.

Poll time, if you would get a lifetime AP in return, would you be the pooper scooper for 20 hours a week?
Hmmm...well, hypothetically, why not? Of course we're pretending I've moved to Florida and can sustain myself on a pooper scooper salary.
YAY!! You will LOVE it!! There are crazy amounts of things to do there. One lesser known thing is the Cable Car Museum/Wheel/Power House. It holds the ginormous flywheels and cable housings that power the cable cars. I think for an engineer like you, it'd be pretty neat to see. Small, but worth it. Alcatraz is a duh, Fishermans Wharf, Golden Gate, Disney Museum, the beaches are bland and boring, and the Worlds crookedest street (Lombard Ave.)- which they are probably going to start charging for now. Because California is out of control and run by morons. Anyway, those are my picks.

I had all of those on my list. We fly in on a Saturday, probably will try and see the Golden Gate Bridge and Disney Museum. Sunday we would do Alcatraz and maybe the Cable Car museum. My son really wants to see the baseball stadium too. I hear Fishermans Wharf is a bit of a tourist trap, although Julie wants to see the seals.

Nothing I can say .... yet. But changes are on the horizon. :teeth:

Sounds like you are an amazing manager! Good job!!!

And yes, I think the fact that blood USUALLY means anything other than a nosebleed you had good cause to have a minor panic attack.

I will admit I had a moment of freak out. Then I composed my question HOPING to hear nosebleed. I was a little relieved when I did. :rolleyes1
I wondered if it was herbal including Cumin as well. I have had loads of patients who take tumeric. Do you find it works for pain well? Fewer S/Es than the opioids?

It's not great for pain, but I do find that it pretty much works. I've been doing collagen in my coffee, but the skin on my forearms is still just as tender as it was when I started this whole regime. I still look like Fran has been beating me.

After lunch, I changed out of my wetsuit and back into my own swimwear, miraculously managed to emerge from the locker room with it on correctly, donned a lifejacket (required), grabbed a noodle, and padded off over the soft white sand to one of the several lazy river entrances.

Sounds relaxing!

Since it was open now, the lifeguards were no longer paying attention. See ^?


Some were more friendly than others, but with some patience and practicing stillness, I had some pretty good luck in coaxing a few to my arm.

I think that would freak me out. I don't mind birds, from a far, up close might be a little much.

So I found a small alcove where there was a snack/drink kiosk nearby, grabbed a glass of decidedly mediocre wine, found a bench submerged in the water, and plopped the aforementioned lazy carcass down on it.

I don't think you get to use the word lazy to describe yourself!

And that was my Wonderful, Wet, Watery Day at Discovery Cove- Somewhere Beyond the Sea.

Sounds like a fun day! I'd like to go there sometime.

Tell me all the places you can think of where you can find a cannon.

Castaway did you mean at the MK?

Well there's some guys straddling them in Pirates. I believe there's one in Peter Pan. Not sure about anywhere else....

However, I might be in the small minority that likes the Dole Whip Pineapple Upsidedown Cake even more. I tried this little beauty for the first time on this trip and fell in love all over again.

OK where do you get that? I adore pineapple upside down cake!

She adored my shoes and demanded we show them off exclaiming that all good fairies have just the right accessories for every occasion.

Omigosh! Those shoes are hilarious! Where did you get them?

Poll time, if you would get a lifetime AP in return, would you be the pooper scooper for 20 hours a week?

HECK NO! I don't even clean up the south end waste from my kitties!

Sadly, the one I had in mind for this photo when I developed my Scavenger Hunt is no longer around, I guess. I distinctly recall as I kid, or even into my adulthood, a carved wooden Indian with a full headdress standing on Main Street. If not there, in Frontierland.

Maybe it's at Disneyland? :confused3

I have about 14,000 threads to catch up on too. And a LOT of procrastinating to do in cleaning my toilet and folding laundry.

Sounds like me, minus the toilet cleaning i
part. I have "people" to that for me.

I had all of those on my list. We fly in on a Saturday, probably will try and see the Golden Gate Bridge and Disney Museum. Sunday we would do Alcatraz and maybe the Cable Car museum. My son really wants to see the baseball stadium too. I hear Fishermans Wharf is a bit of a tourist trap, although Julie wants to see the seals.

Other than the seals, you guys could give Fisherman's wharf a pass. The main reason to go there is for the seafood. There are stalls where you can get cheap eats like chowder, shrimp cocktail, and other stuff, but since you're not into that there's not a lot you would like there. The seals hand out near Pier 39, which is basically a glorified shopping mall.

I might suggest the Exploratorium, theres all sorts of cool stuff there and plenty if opportunities for Scotty to "happen".
It's not great for pain, but I do find that it pretty much works. I've been doing collagen in my coffee, but the skin on my forearms is still just as tender as it was when I started this whole regime. I still look like Fran has been beating me.
Although I've never met you, I feel I know you for these (and pkondz's) TRs. Regardless, sorry to hear about this...praying for you.

I don't think you get to use the word lazy to describe yourself!
Maybe for those few moments in time, but not in general no. She's a busy lady for sure.

OK where do you get that? I adore pineapple upside down cake!
They're at aloha aisle near tiki room and Aladdin carpet. Love me some dole whips, but the pineapple upside down for whip is even better!
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Everyone, well everyone I know, loves a Dole Whip. However, I might be in the small minority that likes the Dole Whip Pineapple Upsidedown Cake even more. I tried this little beauty for the first time on this trip and fell in love all over again. MMM!!! D is for Dole Whip.
This! Absolutely my favourite, so good!

F is for Fairies and here are a couple that might entertain you. My Tink Bounding outfit was crazy fun to wear and, while I’m decidedly NOT a character Meet and Greety sort of gal, I admit, this was worth it. She adored my shoes and demanded we show them off exclaiming that all good fairies have just the right accessories for every occasion. @Chrystmasangel you are amazing and added a wonderful, fun touch to my outfit!
Awesome bound!

Yes, every few years, I kinda like to see that little minx Trixie belt out her sultry tunes. J is for a Jammin’ Jamboree!!
you just have to love the Country Bears!

It doesn’t exist because I’m over 50 and both my body and my mind are going to the crapper.
I don't believe it for a minute! As a fellow over 50 (almost 53!) I have decided we are aging like fine wine......right????
Holy cow... so much behindedness. In addition to the sort due to a pathetic lack of dieting self-discipline. Work weeks are suckingly long. And weekends have their own sets of issues and stuff to do. But, I'm caught up as much as I could on the threads I follow (I apologize for my sadly abbreviated comments lately) and am now poised to spend tomorrow replying and writing new updates. YAY!!! Bear with me, Friendlies!

Now... how do I make warm chocolate chip cookies show up at my door?
Holy cow... so much behindedness. In addition to the sort due to a pathetic lack of dieting self-discipline.


am now poised to spend tomorrow replying and writing new updates. YAY!!!

Yay Indeed!

Now... how do I make warm chocolate chip cookies show up at my door?

Oh, that's easy.
Get off behindedness and go to store. Buy needed ingredients. Bake cookies. Place on plate or in container of choice. Place them outside. Close door. Open door! Surprise! Cookies!
Okay, then!
It's back on!! :laughing:

YAY!! Let me know when you come through! Or better yet, start at DLR, and work your way up and end at the Japanese Garden. Or go even further and ride through the Olympics.

So... then you enjoyed the concert.


Nope. Didn't go. I sat and had a 5 zillion dollar cocktail in the Fairmont across the street while I studied for my exam.

I've never watched Black Adder. It wasn't available here, possibly? Not sure. :confused3

I think it's even funnier than Python.

Pass on Pecan. Pass on Pumpkin. Binge on Blueberry. Pig-out on Peach.

Try my apple pie first. Then see.

Peach: the pie of my childhood. Gigi (my French Grandmother) had a tree outside the front door and every summer we'd make peach ice cream and pie. Sigh.... wonderful memories.

And... the balloon lasts longer, although you do get to experience the meal twice.

Especially if it's a spicy meal.

Can't remember. Was thinking of it, but... just don't remember if there is one.

I need to go on a cannon quest.

What's TSI?

Tom Sawyer Island. ;)


I see; I see!!!


Hmmm... but all it takes is one group to say it's offensive and... <poof>

I wish people would use the "scroll feature" in real life more often. Use your vote to speak and otherwise move on.

Hmm... wonder if I can find some older photos...

Either I can't, or it hasn't changed. dunno

I'd love to know too. I swear it was there.

Those aren't creepy... at all...

No... their costumes were incredible! So much detail and super authentic. I played with them for HOURS!
It's been far too long since I've been able to reply much and being at a normal computer vs. on my phone.

Heck it's been far too long that I can get really on either. Life is... weird right now.

I got one for my grandson, but not for my kids...I don't think they ever asked either. On the other hand, I can't tell you how many other way overpriced things I did buy for my kids there

I've seen too many blow away and poof... $15 down the toilet.

I know the obvious is on PotC. I think there's one on JC.

I think you're right, but I"m going to count next time I'm there.

I don't know if me raving about them in my TR had anything to do with you trying one, but regardless...I'm right there with you. I love my Dole whips, but when you put the pinapple upside down cake also, that's (as you said and I've said before) as if an angel peed on my tongue.

It did. ;)

And yes. I was duly impressed. I like the textures mixed together. :cloud9:

Considering how much APs cost (even for FL residents) and considering I'd scooped a LOT of poop on the farm, absolutely!!!!!!

LOL! Me too!!

Jungle cruise and railroad. Can't think if there are others. I don't recall the one on main street, but I believe you.

So that's 4 places. :)

JC, Main Street (or Frontierland), Railroad (TSI), and IaSW.


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