Are you going to DLR this summer or skipping it due to SWGE crowds? I can't decide!


DIS Veteran
Nov 12, 2004
We typically go to DLR about once a year, usually in the summer. Next year we can't go due to other plans so I'm trying to decide if we should go this year or skip this summer and next summer and wait until 2021. I love DLR so I will be a bummed but if it's going to be insanely crowded, I'm not sure it's worth it. We would be going end of July if we go.

Has anyone been to a large grand opening at DL before? How bad was it? Did it make the lines throughout both parks ridiculously long? If you are going, what's your strategy going to be, which days of the week, etc? We know about getting there before rope drop (wonder how much earlier it will need to be this time) and using FPs. I'm concerned FPs will run out in record time, walkways will be a mass of people everywhere and rides like even Pirates and Haunted could see 1-2 hour waits.

Who's braving the crowds this summer? Are you worried?

We were planning to brave the crowds in late July...we didn't go last year and try to go every other year now that my kids are no longer kids, but young adults. But...we have bailed, because the idea of massive crowds made the planning not as fun for me. I know next year will also be massively crowded, but at least with some of the newness worn off it hopefully won't be quite as bad. Planning and anticipating my Disney vacations is a big part of the fun for me, and I just wasn't feeling it with so much unknown with the SWGE opening.
We usually go in Jan/Feb due to a random three day weekend our kids have. The past two years, we have also gone in the summer but typically we go every 2-3 years in the summer.

We just got back and it was with the understanding that we likely won't go back for probably 2 years. We do love Star Wars, so we look forward to SWGE, but I want to see how it changes everything before we plan the next trip. Also, the price increase is so dramatic that it has to be taken into consideration. My girls are 10 and 13 so they won't mind switching up our vacations a bit.
We were planning to brave the crowds in late July...we didn't go last year and try to go every other year now that my kids are no longer kids, but young adults. But...we have bailed, because the idea of massive crowds made the planning not as fun for me. I know next year will also be massively crowded, but at least with some of the newness worn off it hopefully won't be quite as bad. Planning and anticipating my Disney vacations is a big part of the fun for me, and I just wasn't feeling it with so much unknown with the SWGE opening.
I feel the same way. We're even thinking of swapping back to WDW this year. We'll hit closer to opening date there, but at least we can avoid the Star Wars park if we want to. Having it invade our castle park is a big downer for me.
I usually go in the last week of June every year and I have not changed my plans for June 2019.

However I have changed up my planned touring style

In expectation of large crowds
  1. I booked my hotel in October 2018, to lock in my room rate and to guarantee availability at my chosen hotel for my specific days
  2. I plan to rope drop, when normally I arrive about 30 minutes after rope drop
  3. I plan to book a TS restaurant for each park day, where normally I just book 1 TS and do all other meals counter service. I am expecting long lines at counter service.
  4. I have marked my calendar for my 60 days and will book all TS on exactly 60 days. Other years I usually book at 40 or 30 days.
  5. I have 1 park per day tickets not park hoppers. Im expecting park capacity closures multiple times in a day and for long periods of time. Once I am in a park, I am staying until late at night.

Most likely my park days will fall right in the middle of opening week of Star Wars Galaxys Edge. Therefore Im not expecting to do any new rides. That can wait until my 2020 visit. I just plan to go and have a look at the shops and the land.
We typically go to DLR about once a year, usually in the summer. Next year we can't go due to other plans so I'm trying to decide if we should go this year or skip this summer and next summer and wait until 2021. I love DLR so I will be a bummed but if it's going to be insanely crowded, I'm not sure it's worth it. We would be going end of July if we go...

I would go ahead and book a hotel or two as long as you know there is a no penalty cancellation policy. That way, if you do have to cancel, no problem. Next, would you be flying or driving? If you don't have to book flights, it's a bit easier because you'll have a month to read all the reports and updates here (and there will be a LOT) to learn all the tips, shortcuts, secrets, and just plain news on the ground from people who are actually there (vs. rumors and exaggerations and who only knows what else). You'll have a whole month to get prepared for your trip and to plan and organize. Remember that the 3 lower APs will be blocked from DL by your trip dates. Not necessarily from DCA, but definitely from DL. That will help some. If you read the reports here that DL is just impossible, even to the vets that go weekly -- then cancel your trip. (No penalty hotel, remember?) But if you start reading that it isn't as horrific as rumored and that there are tricks and tips to manage things as long as you are smart about planning, then maybe your trip will work out fine. DLR will be as prepared as they can be for the crowds they are expecting -- this means a lot -- longer hours, more staffing (!), rides are being refurbed now to be ready for summer so they can go-go-go at full capacity, shows are being refurbed now for summer, etc. Think it over -- we're not going to avoid the parks just because of SWGE. But I'll be doing a lot of reading here all summer, that's for sure, and making plans according to what I read here!
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There will be a couple of days at DLP, I confess...
Bring an empty carry on/tote bag for all the fun things you'll buy at DLP. A friend of mine went for one day and came back with a bag loaded with the cutest stuff! And none of it available here!! Then you can plan all the cute DLP things you and your DD can wear on your next trip to DLR. :)
I’m planning our first DL trip this summer and am debating whether to go in late May-early June to try to AVOID SWGE or late June-early August to experience it. Lol.
Latest rumor I heard is June 21st opening but of course that could be wrong.
Since it’s our first DL trip it’d be nice to enjoy the “calm before the storm” and we will likely see SWGE at HS in 2020.
On the other hand I really want to see SWGE!!! Seems a shame to go all that way and miss it by a few weeks.
I may book a couple different weeks at the Hojo and decide later which week to go.
If it was just me going, or me and one other I would go whenever I could. With my large family though, I would stress too much trying to plan for this summer so I am glad our scheduled worked better for March (spring break for us) than my normal go-to of June. Imagine your worst case scenario crowd-wise, and if you can see yourself finding a way to have fun even in a worst-case, don't let other worries bog you down. If the touring style describe by BadPinkTink above doesn't sound fun, it might be better to skip this summer.
We usually only go in the spring and fall and since my son started high school football we now only go in the spring. We are getting in a trip before the madness starts and then we will see how it looks next spring.
We are going the end of July. We had our honeymoon there and are celebrating our 30th anniversary. Booked the Grand Californian in September with parkhoppers for 5 days with maxpass. We usually go every 2 years but Disney is slowly pricing us out so we figure this will be our last trip there.
We are planning on going in early October and I'm worried that might be too soon. I think June, July and August will be, literally and figuratively, another world as far as crowds and stress are concerned.
nDH (non-Disney Husband) and I are doing WDW this year. It's funny, he likes going to WDW, but really doesn't like DL. He can't put his finger on exactly why, but there it is. I may try to brave a one day solo visit this fall when I go visit my cousin, but it'll be a last minute decision based on what the 'trends' have been as far as crowds and waiting times.

BFF and her daughter are planning a 5 day trip after SWL opens as a graduation present. Her daughter is a big SW fan.


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