Something About Nothing ... #12

Woke up at 5am to the dogs barking from the where they're penned up in the kitchen at night. Came out of the bedroom and it was freezing in the living room and the back door was wide open! Our house settled after it was built and there's a little gap in the doorway now so the door doesn't stay latched always. We usually deadbolt it to keep it closed, but I guess when DF took the pups out last night he didn't lock it. The wind was wicked so I'm sure it knocked it open. Still, I searched the house and couldn't go back to sleep after that because I was a little freaked out.

One more day of work for DF and then he gets a vacation day plus his normal 3 days off, and I took my 3 work days off, so we get 4 whole days together! Birthday celebration with our tiny family tomorrow, birthday date night Friday for just us, and Sunday I'm going to a wedding expo with my mom at our venue so she can see it. Pretty busy days off, but I'm excited!

Still waiting on taxes to deposit.
Thinking of heading to Lowe's for some paint to start working on painting the trim in the house after the kids go to bed.
Ok- I have to pop back in for a feel good story! I went out to Tim Horton's for a sandwich and latte for lunch. When I drove up to the window to pay, the clerk said that the lady in front of me already paid for me!!:) I was so moved!! I followed her to 2 traffic lights- waving to her along the way to thank her!:flower3: I will certainly pay it forward next time! It truly IS the small things in life that make a BIG difference! That lady made my whole day!!:cloud9:

If someone was trailing me, waving as she drove, would think it was a stalker

On a serious note, that treat on her had to make you feel special
Glad you hunted her down to let her know it was appreciated.

Probably made her day also.

I want to be behind you in the Tim Horton line .....
Skipped Lowe's and went to Buy Buy Baby, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target instead. Ended up buying my oldest an outfit that was on clearance (a HP shirt with the Deathly Hallows on it and matching sparkly pants), a few small things for their Easter baskets on clearance, and some new cleaners to try. Also splurged $10 on a 4-egg poacher thingy. I like to make a bunch of hard boiled eggs, but hate peeling them. This thing you crack the egg into the holder, close the lid, and put the whole thing it water and it makes hardboiled eggs without the shell! Totally worth the $10!

Kids are eating hot dogs, yogurt, and cheeseballs for dinner (the 3 year olds request) and since they were good girls on our shopping trip, I said okay. Waiting until they go to bed and I wake DF up early to watch our show to decide what to make us.
Eek, Tgrgrl. That would freak me out too. Sounds like something my DH would have done. I was always the kind one that said, yo the dog needed to go out. LOL Good kids dinner.

Ended up with grilled cheese, as bread seemed to be almost stale, so good time to use it up. Easy dinner. Little one turned up her nose at that choice, so a pasta zap a meal was her dinner.

Patty, sweet. I probably would have thought crazy lady following me. LOL

Other than a cough for no apparent reason, feel back to normal now.

Quiet night, and all should be back to routine tomorrow. Gloves are ready.
Was so happy to beat the weather this am. Went back to bed and woke up few hours later to 4 inches of snow. A nice layer of freezing rain topped it followed by rain that almost has melted the whole mess. Lighting candles it doesn’t refreeze tonight

Bacon? OOH, I'll take some Mac.

Yep, back to routine today. Had to motor through a headache starting, and still have an annoying cough, but at least I am feeling more normal, and yeah, normal is good. I also, started feeling too hot, so no tea today, only cold water. For once, it's almost too hot in here. Oh well. I may take a few hours this afternoon, but maybe not. Have to see how I feel.

- yep, super snow moon to be seen today. Us, nope. Lots of clouds, but a very cold start. 26 said the car.

Thought the house felt too cold, checked, some one turned off the heater. Little one? Thought it was too warm, and did not know how to turn thermostat down, so turned off. A lovely 55 was spied this morning, so the heater got turned on. Set it for 64, and showed how to change the temp. Here's hoping it's warmer than 55 when I do get home.

But, while Mac may be doing a Walmart run for bacon, she can stop at the Taco Bell, for lunch. That's right, taco Tuesday is here.

With that, need some more water, and trying to feel normal. Later homies. Hope all had a good night's sleep.

Normal is over-rated. U have ur share of headaches, maybe migrane or tension type

I must be the odd one who could care less about bacon. :duck:I've just never loved it. But tacos I can eat every day!! We had them for lunch yesterday. I'd have to say, it's a tie for favorite foods between Mexican and Sushi. Yum!

DF gets to pick our quick lunch today since his birthday is Thursday (we eat out on payday since I do my shopping and we don't have much time to see each other between work and bed). Friday night my mom will watch the girls so we can go to the good buffet and play slots at our favorite casino.

Apparently my mom wants to take me and the girls shopping next week sometime. Good timing as my 3 year old had a growth spurt and outgrew almost all her 3t clothes. That girl loves her shopping too, so she'll love her day out with grandma.

Now if only it would get a littler warmer than 30°f.

Tell me you don’t mix Mexican & sushi in one sitting lol

Nothing like a win (even small) and cheap buffet at local casino :)

Thanks pattyw

My guess they are doughnuts


Cut out cookies and nicely decorated at that!

For all the Sans family who said they would have cloud cover this evening, here is the supermoon. Pics are from my iPhone so not great. It’s 77 degrees and a beautiful evening with a gentle breeze from the east.
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Nice! A palm tree makes any pic look better. View in my neck of the woods a bit different. Things looked rather ominous to me, was waiting for a ghoul to pop out behind a tree.


Skipped Lowe's and went to Buy Buy Baby, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target instead. Ended up buying my oldest an outfit that was on clearance (a HP shirt with the Deathly Hallows on it and matching sparkly pants), a few small things for their Easter baskets on clearance, and some new cleaners to try. Also splurged $10 on a 4-egg poacher thingy. I like to make a bunch of hard boiled eggs, but hate peeling them. This thing you crack the egg into the holder, close the lid, and put the whole thing it water and it makes hardboiled eggs without the shell! Totally worth the $10!

Kids are eating hot dogs, yogurt, and cheeseballs for dinner (the 3 year olds request) and since they were good girls on our shopping trip, I said okay. Waiting until they go to bed and I wake DF up early to watch our show to decide what to make us.

Hmm that’s an interesting meal line up but it does seem to cover several food groups lol. Kids are so funny with their choices


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If someone was trailing me, waving as she drove, would think it was a stalker

Patty, sweet. I probably would have thought crazy lady following me. LOL

:laughing: I didn't really follow her- we were headed in the same direction- I guess the way I described it, I DID sound like a stalker!:eek:

I want to be behind you in the Tim Horton line .....

Mac- I'll buy you a latte anytime!:)

Weather turned out not so bad after all! Snow flurries quickly turned into rain- now it's dry! Phew!!:thumbsup2

Early night here! Pasta dinner and some tv!
Furnace isn’t a word we ever use over here........we have a condensing boiler which gives us our hot water and runs our gas central heating’s a fantastic system and our home is like a hot house when the heating is on......but furnace is a strange word for us to use.....usually associated with industry and furnaces.

So our heating and water is run by gas. Wouldn’t have any other system. Gas used to be cheaper many years ago, now it’s just as expensive as electric.

Funny you mention Whistler, our financial adviser is there this week with his family!! I had never heard of it, but we just saw him few weeks ago to keep up to date on things and he said he’d be away skiing for Half Term over here......and when he said Whistler Tom and I both said “where” lol.......

Yes, spring clean of closets is early this year.......not shoes with me, but handbags......I have them carefully bagged up and in their own place, but slowly but surely they get moved around and maybe not placed back carefully on their correct shelves.......I’m a bag person!!!

I’m stuffed after dinner tonight.........Kyle wanted rice and I had made bbq chicken thighs and peppers.......and made too much......and we ate it all!!! It is hard to resist.

Lazy night ahead........managed to get some writing done today for a piece I agreed to do for the University a while back. It had been pushed back to now......only have 10 days left to finish it. I’ll get it done.

Time for a cuppa.........
Whistler is about an hour drive from us! Brother in law is up there now. Said skiing is good.

In Canada having a furnace, that’s what we call it is most common. We have gas. The tankless hot water on demand system, also gas, is slowly catching on here. I think installer is coming next week sometime. A couple of good friends who live quite nearby grew up in England and were telling me the tankless hot water is quite common there. Their families both moved to England when they were quite young. From Wales and the other from S. Ireland.

I’m guilty of both shoes and handbags ::yes::
Sue- that is a pretty picture! I can't wait to see that picture in the summer!:sunny:
Thanks! Next clear day I’ll post a pic. The mountains truly are spectacular.

Skipped Lowe's and went to Buy Buy Baby, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target instead. Ended up buying my oldest an outfit that was on clearance (a HP shirt with the Deathly Hallows on it and matching sparkly pants), a few small things for their Easter baskets on clearance,
Great score on the Harry Potter clothes! I have to start collecting Easter chocolate. I decorate my table with the Lindt gold bunnies and Easter eggs. Plus my adult daughters still expect Easter baskets, lol.

Pattyw what a great story! That is sure to brighten anyone’s day!

Keishashadow wow! That is a spooky photo! Good one for Halloween!

This afternoon I phoned Universal to get daughter her ticket! I bought her the 2 week Explorer pass good for 3 parks.
I’m waiting to see if RPH comes out with an AP rate, that will determine whether I get the seasonal AP or Explorer Pass which is marginally less than 3 park AP. The girl I spoke with was delightful. Made me more excited for our trip!
Good evening everyone. I ended up only going to work for 3 hours today. We had 3 clients show up for mornig appointments and then cancelations until 4:30. Our missing file key was returned. Our absent minded therapist had put it in his pocket and forgotten about it.

When I came home I had to deal with a bill from our dental office. They sent a 9 page bill that included charges and payments from all 3 of us that went back to 2013. I called and was told that the money owed was an amount applied to our deductible from a procedure dh had back in January, plus the an additional amount for the procedure. Something didn’t seen right, so I analyzed the bill and figured out that they were trying to make us pay the full amount less a small credit we had that I didn’t know about. They are only allowed to charge us for the contracted amount with the insurance company. They must write off the difference between what they charge for the procedure and what the insurance company will allow. I am going to go by the office on riday and try to get it straightened out.

I lived with all gas appliances all my life until I moved south

Really enjoyed it

In Georgia, all our utilities are electric
We don’t have any gas lines

Part of the time I lived in GA we had a gas stove. I think the heat was also gas, but the air conditioning was electric.
That was so long ago I really can’t remember. I eventually ended up living in apartments that were all electric. I haven’t cooked on a gas stove in decades.

I keep the door ajar so the cats can shelter there when it rains and the dogs probably jumped on the door trying to get out and managed to lock themselves in. I think they are strays that got dumped on our dirt road as it's a common problem here or someone is letting them run free :sad2: They ran off when I opened the door.
This really angers me. I don’t understand why people won’t take animals to a shelter where at least they have a chance of finding a new home.

Ok- I have to pop back in for a feel good story! I went out to Tim Horton's for a sandwich and latte for lunch. When I drove up to the window to pay, the clerk said that the lady in front of me already paid for me!!:) I was so moved!! I followed her to 2 traffic lights- waving to her along the way to thank her!:flower3: I will certainly pay it forward next time! It truly IS the small things in life that make a BIG difference! That lady made my whole day!!:cloud9:
I love hearing stories like this. I have never been the recipient, but I did once pay for a soldier’s meal at my favorite Mexican restaurant.

iPhone pic from my deck!View attachment 383645Theres actually mountains out there you can vaguely make out an outline.
Beautiful picture.

Yes, spring clean of closets is early this year.......not shoes with me, but handbags......I have them carefully bagged up and in their own place, but slowly but surely they get moved around and maybe not placed back carefully on their correct shelves.......I’m a bag person!!!
I am the very opposite when it comes to handbags. I only own one. I will use the same one until it starts to fall apart and then buy a new one. My mom used to always match her handbag to her shoes.

Woke up at 5am to the dogs barking from the where they're penned up in the kitchen at night. Came out of the bedroom and it was freezing in the living room and the back door was wide open! Our house settled after it was built and there's a little gap in the doorway now so the door doesn't stay latched always. We usually deadbolt it to keep it closed, but I guess when DF took the pups out last night he didn't lock it. The wind was wicked so I'm sure it knocked it open. Still, I searched the house and couldn't go back to sleep after that because I was a little freaked out.
That would completely freak me out.

Other than a cough for no apparent reason, feel back to normal now.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.

I need to try to get some sleep. I don’t have to get up quite as early tomorrow. B’s school is on a 2 hour delay.
Woke up at 5am to the dogs barking from the where they're penned up in the kitchen at night. Came out of the bedroom and it was freezing in the living room and the back door was wide open! Our house settled after it was built and there's a little gap in the doorway now so the door doesn't stay latched always. We usually deadbolt it to keep it closed, but I guess when DF took the pups out last night he didn't lock it. The wind was wicked so I'm sure it knocked it open. Still, I searched the house and couldn't go back to sleep after that because I was a little freaked out.

One more day of work for DF and then he gets a vacation day plus his normal 3 days off, and I took my 3 work days off, so we get 4 whole days together! Birthday celebration with our tiny family tomorrow, birthday date night Friday for just us, and Sunday I'm going to a wedding expo with my mom at our venue so she can see it. Pretty busy days off, but I'm excited!

Still waiting on taxes to deposit.
Thinking of heading to Lowe's for some paint to start working on painting the trim in the house after the kids go to bed.

Oh my goodness how scary!!! Oh you were right to feel unsettled.....

Sounds like a nice few days ahead of you......have fun!!!

Patty...….your quote didn't work for some reason......neither did Lynne`s but could add hers...….not great with technology!!! Some of what I was quoting from you is in Keisha`s quote.....:crazy:

But, hope your weather is also on the turn now......rain is better than snow and dry is even better!!!!

Have a great day...….

Was so happy to beat the weather this am. Went back to bed and woke up few hours later to 4 inches of snow. A nice layer of freezing rain topped it followed by rain that almost has melted the whole mess. Lighting candles it doesn’t refreeze tonight

Normal is over-rated. U have ur share of headaches, maybe migrane or tension type

Nice! A palm tree makes any pic look better. View in my neck of the woods a bit different. Things looked rather ominous to me, was waiting for a ghoul to pop out behind a tree.

View attachment 383674

Weather turned out not so bad after all! Snow flurries quickly turned into rain- now it's dry! Phew!!:thumbsup2

Early night here! Pasta dinner and some tv!

Yes, normal is overrated.….always thought so...…..:rolleyes1

Lovely pictures you captured there....….there`s something about the moon.

never had a latte

does it come with knob creek?

Never had a latte!!!! :scared1:

Now, I know you`ve had knob creek...….:thumbsup2

Whistler is about an hour drive from us! Brother in law is up there now. Said skiing is good.

In Canada having a furnace, that’s what we call it is most common. We have gas. The tankless hot water on demand system, also gas, is slowly catching on here. I think installer is coming next week sometime. A couple of good friends who live quite nearby grew up in England and were telling me the tankless hot water is quite common there. Their families both moved to England when they were quite young. From Wales and the other from S. Ireland.

I’m guilty of both shoes and handbags ::yes::

It sounds beautiful from what he said.....they usually ski elsewhere so this is their first time there.....I`m sure they`ll love it...…

Tankless is fairly new here, by new I mean last 30 years or so......we were considered quite revolutionary when we got ours back everyone has them....well, a lot of folks huge tank taking up space in a cupboard at the top of the stairs or usually in the loft or attic space...…

We replaced our heating system around three years ago. We had a combi boiler which was 10 years old, then replaced it with this condensing boiler......yep, they`re certainly not cheap!!! They claim it should be better than the combi, but we don`t notice any difference......but, I will say, we don't run the heating economically to save money, if we`re cold we switch the thermostat up and it comes on.....I am a hot house plant!!! Although I do like windows open slightly too so it doesn't get too dry and humid.....Tom shakes his head at don't always have them open, but one of our bedroom window`s is always slightly on the jar....not during high winds and such, but I like a bit of fresh air in.....I think I sleep better.....

I remember my grandmother using her tank cupboard to dry clothes in was a little hot house....

This afternoon I phoned Universal to get daughter her ticket! I bought her the 2 week Explorer pass good for 3 parks.
I’m waiting to see if RPH comes out with an AP rate, that will determine whether I get the seasonal AP or Explorer Pass which is marginally less than 3 park AP. The girl I spoke with was delightful. Made me more excited for our trip!

Good news on the ticket!!!

I am the very opposite when it comes to handbags. I only own one. I will use the same one until it starts to fall apart and then buy a new one. My mom used to always match her handbag to her shoes.

If that's all you need.

I`ve always loved handbags and I`m lucky to have beautiful ones and really look after them.

I`ve never matched shoes with handbags ever!!! Must be a generational thing.
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I'm like you, Charade, generally use a bag until I can't anymore. Had to finally give up my wallet, and still have not found as nice as one as I had. They don't make them like that any more either.

Good Morning! had to laugh at that last one, Schumi. I do like salad, but rarely eat it out, and always like soda with my meals. Though I like having a water glass to use too.

Well, a 34 degree start, and icy feeling from the very icy snow that remains. I don't think we got much rain yesterday, if it was, it was more like sleet. But no matter, 50's today, and talking 60's on Sunday. Bring it on. Of course, that warmer temps means more rain, but hey, Spring is coming. Bring it on, indeed.

Great ticket, Sue. I hear ya, have not had an AP rate for some time now. Lucky, most of the time, I've gotten the SMSM, so at least, some discount. Hope you get a great AP rate, so have a pass, that gets even more use.

Time for tea, though iced most likely. It's almost already too toasty. But a mostly quiet commute, very dark one, with a very dark gray sky. And yay, it's Thursday. That means tomorrow is Friday, so deserves a WAHOO! Car goes into shop to have it's annual check up. Hopefully, a low bill. Cannot believe it's 3 years old already. Time is flying. Sometimes a good thing. Like ticker is closing in on less than 7 months, with a wedding to go to when I get back. Love having and hearing good news.
Good morning. I woke up too early today. Oh well, short day at work and then I take B to the university where she will spend the weekend.

We had snow yesterday and today we are supposed to have a high of 60. Unfortunately we are also supposed to get rain for the next few days.

I'm like you, Charade, generally use a bag until I can't anymore. Had to finally give up my wallet, and still have not found as nice as one as I had. They don't make them like that any more either.
I am always on the quest for the perfect wallet. I don’t like most of the styles that are available for women. I find them too large and bulky. I am currently using a men’s bifold wallet that I got from Fossil when I was last at Universal.

I guess I should start thinking about getting ready for work. I hope today is as quiet as it was yesterday.
Good Morning-

Late start this morning- we got freezing rain last night- so I made the executive decision to work from home today (OK so its the 4th day this week but who's counting...)

I buy lots of handbags- use them for a few months then decide I dont like them so they go back in the closet. Im always looking for the Goldilocks of bags (not too big, not too small, not too heavy, right kind of strap- I have yet to find it, but I've tried alot!

Waving Hi to Charade, Lynne, Patty, Robo, Mac, Schumi, Tink, Patty, Tygerlilly, and anyone else I missed.

Happy Friday Eve!
Good morning homies!

Another rainy day for me but it’s not a complaint as it’s better than having snow

Did my 7:45 doc appt and back again next week for additional X-rays
I hope I don’t turn into an early bird like some of you are

I prefer sleeping in....

never had a latte

does it come with knob creek?

Mac- on our fall trip we'll get together for a latte (and we'll put some Knob Creek in!! ):thumbsup2

When I came home I had to deal with a bill from our dental office.

Yuk! The stress with the bill sounds as bad as having the dental work!:(

Patty...….your quote didn't work for some reason......neither did Lynne`s but could add hers...….not great with technology!!! Some of what I was quoting from you is in Keisha`s quote.....:crazy:

But, hope your weather is also on the turn now......rain is better than snow and dry is even better!!!!

Have a great day...….

:laughing: Thanks!! Snow is almost all melted this morning!! Yep- putting the quotes in can be frustrating at times!!:)

But no matter, 50's today, and talking 60's on Sunday

:cheer2: Great news!

Waving Hi to Charade, Lynne, Patty, Robo, Mac, Schumi, Tink, Patty, Tygerlilly, and anyone else I missed.

Happy Friday Eve!

:wave2: Friday eve sounds so nice!:thumbsup2

It's 37 and cloudy right now! Even though it's been a short work week, I'm ready for the weekend! Major vacation lag here!!::yes::

Have a great day all!!
Great score on the Harry Potter clothes! I have to start collecting Easter chocolate. I decorate my table with the Lindt gold bunnies and Easter eggs. Plus my adult daughters still expect Easter baskets, lol.

I'm 33 and still get one from my mom every year.

I am the very opposite when it comes to handbags. I only own one. I will use the same one until it starts to fall apart and then buy a new one. My mom used to always match her handbag to her shoes.

I have exactly 1 and I only use it half the time. I'm a terrible girly girl. I don't do purses, make up, jewelry, shoes... I'm more of a jeans and tshirt type of girl. Lol.

Woke up to a double surprise: DF home from work after only being there 3 hours, and the news that he got a deer this morning...with the front of my car. :scared: Luckily, he is fine and there's really not much damage. Just kind of an inconvenient fix that needs made, which he thinks he can do himself.

Picked up the stuff to make his birthday cake today and made a yummy breakfast of corned beef hash, sunny side up eggs, and toast. And picked up a couple steaks on mark down for a nice dinner after the kids go to bed.


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