I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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That new PP restaurant at SeaTac is already gone, barely lasted a week per DoC.

Depends on where and when you are going and the airline. When I lived in NC and flew US Air nonstop between CLT and SEA even at Christmas I don't think I ever paid more than $400. Cheap between CA places as well especially if you get them on sale. Even buying a same day ticket home for a funeral when I was in CLT was less than $400 which surprised me so I didn't mess around with trying to get a bereavement fare, if they even still do/did it then.
Had swa vouchers so used those but our trip is the week before Easter. I buy swa tickets the day they release the flights. So this was higher than I thought. Sad when American and United were cheaper. But vouchers made up for the difference
Does he know you plan to make him downgrade his CSR and take away his Priority Pass card yet?
Haha lucky for him he'll probably get to keep it until I could get another Sapphire bonus. That will be late 2020
Did they ask odd questions? (happened to me :rolleyes1)
They asked if hed been fingerprinted before which tripped him up. I think mainly he was intimidated because it was done by armed men and it was behind a locked metal door and they were very serious about not letting extra people in. Not sure if that's typical of all locations
Haha lucky for him he'll probably get to keep it until I could get another Sapphire bonus. That will be late 2020

They asked if hed been fingerprinted before which tripped him up. I think mainly he was intimidated because it was done by armed men and it was behind a locked metal door and they were very serious about not letting extra people in. Not sure if that's typical of all locations
Remember when 2020 sounded so far away...
That is really great news. I am not sure how these manufacturers do this. DH has to get injections in his eyes due to damage from diabetes. The medicine is $2400 per eye. Last year he got injections once a month ($57K). The manufacturer had a program, again no financial limitations, where they would give it to you with just a $5 copay. I am not sure what my cost would have been with just my insurance but it definitely was going to be more than $5.
But seriously if they can do it for $5 how do they get off charging $2400? I hated insurance companies, drug companies, healthcare and I work in healthcare. The makers of Ensure sell the stuff for about $10/6 bottles here. Wholesale cost is about $2/24 bottles. Obscene. Our hospital will sell it to employees for about $2.50/24 bottles. I tell any employees I know that need it to let me know and we will order for them. It’s terrible, and food/nutrition is small, no tiny, potatoes compared to drug companies. :mad:
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since they’re basically in bed with the banks with their affiliate links.
Somehow this seems...ironic...coming from you o_O
They asked if hed been fingerprinted before which tripped him up. I think mainly he was intimidated because it was done by armed men and it was behind a locked metal door and they were very serious about not letting extra people in. Not sure if that's typical of all locations
Yikes. Didn’t know it was that intense. Hoping it doesn’t freak the heck out of DS. He doesn’t like guns in movies, let alone IRL. Our appointment is March 1.
Somehow this seems...ironic...coming from you o_O
EDIT: totally misinterpreted this...but I’ll leave the response as I think it’s still worth stating :)

Emphasis there is “Affiliate” though. IMO these bloggers are hawking affiliate links with sensationalized headlines for cards that aren’t even in the best interest of the customer for their own profit. And so they’ll be resistant to write a blog trying to help fix an issue such as Disney and URs at the risk of upsetting their revenue source (the bank).

I feel like we give people the best advice here regardless of whether a support link is involved. (Next part not directed specifically at any particular person...) If ANYBODY ever feels like somebody on this thread (especially me) is dishing out advice that is not in the best interest of the applicant for the sake of support clicks...call that out immediately :)
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Haha lucky for him he'll probably get to keep it until I could get another Sapphire bonus. That will be late 2020

They asked if hed been fingerprinted before which tripped him up. I think mainly he was intimidated because it was done by armed men and it was behind a locked metal door and they were very serious about not letting extra people in. Not sure if that's typical of all locations

Yikes, I don't remember if someone in that office was armed (likely so) but the woman asking me questions certainly wasn't. It was kind of intense, but ok. The poor college student at the other desk was there answering questions before I walked in and was still at it after I left. The agent didn't seem to understand his work history - lots of small jobs, here where he goes to college as well as in his home state, all short term, etc. I don't see what's unusual about that... My agent couldn't understand that I wasn't working at the time. It got pretty uncomfortable. This was a few years ago, so maybe they are better at it now (I'd hope so, at least).
Emphasis there is “Affiliate” though. IMO these bloggers are hawking affiliate links with sensationalized headlines for cards that aren’t even in the best interest of the customer for their own profit. And so they’ll be resistant to write a blog trying to help fix an issue such as Disney and URs at the risk of upsetting their revenue source (the bank).

I feel like we give people the best advice here regardless of whether a support link is involved. (Next part not directed specifically at any particular person...) If ANYBODY ever feels like somebody on this thread (especially me) is dishing out advice that is not in the best interest of the applicant for the sake of support clicks...call that out immediately :)
I agree. I was poking fun at the fact that you work for a bank. Not at all questioning your motive for helping out here.
Haha lucky for him he'll probably get to keep it until I could get another Sapphire bonus. That will be late 2020

They asked if hed been fingerprinted before which tripped him up. I think mainly he was intimidated because it was done by armed men and it was behind a locked metal door and they were very serious about not letting extra people in. Not sure if that's typical of all locations

I can't remember where I read it but I knew about the fingerprint question before going in and was prepared with my answer. But my interviewer asked it as "Have you ever been finger printed outside of employment purposes". So that made it easy to say no. Maybe they didn't phrase it the same. I could see a bit of fluster if you didn't know where that was going :)

So is he all set for Monday? Is he getting extra time in the lounges by breezing through security? :P
Ooooh yeah totally misread that lol. My bad haha! I’m in such a different banking world that I just don’t remotely identify with consumer related banking lol.
I just thought it was funny. But it totally didn’t cross my mind that you’d read it any other way, and it didn’t cross my mind that you were even remotely like TPG or the other *insert nasty word* out there.
I can't remember where I read it but I knew about the fingerprint question before going in and was prepared with my answer. But my interviewer asked it as "Have you ever been finger printed outside of employment purposes". So that made it easy to say no. Maybe they didn't phrase it the same. I could see a bit of fluster if you didn't know where that was going :)

So is he all set for Monday? Is he getting extra time in the lounges by breezing through security? :P
What is the intent of the fingerprint question? Because I have been fingerprinted, multiple times, by multiple agencies...and not for a job.
They asked if hed been fingerprinted before which tripped him up. I think mainly he was intimidated because it was done by armed men and it was behind a locked metal door and they were very serious about not letting extra people in. Not sure if that's typical of all locations

Yikes. Didn’t know it was that intense. Hoping it doesn’t freak the heck out of DS. He doesn’t like guns in movies, let alone IRL. Our appointment is March 1.

Yikes, I don't remember if someone in that office was armed (likely so) but the woman asking me questions certainly wasn't. It was kind of intense, but ok. The poor college student at the other desk was there answering questions before I walked in and was still at it after I left. The agent didn't seem to understand his work history - lots of small jobs, here where he goes to college as well as in his home state, all short term, etc. I don't see what's unusual about that... My agent couldn't understand that I wasn't working at the time. It got pretty uncomfortable. This was a few years ago, so maybe they are better at it now (I'd hope so, at least).
SO different from what we experienced. Yes, we had to go into a locked room separately, with an agent who was armed, but the questions were minimal and very benign. It may have taken all of 10 minutes for both our interviews. I imagine it is dependent on the personality of your interviewer. (Also we are old with nothing more than a parking ticket to our names. Emphasis on the "old" part, not calling anyone criminals here. Lol)
SO different from what we experienced. Yes, we had to go into a locked room separately, with an agent who was armed, but the questions were minimal and very benign. It may have taken all of 10 minutes for both our interviews. I imagine it is dependent on the personality of your interviewer. (Also we are old with nothing more than a parking ticket to our names. Emphasis on the "old" part, not calling anyone criminals here. Lol)
We adopted DS from China and if there was a blemish on our records they would have found it during that process. It was 4 years of fingerprints, interviews, social worker visits, and Homepand Security approvals all notarized by our state and sealed by the Chinese Embassy.
I’m sure the interview won’t faze me, but I’m not sure how the kid interviews are. DS is anxiety prone and I hope he doesn’t freak out about it.
What is the intent of the fingerprint question? Because I have been fingerprinted, multiple times, by multiple agencies...and not for a job.
I got the impression it was a way to ask if you had ever been arrested or similar situation rather than for identity or background check purposes. If you had it done unrelated to an employment type positions (paid or not, I know volunteer positions get checked too) you'd just say yes and explain. I'd only had it done for jobs before so I didn't even need to explain.
We adopted DS from China and if there was a blemish on our records they would have found it during that process. It was 4 years of fingerprints, interviews, social worker visits, and Homepand Security approvals all notarized by our state and sealed by the Chinese Embassy.
I’m sure the interview won’t faze me, but I’m not sure how the kid interviews are. DS is anxiety prone and I hope he doesn’t freak out about it.

I would think with all that and that homeland was involved yours might not be as bad if they can see that part.
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