The Running Thread - 2019

ATTYQOTD: This month, the motivation is lacking a little. I just want to keep my weight steady, and that is keeping me going 3-4 days a week.

ATTQOTD: Hmm, I did a run on the Harmony of the Seas during a cruise in the Mediterranean. I put into the googles the distance from Houston to Marseilles, so that looks to be over 5300 miles.
even though @LSUlakes didn't add me to the list. I'm not mad, just hurt.)

I am very sorry about leaving you off the list. I promise it was not intentional. The whole work thing has been busier than normal and home life is also busy. I am finding very little free time these days. I will try to improve.
I have some races to add, when you have a chance:

13 - MissLiss279 - Garmin Marathon in the Land of Oz (NG / N/A)

19 - MissLiss279 - Colfax Marathon (NG / N/A)
From home to Kauai is 4493 miles. I ran 4 miles 3x while there. I could not believe how much harder it was to run on their hills in their temps than it was at home. It was only 5544 to Aulani, where I ran fewer miles but the path between resorts was so much flatter it was a much lower effort run.

I am whining being 255 miles from home and having planned to run outside only to find I forgot a layer of clothes, and the hotel tread mill is broken. :( My tack onto today's question is "have you bought running gear when traveling far from home because you packed poorly?" I briefly considered trying to find a store to buy another layer of clothes, but was too tired to figure it out last night.

We really wanted to do one of the shorter Star Wars runs but they are sold out. If I can keep a 16 minute walking/running pace for the half marathon will I be able to stop at the characters along the way?

I can just barely keep the 16 mile pace and have read there are long lines for the characters so I'm wondering how that works.

Thank you!


I don't want to be discouraging to you, but when you say you can just barely keep the 16 mile pace, do you mean you can do it just barely for a half? Have you done a half at that pace? To be honest, if you struggle to maintain a 16-min/mile pace or haven't done a half at that pace and don't have a significant buffer in front of the balloon ladies, I think you'll have a hard time not getting swept and I don't see any way you'd have time to stop for any characters at all. I hate to sound so negative, but I want to be realistic with you. I'd second the person who suggested you check with travel agents to see if they might have bibs for some of the shorter distance races.
ATTQOTD: I live in Singapore. The furthest place I have run at is Disney World (more specifically, around Hourglass Lake at Pop/AoA). Google tells me that Orlando is 10,337 miles from Singapore - and I have flown via San Francisco (flying East) and via London (flying West) to get to Orlando and both routes have taken approximately the same amount of time!
I am very sorry about leaving you off the list. I promise it was not intentional. The whole work thing has been busier than normal and home life is also busy. I am finding very little free time these days. I will try to improve.

I have some races to add, when you have a chance:

13 - MissLiss279 - Garmin Marathon in the Land of Oz (NG / N/A)

19 - MissLiss279 - Colfax Marathon (NG / N/A)

@LSUlakes, I think you missed adding mine from Sunday evening.
QOTD: How do you stay motivated for runs when you do not have a race coming up?
ATTQOTD: I'm WAY more motivated to run for the sake of running than to run a race! I genuinely love running and look forward to it, whether there's a race on the horizon or not.

Ran the Gasparilla half yesterday as an "easy" run, following Saturday's 14 mile MP tempo run (which was actually 12.25 miles plus the cooldown of run/walk, because damn it's warm and humid in FL!)

I was not sure that even at a slower pace I would manage since Saturday and Sunday were probably the worst conditions in which I have ever run. But amazingly, and on very little sleep, it went well. Probably was too fast at a T+D adjusted level, and at mile 12 I decided to blow through the last mile so I could be done.

Good race set up and I got my picture with Meb!!!
I saw Meb at the halfway mark and it was such a happy surprise! Glad you had a good race - the weather was pretty gnarly, but that wind on Bayshore helped.


We really wanted to do one of the shorter Star Wars runs but they are sold out. If I can keep a 16 minute walking/running pace for the half marathon will I be able to stop at the characters along the way?

I can just barely keep the 16 mile pace and have read there are long lines for the characters so I'm wondering how that works.
Honestly? It would be tough. Have you done double-digit miles at that pace yet? If not, know that your pace is likely to be slower as you get higher in miles. Add in the waits for characters, and it would be hard to stay ahead of the sweep. I run around a 13:00/mile pace at SW, without stops, and added enough time with photo stops to clock a 17:10/mile avg pace for the half last year. I had a 38:00 mile in the 10K, thanks to photo stops! It doesn't feel like it, but the stops add up, fast. The other hitch is that most of the really great photo opps come late in the race, around AK and DHS. My suggestion is to hold tight and see if they re-release 5K or 10K bibs - they have done so in years past.

QOTD: What is the furthest (is that even a word?) location you have run from home? Tell is if you like where home is and where the run happened, bonus for approximate mileage.
ATTQOTD: Just running, not a race? I guess it would be WNY - I live in FL, 100 miles west of WDW, so around 1200 miles from home to run in NY.
I am very sorry about leaving you off the list. I promise it was not intentional. The whole work thing has been busier than normal and home life is also busy. I am finding very little free time these days. I will try to improve.

No worries. Also, I had the wrong date for this one:

2 - @kleph - Dash for the Beads 10K (NG / N/A)
QOTD: What is the furthest (is that even a word?) location you have run from home? Tell is if you like where home is and where the run happened, bonus for approximate mileage.

It was pre-GPS watch for me so I don't have the exact details but the furthest from home run was in Siena, Italy and it was around 3 - 4 miles.

That is 4490.3 miles from home according to the Interwebs.


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