The Running Thread - 2019

Am going to do my best. How long are you expecting it to take? I was originally shooting for under 52 but i think with the heat under 55 would be a better target.
I’ll probably take 1:10-1:15 with the heat. But I won’t even start until 7:20. So after running and then picking up my water, shirt, and cold towel, it will be around 8:45 before I get there!
I’ll probably take 1:10-1:15 with the heat. But I won’t even start until 7:20. So after running and then picking up my water, shirt, and cold towel, it will be around 8:45 before I get there!

That’s the info I was looking for. Not sure my plans yet but will try and be there. Some of it depends on how terrible I feel after :)
QOTD: With the 4th of July falling on a Thursday, who is getting a long weekend? Do you only have the 4th off and have to go back to work Friday? What are your plans and any fun running events?

No long weekend for me. I do get to work from home on Friday, though, so I can pack for my trip to Dubai that night. Thursday should be fun. Our bike team is having a pseudo pub crawl that morning. We're meeting at the usual place (the parking lot of the brewery who sponsors our team) and riding around the city stopping at people's houses for drinks before heading back to the brewery. Should be 3-5 stops and about 20-25 miles all told. 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🍺🍺
QOTD: With the 4th of July falling on a Thursday, who is getting a long weekend? Do you only have the 4th off and have to go back to work Friday? What are your plans and any fun running events?

June run streak complete! 101 miles for the month. Took today off after 30 straight days. Will get back at it tomorrow.

As for the question I am off to WDW on Friday! Will do some 4th activities with family on Thursday. Probably pool time and then fireworks.
DH here. ATTQOTD: I'll be working, while DW is off. I'm off Friday for working the holiday. DFIL is coming on the 4th. Main plan for my 3 day weekend: run 1 mile pain-free Friday. Hopefully 3-4 miles on Sunday.

@LSUlakes :

July 4 - Mrs. PaDisneyCouple - Shoe House 5 Miler 1:10:00/xx:xx
August 24 - Mrs. PaDisneyCouple - Rail Trail 10 Miler 2:10:55/xx:xx
ATTQOTD: prior to kids, I never paid attention to holidays and would end up working and get completely slammed. My current job closes on holidays, so I can't make that mistake anymore! There's a local parade that winds through out tiny downtown and into the park where there'll be bouncy houses etc, so we'll be bringing the kids there.
I was the opposite: originally shooting for 55, but now 52 is on the table. Depends on the weather (what mystery? it will be HOTAF) and if I can get through the crowd on miles 1-3.

If I find you we might give it a go for a while. No pressure to run with me but if you cut a path I might be following you. I tell DH to do his thing, one I kick his butt on cardiac hill, and two it’s just crowded so am like see you at the finish. If we run together for a while it’s just luck.
ATTQOTD: Waiting for fireworks as I write. It’s Canada Day 🇨🇦 today and we came back from a week at the beach in Maine yesterday.

I kind of missed the July 4th decorations this year but have foud blue-white-red Skittles! Although I am Canadian and don’t get the day off, it is my birthday on that date! Happy July to all!
It seems like forever since I logged on so I will only go back a few day.

Summer running. It’s finally summer, we went from snow to 80’s in 2 days time and to 90’s shortly after. Instead of running in the afternoons which is my morning I have to run in the morning when I get off work. It’s cooler and no chance of storms but it throws my sleeping off more than normal so I hate doing it.

I have no dogs to run with, maybe someday soon.

Weird foods. I don’t think I’m very adventurous with my food. I do eat a lot of elk and buffalo instead of beef. I only put ketchup on my hotdogs.
Ah, but the real question is, Rocky Mountain Oysters, yeah or nah?
I will eat Rocky Mountain oysters if they’re cooked right. They started selling them at Coors Field so it is tradition with my brother to eat some at Rockies games.

July 4th falls under my regular weekend, I have Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays off. No real plans, they’re begging me to work OT Friday and Saturday. I wouldn’t have to go in until 10 pm but that means no beer at the BBQ Thursday and that is sad. Tough decision.

Running has been hit and miss in June between vacation, camping, and work but I managed 15 miles, not great but it’s something. I have gotten several hikes and paddle boarding in. Saturday, on the way back from camping I drove past Manitou Springs so on a whim I decided to do the Incline, crazy, what was I thinking. 1 mile, 2000 feet elevation gain, 2768 stairs. I took the trail down, half mile down I decided to try my hand at trail running. That was fun and challenging. Those miles aren’t included in my run miles because I started it as a hike.

What was I thinking?
This view never gets old even if you have to work to get there.
First time seeing a deer up there.
Food - nothing odd springs to mind, though I pretty much eat anything. If a restaurant has something unusual on the menu (e.g. lambs brains) I will always give it a go.

Hot dogs - any hotdog must have mustard, most should have ketchup. In preparation for our Chicago visit in September we made Chicago style hot dogs with the green relish, pickles, tomato etc with NO ketchup, and think it would have been out of place being on there. All these dogs will have ketchup.

Cilantro/coriander is the best herb ever particularly with Asian and Mexican dishes.

Running totals - just over 50km for me and feeling good with the ankle. I bought a Garmin running pod earlier this year that didn’t get much use. Been analysing recent runs and my L R balance has been too much to the R, which is the trouble ankle. I have been focusing on my running style to try and balance things, feels like I am too much to the L, but I reckon that is really helping things.

4th July is Thursday in my part of the world, though we are owned by an American company so are having a 4th July party for suppliers and customers. Sadly I’ll be in Australia for work so will miss it.
Well, June went by fast. I tried to catch up with the thread, but ended up skimming the last week or so and calling it good. Went on vacation in early June, and didn't run the entire time (Florida Keys, when the low is 83 with 156% humidity, the motivation just isn't there). Of course it isn't much better here in SE GA. Average T+D for my runs in the month of June = 161. So my June mileage and pace are both much lower than they have been, as I switch into survive the run mode.

June Totals:
Distance: 81.1 miles
Time: 11h:58m
Avg Pace: 8:51/mi

I do have a few races to add to my upcoming list!
7/4 - AntimonyER - Hilton Head Island Firecracker 5k (NG / N/A)
9/14 - AntimonyER - Savannah Sunburn Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
12/14 - AntimonyER - Kiawah Island Marathon (3:04:59 / N/A)

My boss asked if I wanted to work on the 4th after running the race in Hilton Head with him, and get friday off instead, and I took him up on the offer. Just going to do my best, but no specific time goal. The Sunburn Half is going to mark the official start of my marathon training program, so again just a fun way to kick off my first long run of my program, no time goal. And finally my first attempt at qualifying for Boston.
Hey @KSellers88......what type of leash and waist apparatus are you using for your retriever? That might be the solution I've been looking for.

The brand is Stunt Puppy. I've never had any issues with it, as long as he stays where he is supposed to. LOL.

I have been told ranch on all of the things is a midwestern thing. I think it is an american thing.

I'm from Alabama, so I second the vote for an American thing!
June Totals:
115 miles
9:18 Average Pace
153 Average HR

ATTQOTD (yesterday): We have officially sold our house and close on July 15th, so my 4th will be spent packing and loading a Pod. I had already taken Friday off, so it worked out well with the closing date. I do have a local 5 miler on Saturday, but will just run whatever I have time for on the 4th. Best of luck to everyone running Peachtree! I hope to join y'all one year!
It seems like forever since I logged on so I will only go back a few day.

Summer running. It’s finally summer, we went from snow to 80’s in 2 days time and to 90’s shortly after. Instead of running in the afternoons which is my morning I have to run in the morning when I get off work. It’s cooler and no chance of storms but it throws my sleeping off more than normal so I hate doing it.

I have no dogs to run with, maybe someday soon.

Weird foods. I don’t think I’m very adventurous with my food. I do eat a lot of elk and buffalo instead of beef. I only put ketchup on my hotdogs.

I will eat Rocky Mountain oysters if they’re cooked right. They started selling them at Coors Field so it is tradition with my brother to eat some at Rockies games.

July 4th falls under my regular weekend, I have Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays off. No real plans, they’re begging me to work OT Friday and Saturday. I wouldn’t have to go in until 10 pm but that means no beer at the BBQ Thursday and that is sad. Tough decision.

Running has been hit and miss in June between vacation, camping, and work but I managed 15 miles, not great but it’s something. I have gotten several hikes and paddle boarding in. Saturday, on the way back from camping I drove past Manitou Springs so on a whim I decided to do the Incline, crazy, what was I thinking. 1 mile, 2000 feet elevation gain, 2768 stairs. I took the trail down, half mile down I decided to try my hand at trail running. That was fun and challenging. Those miles aren’t included in my run miles because I started it as a hike.

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What was I thinking?
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This view never gets old even if you have to work to get there.
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First time seeing a deer up there.
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Unless your name is Killian Jornet Burgunda you are going to be “power hiking” uphill, especially 2000 feet over one mile, that is brutal \m/

For me, moderate inclined get run, steeper inclines are hiked. For sure during all longer runs, say greater than 4-5 miles. Shorter runs I may or may not push myself through them, depending on how I am feeling that day.

Sometimes I don’t run downhill either. If it’s super rocky and my legs are thrashed i try to save myself from injury.

¡Have fun on the trails!


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