Canadian Buffoon's Semi-EPIC Vacation - 10/29 - Link to new TR!

I know I'm the rarity, but I almost never use google. They're the 20,000 lb gorilla and they track EVERYTHING and have ads of everything and use tracking to sell more ads. I use
I'd never heard of duckduckgo. Huh.
But I really don't care if Google tracks
what I search.

"ooohhh… pkondz is Googling Disney again!"
Found out Winnipeg is indeed the capitol. :p
Interesting. I've heard (@afwdwfan I think) the rides at Uni can make one sick more because most are motion simulators. The thing is, I love roller coasters and the ones (except maybe RnRC and Everest) are kinda lame (tamed for the kids).
I've said it too.
And while some are good
too many is... too many.
Next time (if there is one)
I will skip several and only
focus on the few that I want.
Hmm... I guess that's....

Spiderman and none of the others.
Like good day, ay?
Exactly like that!
Except of course no
one actually says that.
Who's on third?
I don't know's on third.
That's what I was asking you. Who's on first?
That's right.
That's a distinct possibility. I know my experience on space mountain has been horrible sometimes and I think the train/car has a lot to do with it, but in general, riding in the back of the coaster is faster and rougher, because in the front, you're a good way past the top before you start accelerating.
Yes to all of that.
I think I'd ride it again,
I loved it the first time.
But after that, I'd need a break.
It's a good coaster. Fast, lots

of loops, etc.
I'm sure you would since I'm fairly certain this is another thing we have discussed.
I totally forgot you asked me to dinner the first night...after we parted ways and you went to other dealerships, didn't even dawn on me we could meet back up later. Doh!
The second day, I knew wasn't an option, because I had to get back home and work some more.
I wasn't going to push.
And I did know about the
second day and work.
Usually a plus. Had some bad meals out before, but usually a plus.
Sadly, too much of what hollywood puts out is that way. They care more about trying to make it entertaining vs. accurate and, to me, they fail in both respects. In my mind, if it's accurate, it will therefore make it more believable and consequently entertaining.
I hate when Hollywood assumes
viewers are stupid.
This breaks the laws of physics?
Oh well!

I have two things to say...

Better you than me
Sorry :sad2:
Gee, thanks.
Technically, I think it was very cool to be able to snow, but yeah, not cool!
Well technically... shut up.

;) Just kidding! :) :hug:
Gross!!! I hate snow, except during Christmas!!
The first half of your statement is correct. Not sure I understand (or agree with) the second half.

It was 90 degrees (F!) last week, and tomorrow it's supposed to be wind chills in the 20s in Chicago, so Mother Nature is definitely up to something!
I didn't realize you were in Chicago or if I did, I forgot. I'm a life long Cubbies fan (as my profile says). Debating about trying to catch a game next year at Wrigley, so maybe a DISmeet not at Disney. ;)
I'd never heard of duckduckgo. Huh.
But I really don't care if Google tracks
what I search.

"ooohhh… pkondz is Googling Disney again!"
I'm not worried about what I'm searching. What I object to is them tracking just about every aspect of what I do online. It's the principle for me.

I will skip several and only
focus on the few that I want.
Hmm... I guess that's....

Spiderman and none of the others.
Note taken. Spiderman good, other motion simulators...enter at your own risk.

Exactly like that!
Except of course no
one actually says that.
Bob and Doug did. We've had that conversation too. :lmao:

I don't know's on third.
Absolutely one of the best skits ever.

I wasn't going to push.
And I did know about the
second day and work.
I wouldn't have considered it pushing...more helping my senior moment. :rotfl2:

I hate when Hollywood assumes
viewers are stupid.

Gee, thanks.
You didn't read statement 2!

Just kidding! :) :hug:
I know you well enough...I knew that and this clarification was unnecessary, but thanks. :hug: right back at ya.
I'm not worried about what I'm searching. What I object to is them tracking just about every aspect of what I do online. It's the principle for me.
I get that. :)
Note taken. Spiderman good, other motion simulators...enter at your own risk.
Well... Minions was fun. But I don't feel a huge need to see it again.
Simpsons was fun too... but a bit nausea inducing so... I'll pass on it too.

Bob and Doug did. We've had that conversation too. :lmao:
Absolutely one of the best skits ever.
I wouldn't have considered it pushing...more helping my senior moment. :rotfl2:
:laughing: Okay.
You didn't read statement 2!
It's called selective reading. :snooty:
I know you well enough...I knew that and this clarification was unnecessary, but thanks. :hug: right back at ya.
Just making sure. :)
Last edited:
For me, it's selective living also. I select to live where I don't have to deal with snow. Again, sorry you do.
Yes, but we have four seasons
and the joy of a real spring
as the snow melts and is replaced
by budding plants and flowers
and white Christmases and...

Yeah, I'm not buying it either.

YUCK I wondered if you guys were going to get any of that cold white stuff. Feel for ya.
One thing I really like about
Universal is the bag check.

Well, I don't like bag check,
per se... but I do like how
Universal does it.
You get checked when you
get to the dock
(complete with metal detector
and x-ray scanner)
and once through, you're
good to go in either park
or CityWalk.
And since there are far fewer
people boarding from any
resort at one time,
you don't see the nightmarish
Epcot-like bag check lines.

Exactly this! Although, I do think they are learning and coming from BLT or The CR to the MK is an absolute dream now. Hopefully when all is said and done, EPCOT will be as well 🙏

Doesn't she look just a
little too chipper for eight
o'clock on a vacation morning?


This smile must be before she found out that you tricked her 🤪

We zoomed by Mythos restaurant
where the main feature seems to be
a bearded hipster eternally vomiting.
Not exactly a glowing recommendation
for eating there, is it?


People RAVE about this place though!

We both loved the ride.
It was my 2nd time around
(since the one in California
is identical to this one)
and I enjoyed it just as much
as the first time.

So much so that we immediately
turned around and, using our
Express passes, hopped
right back on for a second flight.

My mom and I LOVE Forbidden Journey :love:

The kids rode once and hated the spider so we ditched them and went on a few times by ourselves ::yes::

Kong was next.


I liked that ride.
I liked how the action swung
from one side of the car
to the other.

Meh…I really didn't like this ride, but that may have had something to do with being squashed up against a sweaty stranger on the seat…like, our legs kept accidentally touching it it totally grossed me out :crazy2: My total concentration was on trying to make myself as small as I could so that nobody touched me…I may have missed some of the finer aspects of the ride.

We headed back to Marvel Land
and rode the Hulk Coaster.


It's definitely not for the
faint of heart!
And... word of warning.
We rode it once while
seated at or near the
very front.
We loved it!
So we rode it again
and were seated at the back.
It was much rougher and
we came off the ride feeling
not overly great.
Elle had to sit down for
a while in air conditioning
before she felt better.

We were planning a trip to OU a couple years ago that never happened, but I totally worked myself up and was going to ride The Hulk after skipping it in 2015. It does look a little intense for my liking though. Of course, my kids love it.

You'd think, though, after seeing
all the warnings posted for this ride,
that it was the most violent and
frightening ride in the entire park!


Wow, all the rules :rotfl:

But first...


(And the kid wised up
and ordered the frozen.)

But I see neither of you were wise enough to get the BEST type of Butter Beer…Butter Beer Ice Cream 😋 🍦

All smiles waiting for our meals.


Very pretty 😊

"Okay, hang on...
I think I want a better
angle and maybe take
the spoon out and...




Yikes! Don't make the poor girl wait so long to eat next time!

When I got out, I was confronted
with this:


I got home and had to freaking
shovel my driveway to get up it!
In early October!

Not cool Mother Nature!!!!

Noooooooooooo! It's too soon to see that nasty white stuff!

Ugh! I am so dreading the next five months! I was just saying the other day that already I am driving in to work in the dark (6:15 am) and driving home in the dark (7:30 pm)…it's super depressing :sad: And it's also why I dream of moving to Florida…someday. A girl can dream, right??
Did you enjoy it???

I did! It's definitely DIFFERENT than Disney in a lot of ways, but has some definite pluses as well. I'll do a thorough comparison full of unsolicited opinionating on my TR later (much later), but the short answer is yes, I did enjoy my time there.

I know we both tend to lug
around a DSLR.
And then we take a quick
snap with the phone which
makes you wonder...
"Why am I lugging around

a heavy DSLR????"

Because the DSLR DOES take better photos for the most part and has WAY more versatility. You just can't do macro or wide angle with a phone. BUT, having said that, there is the occasional lucky shot like my dragon one that just surprises once in a while.

Oh, no!
Did you hurt yourself on it?

No, nothing permanent. :) Nothing a good pillow can't fix.

As do I.
I love a good burger.
And a theme park is generally
the last place that will make

a good burger.

I've heard good things about D-Luxe and would like to try it someday. Because, while I try to find things at Disney I don't normally get at home, burgers are one thing I don't tend to order much anywhere. But when I do, I want a GOOD one.

Uh, oh.
You felt ill afterwards?
I don't know why this ride
seems to do that.
I mean... it's not like most
of the other rides aren't

similarly based.

A lot more turning and illusion of going upside down I think? Not sure, but it was one I didn't want to go back on any time fast. Or again.

I agree.
I don't know if the temps
were much lower, but it

didn't feel nearly as hot.

I actually thing they WERE. Also, I noticed on more days than not this trip there were days that had a nice breeze. In fact, on a couple of evenings it was downright unwelcome like when we were trying to have a waterside meal at Spice Road Table. XP

I tend to do this:
"Hey! Fish & chips!
I haven't had that in forever!"
(orders. eats.)
"Ugh... I feel gross.
Now I remember why
I haven't had it in forever."

Just... too much grease.


That's what I thought.
"You're intruding on our intimacy"
vs "It's a free hot tub, but wish I

could have it to myself."

Good way to sum it up.
Really... shouldn't vacations be more...

NO, that's what weekends are for. You don't pay multi thousands of dollars for a weekend like you do for a vacation. Vacations are for seeing and doing things you can't at home. If you sleep it all away it's money wasted. That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it. ;) (And yes, I know I'm probably sitting squarely in the minority on this one.)

We decided to take one
of the boats from our
resort to the theme park.

LOVED those boats. A lot.

the nightmarish
Epcot-like bag check lines.

I REALLY hope they fix that utter nonsense with the refurb.

You can see the twin
towers of Dr. Doom's Freefall
off to the right.

Heh, all I can see are palm trees. They scream an invitation to return to me.

The gates opened promptly at 9:00am
and we swept through and were
on our way to Hogsmeade!

I bet you left your sashay firmly planted at the gates for a time.

We zipped through the
Not-So-Lost Continent.
Meh. Been there many
a times when crossing
a border.

I was SO confused when I read this!!

I read further and the nickel dropped.

We wisely chose to change our
decision to dine there and eat elsewhere.

I chose to leave the park because I was REALLY wanting to try Antijitos. Well, that's getting WAY ahead of myself, but I'd still like to try Mythos someday. I popped my head in and the theming inside is reallly pretty fabulous.


That lady is definitely

I did notice that there was far less costuming and that did detract some. Wouldn't it be cool to have been welcomed to that area with her wearing a witch's gown?? :confused3


You pass the green house
where Mandrake plants
are safely kept out of
reach of curious children.

I missed all of that since I didn't go through the SB line. A good reason to go back!

Ah! Looks like Gryffindor
is leading in the points,
with Slytherin close behind.

My poor house never seems to win, but we are loyal, hard-working and patient. Maybe someday.

Nice shot!! I am excited to see if any of mine turned out on this one.

We got slightly moist.
(We rode in the back.)

Then you were lucky. I was drenched for the rest of the day. ;)

In Universal... they up the game.
(I may have taken some licence
with the accompanying texts.)

Nah, I saw them too. They're all really there. :laughing:

(I might have taken a little creative lisence with my commenting.)
We both opted for the
soup & salad combo.
Leek and potato for Elle
and split pea for me.
Not bad, too!

I chose one of those.... ;)

A nice, kitschy, slow ride
down memory lane.

I loved it! One of the ones I enjoyed most, in fact.

I liked how the peripheral
tables looked like circus
train cars.

Kinda like Sci-Fi but more wee one friendly.

Didn't your mother ever tell you to not ruin your dinner?

A valid question. But one that must be used wisely.

So if he (and family) want to ride
Hogwarts Express, it's going to cost
him $220.


I told them we'd come back later.

I assume you did. I hope the package was a super fun one worth going back for!

This time we were close
to the guy in the audience
that the bird flies up to.


Unfortunately, most of the action
was going on out of sight
farther down to our left,

I love the bar area too. Especially as a single diner!

While Elle ordered the
Squid Ink Seafood pasta.
(Which she'd never had before
and greatly enjoyed!)

That looks amazing!! Never heard of it before and am curious!
Exactly this! Although, I do think they are learning and coming from BLT or The CR to the MK is an absolute dream now.
Oh really! That's good info to know.
Hopefully when all is said and done, EPCOT will be as well 🙏
Oh, please Lord. Let it be so.
This smile must be before she found out that you tricked her 🤪
People RAVE about this place though!
Do they?
Perhaps I should not have
judged it from the puking hipster.
My mom and I LOVE Forbidden Journey :love:
Such a great ride!
The kids rode once and hated the spider so we ditched them and went on a few times by ourselves ::yes::
Meh. Who needs them.
Go have fun! :laughing:

Meh…I really didn't like this ride, but that may have had something to do with being squashed up against a sweaty stranger on the seat…like, our legs kept accidentally touching it it totally grossed me out :crazy2: My total concentration was on trying to make myself as small as I could so that nobody touched me…I may have missed some of the finer aspects of the ride.
I can see how that would
take away from it.
We were planning a trip to OU a couple years ago that never happened, but I totally worked myself up and was going to ride The Hulk after skipping it in 2015. It does look a little intense for my liking though. Of course, my kids love it.
Hulk is definitely more intense.
Not for the weak hearted.

Wow, all the rules :rotfl:
But I see neither of you were wise enough to get the BEST type of Butter Beer…Butter Beer Ice Cream 😋 🍦
Sigh. No, not yet.
This past trip I did try
the... I think it's clotted cream?

Not the best.
Very pretty 😊
Yes she is. :)
Yikes! Don't make the poor girl wait so long to eat next time!
I learned that the hard way!
I still have the scars!

Noooooooooooo! It's too soon to see that nasty white stuff!
No kidding.
soooooo depressing.

Ugh! I am so dreading the next five months! I was just saying the other day that already I am driving in to work in the dark (6:15 am) and driving home in the dark (7:30 pm)…it's super depressing :sad: And it's also why I dream of moving to Florida…someday. A girl can dream, right??
Yes. You can dream.
We all can.
I did! It's definitely DIFFERENT than Disney in a lot of ways, but has some definite pluses as well. I'll do a thorough comparison full of unsolicited opinionating on my TR later (much later), but the short answer is yes, I did enjoy my time there.
Standing by for the comments!
Because the DSLR DOES take better photos for the most part and has WAY more versatility. You just can't do macro or wide angle with a phone. BUT, having said that, there is the occasional lucky shot like my dragon one that just surprises once in a while.
I know.
There are many shots that I took
with my DSLR that I simply could

not do with a phone.
No, nothing permanent. :) Nothing a good pillow can't fix.
I keep hearing ads for My Pillow
and wonder if it's as good as they keep telling me.
(On the ads.)
I've heard good things about D-Luxe and would like to try it someday. Because, while I try to find things at Disney I don't normally get at home, burgers are one thing I don't tend to order much anywhere. But when I do, I want a GOOD one.
D-Luxe is very high on my list
the next time I go. :)

A lot more turning and illusion of going upside down I think? Not sure, but it was one I didn't want to go back on any time fast. Or again.
That's probably what it is.
I don't feel a burning need
to ride it again.

It was cute, but...
NO, that's what weekends are for.
Ah! So that's what those are for.
You don't pay multi thousands of dollars for a weekend like you do for a vacation. Vacations are for seeing and doing things you can't at home. If you sleep it all away it's money wasted. That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it. ;) (And yes, I know I'm probably sitting squarely in the minority on this one.)
You may be surprised.
I feel the same way.

LOVED those boats. A lot.
I REALLY hope they fix that utter nonsense with the refurb.
It's gotten so bad.
I don't know what they could do...
have more staff/stations?
Heh, all I can see are palm trees. They scream an invitation to return to me.
Me too!
I bet you left your sashay firmly planted at the gates for a time.
Rope drop is not a time for
sauntering or sashaying.
I was SO confused when I read this!!

I read further and the nickel dropped.
It wasn't my best writing. Sorry!
I chose to leave the park because I was REALLY wanting to try Antijitos. Well, that's getting WAY ahead of myself, but I'd still like to try Mythos someday. I popped my head in and the theming inside is reallly pretty fabulous.
We did the same.
We wanted to try other places.

I did notice that there was far less costuming and that did detract some. Wouldn't it be cool to have been welcomed to that area with her wearing a witch's gown?? :confused3
I noticed that too the first time.
And I agree wholeheartedly.

Thanks! :)
I missed all of that since I didn't go through the SB line. A good reason to go back!
I don't know if I'd go back
just for that...
But I would to ride Hagrid's!
My poor house never seems to win, but we are loyal, hard-working and patient. Maybe someday.
So you're Slytherin???
Bit surprised by that.

Nice shot!! I am excited to see if any of mine turned out on this one.
Then you were lucky. I was drenched for the rest of the day. ;)
Oh dear.
Nah, I saw them too. They're all really there. :laughing:

(I might have taken a little creative lisence with my commenting.)
I chose one of those.... ;)
It's a nice break from regular
park fare, isn't it? :)

I loved it! One of the ones I enjoyed most, in fact.
It's such a classic ride. :)
Kinda like Sci-Fi but more wee one friendly.
Definitely geared towards
the littles. :)

Didn't your mother ever tell you to not ruin your dinner?
She did.
I wisely ignored her.

Correct. :sad2:
I assume you did. I hope the package was a super fun one worth going back for!
Wing tax.
I love the bar area too. Especially as a single diner!
That looks amazing!! Never heard of it before and am curious!
She really liked it.
One of her favourite meals. :)
It's so rare here, everything shuts down. We might see a couple of inches every other year.
This was a bad one.
They shut down schools and the mayor
urged people not to go out.
That never happens.
Even in pretty bad snow storms

we just keep on truckin'.
I'm sorry I missed your send off. Sounds like you had a really rough start. I hope things got much better after that.

Well, I don't like bag check,
per se... but I do like how
Universal does it.
You get checked when you
get to the dock
(complete with metal detector
and x-ray scanner)
and once through, you're
good to go in either park
or CityWalk.
And since there are far fewer
people boarding from any
resort at one time,
you don't see the nightmarish
Epcot-like bag check lines.

Sounds heavenly. I can't imagine a nice bag check anymore.

Nice view.

Doesn't she look just a
little too chipper for eight
o'clock on a vacation morning?


She looks bright eyed and bushy tailed and also very lovely.

Elle asked what time it opened.
"Nine o'clock." I replied.
"Why are we so early?" She asked,
clearly shocked and puzzled.
"That's rope drop, baby!" I exclaimed.

Rope-Drop is the only way to go!

I snapped a few shots of a virtually
empty park as we quick-walked.

I'm still so shocked at how empty this park is.

With elbows flying, feet
kicking and teeth gnashing,
we fought our way through
the rabid crowds to our...



It's so empty!

Rounding the corner,
you enter the Defense Against
the Dark Arts classroom
where you can see actual desks
from the movies.

Neat addition.

It's a cute but short little
coaster reminiscent of

Which one is shorter?


Someday I'm going to try this.

In Universal... they up the game.
(I may have taken some licence
with the accompanying texts.)


Elle didn't appreciate it
as much and tried to
get rid of it all!!!


And if you look closely enough,
you'll spot Stan Lee
(the creator of Spiderman)
appearing in the ride four times.
(I think I spotted him three times.)

Very cool! We love looking for him in the different movies. I'm going to miss this. :sad1: Danielle got to meet him very briefly at Wizard World Comic-Con in New Orleans.

While we didn't eat anything
there, I must say the theming
was pretty fun!

It does look fun but very chaotic.

The show was entertaining enough
with a mix of live action, projections,
water features and fire.

And exploding helicopters?

(And the kid wised up
and ordered the frozen.)

Good for her.

And, here:
(For all of you lamenting
my lack of a shot of the
dragon breathing fire in
the previous update.
So there.)

Very nice!

We left the park,
arriving at the boat dock
shortly after.
Just to give you an idea
of how efficient and close
we were...
We arrived at the dock at
4:10pm. The boat arrived
at 4:15 and we were in our
room by 4:32.

I can't even imagine that.

She looks very nice, but the guy next too her looks suspicious.

Did you see it in this chapter?
See them both?
(Not including the two
altered warning signs.)

Yes I did.


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