Just a Couple of Childless (for the week) Millennials, Here to Ruin the Fun for Families *COMPLETED 1/5*

Ugh- sorry you both felt ill after your nap! Glad you were able to rally and head out to AK, even if it wasn't all that great of an evening!
I've actually had my Starbucks card compromised. It was terrible- I believe I was home on maternity leave and hadn't even left they house- and felt so violated!
We noticed that the “hidden” Mickey in the ball room scene was gone. I used quotes because when we were on the Keys to the Kingdom tour in 2016, our tour guide told us that there is a diagram that shows how the table should be set and the hidden Mickey should not be there. Cast members just go in and rearrange it sometimes. We’ve never not seen the Mickey, but I guess it was back to it’s proper setting.

I've never not seen it there either :confused3

I hope they put it back. That's a fun one to find, especially for kids.

Even though I do not like Happily Ever After as much as Wishes, because I don’t feel the same emotional pull from it, I did tear up. I just think I was so happy, and it had been the perfect day, and this was the perfect ending.

I love it more and more every time I see it :love:

Our final fastpass was for Space Mountain. And the line was all the way to the peoplemover track. It sucked to have to wait in the hot sun, but I wanted to use it, so we could get a 4th fastpass at AK in the evening. The wait just to get to the FP check point was 20 minutes.


It’s hilarious that the kid behind us doesn’t want to be associated with us. I love that our embarrassment isn’t just limited to our own children.:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

That's awesome :rotfl:

When I woke up from my nap, I felt very ill. I decided to push through and try and get ready for our evening at Animal Kingdom, but apart from getting dressed, I didn’t have the desire to do much else. Once Joe was up, he started to get ready and I laid back down, I was down for the count. I felt so nauseous and I didn’t want to be out and about and far from a bathroom. Joe also informed me that his stomach didn’t feel well either. We made the executive decision to take the night off.

Oh, no. You think it was the food from the tea?

So laid back wife was actually sitting next to Joe in the back and commiserating with him because they're the laidback ones and next thing I know I look over and she’s giving Joe a massage.

What?? That's so...odd :oops:

I had the purchases sent back to the resort and as we were leaving the shop I had a notification on my phone that my Starbucks card had a new balance of $0. My heart dropped. We had just under $100 on the card before we went on the trip. I had loaded it up prior to leaving because we like to treat ourselves on vacation. We hadn’t actually used it since we were in the airport the day we traveled, two days prior. Joe and I have been compromised a lot in the past year, and even though it's something silly like Starbucks, it sucks and I still feel violated. There was nothing I could do about it from inside Animal Kingdom, so I tried to put it out of my mind until we got back to the hotel.

Yikes, that's terrible!

Determined to end the night on a high note, we got ice cream at the QS. I went with soft serve, but Joe got his fave the premium Mickey bar. When we opened it, it had fallen off the stick. If that isn’t the perfect end to this evening I don’t know what it :rotfl2: .

Oh, no! Of course! But good that you can laugh about it :laughing:

I was told that they used my card at a store in New Jersey and it would be referred to the fraud department. The agent was able to credit my account $25, which was nice to use while we were there. By the time I got home from Disney a new card had been issued to me with the original $86 on it. So in the end, it was fine, but it still sucked to have to deal with on vacation.

It does suck, but I'm happy you got it back ::yes::
I'm glad it worked out. Rookie mistakes are easy to make with the amount of planning and scheduling we're required to do. That one is simple to make! We had back to back FP for Splash and BTMRR and I don't know how many times I had to keep going back to look to remember which order they were.
I looked at it probably 5 times that morning and still got it wrong, oh well.

That's a good sales pitch for it... Never taken the time to get over there. Might have to change that.
:rotfl2: Kids would love it too. But seriously how many places do you go in MK in the middle of the day, where you can't even see other guests?

Scan the band... blue Mickey... 2 to 3 minutes of a CM explaining FP and how it works and how their 2 pm Small World FP can't be substituted for Space Mountain at 11 am. Or something to that effect. Get 2 or 3 of those people in short succession and a 20 minute line seems pretty much a given.
So frustrating, there will always be those who don't bother to plan, but now they actually affect the ones that do :mad:

Look, if you're going to be a childless (for the week) Millenial, own it, go all out and do it right!!!!
:rotfl2:I mean you're not wrong

Well, that's good! Nice that you started feeling more like getting out. But Dinosaur and EE after not feeling well a couple of hours ago. You like to gamble don't you? :lmao:
Yes, I do, but thankfully rides have never made me sick. Joe on the other hand, that is quite the gamble.

That's too bad that both of you weren't feeling well! I hope it wasn't the tea (although there aren't many things there, other than perhaps a sandwich filling, that could cause a food poisoning issue).
I'm not sure what it was, but thankfully it didn't last long.

That is hysterical that you go into some stranger's van! :lmao: At least you were with other people so if you would've been murdered you would've all gone down together!
That would have been quote the crime to pull off. If his van didn't say Disney on the side, it might have been another story. He did also radio his boss to let him know where he was going, so that protected him too I guess.

Despite the crowds I'm glad you got to enjoy a little time at AK. Is the mobile ordering pretty easy to figure out? This is new since my last visit and it seems like the best way to go to reduce your wait time.
Mobile order is so easy. I will never go to a QS without using it.

I love ITTBAB, especially if there are first timers in the audience that don't know about some of the surprises. :laughing: Don't get me wrong - I feel bad for the crying children but I laugh heartily at the freaked-out adults.
Late at night it was all freaking out adults, and it was awesome.

I'm sorry you guys weren't feeling well :( Glad you were able to bounce back and head to AK for a little. But ugh that stinks about the Starbucks card! I know in the end it all worked out but in the moment I know it was probably a bummer.
I just hate that there some scumbag out there who stole from me and will probably keep doing it .

It's not funny, but I had to laugh about the Mickey bar falling off the stick. It really sums up your evening pretty well :rotfl: but hey a broken mickey bar is still better than none, right!
Oh it's okay to laugh. When one thing after another goes wrong, it's the only thing to keep one's sanity. We learned that vacation lesson early on, on our honeymoon. It was a comedy of errors, but we just laughed it off and had the best time.
I thought i knew how to find info by now, but could you tell me where you found out about what time Gaston would be meeting?
On the MDE app, you select characters at the top when you're on the map, and it will give you set times.

Ugh- sorry you both felt ill after your nap! Glad you were able to rally and head out to AK, even if it wasn't all that great of an evening!
I've actually had my Starbucks card compromised. It was terrible- I believe I was home on maternity leave and hadn't even left they house- and felt so violated!
Oh no, I am sorry that happened to you. I agree it feels so violating, people can be the worst.

I've never not seen it there either :confused3

I hope they put it back. That's a fun one to find, especially for kids.
I am sure a rogue CM will "fix" it.

That's awesome :rotfl:
We try

Oh, no. You think it was the food from the tea?
Possibly or Pecos Bill's. Either way, it didn't make us sick enough to not go back to either one.

What?? That's so...odd :oops:
It for sure was, but since she had a wife, and probably wasn't interested in men it didn't bother me.

Oh, no! Of course! But good that you can laugh about it :laughing:
We really try to see the lighter side of things when we can, it doesn't always work as you will see later in the trip.
That’s a lot of Childless Millenials

This morning was a little chaotic. Joe thought we were going to sleep in for some reason. Technically, considering the wake up we had the previous two days, it would be, but only an extra hour. This resulted in me trying to get him to get ready because we were running late. Needless to say, neither of us was in a great mood when we left that morning. We got on the bus without incident. Once we got to Gran Destino, it was super packed. Hordes and hordes of people got on, most of them looked to be part of the Earnst & Young convention, which prompted me to tell Joe, “That’s a lot of childless Millenials."

Once at Animal Kingdom we got in the super long line to get in. We got there right as the park opened, so we didn’t have to wait long. There was a girl and her boyfriend in front of us and her parents joined them shortly after. She was definitely a know-it-all and was chastising her parents for not following her and picking the right security line. We had to listen to her brag about being a Disney super genius, it was quite entertaining. Thankfully, we lost the family at the tapstiles, because none of them was able to get in and they all turned blue. I guess being a know-it-all doesn’t always mean everything:rolleyes1.

Joe and I hoofed it over to Expedition Everest. Being so early it was a walk-on.

Sadly, the photos weren’t working yet, but we rode in the middle of the train. There still wasn’t a wait, so we got right back in line.

This time we got the back. Pictures still weren’t working. So pleased with our thrilling morning, we got back in line one more time. The wait was about 15 minutes at this point, which felt like an eternity after two walk-ons. Since we had ridden in the middle and back, we decided to wait a little bit longer for the front. It only added 5 extras minutes but was SO worth it.

The wait had finally exceeded our threshold and we moved on. We spotted at PP CM out near the bird show theater, and stopped for some pictures.

We walked through the Harambe Marketplace, and it was so quiet we took some more pictures.

Anybody else think this is alluding to the Disco Yeti??

We walked over to the Harambe train station, to do something we haven’t done since our 2014 trip.

We took the train over to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. They had posters up for the live action Lion King on the journey over.

We also saw an Ostrich hanging out back there.

While, I think it’s a pain you have to use a train to get back here, which is why we haven’t been back, it was nice this trip. We usually take the train at MK, but with it being down for now, we still got our Disney train ride in this way.

First we went into the petting area, but all the goats were being shy. I did get one pet in with the one goat that was out, but he walked away.

This was the only attraction we did last time, so this would be our first time going inside the Conservation Station. We has just missed a dental exam, but they were prepping for a surgery next.

Hidden Mickey

We had a fastpass for the Animation Experience, which we did not need a fastpass for. When we were held in the waiting area, they had a goat out.

The CM talked all about the goat and how they had been training it. She also explained how animators used real animals to use as inspiration for animated movies, especially in the beginning. She was very excited and proud to tell us that, the film makers for The Lion King, came to Animal Kingdom and studied their animals as inspiration for the film.

When it was our turn to draw, we were led into the seating area. It was not as formal as the old Animation Academy. It was basically just chairs, and then you had a lap desk and pencil to draw on on. They also provided you with pre-drawn on lines and a circle, as the base for any character.

Pictures of the animators (including Walt) using real animals during the making of Bambi

We had a really entertaining animator for this. He explained about the experience and again how it is important to draw inspiration from real animals for animation. They we watched a video of one of the warthogs from the Safari, and how he was used to make Pumba for the Live action Lion King. Then we got to drawing. If you have experienced the old animation academy, it was pretty similar to that.

Here is my Pumba

Joe’s Pumba

Even though I only got to do it one time, the Animation Academy was one of my favorite things. I think this is a worthy replacement, even with the awkward lapdesks. If you get the chance to do this I really recommend it. And if you have kids, they gave them a chance to draw, but towards the end when the kids were losing interest, they handed out sketches for them to take home.

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Thankfully, we lost the family at the tapstiles, because none of them was able to get in and they all turned blue. I guess being a know-it-all doesn’t always mean everything:rolleyes1.

:rotfl:I guess not!

Multiple rides on Everest are a GREAT way to start the day! I did this twice on my last trip and LOVED it!

I finally rode back to Rafiki's Planet Watch on that trip, too! I enjoyed the train ride and being able to kind-of see some of the "backstage" areas for the animals. I also had some great character interactions there.

I only did the Animation Academy once myself, but I'm also glad they have a new experience to somewhat replace it! I thought it was great fun. Maybe it will be less difficult to get into since it's so out of the way. Both of your Pumba drawings are great!
This morning was a little chaotic. Joe thought we were going to sleep in for some reason.
What? Sleep in at Disney??? :rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao:
She was definitely a know-it-all and was chastising her parents for not following her and picking the right security line. We had to listen to her brag about being a Disney super genius, it was quite entertaining. Thankfully, we lost the family at the tapstiles, because none of them was able to get in and they all turned blue. I guess being a know-it-all doesn’t always mean everything:rolleyes1.
Sometimes I enjoy being around these people. Hearing their massive amounts of "knowledge" can be quite entertaining.
This time we got the back. Pictures still weren’t working. So pleased with our thrilling morning, we got back in line one more time. The wait was about 15 minutes at this point, which felt like an eternity after two walk-ons. Since we had ridden in the middle and back, we decided to wait a little bit longer for the front. It only added 5 extras minutes but was SO worth it.
That's awesome! 3 rides in all different areas of the train. You can't get a much better morning at AK than that!
Here is my Pumba
Nice job! Both of you! Sounds like it is good that you took the time to head back and check it out.
Sounds like a nice start at AK with 3 rides on EE! And I used to love the Animation Academy so I'm glad to hear the version at AK is good!
Multiple rides on Everest are a GREAT way to start the day! I did this twice on my last trip and LOVED it!
I agree, it was a great morning.

I finally rode back to Rafiki's Planet Watch on that trip, too! I enjoyed the train ride and being able to kind-of see some of the "backstage" areas for the animals. I also had some great character interactions there.
We didn't see any characters out. IMHO I don't think the trip back there is really worth it without the animation experience.

I only did the Animation Academy once myself, but I'm also glad they have a new experience to somewhat replace it! I thought it was great fun. Maybe it will be less difficult to get into since it's so out of the way. Both of your Pumba drawings are great!
Thank you, the DHS one was better, but I did enjoy this experience too.

What? Sleep in at Disney??? :rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao:
Crazy right?

Sometimes I enjoy being around these people. Hearing their massive amounts of "knowledge" can be quite entertaining.
It definitely made the time go by quicker.

Sounds like a nice start at AK with 3 rides on EE! And I used to love the Animation Academy so I'm glad to hear the version at AK is good!
If you liked the DHS one, I would make time for this one, we enjoyed it.
I totally want to do this!!! How fun.
I don't know how long it will be around, but I would check it out on your next trip.

We left Rafiki’s Planet Watch and took the train back to Harambe.

My mom texted me while we were on the train with a picture of the boys at Main Event, which is an entertainment venue near us.

While I loved seeing my boys, they actually had somewhere else to be. We grabbed a drink at Starbucks and I sat down to call my mom. She had forgotten that my youngest had kindergarten bootcamp and it was starting in less than an hour. I was a little stressed about if they would make it, but I was very far away and couldn’t do anything about it. We noticed a CM holding a Pocahontas sign, and we’ve never met here to we went to see how long the line was. There was literally no one in line so I said a quick hello. She complimented my necklace and asked if I made it myself. Instead of saying cheese, she said trees, which I thought was adorable. It made me laugh, hence this picture.

She was tucked back there, and it is so beautiful and quiet back there.

We had our next fastpass, but we needed to walk to the other side of the park. We spotted Kevin out and about on our way.

Our fastpass was for Dinosaur.

I really thought this might be the time we didn’t make it, but somehow we just narrowly escaped again :thumbsup2 .

Our final fastpass for the day was for Flight of Passage, so we walked over to Pandora.

As per usual, when we tried to scan our FP, the check point was clogged up by a very large family. There was a man in a ECV, with a child on his lap, and they just breezed on by without scanning. The CM had to stop them and not only explain how they needed fastpasses, but also that the child couldn’t be on the lap of the adult in the ECV. This led to a very heated argument between the CM and the guest, and we were just stuck there, because they were blocking the entrance. Thankfully, another CM took pity on us and let us pass by.

We didn’t have to wait long, because just as we walked up they called for a party of two and we walked right into the chamber.

We actually didn’t need a secondary scan or anything, this was probably the fastest we’ve gotten on the ride. I got set up in my link chair and locked in, and then waited. We waited some more and I started to panic, I have severe anxiety when I feel trapped. It felt like we were there for an eternity, and poor Joe was trying to help talk me off the ledge of a panic attack. Thankfully, I was able to stay calm enough until the ride began. We had an amazing flight, and I didn’t let my anxiety ruin it for me. However, I was very thankful to get out of the chair at the end. We had an ADR to get to, but you don’t just walk by a photopass with no line, so we obviously had to stop.

Probably not the smartest move, we had to walk as fast as our little legs would carry us out of the park. It was like a flashback to 2017, when we did exactly the same thing to get to the same reservation. We made it to the bus, which had thankfully just pulled up, with only 7 minutes until our ADR. My Apple watch thought I was working out, :rotfl2:.

We didn’t have far to go thought, and soon we were pulling up to Kidani Village.

Our ADR was at one of our favorite spots.

We got our pager and headed outside to check out the animals.

I sat down in one of the ricking chairs and called my mom, to check in on the boys.

N made it to kindergarten bootcamp, thankfully, and my mom took the other boys to the pool. I was super sad to miss N’s “practice” first day of school, but it looks like he had a blast.

Joe didn’t seem to mind missing out, he was enjoying the time in the rocking chair.

Once we were sat, we could hear the server getting snippy with the hostess. I seemed that he wanted to be done for the day, thankfully we got passed to another server, who was much more pleasant.

Things had been kind of off all morning, but we were starting to get back on track and had a lovely lunch. We had to order the bread service to start.

I seriously love this so much, all the sauces are amazing, and I love that it is so varied. While we were waiting for our entrees, a bird came over and put himself in the corner.

He stayed like that for the rest of the meal and would just stare at the wall and quack to himself. It was strangely entertaining.

We got out old standbys for entrees as well. I got the tandoori chicken.

Joe got the tandoori shrimp. They had stopped serving it on the naan bread, but Joe asked if they could make it like that, as he has had it in the past, and they did.

We had an amazing and filling lunch, and walked back to the bus stop. The DVC activity center was decorated for the Lion King.

We took the bus back to AK and then another bus back to Coronado.

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I really want to try the Bread Service but have never even been to AKL! Someday I'll find a way to fit it into our plans!
While I loved seeing my boys, they actually had somewhere else to be. We grabbed a drink at Starbucks and I sat down to call my mom. She had forgotten that my youngest had kindergarten bootcamp and it was starting in less than an hour.
Uh oh... yeah, not a thing you could do about that. Can't let it ruin your day.
There was a man in a ECV, with a child on his lap, and they just breezed on by without scanning. The CM had to stop them and not only explain how they needed fastpasses, but also that the child couldn’t be on the lap of the adult in the ECV. This led to a very heated argument between the CM and the guest, and we were just stuck there, because they were blocking the entrance.
:sad2: People are so annoying.
We made it to the bus, which had thankfully just pulled up, with only 7 minutes until our ADR. My Apple watch thought I was working out, :rotfl2:.
Getting yourself around Disney World is a workout!!!
N made it to kindergarten bootcamp, thankfully, and my mom took the other boys to the pool. I was super sad to miss N’s “practice” first day of school, but it looks like he had a blast.
I'm glad he made it!
Once we were sat, we could hear the server getting snippy with the hostess. I seemed that he wanted to be done for the day, thankfully we got passed to another server, who was much more pleasant
Oh boy... glad you got a different server. You never want to be stuck with the one that clearly does not want to be there and isn't even trying to mask it.
We had an amazing and filling lunch, and walked back to the bus stop. The DVC activity center was decorated for the Lion King
Looks like a very nice lunch!
I'm glad the CM saved you on FOP! It's tough to get stuck behind people that have no idea what they're doing. I'm so excited to finally try this attraction in May (I hope!).

Sanaa is SO delicious! The bread service is a must-do and the atmosphere with the nearby animals is so neat. I'm glad you enjoyed your time there!
Sounds like a great meal! So funny about the bird in the corner!!
He was very entertaining.

Oh yum!!!! The bread service is soooo good!
It's one of my favorite foods at WDW.

I really want to try the Bread Service but have never even been to AKL! Someday I'll find a way to fit it into our plans!
It is so worth the trip over. I think you can even get it at the bar, if you want to avoid being locked into an ADR.

Uh oh... yeah, not a thing you could do about that. Can't let it ruin your day.
Not going to lie it was so hard to just let it go, but I am glad I did.

:sad2: People are so annoying.
No where teaches us that more than WDW.

Getting yourself around Disney World is a workout!!!
If only that could be my everyday workout.

I'm glad he made it!
Me too, it really helped when school actually started.

Oh boy... glad you got a different server. You never want to be stuck with the one that clearly does not want to be there and isn't even trying to mask it.
I know, it would have been a horrible experience. The server we got was so good, so I'm glad we were passed to him.

I'm glad the CM saved you on FOP! It's tough to get stuck behind people that have no idea what they're doing. I'm so excited to finally try this attraction in May (I hope!).
Me too, it is quite frustrating because it happens all the time. Just put AK on at least day 4, and you should be fine to ride.

Sanaa is SO delicious! The bread service is a must-do and the atmosphere with the nearby animals is so neat. I'm glad you enjoyed your time there!
I really love it there, so I am glad we got to do it again.
Are You Running Again?

As we like to do, we laid down for a nap. I had actually planned on just changing and then heading back out. I took off my pants to change them, but instead laid down for a minute, next thing you know someone is pounding on our door. I of course jump up to answer the door, forgetting I have no pants on. Thankfully I did remember before I got to the door. In my still half-asleep state, I just panicked and jumped under the covers and told Joe to answer the door since he was still dressed. It was a CM asking to come in to do the safety check, but of course I am now stranded in bed with no pants. It was so freaking awkward, and even worse I think the CM thought something else was going on. I was pretty much mortified, and even now I am mortified telling the story. I am here for only the most high quality trip reporting and now you can laugh at my embarrassment:rotfl2:. Joe sure did the rest of the evening. Fully awake now, we headed out to Epcot for the evening. After I put on pants of course.

As you might remember, the previous night, we had gotten an anytime fastpass that was supposed to be good through this evening. However, when we woke up we noticed it was missing. We decided to stop in guest services, so see if we could get it back. The CM that helped us was awesome, she could see the fastpass, but didn’t understand why it wasn’t showing up. She asked which ride we had wanted to use it on, to which we said Test Track, and she loaded an anytime TT fastpass on to our account. We had also picked up a fourth FP for Soarin, so we were set for the night. We decided our first ride of the evening should be on Spaceship Earth.

Sadly, our pictures didn’t show. I don’t get why this only works sometimes:confused3. As sad as I am to see this version of SE go, I would gladly embrace something else for this ride that actually works.

I needed to get my Bubble Gum wall, picture since I didn’t know when it would be leaving.

This then started our goodbye tour of Future World. Next up, we said goodbye to Club Cool.

Beverly was already gone, but we tried everything else for one final time. Getting our fill of soda, we walked into Innoventions and said good bye to the weird carpet wall and the Character spot. It was time for our FP for Soarin, so we put our tour on hold.
Living with the Land, had no wait, so we went there next.

Joe really doesn’t like Figment, so of course we had to go there next.

One thing I noticed was that the final scene, before your see the Psychadelic Figments, the far right panel was down. It really ruins the illusion at the end, because you can see the figment just floating there.

Because apparently, I love running from one end of the park to other to get to an ADR, we had to rush to get to our dinner reservation next. My watch buzzed again, asking if I wanted to record a work out:sad2:. But it was worth it, because soon we were here.

I was really excited to try a new restaurant, we had heard good things about this one from Joe’s parents. The architecture and art in this restaurant were beautiful.

Our server came right over and got our drinks right away. Within 5 minutes of sitting down, we had already ordered. We were given bread to start.

I had decimated my bread trying to spread the cold butter on it, look at my handiwork.

I wasn’t feel super adventurous this evening, and went with the chicken skewers.

It was really good though, I am glad I stuck with something I knew I would like. Joe was feeling just as boring as me, and went with the beef skewers.

I don’t remember him commenting on the meal, so I guess it wasn’t anything too great. This was by far the quickest meal, 30 minutes after we were sat, we were finishing up. I was sad because I wanted to see the belly dancer. A musician came out and started playing music, so I tried to linger on my meal to see if the belly dancer would come. As we were paying the bill she came out, so we stayed a little longer to watch.

We now had a decision to make, we could go use our FP at TT and possibly miss Illuminations, or skip TT. We had another evening at Epcot, so we decided to use the FP. Joe made me a purple car.

While we were designing our car, the CM kept coming over the PA and directing people to squeeze into the line after the design center. She was even encouraging going around people who refused to move. I’m sure you all understand how frustrating the choke point after the design center can be, but I didn’t think encourage guests to cut in front of others, was the best advice. Of course once it was our turn to enter the area, it was a mess, there was no where to go, so half of the room couldn’t exit the design center. Thankfully, I think the CMs realized they couldn’t squeeze anymore people in there, and held off pushing more people through for awhile. I think there must have been a slight delay with the ride, but soon we were testing our creation. Joe and I had planned to pose for the picture, but I thought the camera was right when the doors open. So we pose and then immediately start laughing because the camera wasn’t there, and by the time we got to the camera, this was our lovely pose.


When we got off TT, I could hear Illuminations, so I ran one more time this day to over by The Odyssey, to watch from the bridge.

Illumnations is my favorite nighttime spectacular, and I am really sad to see it go. We didn’t stay until the end, because we wanted to beat the crowds. It was extra magic hours, so we got in line for Mission Space, which was a walk-on at that point.

Joe hasn’t done orange since 2016, so he was a little apprehensive.

We successfully flew our mission, we viewed it is training for the Millennium Falcon. We walked back to the World Showcase and they were playing the Tapestry of Nations soundtrack. Again, another one of my favorites, we walked over to the World Showplace, which had cleared out, as I just enjoyed the music and basked in the happiness of being at Walt Disney World.

It is so rare for me to just stop and be in the moment while at Disney. There so no one around, and it felt magical.

We didn’t have much of a plan for the night. I had an Avocado margarita on my mind, so we walked over to Mexico.

We decided to ride The Three Cabelleros first.

Sadly, they were closing up La Cava, when we got off, so that was a fail there. All the rides had pretty substantial waits, but Frozen Ever After was 35, so we got in line. There was a family in front of us of a mom and dad, and two teenage daughters. Daughter 1 was freaking out because freaking out because Test Track was an hour wait, and if they waited for FEA, they wouldn’t have enough time to do both. Daughter 2 is complaining to dad, that she wants the Samauri sword. So dad says, “ So help me if you bring up that samurai sword one more time, I am going to buy it and kill myself with it”.:scared1: So needless to say, this family was having a magical night. So dad takes off with Daughter 1 to ride TT, and for a good portion of the wait daughter 2 complained to mom about dad and daughter 1. Look we’ve all been there, not every moment at Disney is magical, heck we had a not so magical morning with each other. But getting to eavesdrop on family drama, can be entertaining. Does that make me a bad person??:rolleyes1 Between the family in front of us and the mom/daughter duo behind us freaking out about what happened on the Bachelorette, we had a very entertaining wait.

I’ve never ridden standby, so I enjoyed checking everything out.

I feel like every time I ride this ride I like it less and less, is that weird?

It does also serve up some funny on-ride pictures though.

EMH was wrapping up, so we slowly made out way to the front of the park.

Goodbye Fountain of Nations

Joe enjoyed the openness of the under construction entrance.

We seriously had the best night, this evening. We got so much done, our spirits were considerably higher than earlier in the day, and we just had a ton of silly fun. Based on how the morning started I never would have guessed, but this day ended up being my favorite of the trip.

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What a great night! I love being able to wander and not feel like I'm missing out on something else. Sorry you missed out on your margarita, though!
I'm sure you didn't think so at the time, but you being stuck with no pants is rather hysterical. At least if the CM thought something other than a nap was going on they probably left quickly! :laughing:

You had a lovely night in Epcot! I've really grown to love Spaceship Earth in my past few trips so it will be very strange when it changes. I'm sure I'll still love it, though! I'm sorry your meal wasn't as fantastic as you'd hoped, but your skewers looked tasty. And at least you got to see the belly dancer!

So dad says, “ So help me if you bring up that samurai sword one more time, I am going to buy it and kill myself with it”.:scared1: So needless to say, this family was having a magical night.


I love eavesdropping on other families! It's pretty hysterical some of the things you can overhear - and I love drama that's not mine!

Goodbye Fountain of Nations


I'm not nearly as sad about this as the loss of Wishes, but I really liked the Fountain of Nations and was very surprised that they took it away. How can a water feature ever be bad?!

I love the last picture you took of Joe on your way out of Epcot! It's amazing with all the lights on the ground!


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