Canadian Buffoon's Exhausted Vacation - Update 09/01 - New TR link!

You don't even know what I've been through with this installment. I initially missed the first part and by the time I wet back and read it, all the quotes were out of order so I decided to go back and read it properly so I went back quoted again but then my computer crashed. Now I'm on a wonky version of my Mac thanks to my Time Machine that was backed up in April 2016.
Oh no! Sorry to hear that.
I’ve never heard of missing
a first part...
Unless... did you go to the
bottom and then scroll up?

All those crazy hours you work are really paying off! :P
:laughing: I wish!!
Barbie, of course. Specifically Barbie's Airplane. I remember being so happy to get that :love:
I know the feeling!
I got a helicopter for my
G.I. Joe and it was easily

my favourite. :)
I always know the time from the time stamp on my pictures. I think it's helpful as a memory jogger and some people like specifics. Were people complaining?
Not sure if my camera’s time
is all that accurate.
No, no one complained.

Also, SDD :worship::love:
Like that one do ya? :)
Yes, you should have.
I know. Fail there.
This is hilarious! That poor girl!
Think she’ll go on again???
I've not been to SWGE or seen these guys, but it sounds kind of fun. I've seen where some people don't enjoy them but t doesn't sound like they stand there for an hour carrying on a conversation.
No, it was very brief.
Maybe if she had interacted
with then it would’ve been

Aw, very nice picture :goodvibes
Of Kari?

I've never eaten here but that looks pretty good. Maybe I'll make an ADR for the family in July. Nicholas could eat fried chicken all day ::yes::
Do that! Try the PB&J
shake too!

They are amazing and gorgeous photos :worship:
Thanks! :goodvibes
That sounds perfect. Think back and compare that to your first trip. I kind of love what these trips have tuned into the more I go.
Very good point!
No way I’d skip anything
of I hadn’t been in a while.
My DS would love to do this but I already told him he's going to pay for it if he really wants to. Now he's rethinking it, but if I was shelling out the dough they think nothing of it :sad2:
Oh, I know exactly
what that’s like!

Sounds like a really bad run of snacks, and yet, they all seemed so promising :sad1:
Well... the drink was good.
Just my taste buds were
over sugared, I think.

Ha! They'd better! I'm sure they remembered who they were dealing with!
Ya got that right!!!
Two of my favorite things from last year 😋
I’m not at all surprised.
I think they were in my
top 3-4.

ANother reason I'm so happy I planned this last minute December trip!
But... no foundation.
I missed not seeing it.

:laughing: Right????
Hey @pkondz :wave2:

Just wanted to say I'm back and I've read the two updates I missed - fabulous as usual! Will be back on deck to comment properly starting from the next update. Now I've just got to try and be inspired to write my travel day post so I can kick mine off properly :surfweb:
Hey @pkondz :wave2:
Hi! :wave:
How was the trip??

Just wanted to say I'm back and I've read the two updates I missed - fabulous as usual!
Welcome back. :)
And... thanks! :goodvibes

Will be back on deck to comment properly starting from the next update.
Sounds good.
You can answer the questions
from the last update, too

(if you like.)
Now I've just got to try and be inspired to write my travel day post so I can kick mine off properly :surfweb:
If you've come here looking for
inspiration, all you'll find is
hindrance and impedement.
What was your favourite toy
when you were a kid?
I think mine was probably G.I. Joe.

I really enjoyed Lite Brite. Not sure they even make those anymore. I also light the Highlights magazine as I loved the hidden picture puzzles.


Haven't been to the world since TSL opened, but I can't wait to ride this.

That kid's face says it all.

Love these photos. I don't like these types of drop rides so have never been on it. May need to walk the queue one time just to see it.

Doesn't look too bad, does it?
And the Key Lime part of it
wasn't bad at all.
But the whole thing is wrapped
in a thick glob of blue-tinted
white chocolate.
I don't mind white chocolate.
It's fine as a decorative feature
on a real chocolate treat.
But this thing was mostly
white chocolate with a bit of
Key Lime pie thrown in.
The white chocolate taste
was overwhelming.
I think it would've been okay
if they'd maybe not put it
in white chocolate... and maybe
thrown out the stick, too.
Which would make it... pie.

I didn't eat it all.
I didn't eat half of it.

I hate white chocolate so this would be a hard no. I love milk or dark chocolate, but find white too sweet. And it is not really chocolate. I am a chocolate purist.

This looks very disappointing.

Hmmm... space...
I zipped over to MS and
decided to try the new
green Earth orbit mission.
What the heck?
I got picked for Engineer... again????
What is it with me and Engineering today??

I did my second college program at MS and it was an interesting ride to work at to say the least.

This looks good and I am generally game to try any vegetarian burger.

I love these lights so much. When I did the college program and worked at SE we sometimes did crowd control during illuminations and were stationed near these lights and it always made me so happy. Hope they don't go away.
I really enjoyed Lite Brite. Not sure they even make those anymore.
I loved Lite Brite!
Hmmm... I wonder...
I'm thinking... fire hazard?

Nope! Just checked.

You can still buy them. :)
I also light the Highlights magazine as I loved the hidden picture puzzles.
I don't know this one?
Haven't been to the world since TSL opened, but I can't wait to ride this.
I like it.
If you're expecting thrills...
than that's the wrong ride for you.

But it's a fun little coaster. :)
That kid's face says it all.
Certainly does! :laughing:
Love these photos.
Thank you! :goodvibes
I don't like these types of drop rides so have never been on it. May need to walk the queue one time just to see it.
Do that!
After the hotel lobby,
you can continue into the
library and see the Intro TV show.
You can then walk to the elevators
and there's a chicken exit there that
you can take so you can see
as much as possible without going

on the ride itself.
I hate white chocolate so this would be a hard no.
I can eat it... but only a little.
Then it gets... icky.
It's okay as a decorative
feature on real chocolate.

I love milk or dark chocolate, but find white too sweet. And it is not really chocolate. I am a chocolate purist.
Yeah, not a real chocolate.
I must admit that I don't
really care for "real" chocolate.

I much prefer milk chocolate.
This looks very disappointing.
Looks are sometimes
not deceiving.

I did my second college program at MS and it was an interesting ride to work at to say the least.
Oh? Care to share?
(If you can.)

This looks good and I am generally game to try any vegetarian burger.
It was quite good!
I preferred the real deal,
but for a vegetarian offering

it was better than I expected.
I love these lights so much. When I did the college program and worked at SE we sometimes did crowd control during illuminations and were stationed near these lights and it always made me so happy. Hope they don't go away.
It'd make me happy too.
Please, Disney Gods...
let the little lights twinkle!
Oh? Care to share?
(If you can.)

There was the usual nonsense like people not understanding how Fastpass works (this was the legacy fastpast system). Everyone knows it spins or should by the time they get to the pre-show area (we tired to make sure people understood what the ride was before they got in line). We kept the bays at 64 degrees as it was proven to help people from feeling nauseous which is why you may see cast members with coats on when its 90* outside. When you exit the bay (the room with the ride simulators) and start the long walk to the exit, there is actually is a little room off to the side that people can go into if they aren't feeling so well. There is a sink in there. That is why there is someone at the exit to direct people down the hallway, but also to catch those who may be about to get sick. We also always kept extra clothes on hands as if you get sick on the ride, it will end up on you. The clothes were bright orange, but at least puke free.

I actually preferred my first program at SE (again before they had FP+). It was a lot lower stress. Anyone could ride the ride. Not that many cast members work there so we all became really close and everyone was so friendly. This was not a hugely popular attraction and college kids mainly worked the evening shifts so many times it was just hanging out with your friends goofing off. It was 2007 so the ride was getting a huge overhaul so I was there when they built that post show area that the ride dumps in now. The ride went down for the refurb a month before my program ended so they let us watch the ride and take photos with the ride scenes as long as we promised not to post them on social media. MS was more intense due to the demands of the ride. Both fun programs, but different. I highly encourage anyone interested to do the program although I know it has changed a lot in the last 10 years.
What was your favourite toy
when you were a kid?

Hm I really liked Lincoln logs and then when Tamagotchis came out, I was obsessed. I'll never forget going on vacation with my grandma that summer and she took mine away because I was apparently playing with it too much and she killed it!

The toys just get more expensive.

So true.

But this morning, before the park
was officially open to the non
Disney resort guests (aka: heathen),


Actually, I think Disney added
a few pounds.
I'm sure that was it.
Not my general debauchery
or complete lack of exercise.

I thought that was just me.

:laughing: That poor kid's expression!
Her mom seems blissfully unaware
of the therapy bills that are
coming her way.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

We got lucky.
Getting a table is not guaranteed.
Standing is.

True. We were not so lucky. My feet were not amused.

We both liked our drinks, except the lip-numbing
foam on the Tauntaun was a bit disconcerting!

I had no idea about this before we got there!

Gary told us that "Girls' food tastes
better off someone else's plate."

This is true.

You can only make one FP now at DHS.
Well... okay. You can make three... but
only one good one.

Ugh the worst.

Once there, I set up my tripod and
for the next half hour or so, moved
back and forth from FP to Standby
line, framing the shots I wanted
while telling guests to go ahead
and pass by me.

Wow that's dedication! The shots came out gorgeous. I prob would've rode after though!

Not long afterwards, I put him out
of my mind as I ordered a Blended Burger
from Flavors From Fire.

This, of course, presents itself
with certain opportunities.
When you're toy sized, you can
play with toys that are normally
far too small for you and even
get a date with a Barbie!


What was your favourite toy
when you were a kid?
I think mine was probably G.I. Joe.

We were big on Barbie dolls in our house. (Me, being a stereotypical little girl, and also having two step-sisters who were also stereotypical little girls.) But I also had a little red scooter—you know, like this kind of thing:
—that I absolutely loved riding around my grandmother's paved back driveway.

I was on the coaster
and zooming around Andy's
Twenty-minute wait for SDD.
Not bad at all.

Pretty good deal if you ask me.

I must say, that kid has quite
the imagination.
Hmmm... now that he's gotten
a bit older, I wonder if he'll
become an Imagineer?

Nah. Probably not.

That would be a nice job for a kid like Andy! Though he probably went off to study like Business Management or something like that. Or Computer Science.

Speaking of Imagineering! We just signed up for Disney+ this week, and I'm very excited to watch the show they have on there about Imagineering. :)


:laughing: That poor kid's expression!
Her mom seems blissfully unaware
of the therapy bills that are
coming her way.

That poor little child! ...funny though...

"What are you doing with that data-pad?"
One Stormtrooper intoned.
The woman looked up in surprise.
The Stormtrooper pointed at her
and said. "You've just gone from
curious to suspicious."
And walked away.


This is awesome! I'm gonna hit Nathan with this one the next time he glances down to his phone in one of our conversations.

But then Kari remarked that she did
a double take.
Safety note... wearing flesh-coloured
tights may result in whiplash... in others.

Oh dear! :o

Gary told us that "Girls' food tastes
better off someone else's plate."

I guess he assumed we were a couple.
While I was extremely flattered,
I'm sure Kari was mortified.

I made it up to her though, by letting
her eat food off my plate.


Once there, I set up my tripod and
for the next half hour or so, moved
back and forth from FP to Standby
line, framing the shots I wanted
while telling guests to go ahead
and pass by me.

These photos are excellent! Beautiful work!

Don't let the blue colouring throw you.
If you look at it and your stomach turns...


Then trust your gut.

...WHY is it blue?? I mean, it looks extra gross to me because I happen to be allergic to blue food dye, so stomach is, indeed, turning. But it also just seems so unnecessary.

I did think that maybe a nice
relaxing bath might be the
thing to recharge my batteries...
So I did.
And it's probably a reflection
of just how tired I was,
that I passed out not once,
but twice, while in there.

It's a wonder you didn't drown!

After the second time, I figured
I could either stay there and drown,
or get up and get going.

...ah, I see you also considered that possibility! Good call getting out of there with your life while you still could.


Wow! A bit on the spicy side,
but not overly so... and very, very good!

That's what Nathan thought of this as well.

Flying solo sometimes reveals
things not before imagined.
Is it just me, or does it look
like I'll be having a space DISmeet
with @MeghanEmily in the future??

:rotfl: I was about to comment that Ruby or one of your girls must have gone for a serious hair appointment in the future! But yes, it does certainly resemble my wild hair days! :) If this is a sign from the universe that we'll finally be getting our Dismeet someday in the future, then count me excited!

I headed out and paused
only long enough to take a
quick snap of one of my favourite
Epcot nighttime sights...


I love this, too. Walking out the other day, I overheard someone warning someone else in their party to be careful so they don't stomp on the lights and break them. :lmao:
Hey folks!
Sorry about being absent
for a few days.
Had a work thing that took
me out of town for a bit
and then the usual life stuff.

I'll be back on probably tomorrow

to catch up and start more writing. :)
We kept the bays at 64 degrees as it was proven to help people from feeling nauseous which is why you may see cast members with coats on when its 90* outside.
::yes:: Also why cool air blows
in your face during the ride.

This I knew.
(Well... not the exact temperature,

that was new to me. :))
When you exit the bay (the room with the ride simulators) and start the long walk to the exit, there is actually is a little room off to the side that people can go into if they aren't feeling so well. There is a sink in there. That is why there is someone at the exit to direct people down the hallway, but also to catch those who may be about to get sick. We also always kept extra clothes on hands as if you get sick on the ride, it will end up on you. The clothes were bright orange, but at least puke free.
I did not know that! :eek:
Not a job I want, thankyouverymuch!!!
Somebody woofing their cookies just

might make me do the same!
I actually preferred my first program at SE (again before they had FP+). It was a lot lower stress. Anyone could ride the ride. Not that many cast members work there so we all became really close and everyone was so friendly. This was not a hugely popular attraction and college kids mainly worked the evening shifts so many times it was just hanging out with your friends goofing off. It was 2007 so the ride was getting a huge overhaul so I was there when they built that post show area that the ride dumps in now. The ride went down for the refurb a month before my program ended so they let us watch the ride and take photos with the ride scenes as long as we promised not to post them on social media. MS was more intense due to the demands of the ride. Both fun programs, but different. I highly encourage anyone interested to do the program although I know it has changed a lot in the last 10 years.
I can see how SE could be fun. :)
And nice to see someone encourage
the CP. I've seen too many people

not being able to finish it.
Hm I really liked Lincoln logs
This wasn't one I was expecting
as a favourite toy. Cool!
and then when Tamagotchis came out, I was obsessed. I'll never forget going on vacation with my grandma that summer and she took mine away because I was apparently playing with it too much and she killed it!
My oldest DD had one too.
I think she found it not long ago.

Presume it was dead...
That works, too. :)
I thought that was just me.
I think it's just... everyone!
True. We were not so lucky. My feet were not amused.
Oh dear.
Yeah, after running around a park
all day, if I'm stopping for a drink,

I better have a seat for me, too!
I had no idea about this before we got there!
Neither did I!
The people at our table
were talking about it.
I was going to have that anyways,

but that sealed the deal. :)
This is true.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh the worst.
:sad2: I sure hope this goes
away after the SWGE hype
wears off a bit.
Wow that's dedication! The shots came out gorgeous. I prob would've rode after though!
Thanks! :)
And... I think I was just getting
to the end of my rope

by that point.
It was really good. :)
We were big on Barbie dolls in our house. (Me, being a stereotypical little girl, and also having two step-sisters who were also stereotypical little girls.) But I also had a little red scooter—you know, like this kind of thing:
—that I absolutely loved riding around my grandmother's paved back driveway.
Either you didn't post the photo,
or it's not showing up.
Do you mean this?
Image result for razor scooter
Pretty good deal if you ask me.
Not too shabby!
That would be a nice job for a kid like Andy! Though he probably went off to study like Business Management or something like that. Or Computer Science.
"I loved playing with my toys
when I was little. Now I'm just

dead inside... all the time."
Speaking of Imagineering! We just signed up for Disney+ this week, and I'm very excited to watch the show they have on there about Imagineering. :)
I know you'll love it!
I've seen the first episode
and most of the 2nd.
That poor little child! ...funny though...
Yeah... it is! :laughing:
This is awesome! I'm gonna hit Nathan with this one the next time he glances down to his phone in one of our conversations.
Bit of a "what in the world???"
moment there.

These photos are excellent! Beautiful work!
Thank you! :goodvibes
...WHY is it blue?? I mean, it looks extra gross to me because I happen to be allergic to blue food dye, so stomach is, indeed, turning. But it also just seems so unnecessary.
This is the one time
when I envy you and
your allergies.
Then I never would've
even tried it.

And been happier as a result.
It's a wonder you didn't drown!

...ah, I see you also considered that possibility! Good call getting out of there with your life while you still could.
That's what Nathan thought of this as well.
Great minds taste alike.

That sounds like something

you'd hear on the Jungle Cruise...
:rotfl: I was about to comment that Ruby or one of your girls must have gone for a serious hair appointment in the future! But yes, it does certainly resemble my wild hair days! :) If this is a sign from the universe that we'll finally be getting our Dismeet someday in the future, then count me excited!
Perfect! We need to make
this happy, Meghan. :)

I love this, too. Walking out the other day, I overheard someone warning someone else in their party to be careful so they don't stomp on the lights and break them. :lmao:
I'm sure no child has
ever stomped on them.
Either you didn't post the photo,
or it's not showing up.
Do you mean this?
Image result for razor scooter

Weird that it didn't show up! But yes, just like that. But red.

"I loved playing with my toys
when I was little. Now I'm just

dead inside... all the time."

lol poor Andy.

I know you'll love it!
I've seen the first episode
and most of the 2nd.

I believe you! Can't wait!

This is the one time
when I envy you and
your allergies.
Then I never would've
even tried it.

And been happier as a result.

Truth! :lmao: Every once in a while it serves me well.

Perfect! We need to make
this happy, Meghan. :)


I'm sure no child has
ever stomped on them.

Hah! My thoughts exactly!
So I read your last update on the day you posted and I've been 10 days trying to get time to come back to comment. gets in the way sometimes.

What was your favourite toy
when you were a kid?
I think mine was probably G.I. Joe.
I honestly don't remember one that would be my favourite.
I do remember one that I wish I had now.
Appropriately after reading your last post, I wish I had my old remote controlled R2-D2. Yes, way back in 1980-something I had a cutting edge R2-D2. He had a long metal antenna sticking out the top of him and a large remote control with a similar long metal antenna. It was cutting edge 1980's tech. I wish I had it now just for the nostalgia of it.
Of course my father tossed it out. He figured they just made Return of the Jedi and that Star Wars thing is done, they aren't making any more movies. Ahem.

Okay... now that I'm teeny-tiny
Dude, you're admitting that in public?
Had you just been swimming? Was the water cold?
(Yeah, I noticed you and Doc already did that schtick, but can't blame a guy for jumping on an open door)

but... I don't
often eat breakfast when I'm at Disney.
That's one thing I have never been able to do - skip breakfast. I start feeling nauseous.
Plus, there's Mickey waffles and bacon everywhere. It's hard to turn that down.

I had fun. Also a positive.
(Not a lot of fun, but I was
smiling, so it counts.)
Will I ride it again?
I would ride AS2 again. It's not the best ride in the park, but it was surprisingly more fun than I expected. You're right it's better with somebody, preferably somebody you don't mind being squished up against.

I have played/ridden this solo
before and competed with
another Dad, but...
It's really not the same as
when you go up against
a friend/family member.
I have never done it solo. But can definitely see how that would be less entertaining.

That poor kid's expression!
Oh boy! If that was my kid an enlarged photo print would be going on the wall! Too good!

We both liked our drinks, except the lip-numbing
foam on the Tauntaun was a bit disconcerting!
That would be strange for sure. But intriguing just to say I tired it.

I think we were both pleased
as punch with our respective choices.
I have never ordered either individually, but have eaten both the pot roast and fried chicken in the sample platter (along with the meatloaf). All are great choices.

I'd always wanted to take more time
to photograph the interior of TOT.
I have never walked the queue. I probably should, the photos are impressive. I understand there's a chicken exit. (No way am I going on it with that drop.)

I walked out of the Droid Depot poorer,
but dumber. So there's that.
I will be very tempted to build a droid. My bank account may be enough to convince me other wise. Maybe.
Of course I would also like a lightsaber. No way both are happening.

Spaceship Earth!
Might be my last chance
to thank the Phoenicians.
I'm excited for the refurb, but also nervous. I hope the change isn't too drastic. But it's supposed to be a long refurb, so who knows.

Not bad for a trip around the planet.
Okay... this is a pet peeve.
I'd never done this version before.
And... I was very bothered by the
use of the impossible trajectory.
The craft is supposed to orbit,
but it makes a 90 degree turn....
Sorry. Ballistics says that's not
Honestly, I never noticed the turn. Makes sense, but it didn't register with me.

I headed out and paused
only long enough to take a
quick snap of one of my favourite
Epcot nighttime sights...
I wonder if those lights will make it through the changes at Epcot. I hope so. I like them too.
So just checking in today as I saw that the parade is happening for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and I was wondering if you were attending?


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