Canadian Buffoon's Exhausted Vacation - Update 09/01 - New TR link!

I get few perks with my job,
but "Emerald" status with
National Car Rental is one.

Emerald Status with National is awesome! I had the same with my prior job and it was especially fantastic when you could bypass the renter counter altogether and go straight to the Emerald Aisle and find a car.

The Disney Car Care Center is also fantastic. I've rented a car from them three times and have always had an excellent experience!

I was meeting Doc (@docsoliday1 )
and his lovely wife Coni over
at Kennedy Space Center.

How fun! I've been there twice, once in 1986 and once in 2006. I'd love to go back once M is a little older and could appreciate it. Both G and I love learning things about the space program and the past missions!

The Saturn rocket is huge.

It IS huge! It kind of takes your breath away when you walk into that section of the building. It's amazing!

(Seen the movie Apollo 13?
Let me know if you have or not.)

I LOVE the movie Apollo 13! I've watched it so many times that I practically used to be able to speak along with the lines.

During my 2006 visit the Apollo-related areas of KSC were my favorite due to what I'd learned from the movie. It was the portion of the space program history that I knew the most about!

So NASA put their brightest minds
to work and spent millions of dollars
to invent a pen that would work in
zero gravity...

The Russians used a pencil.

Funny, right? Silly NASA.

What an interesting story! I know I've seen displays about the space pen before, but I didn't know or had forgotten most of the details. I do understand their hesitancy about using anything that could feed a fire and therefore their development of a writing utensil that didn't have graphite. (I also learned about the Apollo I fire from the movie Apollo 13!)

A very sobering and thought
provoking display.

Absolutely. I was actually in Florida when the Challenger exploded and my family had been to Kennedy Space Center and saw the rocket just a few days before. It was rather surreal for my parents when the same rocket we'd seen happened to explode (I was only four at the time so it wasn't as rattling for me). It's an interesting way to be a part of that history!

I mean... P P gallery?


a half order of deviled eggs

Wow, I didn't know you could get a half order! I'll have to remember that for when we make it to Homecomin'!

This was amazing!
One of the better ones I've eaten.

It looks DELICIOUS! I hadn't heard that the mac and cheese wasn't tasty, but I'm glad you gave it a try regardless. I'm thrilled it worked out so well for you!

I'd love to make it to Homecomin' one day, but it may be a few trips. Someday! At least we have a FANTASTIC Southern restaurant in Des Moines (hard to believe, I know, but true!). If you're ever back in the area and have a craving for Southern food, I highly, highly recommend Bubba!

It was nice of them to provide a nearly
empty bus for me.

Of course they did. :rotfl:

That was kind of you to allow the couple to go ahead of you. I always go back and forth on which line to pick... and I usually pick wrong!
We were just chatting for a moment while getting my change because it was late at night and the toll booth wasn't busy, and she asked something along the lines of how I was enjoying the cooler weather, because it had been very very warm up until a few days before I arrived. I told her I actually thought it felt pretty balmy because I'm from Canada and I had just left our first snowfall to fly there today, and she said something like, "oh you're not from here? Then yes, this must feel warm to you!" :-)
Score. Meghan's in the club! :laughing:
Makes sense! Nice service! Why wait in line when you'll be in and out in 30 seconds? Especially when it's a VIP like yourself.

*ba dum tsssssk*
I'm sleepy just reading that.
How strange! I was too!
I must know NOW!
Well, by now, you do!
So... mission accomplished!
Yay, me!!!
Slurpee capital of the world
Except... we don't bring slurpees to the airport as gifts,
nor do we serve them at weddings. Bit of literary license there...
Little known fact, the actual Mars Rover is just glued together Legos.
Of course it is!
Legos are indestructible!

Well that's annoying.
No it's grade!
Holy building batman, that's huge!
I wonder if they could borrow the cool lady with the yellow tights from Spaceship Earth.
She'd fit right in!
Yes, more opportunities to be right!!
You like that, don't you. ::yes::
Love these, the lighting is really cool.
Thanks! :)
I don't know who has been spreading such lies but the mac and cheese is magical.
I know!
But I also know I read one,
perhaps two TRs where the
reviews were... less than stellar.
That was not long after it opened,
so perhaps word got out and

they improved the recipe.
Fun day at KSC! I went as a teenager but I don't think I fully appreciated it. I would love to go back, and I would probably geek out over the same stuff as you.
Then go! :)
Had to Google that one. I mean, I know who he in in theory/story, but had forgotten the name. Thanks for the history refresher!
No problem! :)
And no, I haven't.
Shame on you!
Some rank it the best movie
of all time.

Best movies of all time
(I should get points for that. ;) )
Nope! No bonus points
on this contest!
Ya gotta win on merit!
If it helps it has been all good things. Visiting people I love, making money so I can do the things I love, etc....
Good. :)
Sigh... we all will. Beats standing in long lines all day long with folks who aren't willing.
I'd rather put up with a few
minutes of jostling and risk
to life and limb than stand

in line for an hour for a ride.
Employ the army of Disney lawyers and...

not pay out as much as they should. Even though they'd possibly be culpible for negligent homicide.
To paraphrase Kramer in Seinfeld...

"Okay... Let's not offer him much to start.
Say... something ridiculously small, like...
Free park passes for life, unlimited FPs and $100,000."

pkondz enters the room.

"Okay we'll give you free park passes..."
Me: "DEAL!!!!"

Someday I might find an inking of (more) free time to learn PS. But, flying lessons are still out there for me as well as getting my BSN or other certs, etc... I hate that there isn't unlimited hours in a day and that we didn't need sleep.
Never enough hours in the day. :)
But those are lofty goals!
(Pun intended too. :))
Dialing 1-800-MAT-TELL
I'm sure you did! So pleased you got to take a little photo tour. I can never ever even come a tiny bit close to your mad photog skilz but I always have fun when I put my creative efforts to a test with my gear.
Actually, I disagree with you.
You don't just "come close [with my] mad photog skilz"
you surpass them.
I am in awe of your eye. You see things I regularly miss.

Here's a challenge. (You'll win, so it's more for fun
than an actual "challenge".)
We pick one spot... say... I dunno...
somewhere we mutually agree on.
By the Partners statue. Or in front
of Skippers, or on the train station
platform, or....
And you shoot from there.
Anything you want.
But you can't move.

Compare the results. :)
And yet he has a soft spot. He told us we sucked at our mission but still hooked us up with some swag for our efforts.
Score. :)
It was pretty animated in a good way IRL.
I found myself doing a fair amount of that as well.

I wasn't worried, they miss just as fair amount.
Well, yeah!!
They're sure fun to look at though... yes?
Aww, my '70s Hippie Family Van.... :goodvibes
I got it right!
Of course!! Although she may bend in the middle without a waist to support her.
I see her flopping over
in a stiff breeze.


It can be sick sometimes.

Like our patients.
Shoot... I had a couple jpgs
I posted... but I guess they're too big
so they show up too small to read.

Ah well...

Less so nowadays. My skill has been slipping anyways.
Oh? In that case...

(no practicing before-hand)
I think her trust probably took a hard hit.
I know. So dreams DO come true...
Sometimes they do. :)
That's what forks are for....
I tried!
I just hit air.
She's too fast!
Yep, I'm sneaky like that. You'll see....
Okay. :)
I enjoyed my time focusing on photography as well; I think it just lends itself to that.
::yes:: Very much so!
Everyone one of them would have ended up in the garbage by me as well. Now I know where I can save some $$.
Money ill-spent
but lessons learned.

I did, and feel a bit more caught up and happy I had a few days off to reign in some delinquent things I needed to do.
Good! :)
Well, now I have to ride it to see for myself. ;)
I want to ride it again with
fresher and wiser eyes.
Well, let's hope in the case of this one, it's not because the craft is spinning wildly out of control with no direction at all.
That would be a bad thing...

Don't do that when you take

your flying lessons.
Ya think?
I've forgotten it a couple times and found myself at work with it on. On the other hand, there have been several times I went to Disney right after work, so that was a good thing.
So... you look like a dork for a bit...
but it pays off in the end?

Yeah, I'll do that.

Well... I always look like a dork,

just... more so.
It wasn't Atlantis, was it?
That'd be a quicker ride.
So, it's the VIP rental car pass?
Yes. ::yes::
I don't think I've ever seen that many, but you have also mentioned you're the slupie capitol of the world.
Just posted a link a couple posts earlier. :)
He'd met me before, but he still agreed to meet again. Obviously not the best judgement. :lmao:
I'm a sucker for punishment.
::yes:: I figured you might not be the only person we'd want to go to KSC with and the APs were not Disney prices. We get a special tour and a lunch with an astronaut with the AP we got. Might be heading back there this week.
I think the lunch could
be pretty educational/fascinating!

If you look at the pictures I shared with you, there's several pictures of the transport vehicle, which is also necessarily massive.
Well it is about the flag code, so sorry, have to tell you. I mentioned this in PM, but when on a wall, the union must be on the left.
Yes you did.
Thanks for looking that up!

If it were Disney, it would be anamatronics, but, in a certain sense, I'm kinda glad there's allows me to focus on the film and then see the consoles without something in the way.
I think either way I'd be fine.

It's one of the best things there.

It was NOT in the pool.
I got a picture with someone walking directly underneath one and it's amazing...each nozzle is about 8 ft across, so a person could stand in each one and have plenty of head room.
I have a few shots like that...
It wasn't an easy decision to
not post it.
And ideally the astronauts also.
it is amazing the amount of power necessary to send that small capsule (and SM and LM) to the moon.

Think about it...
The shuttle's average range is
190 to 330 miles up.
The moon is 239,000 miles...

That's just a ridiculous amount more.
I'd say that's VERY cool!
Yep. Heard of it. Very sad/horrible/tragic.
And yet... lessons were learned
that saved far more lives.

I'd been there before, so I was careful not to say anything. I wanted you to experience.
Thanks. I did!
Even more massive when you're on the ground floor and look up at it.
Crap! I didn't do that!

Whelp! Guess I'll be going back.
Actually want to spend more time
in there. I was feeling a bit pressed

by then. Still had driving to do.
It was good, but also saddening.
Ya. Very.
Boxing? Judo? Karate? Sumo wrestling? MMA?
Thumb wrestling.
But it was vicious.

Better than poop P gallery, but just barely.
Wow, that's saying a lot.
::yes:: So good!
Bacon always makes it better.
Yes it does. ::yes::
I had not heard either way, so good to know...DW loves mac & cheese.
Take her and tell me
what she thinks.

I really need to sponsor you for a VISA just so you can be my DTA (Disney Transportation Attache).
I encountered this very question when I was on a family tour. My answer then, and now is the same as dolewhipdreams: books
Very good choice.
For years I had this little
photo of myself that my
4th grade teacher took of me.
I was all alone in class, reading
because the bell had rung, but I
was so engrossed in my book

I didn't hear it.
Very cool picture.
Thanks! :)
Glad you experienced Oga's and 50's with Kari. Definitely good to have a partner in crime at those two spots.
I do love my solo time,
but sometimes having someone
to share things with you is

really nice. :)
I don't even want to know how much Disney charges so you can make your R2 unit anatomically correct.
An arm and a leg... at least the knee.
Great reaction from that kid at RNR. Yikes!
The pictures you took in the ToT queue are simply amazing! Totally worth the effort and the Fast Pass.
Thanks! :goodvibes
After your disappointing snacks at HS, great idea to seek redemption at Food & Wine. Sounds like most of the choices were decent.
The burger was quite good.
I should've gotten two...

But then I'd be too full to

try other things. :)
^^^ It's comments like this that get you the engineer assignment!
I think you're right!!
I had this on my last visit. Agree- it is excellent!
That's possible. And maybe this is the first ride that they hit. But still to go to Disbey with zero preparation denotes an epic fail to me.
To me as well.

And yet...
It warms my heart when I hear
a young boy and his father say this:
(as I stroll by in the FP line)
"Dad? Why do they get to go first?"
"Because they have money."

More FP availability for me!
If you rode with me I would tell you the ones that I know....
It's a date!
But that doesn't mean you can't stand for 45 minutes, so you're saying random able bodied persons also get selected for the seats. That would appear to coincide with what we found in FL. Not everyone at our table seemed to have a disability.
Good point.
So... I'm going to say they
couldn't stand to look at me,

so they made me sit.
Well I didn't say that we planned to do all quick service. But our friends Scott and Vinny who we have dinner with in an impending update on my TR, have shown me that you can look at the app for what's available that night and make a spur of the moment reservation. Like at 3 or 5PM, make a 7PM reservation somewhere that is still available. I've checked over the last few months and there are lots of good choices still available if you're willing to travel. And there are a bunch of QS places at DTD near SSR plus some ADR type places. So we're gonna take our chances.
I knew you weren't planning all QS.
It was just a comment that someone was.
I'd be happy to make last minute ADRs...
Except some places book up and you can't.

50s comes to mind. Le Cellier used to...
Who was the other? I didnt have time to read the chatter? 😂
I think, Liesa?
Doc also mentioned that he had.
Emerald Status with National is awesome! I had the same with my prior job and it was especially fantastic when you could bypass the renter counter altogether and go straight to the Emerald Aisle and find a car.
::yes:: I love when they
have the Aisle.
Just pick your fave and go!
The Disney Car Care Center is also fantastic. I've rented a car from them three times and have always had an excellent experience!
I haven't rented there before,
but it was quick and easy. :)

How fun! I've been there twice, once in 1986 and once in 2006. I'd love to go back once M is a little older and could appreciate it. Both G and I love learning things about the space program and the past missions!
You've been there more
recently than I had (until
I just went, of course.)
Had you noticed any major
differences between 1986

and 2006?
It IS huge! It kind of takes your breath away when you walk into that section of the building. It's amazing!
Very good description!
Yes! It does take your breath away!

I LOVE the movie Apollo 13! I've watched it so many times that I practically used to be able to speak along with the lines.
Such a great movie!
I don't know how many
times I've seen it. :)
During my 2006 visit the Apollo-related areas of KSC were my favorite due to what I'd learned from the movie. It was the portion of the space program history that I knew the most about!
I want to go back and
spend more time there.
The trip wasn't rushed...
but I could easily have spent

a few more hours.
What an interesting story! I know I've seen displays about the space pen before, but I didn't know or had forgotten most of the details. I do understand their hesitancy about using anything that could feed a fire and therefore their development of a writing utensil that didn't have graphite. (I also learned about the Apollo I fire from the movie Apollo 13!)
Now you know all about it. :)
(The pen, I mean.)

Absolutely. I was actually in Florida when the Challenger exploded and my family had been to Kennedy Space Center and saw the rocket just a few days before. It was rather surreal for my parents when the same rocket we'd seen happened to explode (I was only four at the time so it wasn't as rattling for me). It's an interesting way to be a part of that history!
Wow! I mean... holy cow!

Wow, I didn't know you could get a half order! I'll have to remember that for when we make it to Homecomin'!
I just asked and they did!
It looks DELICIOUS! I hadn't heard that the mac and cheese wasn't tasty, but I'm glad you gave it a try regardless. I'm thrilled it worked out so well for you!
They must have changed
the recipe. It was so good!

I'd love to make it to Homecomin' one day, but it may be a few trips. Someday! At least we have a FANTASTIC Southern restaurant in Des Moines (hard to believe, I know, but true!). If you're ever back in the area and have a craving for Southern food, I highly, highly recommend Bubba!
Bubba! Okay!
I hope to get back there.
I kinda have unfinished business

in that area. (semi-close, anyway)
Of course they did. :rotfl:
Yer darned tootin!
That was kind of you to allow the couple to go ahead of you. I always go back and forth on which line to pick... and I usually pick wrong!
They were in front of me,
and it was my comment
that made them move.

It was only fair. :)
I'm all caught up with shout-outs...
I think.

If I missed anyone, please let me know!
he alarm woke me at the
unholy hour of 6:00am.
For some reason...
Okay, the reason is exhaustion.
For that reason, waking up
this morning was particularly...
Too many days with too little
sleep, I suppose will do that.

I don't know how you do that. With Fran and I there just comes a point where we can't go on, and need to just sleep.

I don't know about you,
but when I'm not on Disney
property, I don't like to wear my MB.

I don't even like to wear my MB on Disney property. I wrap it around my purse strap, and the only time I actually wear it is when I'm going on a ride that I don't want to take my purse on. Then I leave the purse with Fran. I wear it to scan it and then put it in my pocket. Generally if it's a ride that I'm leaving my purse with Fran, I also have her MB and I also have her MB in my pocket so that when I go on it a second time I don't have to dilly dally. But I keep my own MB handy so that I can scan the photo.

If I was going off campus, you bet the thing would be buried in my purse! I don't know how to do the open the door with the phone thing.

And since you can use your phone
to unlock your room...

As I said above. I have no idea.

The irony of that statement
didn't occur to me until later.

You'll see.

OK, I'm still waiting.......

It always surprises me a bit
when I walk into a 7-11 in the US
and they only have 2-4 Slurpee
Up here, the store closest to my
home has 16 different flavours.

That's crazy talk! I've never seen more than two maybe three!

This road is what the rocket is
transported on.
And has to be re-graded each time.

I just remembered that it went 3-4 mph and took days to transport it to the site.

The last time I'd been to KSC,
was in 1978.
At that time, my family simply
drove around the complex.
The Saturn V rocket was lying
on its side in an open field.

Yikes! That sounds like crazy talk!

(Seen the movie Apollo 13?
Let me know if you have or not.)

Is that the one with Tom Hanks? If so, yes I saw it.

So if anyone every tells you
that "joke", you now have the
information to go and set 'em straight.

That's a really cool story. I've never heard that before!

Holy crap.
You don't really get
a sense of just how
massive this thing is
until you look at the

I had the same thought when I saw the one we have here in LA. What is it called, the Endeavour? I had to Google and it is spelled in Canadian.

As we were about to leave the
building, we stumbled on a tribute
to the crews of the shuttles
Columbia and Challenger.

Ugh. Both of those make me tear up. The Challenger more so than the Columbia, but not by much.

It was nice to meet Connie
and see Doc again.
This wouldn't be the last time
I'd see them, however,
so saying goodbye wasn't too hard.


I thought it was a clever
way of announcing the
location of the public

I mean... P P gallery?

Oh, good, now I'll know where to find the restrooms in the future!

My main course arrived soon after.
Two-piece chicken meal with
mashed spuds and mac n cheese.

That sounds like a lot of food!

I'd heard that the mac n cheese
was sub-par here.
I don't know if they heard the
complaints or not, but I can only
assume they changed the recipe.
This was amazing!
One of the better ones I've eaten.

I don't remember if I had it when we were there, but glad to hear it's really good!

I declined an offer for dessert.
I had barely made a dent in
what I'd already been served!

That's too bad because they had a really awesome whiskey soaked cake, knocked me on me ***! We had to go back to the room and go to sleep. But then again that's what you did anyways!

And yet...
It warms my heart when I hear
a young boy and his father say this:
(as I stroll by in the FP line)
"Dad? Why do they get to go first?"
"Because they have money."

Really????? Have you actually heard people say that?

It's a date!

Another thing to add to the list! I need to make sure and start a Google doc with all the things we plan on doing! :laughing:

I knew you weren't planning all QS.
It was just a comment that someone was.
I'd be happy to make last minute ADRs...
Except some places book up and you can't.

50s comes to mind. Le Cellier used to...

Funny you should say that. We just ate at 50s so we're OK with that one, but Le Cellier just announced a Brunch the other day and we signed up immediately. Even before reading the menu. Good thing is that we are OK with the menu, in fact it sounds lovely.
Shame on you!
Some rank it the best movie
of all time.

Best movies of all time

Perhaps, but so it Gone with the Wind, Citizen Kane and Casablanca, all of which I've seen multiple times.

Nope! No bonus points
on this contest!
Ya gotta win on merit!

Well a girl's gotta try, no?

I'd rather put up with a few
minutes of jostling and risk
to life and limb than stand

in line for an hour for a ride.

I'd do that to avoid standing in line for 30 minutes.

To paraphrase Kramer in Seinfeld...

"Okay... Let's not offer him much to start.
Say... something ridiculously small, like...
Free park passes for life, unlimited FPs and $100,000."

pkondz enters the room.

"Okay we'll give you free park passes..."
Me: "DEAL!!!!"
Always a classic!

But those are lofty goals!
(Pun intended too. :))
Actually, I disagree with you.
You don't just "come close [with my] mad photog skilz"
you surpass them.
I am in awe of your eye. You see things I regularly miss.

Here's a challenge. (You'll win, so it's more for fun
than an actual "challenge".)
We pick one spot... say... I dunno...
somewhere we mutually agree on.
By the Partners statue. Or in front
of Skippers, or on the train station
platform, or....
And you shoot from there.
Anything you want.
But you can't move.

Compare the results. :)

But here's the deal: You have better equipment and WAY better PS skills so can manipulate to add, change, take people out, or whatever to make a more pleasing/interesting piece.

But, for fun, yes, I'd be up for that sort of thing. :)

I see her flopping over
in a stiff breeze.

OH dear, she'll need a knight in shining armour.

Shoot... I had a couple jpgs
I posted... but I guess they're too big
so they show up too small to read.

Ah well...

Darn it! I'm sure they were funny!

Oh? In that case...

(no practicing before-hand)

Sure if you duel left-handed.

That would be a bad thing...

Don't do that when you take
your flying lessons.
Ah, the spin-stall. Not good. And yet...

I think your check-ride MUST include recovery from one.... I dunno. Been out of it for too long now.
I'm sorry... my what?
:rotfl: Patience, my friend... I gave you a translation ;):laughing:

It always surprises me a bit
when I walk into a 7-11 in the US
and they only have 2-4 Slurpee
Up here, the store closest to my
home has 16 different flavours.
Yeah, it really surprises me more than a bit. I mean, America, hello? Aren't we known for our over-consumption of sugary products?! Honestly, I'm a bit ashamed of us. Please don't spread this information around too much. We have a reputation to uphold.

We passed by SpaceX's facility
and launch pad...
The Lunching Pad has made it nearly impossible for me to say "launch pad" :rotfl:

So if anyone every tells you
that "joke", you now have the
information to go and set 'em straight.

So there.
Thank you! :thumbsup2

It was nice to meet Connie
and see Doc again.
They are so wonderful :goodvibes I wish we'd been able to spend more time together, but it won't be my last visit with @docsoliday1 and Connie, I'm sure! :grouphug:
I don't know how you do that. With Fran and I there just comes a point where we can't go on, and need to just sleep.
I'm not quite sure how I do it either.
I don't even like to wear my MB on Disney property. I wrap it around my purse strap, and the only time I actually wear it is when I'm going on a ride that I don't want to take my purse on. Then I leave the purse with Fran. I wear it to scan it and then put it in my pocket. Generally if it's a ride that I'm leaving my purse with Fran, I also have her MB and I also have her MB in my pocket so that when I go on it a second time I don't have to dilly dally. But I keep my own MB handy so that I can scan the photo.
Hmmm... sooo...
Do you actually carry the entire
band around? Or just the fob part?
It would certainly take up less room

in your purse... but is easier to lose...
If I was going off campus, you bet the thing would be buried in my purse! I don't know how to do the open the door with the phone thing.
It's right on the app,
if you have that.

OK, I'm still waiting.......
Keep waiting... it'll happen
any second now...

That's crazy talk! I've never seen more than two maybe three!
I remember being so surprised
when (about a year or three ago)
I walked into a 7-11 in the US

and there was only 2-4 flavours.
I just remembered that it went 3-4 mph and took days to transport it to the site.
I thought your numbers might be
a little on the high side, so Googled.
Top speed loaded is 1 mph or 2 mph
unloaded. It takes 5 hours to go from

the VAB to launch pad 39.
Yikes! That sounds like crazy talk!
Yep. Just lying out in the open
ready to rust in pieces.

Is that the one with Tom Hanks? If so, yes I saw it.
That's a really cool story. I've never heard that before!
Now you know. :)
I had the same thought when I saw the one we have here in LA. What is it called, the Endeavour? I had to Google and it is spelled in Canadian.
There's actually a very good reason!
Shuttle Endeavour's name wasn't just
picked at random. It was named after
the historic Captain Cook's ship.
Being British, of course it had the
correct English spelling.
Apollo 15s Command Module was

also named Endeavour (with a "u".)
Ugh. Both of those make me tear up. The Challenger more so than the Columbia, but not by much.
I understand that completely.
I don't know if it's because the first
one was more shocking (because it had
never happened before, not because it
was any more or less tragic), or if it was
because of there being a teacher on
board which brought it closer to home...
or if there's another reason.

But it does sting a bit more.
Oh, good, now I'll know where to find the restrooms in the future!
You're welcome!
That sounds like a lot of food!
To be honest, I barely put a dent in it all.
I don't remember if I had it when we were there, but glad to hear it's really good!
That's too bad because they had a really awesome whiskey soaked cake, knocked me on me ***! We had to go back to the room and go to sleep. But then again that's what you did anyways!
I doubt I would've ordered it, then.
You know me.

Really????? Have you actually heard people say that?
It was in the line for Buzz.
Another thing to add to the list! I need to make sure and start a Google doc with all the things we plan on doing! :laughing:
Good, because I'm certainly not going
to remember all of that!

Funny you should say that. We just ate at 50s so we're OK with that one, but Le Cellier just announced a Brunch the other day and we signed up immediately. Even before reading the menu. Good thing is that we are OK with the menu, in fact it sounds lovely.
I would think brunch at Le Cellier
would be very nice. :)
Perhaps, but so it Gone with the Wind, Citizen Kane and Casablanca, all of which I've seen multiple times.
Look... we're not talking about
movies that you have seen, lady.

Well a girl's gotta try, no?
I'd do that to avoid standing in line for 30 minutes.
I just had a thought!

"So I woke up four hours early
and got to the park 30 minutes early
and stood in line until it opened.
Then I was lockstepped with several
hundred rabid tourists... but I didn't
wait in line for the ride! How about you?"

"I slept in until 10am, took a long hot shower,
made my way to the empty tapstyles and then
stood in line for 30 minutes for the ride."

"Ha! What a sucker! You stood in line for 30 minutes!"

But here's the deal: You have better equipment and WAY better PS skills so can manipulate to add, change, take people out, or whatever to make a more pleasing/interesting piece.
Well, this is possibly true...

But none of it matters if you don't
have something good to work with.
I don't really care how good your
equipment or PS skills are if you

can't take a half decent photo.
But, for fun, yes, I'd be up for that sort of thing. :)
Okay! Let's make it happen. :)
OH dear, she'll need a knight in shining armour.
With a stiff back!
Darn it! I'm sure they were funny!
Not bad. :)
Sure if you duel left-handed.
Hey! No fair!
Then you have to right-handed.
(I think you're left-handed, no?)
Ah, the spin-stall. Not good. And yet...
I think your check-ride MUST include recovery from one.... I dunno. Been out of it for too long now.
I don't know for sure...
but I'm fairly sure you're right.
:rotfl: Patience, my friend... I gave you a translation ;):laughing:
Why yes! Youuuuu did!
Yeah, it really surprises me more than a bit. I mean, America, hello? Aren't we known for our over-consumption of sugary products?! Honestly, I'm a bit ashamed of us. Please don't spread this information around too much. We have a reputation to uphold.
I'll keep your secret safe.
Mum's the word.

Oh... sorry...
For you, that should be

"Mom's" the word.
The Lunching Pad has made it nearly impossible for me to say "launch pad" :rotfl:
I thought it was the Lonching Pad.

Actually... I don't think I've ever
eaten anything from there...
I bought a drink there once..

That's about it.

Thank you! :thumbsup2
They are so wonderful :goodvibes I wish we'd been able to spend more time together, but it won't be my last visit with @docsoliday1 and Connie, I'm sure! :grouphug:
I'm sure not!
You can't go to Florida anymore
without Doc tracking you down
and thrusting a cheescake

into your arms! :laughing:


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