Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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It is not the protests that are driving the outbreaks. It is the bars. If it was the protests Chicago would have seen a spike, instead they have halved their daily cases since the protests started.

There is ample evidence, atleast in Texas, that show bars reopening lead to this outbreak. People went bars and clubs and from there it went everywhere. Florida is probably the same as there are multiple articles of outbreaks traced back to bars.
Yup. A majority of Beach bars here were shut down because several positive cases where confirmed. I went to Publix yesterday and I was one of the only customers wearing a mask, so I imagine masks weren't used at all, as well as little to no social distancing.
I really don’t want to see people surprised and devastated if they get cancelled on last minute, it is not a fun feeling. They are moving forward with the opening, there is a lot that has been set in motion that they would have to pull back, all that is true, but please nobody take that as an 100% guarantee they are opening the parks July 11.
Also spoke to an agent in Florida that said he expects Disney to still open. He said the reason being is Disney/universal are some
Of the safest places to actually be
due to how strictly guidelines are enforced and they will continue to enforce safely. I am no expect at all just passing along my thoughts and a conversation.
This is nonsense.
There were many states where there were massive protests that aren’t seeing this kind of spike or any spike at all. Protests here were minimal and small and we’re spiking.

Blaming the protests is the easy way out, but it’s not the cause. Opening too quickly, and a stubborn refusal to comply with safety suggestions is the reason.
No spike in NY where we had massive protests
I don’t remember where I saw this, but I had read that on Thursday (yesterday). That there were going to be a surge of tests done and this had been planned to have like an open testing for any that wanted etc. I had read this before Thursday and had told myself to expect big positive numbers for yesterday. After today’s Number’s were posted I sought to find out the numbers and there were over 70,000 tests done yesterday, but in previous days just over 30,000 I believe. The percentage is of course concerning. I’m wondering if the amount of tests given today will go back to around the 30,000 mark.
Also spoke to an agent in Florida that said he expects Disney to still open. He said the reason being is Disney/universal are some
Of the safest places to actually be due to how strictly guidelines are enforced and they will continue to enforce safely. I am no expect at all just passing along my thoughts and a conversation.

Thanks for the info.

It is being reported that Florida conducted over 50,000 tests yesterday. Highest one day total so far.
Well if that persists into July (as it likely will), that will absolutely affect Taste of F&W.
I suspect there will be an exception for outdoor or only the area 6 feet from the cashier will be considered on premises.
This is crazy. We have a VRBO rental beginning on July 10th (prior to our Disney trip) and the money is due today. So, now I have to decide today if I'm keeping the VRBO based on these #s...This week began stressful, now it is ending stressful! Yuck.
Do you have a pool? I dont know how bad before Disney delays reopening

I can't see how the NBA would want their players to even travel to Florida. They can't put them all in sealed bags and drop them at a resort. Even then, they will interact with staff. There is no way to really protect them completely. The players themselves may just decide playing a game isn't worth the risk.
NBA teams use chartered and team owned planes. That's not an issue.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I would think a concern with respect to the virus are the underground tunnels that CMs use to access various parts of the park. As a guest, I don't know much about these tunnels. Is there actual air flow down there? They seem reasonably spacious in some of the pictures and videos I have seen, but are there also gathering spaces down there? It seems to be like it would be the perfect breeding ground for a virus.
Technically the tunnels under the MK aren't tunnels. They are at ground level. MK is basically second story. Basically the same as any indoor space. How many offices ir businesses have windows which open

States that opened early (FL, TX) are the ones closing back down now.

We (CA) did not open early, we are still pretty early in all stages. We are still seeing spikes in numbers.

The surge is not related to testing. New York does more testing than anyone. Our positive rate is 1%. Florida's is 13%

CA is second to NY in testing. Yes the surge is partly responsible for spike in numbers.
We (CA) did not open early, we are still pretty early in all stages. We are still seeing spikes in numbers.

CA is second to NY in testing. Yes the surge is partly responsible for spike in numbers.

That's just not true. Florida's positive rate is 13%. LA County has the highest spike in the country.
Those 3 states are also where folks were outside all spring...and now head inside b/c the heat and/or humidity is too brutal in's a reversal from March where the folks in the north were inside with heat while those states were outside...

Plus, the protests, especially in TX, where they traced a huge outbreak to Houston's, didn't help...people together for hours in confined spaces seems to be a really bad idea (not that we didn't already know that...but now we really do)...

Of course, that also makes theme park lines even more problematic...
I didn’t think about this. Good point.
I can believe they’re some of safest public places to be in Florida right now given how against taking precautions some people/places are.

Does not make it safer than not going though. Anyone who chooses to go needs to do it eyes wide open and prepare to take on the real risks of doing so.

I can't imagine being there and being able to relax and not worry the whole time.
The argument of more testing = more cases might fly if the percentage of positives wasn’t rising as well.

If anything testing double the amount of people in one day you would hope the percentage positive drops. As only people who were really sick were getting the testing done before.

This means that either there are more asymptomatic people, more symptomatic people, or a combination of both.

Either way, you don't want to see more tests bringing higher positive rates. That is not a good thing at all.
I can believe they’re some of safest public places to be in Florida right now given how against taking precautions some people/places are.

Does not make it safer than not going though. Anyone who chooses to go needs to do it eyes wide open and prepare to take on the real risks of doing so.
A lone rock in the middle of a lava flow is "the safest place to be" if your other choices are lava or volcano.
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