Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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It’s been a long day, but I couldn’t let myself just go to sleep without reading comments from here and more importantly other sources.

I think the comments and posts I’ve read outside of Disboards are unbelievably sensationalized, egregious, judgmental, and worst of all not based on actual experience.

I give Disney crap all the time. But based on what I’ve seen in the last 2-4 hours; just be aware that we are about to be under a full fledged attack over the most anecdotal and rare occurrences and pictures anyone can find.

I would be totally ok with waiting to open the parks. But that’s not my call or anyone else’s call here. Trying to act like the worst of the worst from day 1 of PREVIEWS (which are in place to help work out the kinks before actually opening to the public) are evidence that Disney is killing us all, makes me absolutely sick
It’s been a long day, but I couldn’t let myself just go to sleep without reading comments from here and more importantly other sources.

I think the comments and posts I’ve read outside of Disboards are unbelievably sensationalized, egregious, judgmental, and worst of all not based on actual experience.

I give Disney crap all the time. But based on what I’ve seen in the last 2-4 hours; just be aware that we are about to be under a full fledged attack over the most anecdotal and rare occurrences and pictures anyone can find.

I would be totally ok with waiting to open the parks. But that’s not my call or anyone else’s call here. Trying to act like the worst of the worst from day 1 of PREVIEWS (which are in place to help work out the kinks before actually opening to the public) are evidence that Disney is killing us all, makes me absolutely sick

What gets me are the people who see things like the DFB picture and are like “if that’s how things are I’m cancelling!!”

Is it scary or does it speak to Disney marketing (or both) how people were actually planning to go to Florida in its current state thinking that Disney could make it virtually risk free to the point that a picture like that couldn’t even have the opportunity to be taken? Know what you’re walking into, people. It is riskier than staying home, you are going to a theme park with thousands of other people. Be okay with that risk if you are going.
What gets me are the people who see things like the DFB picture and are like “if that’s how things are I’m cancelling!!”

Is it scary or does it speak to Disney marketing (or both) how people were actually planning to go to Florida in its current state thinking that Disney could make it virtually risk free to the point that a picture like that couldn’t even have the opportunity to be taken? Know what you’re walking into, people. It is riskier than staying home, you are going to a theme park with thousands of other people. Be okay with that risk if you are going.

The privilege to have expert and first hand knowledge on a subject like something as trivial as Disney Park Ops has helped make it abundantly clear and depressing to me how hypocritical and judgemental the world is. I try to keep an open mind on everything and realize that ultimately I know nothing. But the court of public opinion is loud an vicious. I don’t necessarily care how wrong people outside of this message board are about their Disney opinions. But seeing people with no idea what they are talking about rip us to shreds makes me want to take a step back from my other opinions.
DPB new video

And this part at the end threw me for a loop. Not because it was new information, as Disney has said over and over that quarantines are not to be done on Disney property, but because they blatantly say "Reschedule if you are restricted by any quarantine orders"
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That may be to protect them from the liability of encouraging people to violate state requirements.
It’s been a long day, but I couldn’t let myself just go to sleep without reading comments from here and more importantly other sources.

I think the comments and posts I’ve read outside of Disboards are unbelievably sensationalized, egregious, judgmental, and worst of all not based on actual experience.

I give Disney crap all the time. But based on what I’ve seen in the last 2-4 hours; just be aware that we are about to be under a full fledged attack over the most anecdotal and rare occurrences and pictures anyone can find.

I would be totally ok with waiting to open the parks. But that’s not my call or anyone else’s call here. Trying to act like the worst of the worst from day 1 of PREVIEWS (which are in place to help work out the kinks before actually opening to the public) are evidence that Disney is killing us all, makes me absolutely sick
Thank you for sharing your experiences today. I’m sorry the judgmental idiots are out in force, but many of us can see the work Disney is putting in and appreciate it.
Looks like a go for Saturday.

In a statement on Tuesday, Disney’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pamela Hymel, said new requirements from temperature checks, to face coverings and extra sanitation would enable guests to enjoy Disney World “responsibly.”
As far as I can tell, this makes it pretty much official that Disney’s going full steam ahead. This is the kind of progressive marketing that a company does when they’re really serious about getting their message across. My guess is that we’ll get other announcements/videos that will reinforce their commitment to safely opening right up to the big days.
There’s a large portion of that crowd today that aren’t CMs..
aren't they guests of CM? I don't know if CMs are responsible for their guests behavior.
Let’s see if I can explain my thought. 😂 social distancing is not a continuum. You can’t decide that in September it is 6 feet but in October 4 feet is good enough. And certainly you cannot gradually increase crowds on Main Street and in stores where a certain number of people per 100 square feet is ok in September but more is ok in October. Social distance is binary. Either you do it or you don’t. Does that make sense?
The question is how long can a properly masked individual be close to another properly masked individual without a high risk factor. A few seconds while passing another guest? The next row on iasw for a few minutes? On the next row of a bus for a 10 minute bus ride? Next to another guest seated and belted in a hotel elevator?

Its possible enforcement of mask rules might allow closer distancing for a short period of time.
In case others wonder....
2 years ago, I finally ordered a free E-Pass sticker (with an account deposit) online (e-pass works on both e-pass and SunPass.). I wonder why I didn’t order that years ago.
They also make an UNI transponder that works with the EZ-Pass systems in most Eastern states.

With Uni, drivers can travel on toll roads from Florida to Maine and west to Illinois without having to stop at tollbooths to pay with cash or use different transponders. Uni is accepted on all toll roads and most bridges throughout Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky.”
I have the EZ-Pass Plus and I love it. When I lived in MD I had a traditional EZ-Pass, but after I moved to SC it would have cost me $5 per month to keep it unless I had a certain amount of charges each month. We don't have tolls here, so I knew that I wouldn't meet the threshold so I canceled it. On a trip driving down to WDW I saw the billboard, googled it as soon as I got home, and was sold. No monthly fee, and I zip thru the tolls all up and down the coast when I travel. The only thing that I don't benefit from is the discounted tolls in the state where a traditional toll pass is tied to (which I used to get in MD).
aren't they guests of CM? I don't know if CMs are responsible for their guests behavior.
The question is how long can a properly masked individual be close to another properly masked individual without a high risk factor. A few seconds while passing another guest? The next row on iasw for a few minutes? On the next row of a bus for a 10 minute bus ride? Next to another guest seated and belted in a hotel elevator?

Its possible enforcement of mask rules might allow closer distancing for a short period of time.
It seems like everyone is saying different things, but I read an article and this stuck with me. "Wearing a cloth mask does not protect you much if you’re in close contact with someone who is COVID-19 contagious. It may give you 20 minutes, instead of 10, to avoid contracting the disease." The expert explains it a bit more, but that sums it up.

I work in health care and our hospital has said if you are both masked, it is okay to ride in an evelator with another person, since you're together for such a short period of time.
Count me in with those who think clusters are bound to happen for a few reasons - distancing to the proper degree and never coming closer is unnatural to everything we’ve known up until this point and requires conscious thought not to do it so there will be slip ups, some people will just not be putting any effort in unless they’re forced by CM, and in practice there may be bottleneck areas at various times/places.

It’s why proper mask wearing is so important, and why it’s something we just need to deal with as much as we possibly can (in Disney and out). Despite everyone’s best efforts it’s near impossible to *always* keep a safe distance away from people, especially if you’re actively going places with crowds and not just popping into the grocery store once a week.

Sorry M word haters. They’re why we can sit here today gushing over characters, the castle, and rabid Disney ducks.
Seriously. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where short of having a taser and shooting it into a quickly forming group, what can be accomplished in less than a couple of minutes. I would imagine that anytime that there's a thunderstorm people will forget the rules of social distancing for the first little bit, and it will be a free for all that the CMs will have to unravel. Same with when an attraction line opens back up, or any of the other dozens of things that happen in the course of being in a theme park. We've been doing this for 4 months now, and we still have people who forget social distancing every single day at our golf course, and that's without masks. Visitors have to go into this knowing that compliance will always be less than 100%.....and not necessarily because guests are selfish and entitled, or that Disney is turning a blind eye.
You couldn't pay me enough to go to WDW this Saturday, and I'm seriously rethinking my February 2020 trip that would have been years in the making. The pictures I am seeing from yesterday show that WDW does not care to strictly enforce its own rules. I've seen the line crowding photo at 7DMT and the lack of masks on dancing cast members in videos (exercising really causes droplets to spread farther). I also don't trust that WDW is going to enforce its mask rules with visitors. They are too worried about hurting people's precious feelings to be strict with people.
You couldn't pay me enough to go to WDW this Saturday, and I'm seriously rethinking my February 2020 trip that would have been years in the making. The pictures I am seeing from yesterday show that WDW does not care to strictly enforce its own rules. I've seen the line crowding photo at 7DMT and the lack of masks on dancing cast members in videos (exercising really causes droplets to spread farther). I also don't trust that WDW is going to enforce its mask rules with visitors. They are too worried about hurting people's precious feelings to be strict with people.

seriously? I can point you to 9 hours of live stream yesterday where you won’t see another line like that and we heard first hand from people posting right here...there was one cluster caught on camera. One. From the whole day - one pic was circulated. Dont you think there would be multiple pictures? If it were truly not being enforced?
and the dancing CM’s....were outside...far away from people. Exercise might make droplets spread farther but wouldn’t that only be an issue if you are indoors? You strike me as the kind of person who is looking for a reason to justify a decision you already made - not someone who actually looked into how things are going to work.
Watching the live streams today it occurs to me there is no way they will be able to gradually increase attendance. Social distancing will require very limited attendance as a constant until social distancing is no longer necessary.

I agree - I mean maybe they could increase a little just as people get more used to things and they streamline a few areas

But it is the low crowds that enable people to keep their distance I just don't see how they could have like double the people there as we're there today (even if that still would be less than 50% of capacity) and people still be able to easily keep distance
seriously? I can point you to 9 hours of live stream yesterday where you won’t see another line like that and we heard first hand from people posting right here...there was one cluster caught on camera. One. From the whole day - one pic was circulated. Dont you think there would be multiple pictures? If it were truly not being enforced?
and the dancing CM’s....were outside...far away from people. Exercise might make droplets spread farther but wouldn’t that only be an issue if you are indoors? You strike me as the kind of person who is looking for a reason to justify a decision you already made - not someone who actually looked into how things are going to work.

I didn't see live streams, just some photos. Mea culpa on that one. But exercise spreads droplets further, there is no arguing otherwise, and the droplets hang in the air a long time no matter what - meaning droplets go further and hang in the air. The dancing CMs with no masks is a bad move and, along with Disney's reputation for enforcing rules only if they don't think the person will get mad, gives me pause.
I didn't see live streams, just some photos. Mea culpa on that one. But exercise spreads droplets further, there is no arguing otherwise, and the droplets hang in the air a long time no matter what - meaning droplets go further and hang in the air. The dancing CMs with no masks is a bad move and, along with Disney's reputation for enforcing rules only if they don't think the person will get mad, gives me pause.
So you based all of your findings on several cherry picked photos???? LOL
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