Something About Nothing............ #14

Does anyone know how to lose 20 lbs in 8 weeks?

Asking for a friend..... that many times have we joked about losing a limb for weight loss!!!!!




Good evening. Long day of nothing much to do today. Thankfully tomorrow is a short day. I need to leave work early to go to my eye appointment.

I had a realization tonight at dinner. I realized that we will be at DIsney on St. Patrick's Day. A quick search and I found that there is an Irish pub in Disney Springs that offers live entertainment. We will try to get a reservation there.

Tonight I also realized that I needed to buy B's textbooks for fall semester. I went with rentals and spent less that $50 for 3 classes. A great bargain.

I don't know what was wrong with the weather app, but it was almost 20 degrees off.

That is scary. Are you in the Hampton Roads area? Prayers for safety for your husband and his coworkers.

61 sounds wonderful. I would welcome some cool temps right now.

Unfortunately not safely.

I'll leave a light on again. We will be fancy tonight.

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Good luck with the eye appointment....think I must be due to go.....

Come over to the`s definitely cooler over here!!!

If you find out please share Mac! I’ve put exactly 20lb on since living with the family and having 3 meals a day! We were eating low carb for 2 years before that and will have to return to that I think.

lol....comes to us all!!!

Lynne......I think there are a few of us in the same boat......I hate to think how many pounds I need to lose!!! Will think about that on

Thursday again........and we awoke to rain this`s gone off now, so hope it stays that way.......

Not long back in from picking up a few bits and pieces. We still have so much food in the house not sure when we`ll need to shop properly again.......last shopping order from the store was maybe two weeks ago. I do like the click and collect service as home delivery slots are hard to get where we live. So, few fresh bits today.......farmer next to us is leaving a dozen eggs for us today.....takes us a while to go through them......I have to bake sometimes to use them up........that`s my excuse :duck:

Not much else going on today.......I am determined I will find us a cottage to book today.......may take a while, but I`ll do it!

With @jump00 bringing back an old trip report, I noticed some of the older ones from 2013 back, still have no images or have the Photobucket name slapped across them.....I thought I needed to fix that, so have started replacing with with my pictures from smugmug.......doesn`t take much time, but just needed doing. Few posts at a time will do looking back over the older ones too......and seeing some old names who used to post back then......miss some of them.......




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Good morning Sans family :wave2:




Good Morning, Robo.

Good morning Lynne :wave:

Ack, SW is at it again. Changes in flights. Now 10 more minutes later to arrive, but 2 more hours later to leave. Guess I should be happy to get 2 more hours later, when I should have had 7more later when I first booked.

Sorry to hear they keep messing with your flight times.

Couple of pictures from our wander this morning......quality could be better as they`re from a phone not a real camera.....we could wander round here for hours.

Nice pics of your walk....reminds me a little of a wooded walking path we had to a village in Germany on vacation many years ago.

Rain has come on now.......looks pretty miserable out there. But, we did get our hotel in Scotland booked yesterday.....go up end of August for 6 nights.

And think we found our ideal cottage to book in September.......looks lovely!!!

Great to hear you have your trip to Scotland settled......sending good wishes your way as your hunt for your cottage in September.

DH's work has become a COVID nightmare. Over 300 total cases reported, 1 death, 44 cases just in the last two days. I think at this point, they know there is nothing they can do. The workforce is too large and you can't build nuclear aircraft carriers from home.

Wow......that’s Lot of people with Covid in your hubby’s workplace.

Happy 1st Birthday to the adorable Hope


Sending lots of mummy dust to Keisha.

It has been oppressively hot here. Humidity is terrible....Schumi I would trade you for a few 62 degree days here.

It was thundering all late afternoon yesterday with the sun full out. It’s like the weather does not know what to do.

It hot, humid and rainy this morning.

They have pushed back school start day here 2weeks as there has been an uptick of Covid cases. Not exponential, but increase. So caution was in order.

I think as testing increases so will positives.

Spoke with my sister who lives in Orlando and there has been big issue with testing fraud there. She said people who had signed up to get tested and went and got in line in their cars finally drove away before being tested because it was taking to long...only to receive a letter that their tests were positive and they were never tested.

Also people who had signed up and were tested and found out they were positive went to other sites to get another test to make sure first one was right and tested positive again. These were counted as 2 separate positives instead of same person single positive. She said some people had gone and were tested at 3 separate sites and these were counted as 3 separate positives. Sounds like a mess.

Went out and did shopping on Tuesday. Didn’t get everything done as it was to hot to leave any groceries in car. So still need to get meat and fresh veggies. Our farmers markets have started up here again on Saturday so will get veggies then.

The deer and squirrels have eaten all the peaches off the peach tree. I went out yesterday and raked up most of the peach pits they left behind.

Lynne enjoy your time at your sisters pool this weekend.

Have a great Thursday everyone.
Yeah, McK, saw many an email from stores saying now masks. Um, been wearing masks for months, the few times I have been out.
We have been too. I got the emails from Sam's and Walmart also.
I went into the liquor store a few days ago for the first time in 6 months and some guy tried to come in without a mask and they asked him to leave and come back with a mask. Sheesh.....
We still will not eat inside a restaurant, even with that 25 percent.
We're not sure we're even going to attempt it, even though our plan would be to sit on the patio.
Yes, kinda nervous about going in the Fall, but I will try to take the best precautions I can
That's all you can do. We've been taking a lot of precautions for so long up here that I think other areas have either not been, or not used to doing. We had to because we were part of the first wave of cases in the country.
All of my family's employers have now put the requirement of mandatory quarantine for 14 days when returning from a hot spot. One of my dd's was planning on a Daytona trip next month and that's out the window now. Another of my dd's is currently in Virginia, but Virginia is not yet on the hot spot list. NY, NJ and CT just added a bunch of states and Virginia was one of them so we're watching it carefully until she gets home.
DH's work has become a COVID nightmare. Over 300 total cases reported, 1 death, 44 cases just in the last two days.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I love Publix. We don't have any close by, just Food Lions, Walmarts, Krogers and Harris Teeters.
The only one of those we have here is Walmart. We do go to Publix in Florida too.
You`ve got to feel comfortable though to do that.
Yeah, I'm not quite there yet.
Good to see you mrose.......
Thanks! :wave:
I had a realization tonight at dinner. I realized that we will be at DIsney on St. Patrick's Day. A quick search and I found that there is an Irish pub in Disney Springs that offers live entertainment. We will try to get a reservation there.
Raglan Road! One of our favorite places to eat and hang out in Disney Springs. I've always wanted to go for St. Patrick's Day; they have have a "Great Irish Hooley". I'm super jealous now!

I think as testing increases so will positives.
There's something going on with the positives here too. One of my family works in a nursing home and its mandatory they test all staff and residents. One nurse came back positive and she said there's no way she could've been positive because she doesn't go anywhere and lives with her elderly father who is very ill. She went to the hospital and got tested again and it was negative. Then she got another test and it was negative. The dept. of health said that the first test must've been a false positive, which I didn't even know was a thing. ???? I would love to know the percentage of false positives! Or how many of the asymptomatic cases are actually false positives.

Oh well, I must get off and get moving today. Have a great day!
Good Morning, Robo. Hope your coffee is good tasting this morning. My tea has been nice, listening to the downpour we had been hearing for the last 15 minutes or so. Knew it had ended, as loud bird heard. 😊 But know it is sunny bright out, like nothing happened. Oh so muggy here too. Thanks, I do enjoy relaxing in her pool. So nice, as just her and us.
Yeah, Robo and McK, there’s not consistent testing where I live either. Yeah, we usually only go to one or two places before going home to unload. Yeah, can’t leave anything that will spoil in a hot car. I do have a freezer bag in the car, but I still drop off frozen and refrigerated items before going anywhere else.

Schumi, so nice some Scotland time planned, and cottage trip sounds perfect for get always, since no trip now scheduled in September.

And even with our Governor putting more limits on indoor dining, there is talk that the City, which said no fans to watch our pro teams, now saying, well maybe. Um, I have no desire to ride the rails, nor sit in a stadium. Just not the risks I want to take. This new normal is nothing like normal, and until all have a chance to be vaccinated, anything lesser than the new normal will happen slowly. And no start date as to when work in person will resume for me or DH. My work has a scale from 0 to 3, as 3 is full reconstitution. My workplace location is still at 0. When at 3, when all that can return, who knows? I am thinking maybe by the end of this year? The new normal. At least issues like allowing more telework days, to allowing saving vacation that otherwise will be lost at end of year, is now being talked about by our top people. About time. And while I do not mind going into work, my office is a bit nicer than my desk at home, work printer so much faster, and nicer, I am getting used to the telework clothing. No need to change clothes when I am done work. 😃

Ooh, little one is up, maybe a switch to coffee if she is in the mood to make some, for me too. ☕
Another slow, boring day today. That’s okay because I get to leave in an hour and a half.

Last night I dreamed that I was at Universal. I was supposed to chaperone some students, but when the boat got to Citywalk they all took off without me. I realized that I had left my wallet at the hotel, so I started to go back for it. It started raining, so I went into a shop that was selling chili bowls. I was looking at the bowls and thinking of buying some for gifts when I remembered that I didn’t have my wallet. I tried to leave the store, but found myself in a men’s clothing store. A sales clerk asked if she could help me. I tried to explain that I was just in the bowl shop and had no idea how I ended up in the clothing store. The clerk just laughed and then I woke up. I have some of the weirdest dreams.

Well, I could stand to loose more than 20 pounds,
I could stand to lose 20 pounds a few times.
Love the panda pic.
Come over to the`s definitely cooler over here!!!
I wish I could. Someday I hope to make it over there. It’s on my bucket list.

Spoke with my sister who lives in Orlando and there has been big issue with testing fraud there.
I’m at the point where I just don’t know what to believe anymore. There is way too much conflicting information.

Raglan Road! One of our favorite places to eat and hang out in Disney Springs. I've always wanted to go for St. Patrick's Day; they have have a "Great Irish Hooley". I'm super jealous now!
That’s the one. I have never been there before. I am patiently waiting until we can make reservations.

I need to go find something to do.
@Lynne G homeworking clothing is so much comfier from office attire! Though my office days are finished now I only disposed of my business suits when we moved here.

We had a nice walk at National Trust Lyme Park. If you ever watched Pride & Prejudice from the 90’s you may remember Colin Firth emerging from a swim in the lake there. Lyme became Pemberley. It is a beautiful location and the rain held off.

There are usually children’s trails but not at the moment but they enjoyed some hill rolling.


@schumigirl hope you find a cottage. Think more people are feeling comfortable with getting away for a few days now. Only one death in Cheshire from Covid in the last week.

My brother and sister in law are going down to their son in London tomorrow for a few days. He’s not central now and they don’t plan going into the city as they usually would.
Happy HOT Thursday! Another scorcher today here. I think a little rain is in the forecast so that should help cool things off a bit.

Not much going on today. At work for a little while longer then off until Monday. No plans for the weekend. We have been sticking close to home with the upsurge in cases. I need to mulch my flowerbeds so we may go get a truckload or two to put down. The vegetable garden is hanging on by a thread. Tomatoes are coming in nicely. Replanted snap beans since our baby cottontail feasted on all the blooms on the last crop. I really didn't mind, I enjoyed watching the little thing over the last few months.

Not sure what is for dinner. Nothing cooked indoors, that is for sure.

Have a good evening!

Cam you are late posting here
Do you have a note from your parental units to excuse your tardiness here.... jk

Lol!!! Oh no, I am in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Hey cam.......missed your posts!!!!

That is such a worry where your DH works!!! There are just some places that you cannot avoid having people altogether and continuing to work. Will keep fingers crossed for your DH!

Glad you had a nice vacation earlier......sounds like fun! Despite the storm. Hope you get another trip in September.

Thanks!! Yes, it is a constant concern and we have told our parents that it probably is not a good idea to visit in person for a while, just to keep them healthy.

Hope you are able to get your cottage booked soon. I am holding off on booking our trip a little longer due to the surge. I am afraid they are going to lock us down again. I do love the beach but a lovely cabin in the mountains sounds nice after what has felt like a week living on the surface of the sun.

That is scary. Are you in the Hampton Roads area? Prayers for safety for your husband and his coworkers.

Thanks! Yes, our region is the hotspot of Virginia these days or so they say.....

I would love to know the percentage of false positives! Or how many of the asymptomatic cases are actually false positives.

I wonder too? I know of at least one person that has had a false positive.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Thanks! Hopefully it will get better soon... not today though. Another 19 cases.

Does anyone know how to lose 20 lbs in 8 weeks?

Asking for a friend.....

Low carb works great. I have been doing it on and off forever. Been off lately more than on. Ice cream has called my name every night this week. that many times have we joked about losing a limb for weight loss!!!!!

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Good luck with the eye appointment....think I must be due to go.....

Come over to the`s definitely cooler over here!!!

lol....comes to us all!!!

Lynne......I think there are a few of us in the same boat......I hate to think how many pounds I need to lose!!! Will think about that on

Thursday again........and we awoke to rain this`s gone off now, so hope it stays that way.......

Not long back in from picking up a few bits and pieces. We still have so much food in the house not sure when we`ll need to shop properly again.......last shopping order from the store was maybe two weeks ago. I do like the click and collect service as home delivery slots are hard to get where we live. So, few fresh bits today.......farmer next to us is leaving a dozen eggs for us today.....takes us a while to go through them......I have to bake sometimes to use them up........that`s my excuse :duck:

Not much else going on today.......I am determined I will find us a cottage to book today.......may take a while, but I`ll do it!

With @jump00 bringing back an old trip report, I noticed some of the older ones from 2013 back, still have no images or have the Photobucket name slapped across them.....I thought I needed to fix that, so have started replacing with with my pictures from smugmug.......doesn`t take much time, but just needed doing. Few posts at a time will do looking back over the older ones too......and seeing some old names who used to post back then......miss some of them.......

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Thanks for the mention Carole- I don’t think I ever read your first trip report and I encourage all @schumigirl fans to go back and see where “it all began”. I did miss not being able to see your original pictures but I loved your story telling!!!!! ( especially what you liked/disliked about Disney).:love:
Weather was done it’s rain in the morning, then ever so hot rest of the day. Hence, dinner was burgers on the grill, with some grilled tomatoes and grilled red peppers. Made potato salad, as too hot for baked, except little one did have her baked tater, as not will eat my potato salad. Rest of us enjoyed it though. Double cheeseburgers, put plain ones for little one. Yum! Back in the AC cooled home, to chill, and enjoy ice cream. Yep, that kind of day.

And yep, enjoy reading Schumi trip reports, and have ventured to some of the food places she has, and was so happy with eating there. Ocean Prime, and breakfast places, all were good enough for me to return, that I would not have thought to eat there, if not for Schumi’s review of those places.


Yay, a good night sleep tonight, and WOOT! Wake up knowing it will be a Friday.
I’m still a night

Only time I’m up early morning (6:15) is when Mr Mac oversleeps and the cats wake me up for food.
Cats start begging for food around 6 am.
It takes me a good 15 minutes to wake up

I prefer to sleep in until 7 am.

Our Siamese goes after our youngest (11) in the mornings, he absolutely loves him and he will do that cat paw massage on him to wake him up!!!

Our cat is almost 11 also.
One of my first cats I had was a Siamese.
Those cats are way cool as a pet.

Hopefully the kitty will always be attached to your boy
and he will have the morning food shift ....
We got him when he was 8 weeks old and was very good for a couple of months, then he turned wild, literally for exercise he would elevate up and down curtains or box our Black Lab and Doberman.

So we got him neutered and he has been a wonderful cat since very friendly and social to visitors even, I had a cat when I was younger that was out of sight if a visitor was around.
Good evening everyone. Quiet night tonight. We tried to watch some baseball but it just wasn't the same without the crowds. I dozed off while Dh was watching something. Now I am wide awake.

We had a nice walk at National Trust Lyme Park.
That looks really nice. Are the buildings open to the public under normal circumstances?

Hope you are able to get your cottage booked soon. I am holding off on booking our trip a little longer due to the surge. I am afraid they are going to lock us down again. I do love the beach but a lovely cabin in the mountains sounds nice after what has felt like a week living on the surface of the sun.
I really hope it eases up in your area soon. Any idea what is causing the increase?

Weather was done it’s rain in the morning, then ever so hot rest of the day
I think it leaves your area and comes here. We have been getting late afternoon showers.

And yep, enjoy reading Schumi trip reports, and have ventured to some of the food places she has, and was so happy with eating there.
I think it was one of her trip reports that convinced me to stay at the Royal Pacific Resort.

Welcome Jump00..

I'll leave the light on again tonight. Going rustic this time.



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