DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

I'm so glad this all worked out for you, especially given how stressful it was leading up to it. Great to hear.

Thanks. It wasn't an easy decision, and I know you had a difficult one as well. I'm hoping all this uncertainty ends soon, along with the division and hatred out there.

Well we're heading down in 3 days and I have appreciated your daily updates of things. Just reading blogs doesn't quite give all the details of what to expect like being there in person. Much appreciated!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip! :thumbsup2

Glad it helps. The biggest difference today at Epcot that I noticed was the inability to walk and snack. We had some usuals - croissant, caramel apple and popcorn, funnel cake, Grey Goose slush and tried some new food and drinks that were ok. But, each time we had to stand or find a place to sit, eat, and walk to the next country. I knew I ate a lot at Disney, but I guess I hadn't planned on the impact today.

::yes:: ::yes::

So today I reached a goal that I thought was unobtainable. So much so that when I first saw it, I laughed.

Run 80Km in one month.

With one day left in the month, I've run 81km so far.
I'm pretty proud of that, if I do say so myself.

Congratulations. That is a lot of running and quite an accomplishment.
Morning, Gents! Made it through Wednesday and on to another day. I spent most of yesterday with another paralegal who was working on a cash closing. Yes, cash closing. Someone bought a 455K vacation home with cash. Must. Be. Nice. At lunch time I needed to run home to get some paperwork I had left, so when I was leaving, I looked at the receptionist and said, "Ok, Ms. Lori, I'm heading home for lunch, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "You know, we had someone go home for lunch once and not come back." Me, " Well, that won't happen with me, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "Uh huh We'll see." :laughing: It was so funny. I walked back in and she was, "YOU"RE BACK!" :rotfl2: It was a good day overall, still annoyed that I can't just jump in and do my job yet, but I'll get there. Back at it today, gents. Have a good day, and we'll chat later.


Morning gents.
Wayyyy too early. For a stupid reason.
I was having a dream that I was training a new guy. He got really angry because I pointed out his errors and we walked outside to have a fight. I woke up with adrenalin pumping away and that was that for sleep. That was at 4am.


I've had a dream or two like that before, so I can sympathize. In fact, my DW had a dream or two like that before where she woke up mad at me. Apparently I did something to her in her dream she didn't like.

I've always said that I don't care what the job is, it always takes about a year before you feel really comfortable at it.

You are correct, especially where you are learning a whole knew job in a new field.

Nice perk, though. :)

I know, right?!

I agree with your reasons. I also think Covid is part of it. More people are staying home so want to be more comfortable there.

Oh yeah, Covid is definitely a part of it.

Morning all. It is an Epcot day. Hopefully, it will be dry enough to play tennis with dd before we go. The rain & masks have been the only detriments to the trip thus far.

Wearing a mask while working out is one reason I haven't gone back to the gym.

Thanks. I was worried this trip would do us off Disney for good. Most all of the CMs seem happy, or maybe relieved that things are going as smoothly as they are. I've seen a few neck gaiters and some jerk guests, but most are going out of there way, trying to make others more relaxed and comfortable. We've even had trash and towel service everyday, which we usually don't get with DVC. It's really nice to see.

That's awesome that everything is going well.

Sadly, when I return home or get on FB, the silliness returns where some become @$$holes if you don't follow their narrative.

I ignore most of the BS on FB...it's just not worth the time or aggravation.

Enjoy the training and the new job. Sounds like there is a lot involved. I don't know what my benefits are, but they do have a company store for purchases. I'll let you know. Good luck on the AC.

Thanks, I'm enjoying it so far. It also helps that this is a small office intead of an office with a 1000 people in it. Everyone here is so nice and willing to help.

I hate those dreams, unless your adrenalin is pumping from some other dream activity. Still, it's a bummer when you wake up & Shakira has disappeared.

Another heat warning day here, again good to be inside. Wicked thunder and lightning storm last night, pretty sure lightning hit something inside our tree line. There was a loud bang and a bright light but everything seems OK.

I grew up in New Mexico where thunderstorms happened all the time during the summer. And this one thunderstorm blew through and I was inside watching TV. Well, a lightening hit a tree behind in my backyard. Man that scared the bajeezus out of me. Bright light and an instant loud bang. So I understand what you went though, my friend. Man, that's scary when that happens.

Meeting with my president this morning to talk about my updated job description, first time it's been updated in I'm guessing 15 years or more.

15 years? Yeah, I'd say it was time.

Thanks. There will probably always be a part of me that thinks we could have pulled it off and had a great time. I just need to quit the pity party and start planning for next year.

I know it is disappointing, but there's always next year.

So today I reached a goal that I thought was unobtainable. So much so that when I first saw it, I laughed.

Run 80Km in one month.

With one day left in the month, I've run 81km so far.
I'm pretty proud of that, if I do say so myself.

That's awesome! Congratulations!
Morning all. Everyone is still asleep. I think all the park days have knocked them for a loop. They were dragging yesterday, and I reminded then that I wasn't the one leading them. :lmao:

It is our last day and we will end at the MK. We have a DisDad meet scheduled at 11 AM, and I hope we make it. We also have BoG ADR at 2 PM, and we should make it.

Morning, Gents! Made it through Wednesday and on to another day. I spent most of yesterday with another paralegal who was working on a cash closing. Yes, cash closing. Someone bought a 455K vacation home with cash. Must. Be. Nice. At lunch time I needed to run home to get some paperwork I had left, so when I was leaving, I looked at the receptionist and said, "Ok, Ms. Lori, I'm heading home for lunch, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "You know, we had someone go home for lunch once and not come back." Me, " Well, that won't happen with me, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "Uh huh We'll see." :laughing: It was so funny. I walked back in and she was, "YOU"RE BACK!" :rotfl2: It was a good day overall, still annoyed that I can't just jump in and do my job yet, but I'll get there. Back at it today, gents. Have a good day, and we'll chat later.

Went to lunch and never came back. That's funny. I'd expect that at a fast food restaurant but not a small, professional office job.

I ignore most of the BS on FB...it's just not worth the time or aggravation.

I understand human behavior enough that people don't think rationally when they are afraid. But this whole group of attacking Karens trying to get people fired because they disagreed with the narrative is ridiculous.
So today I reached a goal that I thought was unobtainable. So much so that when I first saw it, I laughed.

Run 80Km in one month.

With one day left in the month, I've run 81km so far.
I'm pretty proud of that, if I do say so myself.

You should be. Congrats! I admire your perseverance.

At lunch time I needed to run home to get some paperwork I had left, so when I was leaving, I looked at the receptionist and said, "Ok, Ms. Lori, I'm heading home for lunch, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "You know, we had someone go home for lunch once and not come back." Me, " Well, that won't happen with me, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "Uh huh We'll see." :laughing: It was so funny. I walked back in and she was, "YOU"RE BACK!"

:rotfl2: I have never met Ms. Lori, and I like her already. It's a great sign if your co-workers have a sense of humor. That goes a long way.

Arrived yesterday and sitting in Kona for breakfast as I type.

That automatically makes it a good day. Say hi for all of us at the meet-ups.
Morning guys from a Sunny and 80 London. Pushing 90 tomorrow, so trying to get as much done as I can today. But then again, there's always Monday to catch up. Turned a cloud into a Silver lining yesterday, my flights for DDCC were cancelled. I had 14 points about to expire, so have taken a flight a day earlier and sneaked on a sleeper night in Saratoga Springs, which means I get an extra day and night in the happy place. If I'm allowed in the country that is. So, if it all comes off, I've come out of 2020 pretty clean in terms of points, which was looking very unlikely in Feb/March. To all those at DDCC have a great time. You Bas turds.

Do I look skinny to you?
Yes you do.
Get a room..... ;)
Run 80Km in one month.

That's great going, well done mate. You and Darcy are showing me up this month. I need to get back on it.
That's my Espresso spot.
Morning boys. Rough day yesterday so hoping for a better one today.

Yes, cash closing. Someone bought a 455K vacation home with cash. Must. Be. Nice.
Was gonna say the same thing. Wow.
when I was leaving, I looked at the receptionist and said, "Ok, Ms. Lori, I'm heading home for lunch, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "You know, we had someone go home for lunch once and not come back." Me, " Well, that won't happen with me, I'll be back." Ms. Lori, "Uh huh We'll see." :laughing: It was so funny. I walked back in and she was, "YOU"RE BACK!" :rotfl2:
my DW had a dream or two like that before where she woke up mad at me. Apparently I did something to her in her dream she didn't like.
Been there. I just laughed at her. Got lucky and she laughed back so lived to tell the tale.
Everyone is still asleep. I think all the park days have knocked them for a loop. They were dragging yesterday, and I reminded then that I wasn't the one leading them. :lmao:
Arrived yesterday and sitting in Kona for breakfast as I type.
Niiiice. Have a great time!
Turned a cloud into a Silver lining yesterday, my flights for DDCC were cancelled. I had 14 points about to expire, so have taken a flight a day earlier and sneaked on a sleeper night in Saratoga Springs, which means I get an extra day and night in the happy place.
Not too shabby!
Well done!
Congratulations. That is a lot of running and quite an accomplishment.
That's awesome! Congratulations!
You should be. Congrats! I admire your perseverance.
That's great going, well done mate. You and Darcy are showing me up this month. I need to get back on it.
Thanks guys. :goodvibes
Morning guys. Did a Ponzie and woke up at 4am. Got up after 20 mins of futile forcing myself to sleep. Fence panels turned up at 7 this morning, but in the 95f heat, that ain't happenin' today. Cue the discussion tonight betwixt myself and the Lady K about me installing Air conditioning upstairs. I'm trying to get work shut down by about 1 so I can enjoy the sunshine.

It was quite the day.
Sounds like you had a good one.
I think all the park days have knocked them for a loop.
Day 3 is the killer for my kids. We always put a pool day here. The combo of Jetlag and 2 days of park schlepping and sugar and multiple stimuli, they just crash. You can set your watch by it.
Sounds like you are having a great one though mate, that's nice to hear.
That's a bit worrying, I smoke the same brand as Tony Soprano. Do I have to go out and whack someone before sittin down for some Sunday Gravy?
Someone bought a 455K vacation home with cash. Must. Be. Nice.
Nice. But if we bought in the states it would be "Cash" but it could be secured against a second mortgage. That's how most buy foreign vacation homes over here.
T - 48 hours......mentally I've already checked out of work - man these days are dragging!
C'mon E-ticket, pull your socks up. 24 hours left. Eyes on the prize.

Have a great Friday guys.
Morning, Gents! Had another great day yesterday. I spent some time printing out some documents I've already worked on so I could make notes on them about why I did it the way for future reference. I'm now on my fifth day at the firm, and it's already getting a little easier. The paralegal I've been working with, and will eventually be replacing, is having me draft certain documents, Deeds, Declarations of Trusts, Limited Power of Attorney, things like that. She said that I'm going to be sick of doing them by the time she leaves, but I responded with, "But I'm getting good at them because I'm doing nothing but these documents, so it's getting easier." I may be new to Real Estate, but as long as she's here to do a lot of the more difficult stuff in the beginning, I can work on one thing at a time (drafting the easier documents) and get good at it. This way, when it comes time for me to dive into the harder stuff, I won't be worried about all that easier stuff. Well, gents, have a good Friday.


Morning all. Everyone is still asleep. I think all the park days have knocked them for a loop. They were dragging yesterday, and I reminded then that I wasn't the one leading them. :lmao:

It is our last day and we will end at the MK. We have a DisDad meet scheduled at 11 AM, and I hope we make it. We also have BoG ADR at 2 PM, and we should make it.

It's been a long time since I was last down in the World, but I know that feeling of dragging by the end of the trip. Hope you have fun with the meet up.

Went to lunch and never came back. That's funny. I'd expect that at a fast food restaurant but not a small, professional office job.

Like you, I'd expect it at a fast food joint, but a professional law firm? I guess the person that left didn't quite know what he/she was getting themselves into.

I understand human behavior enough that people don't think rationally when they are afraid. But this whole group of attacking Karens trying to get people fired because they disagreed with the narrative is ridiculous.

I don't like all that either. I don't care what you think politically or otherwise. If we can get along on a personal level, then I can work with anyone.

:rotfl2: I have never met Ms. Lori, and I like her already. It's a great sign if your co-workers have a sense of humor. That goes a long way.

She is a great lady. And everyone there has a great sense of humor, so that's a plus.

That automatically makes it a good day. Say hi for all of us at the meet-ups.

Right?! Man that would be nice.

Morning guys from a Sunny and 80 London. Pushing 90 tomorrow, so trying to get as much done as I can today. But then again, there's always Monday to catch up. Turned a cloud into a Silver lining yesterday, my flights for DDCC were cancelled. I had 14 points about to expire, so have taken a flight a day earlier and sneaked on a sleeper night in Saratoga Springs, which means I get an extra day and night in the happy place. If I'm allowed in the country that is. So, if it all comes off, I've come out of 2020 pretty clean in terms of points, which was looking very unlikely in Feb/March. To all those at DDCC have a great time. You Bas turds.

Just make sure England will let you back in. Apparently America is persona non grata when it comes to traveling. If they won't let you back in, kick back, put your feet up and relax.

Morning boys. Rough day yesterday so hoping for a better one today.

Hope you have a better day.

Was gonna say the same thing. Wow.

Yeah, must be nice.


Been there. I just laughed at her. Got lucky and she laughed back so lived to tell the tale.


Thanks guys. :goodvibes


Thought that, too. hahaha

T - 48 hours......mentally I've already checked out of work - man these days are dragging!
Mentally check out....that's different than normal? ;)


Morning guys. Did a Ponzie and woke up at 4am. Got up after 20 mins of futile forcing myself to sleep. Fence panels turned up at 7 this morning, but in the 95f heat, that ain't happenin' today. Cue the discussion tonight betwixt myself and the Lady K about me installing Air conditioning upstairs. I'm trying to get work shut down by about 1 so I can enjoy the sunshine.

Oh that's happened to me plenty of times and it sucks. May your coffee cup be big, and the coffee strong.

Nice. But if we bought in the states it would be "Cash" but it could be secured against a second mortgage. That's how most buy foreign vacation homes over here.

That's true, but this is something that I can't fathom. Apparently this person is a high priced attorney in San Francisco, so they could afford it.
Not a bad day at all. :)
I just am choosing not to picture you on your boogie board.
::yes:: not a bad day.
Okay, that's fine. I'm not picturing me running with you so we're even. ;) Good job/congrats on the goal/milestone!

Fence panels turned up at 7 this morning, but in the 95f heat, that ain't happenin' today. Cue the discussion tonight betwixt myself and the Lady K about me installing Air conditioning upstairs
95. Peh!
Surprised you don't already have AC upstairs. Figure you'd need it more there than downstairs.

Sounds like you had a good one.
I did, thanks.

Day 3 is the killer for my kids. We always put a pool day here. The combo of Jetlag and 2 days of park schlepping and sugar and multiple stimuli, they just crash. You can set your watch by it.
Sounds like you are having a great one though mate, that's nice to hear.
We always alternated park and resort/pool days. Should have considered 2/1 rotation, but the kids enjoyed pool or watching movies and just relaxing, so it was still good vacations.

Glad you had a good day! :mickeyjum
Thanks, chief.

She said that I'm going to be sick of doing them
I think that could be said of any task you do over and over.

She is a great lady. And everyone there has a great sense of humor, so that's a plus.
That's great! Having that type of environment can be worth (or save) a lot of money....low stress = better quality of life and less medical bills. Not to mention making the days go by faster.


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