Are people not fans of the Tim Tracker?

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I wouldn’t love it. When I go to the parks I like to enjoy the parks. I wouldn’t want to be filming constantly. Have you seen them out in the parks? They have people who constantly interrupt them to talk to them
and follow them until they turn off the camera to say hi. People think they know them. It’s actually pretty creepy. Tim & Jenn have to be nice to their followers because they are their bread and butter. I’m sure they don’t actually want to talk to all these strangers all the time. If they’re still doing this in a few years as Jackson gets older, I’ll feel so bad for him if strangers are constantly approaching when they’re out at the parks.

More than once, a line has actually formed of people waiting to talk to them. How annoying.

I also would not want to rely on YouTube content as my sole source of income. As we’ve seen, when the parks closed, views for all the theme park vloggers dropped dramatically. It’s pretty risky to put all your eggs in the YouTube basket. Long term, it’s pretty unreliable.

I also wouldn’t want so much personal information out there about myself and my family. I wouldn’t want to deal with the trolls, the “fans” who think they know the vlogger, the comments and and and ...

I would definitely not want to be a Disney vlogger.

Neither would I. I WOULD love to get paid to do something fun, that I love to do and am passionate about (spoiler alert: I already do)...and I think that's what The Trackers do. Forget being a vlogger, I think most people woild love to be ___________ (insert dream job here).
You revived a zombie thread based on a comment about someone reviving a zombie thread. I was replying a person that replied to a post almost 5 months old, hence "dredging."

Mods, can you lock this thread? It's time to let it rest.
Seriously? So because it's old we can't talk about it anymore? Everyone is having a perfectly civil conversation or at least they were last time I looked. Sorry if I just found the thread today and found it interesting. I've enjoyed everyone's point of view. I don't believe in silencing people because we have different views or because I'VE heard enough. When I'm done I just find another thread that interests me. Not try to stop people from discussing further.
I wouldn’t love it. When I go to the parks I like to enjoy the parks. I wouldn’t want to be filming constantly. Have you seen them out in the parks? They have people who constantly interrupt them to talk to them
and follow them until they turn off the camera to say hi. People think they know them. It’s actually pretty creepy. Tim & Jenn have to be nice to their followers because they are their bread and butter. I’m sure they don’t actually want to talk to all these strangers all the time. If they’re still doing this in a few years as Jackson gets older, I’ll feel so bad for him if strangers are constantly approaching when they’re out at the parks.

More than once, a line has actually formed of people waiting to talk to them. How annoying.

I also would not want to rely on YouTube content as my sole source of income. As we’ve seen, when the parks closed, views for all the theme park vloggers dropped dramatically. It’s pretty risky to put all your eggs in the YouTube basket. Long term, it’s pretty unreliable.

I also wouldn’t want so much personal information out there about myself and my family. I wouldn’t want to deal with the trolls, the “fans” who think they know the vlogger, the comments and and and ...

I would definitely not want to be a Disney vlogger.
Yeah I didn't really think about it that way. You're probably right. That might suck the fun out of your job after the thrill of feeling famous got to be old hat. I've only seen a few of their vlogs because they're really not the most interesting couple out there for me so I haven't seen that happen. I prefer Molly from AllEars myself and I AM starting to see that happen to her these days. Not to that extent, but I see people yell and waive at her a lot more than they used to. Most people in the background used to just stare like they were wondering why that girl was talking to herself lol.
Seriously? So because it's old we can't talk about it anymore? Everyone is having a perfectly civil conversation or at least they were last time I looked. Sorry if I just found the thread today and found it interesting. I've enjoyed everyone's point of view. I don't believe in silencing people because we have different views or because I'VE heard enough. When I'm done I just find another thread that interests me. Not try to stop people from discussing further.
Lol. You are a treat. Most forums have a decorum about bringing back old threads. Relax. I’m not silencing anyone lol.
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Lol. You are a treat. Most forums have a decorum about bringing back old threads. Relax. I’m not silencing anyone lol.
Sorry if it bugs you, but I didn't revive the thread. The last post before I posted was from yesterday. I found the thread today. It was active in June and July as well. Asking for an entire thread to be shut down because you think enough has been said says otherwise but maybe I read that wrong? Peace
Imo there are others who do a much better job and are more knowledgeable, likely because they are true Disney fans. TT has just been doing it for longer so has more subscribers.

I agree, Tim isn't the most knowledgeable Disney vlogger, despite doing it for a while, but I still watch his videos because they are entertaining and I like Tim's personality
I haven’t really enjoyed the Covid Tim Tracker videos because he refuses to go inside anywhere, so he is basically just wandering around the parks. It honestly got a little silly when he wouldn’t even venture into Cosmic Rays for a second to pick up a couple of packets of mustard for his hot dog. 🙄
The videos are just very one dimensional and a little boring.

Of course, it’s his choice to go where he wants to go, but it really affects the content and I quit watching.
I haven’t really enjoyed the Covid Tim Tracker videos because he refuses to go inside anywhere, so he is basically just wandering around the parks. It honestly got a little silly when he wouldn’t even venture into Cosmic Rays for a second to pick up a couple of packets of mustard for his hot dog. 🙄
The videos are just very one dimensional and a little boring.

Of course, it’s his choice to go where he wants to go, but it really affects the content and I quit watching.

Yeah I agree to some extent I felt like he took germaphobe to a whole nother level. The whole Cosmic Rays thing was quite ridiculous and quite frankly a lot of his other restrictions IMO. But I still watched bc I like him generally lol.
I haven’t really enjoyed the Covid Tim Tracker videos because he refuses to go inside anywhere, so he is basically just wandering around the parks.

One of his latest videos, he does go inside one of the shops in Animal Kingdom to show some of the Halloween merchandise available.

In a way, I feel kind of bad for them because I'm sure they can't go anywhere without having to film it for the videos, the views, and the resulting revenue whereas us non-vloggers can just go somewhere, maybe take a few pics for social media, and that's pretty much it. I guess that's the freedom you give up when vlogging becomes a job versus a hobby.
I'm glad they did apologize. Glad they took the time to own it, take responsibility and address it.

We have to allow for change. We have to allow that people can/do change. We have to allow that people who made mistakes have grown, learned better, and are not what they were or believe what they once did. Otherwise, what are all these protests for? If we are just going to keep pointing back to "well they said/did ______ 10 years ago" and not allow that they are not those same people today, or allow them the opportunity to do/be better, then all of this protest is for naught.
I agree but sadly it seems people today get a kick out of being the first one to tattle or bring up something from the past or find something to be offended by. It seems like it's become a national passtime to be offended. It's one of my greatest pet peeves because I don't believe that there is any more to it than someone wanting recognition the same way they do when they take a picture of their food and post it on social media. I can guarantee I'd be under the jail by now if cameras and all of this ability to record every thing you say and feel were around in the 80's when I was young. Pretty sure ALL of us are glad of that. Things that were normal ways of thinking or speaking back before all of the PC crap have now become criminal. If you dig hard enough you could find something to be offended by on every person on Earth. Like the old saying goes, when people know better they do better and today's world isn't accounting for that.
I genuinly don't see sponsored videos as them selling out. I just see 2 people who have created some great vlogs and have gained huge popularity. It's because of their large fanbase that they are now being invited to events, because the people doing the inviting see them as an asset. I very much doubt that would be the case if the followers were not there.
That's true. Selling out is an old school term. What the Trackers are doing is how marketing is being done these days. Will their content lean towards promotion rather than opinion...probably, but that's natural progression I suppose. We'll have to start watching someone newer with less followers to find a more unbiased review but that's how success works. Just like the OP that used the analogy about your favorite band going mainstream. That was right on! Who's the hippy that said they were sellin' out maaan? :hippie::rockband::rotfl2:
I love when people dig up posts or videos of people from 8 years ago when they try to validate why the dislike is necessary. That was 2012, we're in the middle of 2020. Enough with the nonsense of digging up irrelevant crap just to "cancel" them.
I totally agree with the people trying to ruin other people just because they can thing. I mean TOTALLY, but I don't think this was brought up with that in mind. I might be wrong but I think it was brought up not to validate why dislike is necessary (I'm so glad you spelled that first so I could copy. Not once have I not had to google it!) but to answer the question of why the dislike exists at all. Or at least that's how I saw it.
- it's like watching a completely different person. But it hasn't affected my enjoyment of their vlogs because people do change. And even if they don't there are hundreds of big name celebrities out there - BIG NAMES - who's real life persona if the complete opposite of what they want you to see of them.

I have to be honest here, I googled them tonight and read what I can only describe as HATE - my god these people do blogs for heaven's sake, how can people spit hatred on forums and comment boards about this. Are they jealous of their popularity or just because they now get invited to events?
I should've kept reading, I said the same about celebs and how we'd be disappointed in their real personalities. Reminds me of how everyone says Chevy Chase is a complete jerk in real life. Remember how David Letterman used to always call his house and mess with him? Absolutely NOTHING like what we think he's going to be like. I hate that because I LOVE him on the screen. As for not being able to understand how people can spew such hate.....Picture it, Sicily....:tongue: it's a beautiful day outside but meanwhile in the basement of his parents house, in last weeks underwear and the latest headphone/microphone combo, in between marathons of Fortnite, is THE TROLL! dun dun duuuun! It's like how when I was about 5, my mom said I absolutely hated Speed Racer, but I sat there every time it was on to watch and complain about how their mouths didn't sync up with what they were saying when they spoke. Well now there are groups that gather to voice their rage and have camaraderie over it on the internet. I, at 5 would have been the Grand Puba of the Speed Racer Haters Club. :happytv: It's like that, and they are typically cowards that hide behind their computer with nothing better to do.
I wouldn’t love it. When I go to the parks I like to enjoy the parks. I wouldn’t want to be filming constantly. Have you seen them out in the parks? They have people who constantly interrupt them to talk to them
and follow them until they turn off the camera to say hi. People think they know them. It’s actually pretty creepy. Tim & Jenn have to be nice to their followers because they are their bread and butter. I’m sure they don’t actually want to talk to all these strangers all the time. If they’re still doing this in a few years as Jackson gets older, I’ll feel so bad for him if strangers are constantly approaching when they’re out at the parks.

More than once, a line has actually formed of people waiting to talk to them. How annoying.

I also would not want to rely on YouTube content as my sole source of income. As we’ve seen, when the parks closed, views for all the theme park vloggers dropped dramatically. It’s pretty risky to put all your eggs in the YouTube basket. Long term, it’s pretty unreliable.

I also wouldn’t want so much personal information out there about myself and my family. I wouldn’t want to deal with the trolls, the “fans” who think they know the vlogger, the comments and and and ...

I would definitely not want to be a Disney vlogger.
Not sure if its true, but I remember reading that Disney asked Tim not to engage with fans in the parks anymore because he drew a bit of a crowd.

I agree that putting all your eggs in the YouTube basket (or any influencer career) is very risky. BUT it also can be very lucrative. If they have a reliable financial advisor and invest smartly, it will hopefully carry them even when/if the YouTube well runs dry. If I recall correctly, they bought their current home before their last one sold, so they must not be blowing through money too quickly.

Most forums have a decorum about bringing back old threads.
Zombie threads are revived here all the time, no one seems to mind. I'm not a mod, but I only see threads locked when they get unruly or way off topic.
I have noticed that Tim has been slightly and I mean slightly more critical when reviewing food etc at Disney. I think that is his reaction to many people thinking he is just a sellout. I liked him in the old days when I could watch and get a good read on what was and was not a good value or experience in the theme parks etc. Now I need to look at it and ask myself if the review is genuine.

I am not that sophisticated when it comes to social media but according to my kids, some who are vloggers doing a live show expect people to pay them to mention their name etc. I am not sure if that is the case with Tim. I know when another vlogger couple and his wife were live streaming the day WDW reopened and walking around as people in the live stream were donating and he would shout out something like, " Mr So and So 50.00 super fan" or something like that. I do not get it. Mr. So and So save your money and then you too can walk around the park and do a selfie saying hello to yourself in person!!

But then again I do not get it when complete strangers send hundreds of dollars in baby gifts or give vloggers they have never met their DVC points for a stay at one of the resorts. Frankly, if I got baby gifts from faceless strangers all over the country I would be freaked out. I know that Tim opens packages etc in the vlog and those I just turn off. Actually I have been just skipping to the parts that have any meaning for me.
I have noticed that Tim has been slightly and I mean slightly more critical when reviewing food etc at Disney. I think that is his reaction to many people thinking he is just a sellout. I liked him in the old days when I could watch and get a good read on what was and was not a good value or experience in the theme parks etc. Now I need to look at it and ask myself if the review is genuine.

I am not that sophisticated when it comes to social media but according to my kids, some who are vloggers doing a live show expect people to pay them to mention their name etc. I am not sure if that is the case with Tim. I know when another vlogger couple and his wife were live streaming the day WDW reopened and walking around as people in the live stream were donating and he would shout out something like, " Mr So and So 50.00 super fan" or something like that. I do not get it. Mr. So and So save your money and then you too can walk around the park and do a selfie saying hello to yourself in person!!

But then again I do not get it when complete strangers send hundreds of dollars in baby gifts or give vloggers they have never met their DVC points for a stay at one of the resorts. Frankly, if I got baby gifts from faceless strangers all over the country I would be freaked out. I know that Tim opens packages etc in the vlog and those I just turn off. Actually I have been just skipping to the parts that have any meaning for me.

I was thinking it was just because he's gotten used to eating at higher end restaurants now. He did say that he liked this year's Food and Wine offerings more than previous years. I've heard a lot of ppl say that and it makes sense since they are going through less of it this year so it isn't as mass produced.

You may be talking about ResortTV1 - they're a brother and sister team that I enjoy watching. People do send them money to support the channel but don't have to in order to be mentioned. They're really genuinely nice people in my opinion and deserve all of the success that comes their way. Both still have full time jobs also. He's a band teacher and I think she works in retail. Good people like I said and often their parents join them on live streams in the parks.

I've seen the DVC points being given away this year mostly. Haven't noticed it in the past. It makes sense that people want to have their points used this year rather than expire and many aren't willing to travel to use them themselves. I've really enjoyed watching Paging Mr. Morrow's DVC stays in particular.

The Trackers were opening packages sent 2 years or longer ago on their livestreams during the quarantine. Their PO Box has been closed for quite awhile.
It confuses me a bit when people complain that a vlog is "all about the money". It's their source of income, so yeah, of course it's about the money.

I know some folks swear that even if they won a billion dollars they'd still work at their current job because they love it so much, but let's face it, for most of us, our jobs are "about the money". That's why we have them. If I won a billion dollars, then neither myself nor my husband would have paying jobs anymore, and we could volunteer all day, and only then would it not be "about the money". :)
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