Has Covid hit closer to home since the beginning of all this?

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
For me, yes. My sister just started working in a preschool setting with an assistant. She is now quarantined because her assistant and assistant's DH tested positive. My sister tested the day after her assistant and fortunately the test came back negative but she still is quarantining because she got a call from the Health Dept to do so.

That's the closest it's gotten to me but luckily my sister came to visit early October just so she wouldn't spread anything to me or our Mother.

How about you?
I was just thinking about this earlier - how many people do we know that have been affected?

Close to home for us was my husband's coworker testing positive and then my DH and DD getting sick this week (doesn't seem to be the virus, but we thought so at first).

We know others, but they are in other states.
No, not at all - I don't know anyone or know of anyone even reasonable close to us that has been diagnosed. But the last time I said so it started a fight. :blush: I absolutely KNOW Covid is a global pandemic and I comply with any and all response measures wherever I am. I recommend everyone else do the same.
While my son tested negative, all three of his roommates tested positive. My son experienced mild Covid symptoms, including loss of sense of taste. They all had to quarantine for 14 days. He tested again about two weeks past his 14 day quarantine and still tested negative. So, although he knows he had Covid, he is not on record as having it.
My brother still has the lingering cough and shortness of breath from having it 2 months ago, but he’s tested negative now. I also knew a gentleman from the campground where we seasonally camp who died in April.
I work for a hospital that Is a major hub for covid so I’ve been around it since day 1. In my face 24/7.

The only close connection I have is my brother (35) who had covid. He only tested because his boss did. He had a mild runny nose. That’s it. His fiancé (30) and son (6) never had symptoms and never tested but they quarantined 14 days with him.
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I've had it, as have my husband and son (he is 14, and is the one who was initially exposed). My daughter, 17, living in the same house, didn't get it ... but as a teenage girl spends most of her time in her room so we figure that's why. Ha. I am 52 and my husband is 59. We all had mild to low moderate cases. A bit different for each one. Son had high fever for about 30 hours, and a day or 2 of stuffiness. Husband had horrible sore throat for several days, as well as moderate fever, body aches, and loss of smell/taste. I had a day of bad headache, then muscle aches and very low grade fever (not even technically fever, but high for me) for several days, loss of smell/taste. For my husband and I, it took maybe a total of 2 weeks plus until we felt all the way better. It kind of came in waves. One day would be better, next day might be more fatigued and achy. A little of the brain fog for both of us, resolved. I have had health anxiety since childhood, so I was doing the research before and during our illness. I saw that the CDC website says that most people experience mild illness and recover at home. I feel very thankful that this was our experience.
DD's Ex DH had it but came through it ok (late 30s, excellent condition.) He was around quite a few neighbors and family prior to diagnosis, no one else got it. We have two DGDs who got a bug, but tested negative for the virus.
Cases are rising again in our state, the circle is closing in on where we are. Dh and I will return to more cautious practices.

A cousin got it in late March- mid 50s, mild symptoms, recovered within 2 weeks.

Mil-Late July. Felt crummy for a week. Recovered fairly easily. Late 70s.

September College daughter was quarantined for 4 days to her dorm while contract tracing was done on her dorm floor when 3 girls were positive. Tested last week negative as the college is encouraging testing, even of asymptomatic students.

October Son tested 2 weeks in a row negative. He works in the public. Anti maskers who were jerks breathed intentionally in his face when he asked them to put on a mask.

Other Son was tested last week. Roommate's girlfriend, who lives in another apartment, had Covid
Both son and roommate were negative.
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My sister-in-law passed away a month ago. I don't have a lot of information, but from the time she was hospitalized until she was taken off life support was one month. She was testing negative at the end, but the virus's damage to her lungs and kidneys was too great to overcome. She was 61 with no preexisting conditions. We will miss her.
DH’s uncle passed away from it back in March.

In the summer DS24 had a few symptoms. He was so lethargic, he didn’t even understand what I was saying to him. Doctor said it was heat stroke but recommended testing. Negative.

4 days after opening my preschool room, a child tested positive. Scared me silly as my middle DS is high risk. I’m negative. Everyone else negative, even her parents. Even with negative result, public health said I had to quarantine 14 days and called me every day for 2 weeks to check on me.
My office mate’s wife had it and his 24 yr old son (living at home). The client she did home health services for died from it. My coworker and his daughter never got it, but still quarantined. Another coworker is home sick and quarantining, but her self administered test came back negative. She doesn’t trust it, though. My good friend is working from home for two weeks because three people in her small office tested positive and they closed the office for deep cleaning. One of our clients has 5 out of 6 office staff sick with it and several workers sick. Another client with about 25 employees has three guys in the shop sick right now.

Thankfully, we require everyone to wear masks coming in the office and do as much as we can to minimize the clients actually entering the office.


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