Home Temperature

I don't find comparing temps with others to be of much help. Each house is different in layout, location of thermostats, age, insulation, quality of windows, as well as personal preferences regarding comfort levels. Each house we have lived in we found different settings to provide the desired level of heat or cool depending on the time of year. If I told you temperature X was a comfortable setting in one house would not have worked for us in a different house.
We tend to keep it at 66 during the fall, but will bump that up 68 or 70 when the winter temps are in the single digits or lower.
Central heating is set to 60 during the day from 1 October to 1 March. Off at night and for the rest of the year. But we also have coal fires and wood burners.
68 in winter. That is about as low as I can go without risking pipes. My apartment does not have great insulation and the water heater/pipes to and from are in the corner of 2 external walls. Great design </s>. So I just set it to that and keep it.
75 day summer and 68 night (need it cold to sleep)

68 in winter and 63 night (put on a sweater if you are cold)
72 year round. And to be clear, I don't have a vote. The thermostat is my wife's turf. Any warmer than 72 (summer of winter) and my wife's sinuses go crazy and she can't sleep.
72 summer 68 winter. Usually will keep the windows open until the thermostat nears 80 in the warmer months though before we turn on the air (or if its humid).
I live in FL and keep the ac at 77. I would be happy with 80, but 77 is what we settled on when we built the house 2 years ago-it works for all of us. Heat-well I've only ever used it maybe twice and I think it was at 68.

When I lived up north, heat was set at 68/day and 62/night. AC was 'open the window' lol.
60 day - 55 night
Wow, that seems cold! But that's normal house temps for people that live in very cold climates, right? I live in a hot place and have been doing 77 during the day in summer and a few degrees cooler at night. Winter will be around 68, probably. I may get a month or so this fall where I don't need to use heating or cooling at all, and another two months in the spring as well.
70 year round. Though I do admit there was some days working from home this summer I turned it up to 74 and then back down before my husband got home.
72 year round. And to be clear, I don't have a vote. The thermostat is my wife's turf. Any warmer than 72 (summer of winter) and my wife's sinuses go crazy and she can't sleep.
I feel her pain. I have terrible allergies and chronic/recurring sinus infections. Not only am I very particular about temperature but humidity too. Higher humidity levels promote dust mites so I run a dehumidifier in our home in addition to central air. The AC helps but I can still pour out buckets of water every day.
This of course would vary by region.

Indoors I keep it at 70 year round. When it’s really bitter cold I bump it up to 72. We have an electric blanket so we stay warm without having to breathe hot air.


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