Cases rising or dropping by you?

I agree Snappy. Many of us are following CDC & state guidelines. Our family is all local, but our contact is limited. My siblings & I have to care for our elderly, compromised mother. But it is with masks on & only 1 or 2 of us there at a time. My DH, DD & I are essential workers but DS & DDIL are WFH. We see DD once a week & DS & DDIL only rarely since March. We all limit our time in stores or in public. Also everyone, even extended family members are wearing masks everywhere. My DH has even taken to carrying hand sanitizer with him. I never thought I’d see the day he willingly wore a mask, used sanitizers or shopped online. But even he’s vigilant about it. Lots of people do care & are still very worried.

Funny you mention your DH carrying sanitizer. My DH has started doing the same. Got him one that he can attach easily to a belt loop. It’s NOT the bath and body works one that smells nice like I use.

I just think a lot of people have developed new strategies, like work from home, walking or biking instead of public transit, contact free grocery pickup. Even our vet does curbside when we bring our senior dog in for something (a lot of this right now due to health issues), pick up meds and food. I am not sure when I will go back to doing in store shopping for more than a minute or two for a couple of items. It’s convenient to drive up, open the back and get stuff loaded in.

We have been going in for essential doctor visits and procedures and have been comfortable with the mitigation measures in place like waiting in your car rather than the lobby for your appointment. Frankly, some measures should be in place anyway during the regular flu season. I will say we are fortunate to live in the south in a roomy house and yard and a great area to walk and bike around safely distanced year round. I realize many others have different circumstances that require different strategies.
The San Francisco Bay Area region has decided, as a group, to pre-emptively go into shelter in place this weekend, sooner than what Gov Newsom has anticipated. The Bay Area region is averaging 20-25% capacity available in the ICUs. Gov Newsom’s order was to go into shelter in place when regional ICU’s hit 15% availability.

It is strict but will not be as extreme as it was earlier this year. Personal care businesses, bars, gyms, indoor museums, etc will have to close. Restaurants can only be open for to-go. Retail stores can be open at up to 20% capacity. (Compare this to early this year when all non-essential retail were ordered to close). Schools that have already opened for hybrid can stay open, but no new openings.
It looks like here in Ohio that we might get more restrictions today. It is rumored that our curfew will start earlier then 10 starting Monday. Refrigeration trucks are now at a few hospitals in my area. I know someone who is a nurse in the ICU at one of the hospitals that got one of the refrigeration trucks. She said that she lost a few patients at the start of her shift the other day and one right before she left. Here area is out of beds and they are running out of beds in another ICU area that they set up. The hospital close to me shut down the ER for a few hours the other night because they were so busy and couldn't keep up. The shut down gave them time to catch up and get a break.
11K new cases in Ohio today, but we didn't break a record, so yay?

The governor is having a press conference but so far it's more of the same: please stay home, please wear a mask, etc.

-- extended family got together for Thanksgiving. I FaceTime'd my mom from home and couldn't not believe it when I saw that they were all there, together. She passed the phone around so every could say hi to me, and the whole time I was just like 😖 I was led to believe that she wasn't going to the phone was passed around I counted maybe 5-7 different households that were there.

Yesterday she told me she was going to get a COVID test...I wasn't sure why she was going to get one, but it turns out she was experiencing a headache and sore throat. She got the results today...want to guess what they were? 😐
11K new cases in Ohio today, but we didn't break a record, so yay?

The governor is having a press conference but so far it's more of the same: please stay home, please wear a mask, etc.

-- extended family got together for Thanksgiving. I FaceTime'd my mom from home and couldn't not believe it when I saw that they were all there, together. She passed the phone around so every could say hi to me, and the whole time I was just like 😖 I was led to believe that she wasn't going to the phone was passed around I counted maybe 5-7 different households that were there.

Yesterday she told me she was going to get a COVID test...I wasn't sure why she was going to get one, but it turns out she was experiencing a headache and sore throat. She got the results today...want to guess what they were? 😐

Thanks for the update. I wasn't able to watch the press conference today. I am shocked that the county is not purple. The news this morning was talking about the curfew being earlier and affect the Browns game on Monday. I was wondering if it was all talk or if he was seriously going to do it. I do have to say that it seems that he is following all the protocols that he has put in place.

That has to be so frustrating with your family. I hope your mom is ok and has a mild case.
Thanks for the update. I wasn't able to watch the press conference today. I am shocked that the county is not purple. The news this morning was talking about the curfew being earlier and affect the Browns game on Monday. I was wondering if it was all talk or if he was seriously going to do it. I do have to say that it seems that he is following all the protocols that he has put in place.

That has to be so frustrating with your family. I hope your mom is ok and has a mild case.
I'm honestly not sure he can do much more. The state lawmakers aren't letting him have more power over this (and did you see that they drafted articles of impeachment against him??).

Thank you. I am not sure how to feel about the whole thing...I'm mostly angry at all of them because they should have known better. So far she says she just has a headache and sore throat, but I'm not sure about the other who were there with her.
Saliva based testing is increasingly being used in my area.

My state has paid an undisclosed amount to bring another saliva-based test. In my area they have added 4 sites (one of them is actually my old high school) starting today that are open Monday through Saturday 9am-5:30pm where testing is completely free to any resident of the state. This is so important not only the free part but the 6 days a week part. You can walk up or drive up to these sites without an appointment (also very important especially for those who do not have a reliable car but may live close enough or can take the limited public bus transportation) but they do prefer making an appointment.

They say throughout the state their goal is to do 100K per week with this particular saliva test (keep in mind there are already other saliva tests being used throughout the state and one company doing them you can now order one yourself but it would be out of pocket). With this particular test they want you to not eat or drink within 30mins of the test. Results would be within 48 hours. One of the biggest things my governor has been talking about is turn around time with tests. In order to get testing kits from the state many places have to prove they can get the tests within a few days at most.

These particular saliva tests are sent to a lab and then PCR is done on them. They pointed out that nasal swabs were usually seen as too uncomfortable causing people to not want to get tested, they looked at oral swabs but that was still too uncomfortable for many people. These saliva tests are about as easy as you can get.

They are hoping that more people will seek out the testing in cases where they wouldn't have been able to before either due to cost, access, timing or uncomfortableness. Our testing rates is fairly low when you look at per 1,000 or 100,000 residents. Being able to test more people and get results faster will hopefully get the cases back to a more manageable level because right now it's not.
I hadn't looked for a while but surprised to see trending down, after a peak first two weeks of November.
I'm honestly not sure he can do much more. The state lawmakers aren't letting him have more power over this (and did you see that they drafted articles of impeachment against him??).

Thank you. I am not sure how to feel about the whole thing...I'm mostly angry at all of them because they should have known better. So far she says she just has a headache and sore throat, but I'm not sure about the other who were there with her.

I agree. I don't think the state will let him do anything. He followed the science and did what he could do. I did not know about the articles of impeachment against him.

I am glad it sounds like you mom is doing good. Let's hope the same for the rest is the same.

These particular saliva tests are sent to a lab and then PCR is done on them. They pointed out that nasal swabs were usually seen as too uncomfortable causing people to not want to get tested, they looked at oral swabs but that was still too uncomfortable for many people. These saliva tests are about as easy as you can get.

I would rather get the nasal swap or oral swab before I would spit in something. Spitting is just so gross to me. It makes me gag. I know I am not the norm though in this. I am glad to hear that they are coming up with ways to make everyone comfortable.
I agree. I don't think the state will let him do anything. He followed the science and did what he could do. I did not know about the articles of impeachment against him.

I am glad it sounds like you mom is doing good. Let's hope the same for the rest is the same.

I would rather get the nasal swap or oral swab before I would spit in something. Spitting is just so gross to me. It makes me gag. I know I am not the norm though in this. I am glad to hear that they are coming up with ways to make everyone comfortable.
I'll take saliva over the other options lol but I totally get the gross factor to actually spitting in a tube. Reminds me for whatever reason of the pet licking the dishes thread lol


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