The kids are just too cute, and I love that they were able to sit together for dessert! Even though they're super expensive, I have really enjoyed the dessert parties we've done in the past, especially when you get reserved seating. I absolutely hate having to try to keep other people from encroaching on my perfect parade or fireworks spot....and sitting there waiting forever.
Looks like a great first day/night in Disney for the L's. We've never done the dessert party and don't think we would. It's just so expensive for what you get (though I could probably eat $70 of cheeseburger egg rolls worth). Of course we've also never seen Happily Ever After from anywhere other than the roof of the California Grill. Now that is my idea of a dessert party :D
I know that the parties are pricey. But I do put a price to the value of not waiting in the crowds. Because I don't think I would see the fireworks ever as well. We are NOT wait in giant crowd people. But who knows what fireworks will be like in the future... I will say I was not a huge fan of seeing the fireworks from California Grill. It was just meh to me. Now the meal at California Grill was amazing!

The kids are just too cute, and I love that they were able to sit together for dessert! Even though they're super expensive, I have really enjoyed the dessert parties we've done in the past, especially when you get reserved seating. I absolutely hate having to try to keep other people from encroaching on my perfect parade or fireworks spot....and sitting there waiting forever.
Yup! I would say we won't do a dessert party again, but I know we will. I honestly just love not having to worry too too much about our view! Maybe they can do something more like Fantasmic moving forward. I would love that!
I can see how if you never waited to hold a spot for Happily Ever After on your own, you wouldn't appreciate the value of the dessert party because they really have gotten so expensive. I was excited to try the After Fireworks dessert party again once they announced that alcohol would be included but of course, that never actually happened.
I was excited to try the After Fireworks dessert party again once they announced that alcohol would be included but of course, that never actually happened.
I forgot all about that! I think I might have been too tired that night even if they did have alcohol. But I do think tthat would help with the value factor a little.
We weren't too far from the photopass person, so we took turns getting up to take pictures.

I love that they have a Photopass person in here.

But what was good, was we were able to sit during the fireworks, which again was AMAZING (and again something I don't think the L's realized would NOT have happened if we just found a spot with the masses.

Being able to sit for the fireworks is a great advantage, it's also nice to have some moving around room while you wait.

Here my plate a little sweet and savory. Those egg rolls are still the star of the dessert party!

YUM! There wasn't any savory when we did the party in 2018. I really hope these come back some day so I can get some savory.

The kids sat at one table and the adults at the other. The kids loved sitting "by themselves" Even if they were only a small space apart from us! Ha. There was 1 incendent... Little M tried something and didn’t like it, so he spit it out. Morgan almost barfed watching him do it. Oh Good TIMES!

Separate tables are the best! Sounds like Morgan is a little sensitive to gross stuff.
HI Everyone!!!!

Can I just share that I am sooooo missing Disney right now! We would be getting ready to go in a couple weeks. Andy and I figured out that we have been going in February for about 6 years now. And this will be the first year since then. Sigh... I am just hoping we can keep our trip for the end of this year. But what better way to sooth my sadness, with reliving this trip!

Day Three: A Home Alone Moment!

We all woke up around 7 am. Some of us may have been more crabby than others... Not saying who... Today was the first day that we were coordinating both families getting up and out of the rooms. And I think we just needed to get used to it. We have done so many trips by ourselves that someone was just not feeling the morning.

But we all ate breakfast in our rooms. I had ordered garden grocer for both families, so we had mini bagels & cream cheese, crossants with butter and if you are Morgan, apparently goldfish and chex mix is breakfast food. But whatever, we are on vacation!

Today's tinkerbell gifts were holiday shirts and some buttons. The big buttons were for tonight. We had reservations for dinner with some characters! And they are great, they have a kick stand on them, so we display them with all of our other Christmas decorations each year now.

As the adults were finishing getting ready the kids we coming in and out of the 2 rooms. They were so excitied that our rooms were so close to each other. It was cute. They also started texting our other friends with kids the same age, that we say complete the pho-cousin group and were basically flaunting to them that they were in Disney together and they weren't. As any good friend should, right?

A little before 9 we finally all headed to the bus stop. (later than I wanted but it was nessisary to keep the peace)


The L’s wanted to fill up their refillable cups. So, we tried to find the machine on our way over, but wasn't having any luck. As we were trying to find it, we saw a Magic Kingdom bus pulling into the bus station. We all immediately start to the stop. It was a real Home Alone moment! Morgan was yelling that she didn't want to run, Andy is telling her to run. Little M sprinted ahead of EVERYONE! Gwen and Big L were running but it seemed like they were moving in slow motion. I am running with a backpack half open as I had taken out sunscreen to put on the girls while the L's looked for the soda machine. Apparently I was dropping stuff, so Miss L was picking it up! We were a HOT mess! We get to the bus stop in time and all hop on. As soon as the doors close all 4 parents comment that it was totally a Home Alone moment.... a second passes and then all 4 parents look around the bus frantically to make sure we have all 4 kids. Thankfully everyone made it on!

Proof that we made it on the bus with all 4 kids! They were ready to go!

After we all settled down, I changed our Buzz Lightyear fast pass to something else, since we rode it last night. I believe I switched it to Dumbo for all of us. But I am pretty sure we either ended up skipping or I changed again, as we didn't actually ride Dumbo...

We made it inside the park around 9:30, and I think the park opened at 9 that day. So, not that bad.

We saw that trolley come down main street.

It was the L's wedding anniversary today. And Miss L wanted to get buttons. I told her to get them in the front of the park but the kids were too excitied to do something, so they decided to get buttons later in the day.

First order of business was pictures!

While waiting, Little M entertained himself with the bubble wand.





Happy Anniversay!


While waiting, we were trying to decide what to do first. The big kids wanted to ride Space Mountain but I didn’t want to do that, since we couldn’t all ride together. But eventually I gave in and split up. Andy, Mr. L and Little M went to the speedway. And the rest of us headed into Space!

We saw some water art on our way over to the ride.


The Space Mountain crew was ready! I want to say it was a 20 minute wait.

Half an hour later we were ready to ride. I feel like this is a theme of our trips these days, the girls always want to ride Space first and I really don't think it is the best thing to ride first. There is always a line and they tend to only have one side open first thing.

The kids went together. And I think this was Big L's first time on the ride! Which is probably why Gwen won on sitting in the front seat.

And Miss L and me got to go together, with that random guy...

After our ride, we grabbed a photo of the kids on the way out and went to find the boys.

I snapped a picture of these trees as we headed towards the speedway. Anyone notice these before? I kind of love them!

Meanwhile, Andy and the boys headed to the Speedway, while we were on Space Mountain.

I mean how cute is this?!?! (and how well I have trained Andy to take photos of EVERYTHING in Disney)


Andy had the joy of driving a car all by himself! I know you are all jealous!

Little M loved the ride though...
So, it was worth it, I guess.

They have time to wait for us, so Little M got a snack while they waited.
Isn't this how everyone eats there popsicles? No? ok....

Once we were all re-united, we split up again! Ha! Our first fast pass was for Big Thunder Mountain. So, I had made a fast pass for Little M and Miss L to ride Dumbo while we did that.

We all walked together for a bit and pointed Miss L in the right direction ans the rest of us continued across the park.


Somehow we convinced the kids to let Big L ride with his dad for once.... I also think my favorite part of taking these ride selfies is the people behind us who notice and photo bomb us!

Meanwhile, Miss L and Little M had a fun flight!

While we were all riding, I got a message that our Enchanted Tales with Belle Fastpass had turned into an anytime fast pass. Which I thought was weird since, it's not really a ride. But I guess the animitronics could go down or something.

But that bought us some time to do some other things.

Up next... snacks and more rides
After your Home Alone moment (LOL! I can totally picture that!!) you're doing a great job of wrangling everyone and managing who is riding with who, etc. We've only spent one day at WDW with another family, and it was our first day (their last), so we just kind of went with the flow knowing we'd have plenty of time to hit up what we wanted the rest of the week.
Such a fun evening of Dessert Partying! I wonder if those will ever come back? And yes, if you don't grab a spot WAY early on, the chances of getting one are pretty minimal! Glad you got some real estate.

Love seeing all those bright shining faces without masks- such great smiles!
She is sooooo sensitive! She threw up once on Christmas because she swallowed a piece of cake wrong. And she doesn't eat most dips and condiments because she doesn't like the texture.

Yikes, that is sensitive. I don't guess she's thinking of being a nurse?

Love the shirts!

The L’s wanted to fill up their refillable cups. So, we tried to find the machine on our way over, but wasn't having any luck. As we were trying to find it, we saw a Magic Kingdom bus pulling into the bus station. We all immediately start to the stop. It was a real Home Alone moment! Morgan was yelling that she didn't want to run, Andy is telling her to run. Little M sprinted ahead of EVERYONE! Gwen and Big L were running but it seemed like they were moving in slow motion. I am running with a backpack half open as I had taken out sunscreen to put on the girls while the L's looked for the soda machine. Apparently I was dropping stuff, so Miss L was picking it up! We were a HOT mess! We get to the bus stop in time and all hop on. As soon as the doors close all 4 parents comment that it was totally a Home Alone moment.... a second passes and then all 4 parents look around the bus frantically to make sure we have all 4 kids. Thankfully everyone made it on!


Great group photo!

The Space Mountain crew was ready! I want to say it was a 20 minute wait.

Not bad!

I snapped a picture of these trees as we headed towards the speedway. Anyone notice these before? I kind of love them!

I never really noticed them until another Diser pointed them out. I think they're pretty cool.

I mean how cute is this?!?! (and how well I have trained Andy to take photos of EVERYTHING in Disney)

Very cute! Good job Andy.

Isn't this how everyone eats there popsicles? No? ok....


I'm guessing he has sensitive hands.

Somehow we convinced the kids to let Big L ride with his dad for once.... I also think my favorite part of taking these ride selfies is the people behind us who notice and photo bomb us!

Great ride selfie and I love the photo bombs!
Day Three: Bacon!

After our ride on Big Thunder Mountain, we meet back up around the shooting gallery. The girls wanted to share there love of the candied bacon with the L's. So, we got in line for a sticks worth!

Andy, Morgan and Gwen all wanted there own. I think I just stole a bit or two from Andy's and possibly Gwen's. The L's got one or 2 as a Counter Service Meal. Which ended up meaning it came with a bag of plain chips. They were on the dinning plan and they ended up having extra meals, so it didn't really matter. But probably not really worth the cs credit. (of course who knows if the dinning plan will come back or not)

We took our snack to go and headed towards Haunted Mansion. We did a quick run to the bathrooms for half and the other half just waited outside of HM.

We got in line for Hauted Mansion once that was all taken care of. LIttle M and Gwen didn’t really want to ride. But I was kind of tied splitting up. And this ride is always hard, for us as Gwen never wants to ride. So, I was hoping she would get over the hump of the ride if she went with friends. So, we basically kind of made them go on the ride…


The kids did enjoy the que!




It only took about 10 minutes to walk through the que and get to the stretching room.

Gwen only agreed to go on the ride, if she could go with me, so, Gwen and I went together.
Believe it or not, these are our scared faces... :confused3

Little M braved the ride with his dad.
That is a face of really not sure what to make of the ride.

Miss L went with Big L. And clearly they didn't know about the ride photo. And really how would you know it was there!

And apparently Morgan and Andy never listen to me, as they clearly didn't know about the ride photo either.

Gwen survived the ride and I think Little M said it was fine but didn't want to ride it ever again.

We stopped for a photopass picture.

I am not sure any of us got the whole scared looks the lady asked us to do... I think Little M and Gwen are making the same face, too.

The big kids wanted to do Splash Mountain next. Little M was too short to ride and Miss L did NOT want to get wet. So, she took Little M to ride on Pirates as it had about the same wait time.

While we were in line, we decided that we needed to get lunch after this ride. I think I pushed to get lunch first and then go on Splash but got over ruled.

We headed over, and got in line. The temp wasn't too bad and it was to get cooler as the week went on, so it was good to ride today.

How wet would we get?

Morgan agreed to ride with me this time if she could sit in the front row. And Gwen went with Big L.

And the Dads got to ride together again.

Thankfully we only got slightly wet.

Man I love this ride. And I think this was the last time we got to ride it. I have to think it will be down by the time we get back. But I am holding out hope that we can ride one more time.

Splash Mountain
We enjoyed the ride as always!

Little M loved his ride on Pirates. No pictures of there adventures.

After we met back up around Pecos Bills. And we decided to eat there. We tried to mobile order and I realized that yet again, the app was trying to use some of there counter service credits. So, we ended up having to go inside and just wait in line.

Which ended up not being too bad. But was really annoying that we couldn't use the app. We decided on what to get. And I waited in line to order and Andy took a couple kids and found a couple tables for us.

I have no pictures of lunch, it was a bit chaotic. Nothing too crazy but just a lot going on and just didn't think to take pictures.

I don't even remember what most of us had, except I do know Andy and I shared the Cauliflower Tacos and Pork Nachos. And the Cauliflower Tacos were really good! They aren't on the menu online but I don't know if they ever were on it. I highly recommend if they are on the menu when you are there.

The rest and food was well needed for everyone. We were def in need of food! While we sat we talked about what we wanted to do. We had a Dumbo fastpass coming up, and we decided to go there next.

But of course as soon as we left the restaurant, I realized that the parade would be starting soon and there was plenty of places to sit. So we quickly changed our plans and decided to watch the parade instead!

I changed our dumbo fast pass for another space mountain and buzz fastpasses (for little m). Which was probably better anyway!

Next up the parade and dessert!
Sounds like a fun morning in MK. I can imagine it can be hard to get two families moving in the morning!
It was probably the only hard part of the two families touring together. We were ok splitting up a bit as needed. We didn't really want to but no one was offended if we needed that seperate time.

you're doing a great job of wrangling everyone and managing who is riding with who, etc. We've only spent one day at WDW with another family, and it was our first day (their last), so we just kind of went with the flow knowing we'd have plenty of time to hit up what we wanted the rest of the week.
Thanks! I felt alot of pressure to give the L's there best trip! We were nice and chill when we spent the day with Kari and her family. Since we had all been so much we were kind of ok doing whatever.

ove seeing all those bright shining faces without masks- such great smiles!
I know! I think that is the hardest part. Not seeing those smiling little faces. One day! Hopefully sooner than later.

Yikes, that is sensitive. I don't guess she's thinking of being a nurse?
Def not a nurse, doctor... Anything to do with blood or fluids! Ha!

Great ride selfie and I love the photo bombs!
I love the ride selfies! And they are great time stamps of our progress!
I was totally sold on the sit down dessert party at MK, I loved it and would spend the money again for it, lol! The crowds around the hub and being short make it miserable for us.
It looks like you all are park touring just fine as a large group so far.
I love Splash as well and will miss when it is down for refurbishment
I can’t believe Gwen doesn’t like HM, is is the spookiness or something else?
My son did not like it because it stopped several times while we were on It. Andi and I love HM. We both told Jack he was crazy for not loving one of our favorite rides, haha 😂
Teenage boys at Disney, not the best combination, if he wasn’t riding Everest, Rockin, or Space, he was bored:sad2:
I‘m with you, really missing Disney right now. I also don’t like all the changes going on! The ME being discontinued is a real bummer!
Ugh, I am still so missing Disney! I am thinking of starting a pre-trip report for our hopefully Thanksgiving trip. But I am afraid to get my hopes up and have to cancel it! But I think it will be a good way to have something to look forward to...

Day 3: A Fun afternoon

So, I left off with us sitting down to watch the parade. Morgan wanted a dole whip, so Miss L and I went to try and grab some treats for us all to eat while we waited. But we got across the "road" and the line was fairly long. And I was worried we would get stuck on the wrong side of the road, so we decided to just wait till after the parade was over.



We got to just sit and relax instead. And we got a few cute pictures in the meantime.

I love this picture. This is their personalities.

Gwen, Why the sad face?

That's better.

When we sat down to watch the parade, Miss L asked if it was worth it. And I said it was. I love this parade. We don't watch it every time but I do love it. The floats are amazing.




I think everyone enjoyed the parade. I do think Big L was anxious to go on more rides. He was loving the rollercoasters and rides.

We kept our word and decided to get some snacks. Gwen decided during the parade that she wanted a churro. So, Andy and Gwen went to grab a Churro and then a Citrus Swirl. The L's and I went and got soem Dole Whips!

And if you have been reading my other trip reports, we all meet up in our "secret spot" If you are new here, we discovered this spot a few trips back and it has become the best place to sit. If you are in the breezeway of the bathrooms between Frontierland and Adventureland. And walk into the sun glasses shop, thtere is a covered walkway towards where Alladin and Jasmine meet up. There are these 2 bench seating area. And the walls are nice and high and you forget there is a TON of people walking behind you. It's shaded and quiet. It's great!

Morgan went with the Dole Whip and Pineapple cake. And you can see in this picture the area kind of... Because the kids of course didn't want to sit on the seats but the wall... sign...

My glorious Orange Swirl!!!!! I love this so much! Andy and I split this and it was super refreshing.

I apparently got Gwen a Dole Whip Float as well. Trip report fail, as I don't know why I did. Maybe se decided to not find a churro? Maybe Gwen changed her mind? Maybe she enhaled the churro and then wanted a a float also?

Big L got a float to match Gwen. I do remember that. About now, is when the two of them started ordering all of the same food.

And this must have been the other treat the L's got. I love the little waffle cookies that they stick in there. So cute!

It was about 2:30 when we sat down. And I think we sat and enjoyed our treats for about half an hour. The cool treats hit the spot and we were ready to do some more rides!
We decided to hit It’s a Small World next. We headed over. And all 4 kids got a row to themselves.
IMG_6184 by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
Little M was so excitied to finally get to sit with the kids.

All 4 talked and pointed stuff out the whole ride.

We even got a few shout outs at the end, as well. I think everyone liked it enough. No one is going to say it was there favorite ride. But fun none the less.

After that we walked across the way, and went to watch Philharmonic. This was basically a walk on. We literally walked right into the thearter and found a seat! Sadly, I think the show is starting to be so dated that it made me a little nauseaus. I love it, but I think the video needs to be updated. Miss L felt the same as well. She does get vertigo, and she said she ended up closing her eyes for 3/4 of the show.


After the show we started to head towards our lastt fastpasses of the day. So towards tomorrowland. We cute past the Castle and fountain.

Miss L loved seeing the fountain. I think she made a wish on our way pastt.

The kids wanted to ride on the speedway. The line was short so we hopped in line. While waiting, Miss L decided that she didn't want to ride. And got out of line. But we didn't notice right away. And we didn't know where she went! I think the fumes where bothering her.

Morgan drove by herself and was pleased as could be that she was the only kids who could.

I went with Gwen and Mr. L went with Little M, Which left Andy going with Big L.

And it resulted in hilarious photos.

Gwen tried to drive all by herself but her legs just weren't long enough still. So, I still had to hit the gas. BUT Gwen has grown a good 3" over the past year, so by the time we go again, I think she will be good to drive by herself.

The Christmas overlay was out. And it was fun to have the over decor out.

Giant snowballs, anyone?

The kids loved the ride. I know as adults this ride is just the worst butt for kids it is so fun. I just hope they update it eventually.

Little M got his drivers liscence while we were there as well!

After, we found Miss L and split up for our last ride of the day.
Miss L and I took the big kids to ride Space again. Miss L was on the fence about riding and I said I could take all 3 by myself but she decided to come anyway.

And Andy and Mr. L took little M to ride on Buzz Lightyear.

The kids loved that we started the day with Space and ended the day with Space.

Since we had fast pass this time, we got to ride the other side. And it looks like Gwen was nice enough to let Big L to ride in the front.

Space was fun as always. And clearly the kids enjoyed it.


We met up once we were all done with our rides, and started to head out of the park. It was a little before 5 at this point. And we had dinner reservations at 6.

As we were all leaving, someone gave Miss L 2 balloons! Miss L looooves photos and stagged photos and seriously disney magic for her.

So, we HAD to stop and take some castle pictures with the balloons.
Just a kid and his balloon!


The L's Photopass photto




I am not sure what we are doing in this picture...

After our photo shoot, we did a little browsing on main street. And that balloon was super annoying! I told Gwen to find something to give the balloon to. And Gwen took this VERY seriously. She wanted to find a little kid that "looked like they just wanted a balloon" She eventually found a family sitting on the curb outside of the stores. She gave it to a little girl with an older brother. And the little girl's face just lite up. Gwen was over the moon at giving a little Disney magic!

While we shopped in the store, Miss L went and got there anniversary buttons. Mrogan found an advent charm bracelet that she wanted. it was 12 holiday themed charms that you were to each day before Christmas. And Gwen found a pink basecall hat with pom poms on it to look like mickey ears. We paid and went outside to meet up with the L's. Gwen went o put her hat on and we realized that the CM didn't take the security tag off. So, Andy and Gwen ran back in to get that removed.

While we waited we got to see the flag cerimony. which was kind of cool to see.

Little M went with Miss L to get the button. And the CM let him make his own button as well. This is what he put! So, adorable!

At 5:30 we finally left the park and headed to the boat to head over to Wilderness Lodge for dinner!

So, today was a Christmas Party day and the park was closing at 5 or 6. And I was hoping to take advantage of a less crowded day at Magic Kingdom. And I do think it was less crowded. In fact, I think it was less crowded than the party we went to later in the week! But more on that later.

Up next dinner!
I can’t believe Gwen doesn’t like HM, is is the spookiness or something else?
Thanks. It was one of those moments that felt funny even in the moment.

I also don’t like all the changes going on! The ME being discontinued is a real bummer!
I know!!!! Magical Express leaving is probably the first thing that I have been actually bummed about! The good news is, we will get at least one last ride on it if we keep our Thanksgiving trip. I just hope they have a good alternative by the time it is gone.
What an awesome day! I love that you ended the day with Space Mountain and a little pixie dust with receiving the balloons. I can just picture how excited Gwen was giving her balloon to the other little girl. So sweet!


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