Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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My 80 and 87 year old parents got their second Moderna vaccine today! Definitely a moment. I'm a little emotional about it. And after a year sitting home, they just signed up for a fall bowling league. They're also going to start signing up to attend Mass. These will be huge in their lives. :love:

That's really great. Very similar to our family. DH's parents are 89 and 87 and devout Catholics. They get the second vaccine (Moderna) on Thursday. They are looking forward to attending Mass again in person, something they've missed very much.

In other news today....My 68 year old neighbor just told me that she has a shot at two appointments next week (at two different locations) and is deciding between the J&J or the Moderna before tomorrow, so she doesn't hold up a slot for someone else. So we're already getting to that place....where people may have a choice.

And I just got an e-mail about an hour ago that a local food-bank in my town can use me as a vaccinator! I signed up awhile ago through the state, and somehow my info got to the place that is very close to my home.
That's really great. Very similar to our family. DH's parents are 89 and 87 and devout Catholics. They get the second vaccine (Moderna) on Thursday. They are looking forward to attending Mass again in person, something they've missed very much.

In other news today....My 68 year old neighbor just told me that she has a shot at two appointments next week (at two different locations) and is deciding between the J&J or the Moderna before tomorrow, so she doesn't hold up a slot for someone else. So we're already getting to that place....where people may have a choice.

And I just got an e-mail about an hour ago that a local food-bank in my town can use me as a vaccinator! I signed up awhile ago through the state, and somehow my info got to the place that is very close to my home.

Im a J & J fan -- basically because I wanted to only do 1 dose--- (and read that any possible side effects were less with J & J) Also read alot of stories about people that did Pfizer or Moderna, and when it was time for their appt for second dose, the vaccine wasnt available--- I dont think I have enough Xanax on hand to deal with the potential of that happening !
I had my second Pfizer vaccine yesterday afternoon. So far, so good - I haven’t had any side effects. I did have to get permission from my Infectious Disease doctor to get the second dose right now. Last week I had surgery to remove my right knee replacement implant. Somehow 7.5 months after having both knees replaced, the right implant and tibia got infected. Now I have to do 6 weeks of IV antibiotics (minimum) before I can have the knee redone. Wish me luck!
I may have spoken too soon. Had the 2nd Pfizer shot on Wednesday 3/3. I felt totally fine until Sunday when I got really bad chills. Took my temp several times and it was normal during the day but crept up to 99.7 at night. The highest it got when I actually had Covid back in January was 100.7. I woke up Monday morning soaking wet with a normal temp, so my fever must have spiked in the night and then broken. By 4:30 when the home health nurse came, it was up to 99.9. It continued to go up to 102.4, and I felt like crap. I called my surgeon’s on call number. He told me to take Tylenol and make an appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday if it happened again. Today it was 99.7 during my morning home nursing visit, but after Tylenol it went ack to normal. I took more Tylenol at 4:00 pm and took a nap with a sweater, blankets and fireplace going because I was shivering. Now at 6:00 pm my temp is 102.7.

I messaged my surgeon’s office today because I don’t know whether the fever is from the covid shot, the recent surgery or the staph infection in my knee. I’ve been on twice daily vancomycin infusions since 2/25. My knee sutures and my picc line were checked on Monday and Tuesday. Both look great. I’m going to my surgeon’s office tomorrow just in case though. I feel like crap. Have any of you felt fine for a few days after getting the shot and then felt bad?
I may have spoken too soon. Had the 2nd Pfizer shot on Wednesday 3/3. I felt totally fine until Sunday when I got really bad chills. Took my temp several times and it was normal during the day but crept up to 99.7 at night. The highest it got when I actually had Covid back in January was 100.7. I woke up Monday morning soaking wet with a normal temp, so my fever must have spiked in the night and then broken. By 4:30 when the home health nurse came, it was up to 99.9. It continued to go up to 102.4, and I felt like crap. I called my surgeon’s on call number. He told me to take Tylenol and make an appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday if it happened again. Today it was 99.7 during my morning home nursing visit, but after Tylenol it went ack to normal. I took more Tylenol at 4:00 pm and took a nap with a sweater, blankets and fireplace going because I was shivering. Now at 6:00 pm my temp is 102.7.

I messaged my surgeon’s office today because I don’t know whether the fever is from the covid shot, the recent surgery or the staph infection in my knee. I’ve been on twice daily vancomycin infusions since 2/25. My knee sutures and my picc line were checked on Monday and Tuesday. Both look great. I’m going to my surgeon’s office tomorrow just in case though. I feel like crap. Have any of you felt fine for a few days after getting the shot and then felt bad?
Oh my gosh. That's a lot to deal with. I hope you're feeling better soon. :flower3:
I may have spoken too soon. Had the 2nd Pfizer shot on Wednesday 3/3. I felt totally fine until Sunday when I got really bad chills. Took my temp several times and it was normal during the day but crept up to 99.7 at night. The highest it got when I actually had Covid back in January was 100.7. I woke up Monday morning soaking wet with a normal temp, so my fever must have spiked in the night and then broken. By 4:30 when the home health nurse came, it was up to 99.9. It continued to go up to 102.4, and I felt like crap. I called my surgeon’s on call number. He told me to take Tylenol and make an appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday if it happened again. Today it was 99.7 during my morning home nursing visit, but after Tylenol it went ack to normal. I took more Tylenol at 4:00 pm and took a nap with a sweater, blankets and fireplace going because I was shivering. Now at 6:00 pm my temp is 102.7.

I messaged my surgeon’s office today because I don’t know whether the fever is from the covid shot, the recent surgery or the staph infection in my knee. I’ve been on twice daily vancomycin infusions since 2/25. My knee sutures and my picc line were checked on Monday and Tuesday. Both look great. I’m going to my surgeon’s office tomorrow just in case though. I feel like crap. Have any of you felt fine for a few days after getting the shot and then felt bad?

Wow-- Feel better soon, and please--- when you are up to it, keep us updated !!!
Im a J & J fan -- basically because I wanted to only do 1 dose--- (and read that any possible side effects were less with J & J) Also read alot of stories about people that did Pfizer or Moderna, and when it was time for their appt for second dose, the vaccine wasnt available--- I dont think I have enough Xanax on hand to deal with the potential of that happening !

I'll take whatever I can get, but thinking J&J is likely what I'll have a shot at first....but we shall see. I'm just hearing more and more people getting it every day now. We're going to be at the "anyone who wants one can get one!".....sooner than we think. As for Xanax.....is there any left after this past year? ;).
My 78 year old mom got her first dose of Moderna yesterday.
She felt great today!

I got a call today to move up my appt from the end of April to this week for first dose but have to drive one hour to get there. Figured it would be worth the drive to get it over with.
I was the opposite. With my first dose of Maderna I lost my apatite for 24-48 hours.
I was starving by the time I got home, but that was also 4.5 hours. It seemed like I was craving smaller meals for three days afterwards though. Everytime I would get done eating I would think I ate way too much.
I'll take whatever I can get, but thinking J&J is likely what I'll have a shot at first....but we shall see. I'm just hearing more and more people getting it every day now. We're going to be at the "anyone who wants one can get one!".....sooner than we think. As for Xanax.....is there any left after this past year? ;).
According to my wife, who is associated with the local vaccine clinic, they are at that point now in her health system. Everyone eligible that wants it can get it, they are making appointments this afternoon for tomorrow morning, and have cancelled a couple days of the clinic due to lack of interest. They are either going to have to open up eligibility, transfer the vaccine they have to other systems or throw it away.
My friend just got her first vaccine last Thursday (Pfizer). She had a lot of systemic side effects over the weekend (bad headache and body aches).

Just curious, for those of you who had bad effects on the first shot, how did your second shot go?

I got Pfizer and was sick after each dose. With dose 1, I had a fever, severe fatigue, headache, zero appetite, generally felt unwell. With dose 2, I had a higher fever (102.9), more body aches, less fatigue, normal appetite, and an enlarged lymph node near the vaccination site. The effects lasted about the same amount of time with each dose, I think.
I got Pfizer and was sick after each dose. With dose 1, I had a fever, severe fatigue, headache, zero appetite, generally felt unwell. With dose 2, I had a higher fever (102.9), more body aches, less fatigue, normal appetite, and an enlarged lymph node near the vaccination site. The effects lasted about the same amount of time with each dose, I think.
Thank you so much for the feedback. I'll share that with her so she's prepared. That's very helpful. I mean, obviously she'd prefer to hear it wasn't as bad, but it will help to have the right expectations.
"Have any of you felt fine for a few days after getting the shot and then felt bad?"

@Mrs. Ciz Yes! A friend of mine called Saturday to chat and say that she had received her first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago. She said she had no side effects but a minor sore arm until SIX days later when she got many of them to a severe degree. She is still seeing her doctor for lingering Covid symptoms (she had a bad case in November and December) and he told her that people who had Covid (at least who had Covid somewhat recently) can have a much stronger reaction in terms of side effects than people who never had the virus. She said that for 24-48 hours, she felt just as bad as she did when sick. Then she woke up on the third day or so, and it had all just gone away. She also didn't know anyone who had such a delayed reaction as she did.

I guess just like with the illness itself, it is hard to predict how the side effects will affect a person. But I did want to mention that to you since you also had Covid recently and had a delayed reaction to the vaccine. It definitely helps to know that someone else has had the same experience.
I'm 3 weeks since my 2nd Pfizer and a buddy will be two weeks Thursday. I picked up from the best wings place in town a couple of days ago and asked if their "Free draft beer" coupons were still valid. (They gave them out for several months early in the pandemic.) They are, because as the owner said, "A cold beer is a cold beer...right?'

I originally had 4 coupons, but I managed to lose one somehow. I told them and the owner said, "Well, you have an honest face." One of the waiters I've known for years said, "Yeah, and he's a retired cop."

The owner said, "Well, he still has an honest face!"

So I think my buddy and I may indulge in another week or two. They have great craft beers on tap.

Or...we could wait for the girls to get vaccinated! Naw.
I may have spoken too soon. Had the 2nd Pfizer shot on Wednesday 3/3. I felt totally fine until Sunday when I got really bad chills. Took my temp several times and it was normal during the day but crept up to 99.7 at night. The highest it got when I actually had Covid back in January was 100.7. I woke up Monday morning soaking wet with a normal temp, so my fever must have spiked in the night and then broken. By 4:30 when the home health nurse came, it was up to 99.9. It continued to go up to 102.4, and I felt like crap. I called my surgeon’s on call number. He told me to take Tylenol and make an appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday if it happened again. Today it was 99.7 during my morning home nursing visit, but after Tylenol it went ack to normal. I took more Tylenol at 4:00 pm and took a nap with a sweater, blankets and fireplace going because I was shivering. Now at 6:00 pm my temp is 102.7.

I messaged my surgeon’s office today because I don’t know whether the fever is from the covid shot, the recent surgery or the staph infection in my knee. I’ve been on twice daily vancomycin infusions since 2/25. My knee sutures and my picc line were checked on Monday and Tuesday. Both look great. I’m going to my surgeon’s office tomorrow just in case though. I feel like crap. Have any of you felt fine for a few days after getting the shot and then felt bad?

I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.

I got my 1st Moderna on a Thursday and felt fine the next day. On Monday, I got super nauseous and ran a slight fever. I was worried I maybe picked up COVID at my vaccine appointment so I went into the doctor. The doctor told me it was unlikely to be related to the vaccine but because it was so new, he couldn’t tell me for sure. He ran a bunch of tests (blood, EKG, COVID19) and only my potassium came up low. I visited my PCP the next day and was told basically the same thing. It wouldn’t be a typical reaction to the vaccine to have that kind of a delay. I felt better after a couple of days so who knows what it was.
Update to J&J: got vaccine at about 12:45AM last night. Was fine until about 4PM today where it just kicked my butt. DH came home and said I looked pretty pale. I was under 3 blankets on the couch, could not keep my eyes open, headache, body aches, sore arm, on and off nausea, no appetite.

Been drinking a ton of water and regular Tylenol.

It’s gotten better as the night goes on. Hoping I’ll wake up tomorrow and be good to go. And I can’t complain too much, I know this is worth it.
I’m so happy for those that have been able to get vaccinated but I’m feeling so discouraged. I’m in group 1A and have been registered with my county and several hospitals since January with zero luck! I’m supposed to be starting new meds but my neurologist insists that I have my Covid vacs first then wait an additional month afterwards before starting the new medication. Trying not to stress but some days it’s hard.
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