Will WDW lift mask mandate?

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That is the norm in Asian countries. Actually, they do it for other reasons too. It might be allergies, or it might just be to disengage, like wearing headphones it signals to leave someone alone like on the subway, etc. I do think it will become more common here and people will continue to do so and it won't be weird to see a few people out and about wearing them.
It does make you feel a little more standoffish doesn't it? Like having sunglasses on.
I look at it as making the best out of the situation. I'm a big auburn fan and so have 3 auburn cloth masks I rotate through since if I have to wear it may as well be something I enjoy.
It does make you feel a little more standoffish doesn't it? Like having sunglasses on.

Yeah, I read about it when I was in Japan. So many people wore masks - it seemed unusual to me at the time. They don't talk much out in public anyway, but the masks are a social signal as well as protective for the wearer and others.
i dont think any of the Populated counties here in FL (miami, Palm beach, Orange, Tampa etc...) will lift any mask mandates. I dont even think the Governor will lift any mask mandate.

Over time, (my guess the summer) if the vaccines go as planned, the masks will just fade away little by little. Some stores will require and some wont.

I think Disney will be the LAST place to get rid of masks. I see them getting rid of the social distancing before masks. The masks will be Disney's last resort of protection until they are 100% sure.
True we have all of those, but to be fair, some of us don't like some of those either. Just because laws are made doesn't mean that everyone just automatically agrees with them. I personally enjoyed sliding around in the back of a Pinto my entire childhood. lol When I read your post my only thought went to how right you were, and how awful it would be if the current rules ALSO became permanent. I mean I know plenty of bikers who HATE helmet laws and don't even get me started on the smokers, so these are all considered minor inconveniences to most, but yeah the scary part for ME is how long this is dragging out and how much fun people seem to be having matching their masks to their outfits etc...just ugh.
We have some things in common! 1. My mom has a yellow pinto station wagon that we also enjoyed sliding around in. 2. I also was concerned early on with “mask economy” developing on Etsy AND by major companies. Yesterday I saw a pajama set with a matching mask.....like are people sleeping in them? We noticed Halloween costumes with matching surgical style masks, girls headbands with matching masks, and many more things to indicate there’s profit to be had at “normalizing” them. I could get started on wipes....I have these....561692
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We have some things in common! 1. My mom has a yellow pinto station wagon that we also enjoyed sliding around in. 2. I also was concerned early on with “mask economy” developing on Etsy AND by major companies. Yesterday I saw a pajama set with a matching mask.....like are people sleeping in them? We noticed Halloween costumes with matching surgical style masks, girls headbands with matching masks, and many more things to indicate there’s profit to be had at “normalizing” them. I could get started on wipes....I have these....View attachment 561692
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Walmart has in the girls and boys sections bunches of shirts with matching masks ...I don’t like it.
Also seen in girls sections shirts that say social distancing expert and ones with emojis wearing masks. I don’t like at all.
people getting so comfortable wearing masks all the time is a little weird to me, yes. I mean to each their own but I'm more about finding one that I can stand on my face rather than how cute it looks. Sorry, just my opinion.

Why apologize for your opinion? I think most can agree that the entire situation is super weird.

I have two masks. One was given to me by my future dr. daughter and the other I bought in Disney because I forgot said gifted mask and can’t stand the disposable ones because they itch like mad. I wore the Disney mask right out of the package 😱, but bleach it after a wear (or 2). 😛

Generally, the two I have live in my bag and I pull them out when I need them. Most places in my county in FL do not require them and even the places like Walmart and Publix that mandate are not chasing people through the store who don’t have them on. That is likely what will happen in the theme parks.
We have some things in common! 1. My mom has a yellow pinto station wagon that we also enjoyed sliding around in. 2. I also was concerned early on with “mask economy” developing on Etsy AND by major companies. Yesterday I saw a pajama set with a matching mask.....like are people sleeping in them? We noticed Halloween costumes with matching surgical style masks, girls headbands with matching masks, and many more things to indicate there’s profit to be had at “normalizing” them. I could get started on wipes....I have these....View attachment 561692
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The mask economy?!

I mean, it's only natural that people would try to make the best of it - why shouldn't they? Are we supposed to jsut resent masks so much every time we put one on? That would be soul-crushing after a while. I'm a guy so I don't get super matchy-matchy with them - I just did the blue disposables for a while until I finall bought some cloth ones and got some Star Wars ones for Christmas. I do try to pick one that goes with what I'm wearing, which is often a Star Wars t-shirt anyway. 😁 I would definitely get more Disney ones if I went to WDW - I have rules about wearing Disney shirts at Disney - it is required! I would definitely need themed masks too.
The mask economy?!

It’s for real on Etsy, a seller friend was telling me how ppl stealing each other’s designs and there are serious arguments and drama over it. There was a big deal about scarcity of certain cloths and prints and the cost skyrocketed on eBay. It’s a “whole thing” and I find it fascinating.
So basically, people have issues with OTHER people wearing masks
people have issues with OTHER people making masks and trying to earn some money in a PANDAMIC

WOW, just WOW, Holy crap, I thought I had see everything with the anti mask brigade, but this takes it to another level
So basically, people have issues with OTHER people wearing masks
people have issues with OTHER people making masks and trying to earn some money in a PANDAMIC

WOW, just WOW, Holy crap, I thought I had see everything with the anti mask brigade, but this takes it to another level

Etsy people get into fights over shirt designs, ear designs, etc. Nothing new. I have no idea what they’d fight over with masks unless you are designing and creating your own fabric and someone copies it.
So basically, people have issues with OTHER people wearing masks
people have issues with OTHER people making masks and trying to earn some money in a PANDAMIC

WOW, just WOW, Holy crap, I thought I had see everything with the anti mask brigade, but this takes it to another level
The topic veered to “normalization” of masking. For the record I’m fine with masks during a pandemic. However once profit is introduced into anything it makes it harder for it to “go away” because the people profiting off that thing will prefer for that thing to stay around. This applies to anything in society. So we were just pointing out ways we can see it. I didn’t see anybody say they have an issue with the individual’s profiting. My friend has done better on Etsy during the pandemic and is sad for masks going away at all because she will lose all the money. And it is a lot of money that she’s made.
We have some things in common! 1. My mom has a yellow pinto station wagon that we also enjoyed sliding around in. 2. I also was concerned early on with “mask economy” developing on Etsy AND by major companies. Yesterday I saw a pajama set with a matching mask.....like are people sleeping in them? We noticed Halloween costumes with matching surgical style masks, girls headbands with matching masks, and many more things to indicate there’s profit to be had at “normalizing” them. I could get started on wipes....I have these....View attachment 561692
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Many businesses have benefitted financially from this virus and sadly many have not. :( I hate to say this given the loss some of us suffered but outside of the pharmaceutical companies cashing in, many others have as well like laminate companies, sign companies, zoom, etc... If we think long enough, there are many businesses which have profited.

Mask sales is a billion dollar industry.
Why apologize for your opinion? I think most can agree that the entire situation is super weird.

I have two masks. One was given to me by my future dr. daughter and the other I bought in Disney because I forgot said gifted mask and can’t stand the disposable ones because they itch like mad. I wore the Disney mask right out of the package 😱, but bleach it after a wear (or 2). 😛

Generally, the two I have live in my bag and I pull them out when I need them. Most places in my county in FL do not require them and even the places like Walmart and Publix that mandate are not chasing people through the store who don’t have them on. That is likely what will happen in the theme parks.

This is me except I have like 5-6 because I got 2 free for bday gift at vera bradley. I am also in Florida and its the same here most places don't require, and those that have the signs don't enforce and always quite a few not wearing them ( of all ages) and they never ever say anything to kids not wearing them. Its quite wonderful here :). I even overheard someone ask in homedepot if they have to wear them and were told its nice if you don't but we won't say anything or kick you out. Its really a fairly normal world here...lol.
The topic veered to “normalization” of masking. For the record I’m fine with masks during a pandemic. However once profit is introduced into anything it makes it harder for it to “go away” because the people profiting off that thing will prefer for that thing to stay around. This applies to anything in society. So we were just pointing out ways we can see it. I didn’t see anybody say they have an issue with the individual’s profiting. My friend has done better on Etsy during the pandemic and is sad for masks going away at all because she will lose all the money. And it is a lot of money that she’s made.

So is the implication that mask makers are working to keep the pandemic going because there are billions to be made?!

Is Nyquil running around spraying pollen everywhere?!

This is a train that is headed straight towards crazy town.

Or did it come from there?

Is the Etsy lobby hitting DC hard to keep it going?! lol
Why are there 19 pages of opinions and speculations? Yes I know it's a rumors and news page, but 19 pages? :rotfl2: They will lift it when they lift it!

Because we are getting to the bottom of what is really going on.

WDW and Etsy have teamed up with the illuminati to keep this pandemic going as there are billions to be made from masks....

Forget the $150 admission ticket and $500/night hotels and $8 Mickey bars...

No, the real money has been in cloth and elastics this whole time. Once Chapek found out, he assembled a mighty team of at home Etsy dealers to finally make all the money he could ever imagine.............

God help us all
Why apologize for your opinion? I think most can agree that the entire situation is super weird.

Thank you! It seems like you have to these days or people jump all over you. God forbid you voice a differing opinion lol. I enjoy hearing what people have to say, even if I totally disagree with them. It doesn't make me think they are stupid or idiots, just different. I realize some people just want to bait you into arguing...as we've seen today lol Bless em'.:rolleyes:
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