***Official March 2021 Thread***

I'm really encouraged by the wait times I'm seeing these past few days! With this week having no availability, I figure it is probably the most accurate as far as predicting wait times for our trip (March 18-26). The times have been very doable!!!! Compared to our last spring break trip, with great FP and a good touring strategy, I don't think we will be disappointed with waits this year. Just three more sleeps!!!!!!

It's funny because I have looked at the wait times sporadically and thought to myself how they didn't seem too bad for the most part. Then I see others posting in facebook groups about terribly long waits and I am blown away. I have been during some busy times (but this is my first spring break trip) and these waits aren't back compared to some other times that I've seen. Sure it would be wonderful to have fastpasses right now but I would take a 45 minutes wait over a 3 hour wait any day even though I normally work the FP system and never wait that long.
Anyone interested in a 6:35p ADR for Whispering Canyon on 3/19? If so, PM me and we can coordinate. I'm going to release it.
totally un disney related. But we have to put one of our dogs down today.
Thanks. He's 13 so it's not like hes young and he's far outlived what we expected with all his issues. Hes a "purebred" Pomeranian, or so the shelter thought. Basically hes a poorly, overbred dog that was born with a whole lot of genetic issues. He's got a collapsing trachea, luxating patellas, among other issues, so really we expected he'd die much younger. Like he will bark his butt off bc he's a little yippy dog, and bark so much his trach starts to suck shut like a straw when your drinking a think milk shake, then he'll cough so much he'll pass out. He's got separation anxiety, so we could never crate train him, bc he would literally bark himself to death. Which leads to this issue. Being a stupid barky dog, he jumped off the couch to bark at something and hurt his back which pinched a nerve in his neck, maybe a month ago. He couldn't walk on one of his front legs. We got him meds and he seemed to be getting better, but we are supposed to keep him from jumping. How do you do that with a dog you can't put in a crate, and even if you did, he'd bark which also hurt him. So then something happened with one of his back legs. Took him back to the vet, its soft tissue something. Well we still can't keep him from jumping 100% of the time. But now he's in so much pain he just shakes, unless you drug him up so much he just lays on the couch. We can barely get him to eat enough to take his meds. But like 3 hours a day he seems pretty good. Hes got 2-3 hours in the afternoons where he walks around with no problems (although still stiffly) and his tail is wagging and he seems pretty happy. I don't think that's good enough to keep him alive. Like I'm trying to explain that quality of life is more important than quantity to my kids. And while we all get it, and want him not to suffer, like that 3 hours a day makes it even harder.
I have a weather question. We are coming from California and I’m wondering about the evening temperatures. Out here, it cools off quite a bit in the evening. So this week there are a couple of days in the 70s cooling off to the 50s at night. Is that shorts weather? Pants? I don’t know what to bring. Lol
Skyliner must be down this morning, they’re running buses to EP and HS from Pop and it’s a madhouse! Glad I’m off to AK
It got fixed while I was still waiting for my AK bus, they sent a bunch of people to the skyliner, but still sent buses for people who wanted them
I have a weather question. We are coming from California and I’m wondering about the evening temperatures. Out here, it cools off quite a bit in the evening. So this week there are a couple of days in the 70s cooling off to the 50s at night. Is that shorts weather? Pants? I don’t know what to bring. Lol

I think it will be hard to get a clear answer on this. I live in North Alabama and 70's feel good but because I'm cold natured, 50's are chilly to me. I plan to wear capris and have a light jacket next week just because if I can get my arms warm I am normally okay. Now if you asked my husband, 70's are hot and 50's are finally starting to feel good. But he wears shorts and short sleeves all the time during even the coldest times.
I have a weather question. We are coming from California and I’m wondering about the evening temperatures. Out here, it cools off quite a bit in the evening. So this week there are a couple of days in the 70s cooling off to the 50s at night. Is that shorts weather? Pants? I don’t know what to bring. Lol

Bring both. We've been this time in March before where the forecast showed 80+ degree days and then it took a drastic turn on us and we were scrambling as we had only packed 1-2 pairs of pants and 1-2 longsleeves. Mornings can be chilly and usually turn nice around lunchtime. You just never know..
Returned from our trip Saturday and below are some random thoughts (especially on thread topics from the last few days):

ADRs – don’t lose hope if you’re unable to secure a reservation before your trip. I found everything I wanted the night before between 8-10p. Also, I found searching specific times opened up additional options that didn’t automatically show under the time category (i.e. “lunch). Literally restaurants that showed no availability. Loop hole? Also note – most ADRs now have mobile check-in. I always forgot to do this, so learn from my mistakes! You can check in 20 minutes prior to your arrival time to help reduce your wait.

Rope Drop – this can’t be overstated. We grabbed the first bus from AKL and arrived at MK @8:13a where they allowed people to enter @8:15a. We were able to ride 9 (!!) rides before 10:30a since we weren’t going on “big-hitters,” but then things became sluggish. We rode 4 rides the remainder of the day (note: we did leave for an afternoon nap). 30+ minute lines everywhere all day, including Tom Sawyer island – phew! Note: our day @MK was a 4 out of 10 day per TP. But we walked around and enjoyed just being in the park which was lovely….I’m normally a go-go-goer.

Covid measures – I didn’t notice anyone in the park abusing mask guidelines…maybe I wasn’t paying attention? The weather was so pleasant and it never bothered me to wear one. As others have mentioned, the que markers aren’t always adhered to, but they can also be very confusing (I assume to properly space out people horizontally). I just always made a note to follow them, even if it meant looking stupid because the next marker was 5 yards away. The people behind me would usually get the hint. Disney Springs was a little more of a bear. If you’re Covid sensitive I would not recommend visiting this trip. Everywhere else felt completely safe and well thought out. Rooms were very clean.

Mobile Orders – this was such a great addition. We took someone’s tip to plan out our in-park meals that morning on the bus so all we had to do was click “I’m Here” when ready to eat. Because of the reduced options in MK, you really need to plan to eat as early as possible. Our order was for 11:30a and by the time we finished at noon it was a mad house.

Weather – absolutely gorgeous…if not a little cold for the pools. But we braved them. Most highs under 75 and I wish I had brought more pants and loose layers. Wearing a mask was a piece of cake in that weather. Our last day was 85 and it was significantly more difficult.

AKL (4 nights) – this was our first time staying here and it was lots of fun. I was concerned staying at Jambo we would miss amenities, but my husband said he was SO glad we weren’t @kidani. It was much more packed and we didn’t miss the lack of restaurant options. Having the large gathering area to ourselves was so cool! Buses were prevalent and empty…we never waited more than 15 minutes.

SSR (2 nights) – we stayed in a renovated room in the Paddock area and it was beautiful. Very light and airy…though going forward we would splurge for a preferred room to be closer to the Springs. Bus wait times were awful, but we knew that going in since it’s such a big resort. We waited 40 minutes both times we took a bus. The Paddock pool was perfect for kids as well as the adorable playground near DS. We were surprised to have trash service on our one full day?

This was our first time renting DVC points and we had so much fun trying it out! Who knows…maybe we’ll take the plunge 😬
Thanks but at least 1 day too early for me
My initial response was confusing! The reservation we may drop is indeed on 4/1. We just won’t know if we’re going to drop it until we see how the little one does on day 1 at MK. I’ve never visited with a kiddo before, so we’ll probably have to be very flexible.
@JFox I cannot find in MDE where my flight arrival time is for Magical Express - can you tell me where you saw it?
I had to log in, not in the app. Update check in details and it was include I the summary.
I can see why you might think that, but that is not actually true. Magical Express does not rely on the "arrival time" in the check in details. The arrival time selected during check in is optional, and is there to inform the hotel so they can prioritize housekeeping to try to have your room ready earlier if you have an arrival, or know they can wait later if you arriving late. It is not communicated to Magical Express.

Instead, Magical Express times are pegged to your flight number. So if your airline changes your flight time, or if you put in a different time in "online check in", it won't matter to Magical Express, so long as your flight number does not change (which sometimes happens, in which case you should call magical express directly at 866-599-0951). To see what flight number is selected for Magical Express, it should be in your reservation confirmation email from Disney, but if not, you can click "change reservation" and look at the transportation section.
**edited to add** If you have received a Magical Express letter in the mail that comes a couple weeks before the trip, it should have the flight number there too. I just know that isn't always a given--we usually get those letters but there have been a few trips where we didn't get them.
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I can see why you might think that, but that is not actually true. Magical Express does not rely on the "arrival time" in the check in details. The arrival time selected during check in is optional, and is there to inform the hotel so they can prioritize housekeeping to try to have your room ready earlier if you have an arrival, or know they can wait later if you arriving late. It is not communicated to Magical Express.

Instead, Magical Express times are pegged to your flight number. So if your airline changes your flight time, or if you put in a different time in "online check in", it won't matter to Magical Express, so long as your flight number does not change (which sometimes happens, in which case you should call magical express directly at 866-599-0951). To see what flight number is selected for Magical Express, it should be in your reservation confirmation email from Disney, but if not, you can click "change reservation" and look at the transportation section.

I am aware that they are completely independent of each other. And my issue was not with ME, they were correct, it was with resort arrival.

When I completed my check in I selected 11:30am for my resort arrival, took a screen shot just I case. Then I made my ME reservation based on my airline flight arrival to MCO. When I logged in during my flight I was not provided an option to update the resort arrival time. The resort arrival clearly said, Arriving via ME or something like that.

The 12am time is very specific and technically the day AFTER my check in. Since I know that I did everything correctly there has to be something else that is triggering/overriding the time I selected for resort arrival.
I am struggling today. Our trip starts in 3 days... March 18th. I woke up this morning to an email from Frontier Airlines pertaining to "important information about my upcoming trip". I opened the email and it showed that I was flying to LAS VEGAS on Thurs. I starting panicking and freaking out. I checked my confirmation email from when I booked the flight back in November. It had been to Orlando.. arriving at 5:30pm. I looked more closely at today's email, and it showed that it was still to Orlando, but had a lay-over now in Vegas. The kicker is, the layover is 8 hours long, and the flight from Vegas to Orlando is at 1am... having us arrive at 5am on the 19th. I have 4 little kids, that is not going to work!!! Not to mention we are paying $xxxx for our BLT 2-bedroom on the night of the 18th! I have been calling Frontier all day to try to get something else worked out, but the line is busy. I don't know what I'm going to do. I am having PTSD from all the cancellations last year and the disappointments. My heart is racing, I am shaking, and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

(Updated in post 1724)
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I am struggling today. Our trip starts in 3 days... March 18th. I woke up this morning to an email from Frontier Airlines pertaining to "important information about my upcoming trip". I opened the email and it showed that I was flying to LAS VEGAS on Thurs. I starting panicking and freaking out. I checked my confirmation email from when I booked the flight back in November. It had been to Orlando.. arriving at 5:30pm. I looked more closely at today's email, and it showed that it was still to Orlando, but had a lay-over now in Vegas. The kicker is, the layover is 8 hours long, and the flight from Vegas to Orlando is at 1am... having us arrive at 5am on the 19th. I have 4 little kids, that is not going to work!!! I have been calling Frontier all day to try to get something else worked out, but the line is busy. I don't know what I'm going to do. I am having PTSD from all the cancellations last year and the disappointments. My heart is racing, I am shaking, and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

oh no :( that type of thing is my worst nightmare. i hope they can fix it for you or do *something*!
Contemporary walk to MK - I forgot to mention this above, but I know a few of you plan to walk from Contempo to MK using an ADR. When we arrived at 8:15a there was a line ALL the way down the sidewalk to the intersection by the bus entrance. Since we didn't wait in it, I'm not sure if it moved quickly, but it made us grateful we didn't go that route. Might be worth considering another option?
I am struggling today. Our trip starts in 3 days... March 18th. I woke up this morning to an email from Frontier Airlines pertaining to "important information about my upcoming trip". I opened the email and it showed that I was flying to LAS VEGAS on Thurs. I starting panicking and freaking out. I checked my confirmation email from when I booked the flight back in November. It had been to Orlando.. arriving at 5:30pm. I looked more closely at today's email, and it showed that it was still to Orlando, but had a lay-over now in Vegas. The kicker is, the layover is 8 hours long, and the flight from Vegas to Orlando is at 1am... having us arrive at 5am on the 19th. I have 4 little kids, that is not going to work!!! Not to mention we are paying $xxxx for our BLT 2-bedroom on the night of the 18th! I have been calling Frontier all day to try to get something else worked out, but the line is busy. I don't know what I'm going to do. I am having PTSD from all the cancellations last year and the disappointments. My heart is racing, I am shaking, and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Oh no! I almost booked with Frontier because it flies out an hour closer to home but was worried about the nightmare stories I had read about them. My middle sister is actually flying frontier but her change was for the good (got her to Disney 9 hours earlier). I am hoping they don't end up changing hers again now. I am so sorry. Hopefully you can get things worked out soon for something that works better for you and your family.


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