Realistically, when do think Disney will no longer require masks?

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I live here and I see almost everyone masked everywhere. Granted, I don't go out much............but, I believe almost all places "require" masks, even though there are no mandates by the state, or even "allowed" by the counties.
Thank you!!
I live here and I see almost everyone masked everywhere. Granted, I don't go out much............but, I believe almost all places "require" masks, even though there are no mandates by the state, or even "allowed" by the counties.

But many places won't actually do much when someone doesn't wear one or when they take it off once through the door.
Like I said in the closed thread from a few weeks ago, I'm still optimistic mask requirements will be gone by August. Vaccine supply is about to skyrocket and all 16+ people who want to be vaccinated will be by the end of May (at least first shot). It stinks that kids may not be able to get it until 2022, but I don't think that will stop Disney from dropping mask requirements when cases/hospitalizations/deaths are all minimal by mid-summer.
If I had to make a guess (and it's not a very informed guess as I've only been to WDW once in my life), I expect masks will be the last thing to go in WDW and I can see them requiring them in the parks in one way or form until the end of the year (if not into the beginning of next year). Maybe at one point they will only be required in queues, on rides and in stores and restaurants, but I can't see them lifting that requirement anytime soon (nor do I see the CDC lift the advice anytime soon). I expect them to loosen(and then completely lift) social distancing rules first and ramping up capacity leading up to the summer and 50th anniversary celebration once the US has managed to fully vaccinate 50% (or more) of the population.

On the other hand, where I live (the Netherlands), I see the mask mandate being one of the first things to be lifted once the lockdown is lifted here, and there being some sort of social distance requirements to be in place well into the second half of the year.

Even though I have no plans to return to Disneyworld anytime soon, I do find it really interesting to see how they are dealing with all the COVID measures, especially compared to my own country (not that there's much to compare rn because of lockdown...)
I agree. Disney is going to increase capacity and cut back on social distancing before they lift the mask requirements. Social distancing and the capacity constraints that requires are far more harmful to their bottom line than losing guests that simply don’t want to wear masks (and I don’t judge, I would not want to go in the FL summer with mask requirements in place, I’m not anti-mask, but that would be unpleasant for me and Disney is not cheap).

Wanted to add that I wasn’t fully clear in my previous post, but what I meant about cost to Disney’s bottom line was that to the extent some people don’t come because of masks, whether for personal (which includes me who has no problem with mask mandates, but also doesn’t want to do a trip to Disney until that’s not a thing) or political reasons, Disney will lose far less money on them than they will on not increasing capacity in the parks.

Right now Disney is doing BOTH social distancing/capacity constraints and masking. The priority for Disney’s bottom line is going to be getting rid of things that allow them to lift capacity constrictions first. Mask requirements will make it easier for them to increase capacity as we slowly re-emerge from the pandemic.
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After SARS in the early 2000s, mask-wearing became largely a cultural norm in Asia.

The CDC and many health professionals are hoping it now becomes the new cultural norm in the west as well. I don't see the CDC ever saying you can take the masks off. They will continue to make it a recommendation for years to come. There is no pressure for them to change. Even after COVID, they will say the masks will reduce the flu spread and continue to recommend them. It's the "new normal."

Whether places like grocery stores or WDW continue to mandate them for years to come, that's the question that will be a debate. But if we are going to wait for the CDC to drop the's going to be years.
I could see Disney dropping the mask mandate all of a sudden for the 50th around Oct 1st. Assuming the vaccine rollout continues in the direction it has been going and the numbers continue to drop. I think they’ll keep saying through the end of the year and then surprise everyone by allowing no masks this fall.
After SARS in the early 2000s, mask-wearing became largely a cultural norm in Asia.

The CDC and many health professionals are hoping it now becomes the new cultural norm in the west as well. I don't see the CDC ever saying you can take the masks off. They will continue to make it a recommendation for years to come. There is no pressure for them to change. Even after COVID, they will say the masks will reduce the flu spread and continue to recommend them. It's the "new normal."

Whether places like grocery stores or WDW continue to mandate them for years to come, that's the question that will be a debate. But if we are going to wait for the CDC to drop the's going to be years.

I don’t think it will. Most people in my rural area haven’t worn them the this whole time. Schools open even and no mask requirements. Maybe places like Disney might try and maybe even succeed but I doubt many others will. We booked late summer and I’m actually looking at off site alternates in case universal or legoland, etc., drop their mandates or even reduce them and making our trip this year a Florida trip and not a Disney one. Partly because our kids (and us even, really) haven’t had to wear them for more than small bursts, I’m afraid we’re going to have to “practice” or something. And I’m someone who’s had no problem wearing them this whole time even when my family is the “weird” ones. I’m just not going to wear them forever.
I could see Disney dropping the mask mandate all of a sudden for the 50th around Oct 1st. Assuming the vaccine rollout continues in the direction it has been going and the numbers continue to drop. I think they’ll keep saying through the end of the year and then surprise everyone by allowing no masks this fall.
They can't do it suddenly. There will be people who are coming because they are only comfortable because people are wearing masks. Anything they do needs to be telegraphed in advance.
Like I said in the closed thread from a few weeks ago, I'm still optimistic mask requirements will be gone by August. Vaccine supply is about to skyrocket and all 16+ people who want to be vaccinated will be by the end of May (at least first shot). It stinks that kids may not be able to get it until 2022, but I don't think that will stop Disney from dropping mask requirements when cases/hospitalizations/deaths are all minimal by mid-summer.

Masks will be the last to go. "Herd Immunity" takes place when 95% of the population is vaccinated or has had the virus and has antibodies. Considering the child population isn't getting vaccinated yet this won't occur for some time. Also, you still have roughly 35% of the adult population saying they won't get vaccinated. Masks will be around for some time. I agree with OP that everything else might drop or reduce, including social distancing, but masks will be around. On the good news side, if the rate of vaccinations continues at the current pace, and the pharmaceuticals continue to deliver (including J&J), by Memorial Day 80% of the US adult population will be fully vaccinated. (If we can get them to take the shot!) The potential for things to be somewhat back to normal by Memorial Day is there.
After SARS in the early 2000s, mask-wearing became largely a cultural norm in Asia.

The CDC and many health professionals are hoping it now becomes the new cultural norm in the west as well. I don't see the CDC ever saying you can take the masks off. They will continue to make it a recommendation for years to come. There is no pressure for them to change. Even after COVID, they will say the masks will reduce the flu spread and continue to recommend them. It's the "new normal."

Whether places like grocery stores or WDW continue to mandate them for years to come, that's the question that will be a debate. But if we are going to wait for the CDC to drop the's going to be years.
Lol no

Maks have been norm in countries like China because of the poor air quality
They can't do it suddenly. There will be people who are coming because they are only comfortable because people are wearing masks. Anything they do needs to be telegraphed in advance.

Maybe not all of a sudden (like day before) but I could see several weeks or a month out. And of course people can continue to wear masks if they choose. I don’t think saying they aren’t requiring them anymore means anyone has to stop wearing them. Or maybe it will be a type of hybrid regulation where you don’t have to wear them outdoors but still do indoors or in audience/show situations.

16+ are allowed to be vaccinated here as of tomorrow and my teen will be vaccinated on Tuesday and have her second dose long before our trip this summer. I can just see the number of people being vaccinated increasing SO much between now and fall which is why I think it’s possible they close relax the requirement in some way or another in the Fall.
After SARS in the early 2000s, mask-wearing became largely a cultural norm in Asia.

The CDC and many health professionals are hoping it now becomes the new cultural norm in the west as well. I don't see the CDC ever saying you can take the masks off. They will continue to make it a recommendation for years to come. There is no pressure for them to change. Even after COVID, they will say the masks will reduce the flu spread and continue to recommend them. It's the "new normal."

Whether places like grocery stores or WDW continue to mandate them for years to come, that's the question that will be a debate. But if we are going to wait for the CDC to drop the's going to be years.

This ain't it, chief.
Well, Texas is messed up. Plus, here in Austin, a ton of people want to get it. The local health authority, which is one of 3 hubs for the county, has over 250,000 people 65+ or high risk on their waiting list. They are only getting 12,000 a week, so about 20 weeks from now just for those 65+/high risk. NO chance I'll get one from them. They are primarily getting the 2 shot. The other hub is serving lower economic strata and minority groups. I don't know if they just aren't vaccinating quickly enough; however, looking at shots per state on CNN, Texas has usually only administered <5% that what other states have administered percentage wise based upon how many vaccines have been sent to the state. Texas is claiming that the feds are not giving us enough vaccine. Looking at how many adults we have in the state compared to Florida or California, it looks like Texas has been receiving about the right percentage. So, I just don't know. I am seriously thinking of getting it when I go to Oklahoma this summer to drop of our son at the grandparents. I see appointments at CVS available all of the time there. You look at Texas, and every city, except Lubbock, will be unavailable :(
Ok. I am in East Texas and anyone can get it. Very easy. At Maude Cobb in Longview. My 26yo son got his first today. No problem at all. My mom in Arlington didnt have an issue.
Ok. I am in East Texas and anyone can get it. Very easy. At Maude Cobb in Longview. My 26yo son got his first today. No problem at all. My mom in Arlington didnt have an issue.
Well, if your mother is 65+, then yes, it's easier for them, which it should be. However, my in-laws, 70s & 80s, just got their first last week. They are in North Texas. Technically, not anyone can get it according to the state until Monday; however, I know that some places in Texas have less restrictions due to supply/demand, which is fine. There's a huge demand in Austin, and we just aren't getting a ton of supply for the demand. Oh well, my Disney training will hopefully pay off when I have to start monitoring multiple pharmacy sites starting tomorrow to look for availability. I have also registered for a couple of hubs that contact you when you can sign up. Looking at the state and CDC, it looks like supplies will be increasing to Texas, but they don't seem to be increasing much to Central Texas yet. Hopefully, I can get started sometime early summer.
I could see Disney dropping the mask mandate all of a sudden for the 50th around Oct 1st. Assuming the vaccine rollout continues in the direction it has been going and the numbers continue to drop. I think they’ll keep saying through the end of the year and then surprise everyone by allowing no masks this fall.

Well to be fair on the conferance call that Chapek mentioned 2022 there was speculation on calendar or fiscal year since Fiscal year is like Oct.1. I do believe Disney is ramping/gearing up for hopeful reduction of restrictions for the 50th. But they know its fluid and time will tell.

Masks will be the last to go. "Herd Immunity" takes place when 95% of the population is vaccinated or has had the virus and has antibodies. Considering the child population isn't getting vaccinated yet this won't occur for some time. Also, you still have roughly 35% of the adult population saying they won't get vaccinated. Masks will be around for some time. I agree with OP that everything else might drop or reduce, including social distancing, but masks will be around. On the good news side, if the rate of vaccinations continues at the current pace, and the pharmaceuticals continue to deliver (including J&J), by Memorial Day 80% of the US adult population will be fully vaccinated. (If we can get them to take the shot!) The potential for things to be somewhat back to normal by Memorial Day is there.

Actually they don't know what percentage is needed for herd immunity (which even with all vaccinated may never happen) , could be as low as 50% up to near 100%, lots of guesses around the 70-80% right now by experts. And right now they are still saying natural infection is still just as good so there is a percentage of kids and adults (that won't get the vaccine) that have had covid.

Lol no

Maks have been norm in countries like China because of the poor air quality

Agree with this and really tired of people comparing us to Asia. Yes masks will be more common here going forward but going forward there won't be signs on doors or any kind of mandate.
Maybe not all of a sudden (like day before) but I could see several weeks or a month out. And of course people can continue to wear masks if they choose. I don’t think saying they aren’t requiring them anymore means anyone has to stop wearing them. Or maybe it will be a type of hybrid regulation where you don’t have to wear them outdoors but still do indoors or in audience/show situations.

16+ are allowed to be vaccinated here as of tomorrow and my teen will be vaccinated on Tuesday and have her second dose long before our trip this summer. I can just see the number of people being vaccinated increasing SO much between now and fall which is why I think it’s possible they close relax the requirement in some way or another in the Fall.
Disney’s target audience includes kids younger than your teen. People won’t be comfortable with their unvaccinated children being around lots of maskless strangers. Disney is going to keep the mask requirement for a while. Especially given that Disney can probably eventually cut down on social distancing (and thus increase profitability) only by having the mask mandate in place. If anyone is trying to plan a trip this year thinking there is not going to be a mask mandate then you are in for a rough surprise. This reminds me of the debate back in February of 2020 when a lot of people thought the parks would never close.
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