A Last Hurrah Trip! We just didn't know it at the time. (A Pre-COVID Trip Report)

I can't wait to see how many plushies Gwen ended up getting
Hopefully I will remember to keep count!

You so have me craving some ramen or sushi for dinner tonight. Of course that won't be a hard sell in my house
That might be my mother's day dinner tomorrow! Problem is I want Indian also... Andy said he would get me both but it is kind of a weird mix...

As usual Casey and Gwen are so cut from the same cloth. Casey eats 25 cent Ramen for lunch a few times a week. And the plushies. Oh how do I loathe thee. I swear they are like gremlins and just multiple every night.
They ONLY silver lining of not going to Disney for awhile is that the plush collection has stopped for awhile.
Day One: Finding Farts Art!

After our mini shopping spree, we headed out. The girls had a few "goals" of the day. The first was to shop in Japan and the second was to get the Farts Churros. They just love those things. This year they were serving them in Africa. Cause nothing says Africa like Churros!?!?

So, we headed that way.

Gwen took out her hunt for art card and started really looking for them.
Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 1.24.06 PM
Here is the card that I made..

Farts Duffy
We found these guys just outside of the shops, I believe.

Farts Art
And then our first ones In Italy!

Fasrts Gipetto
There.. you can see Jimmy Cricket better now!


We explored Italy just long enough to find the painting and moved on to Germany.
Can you spot Pascal? Andy saw this picture and asked me what in the world I was taking a picture of!

Farts Pascal
Where we found Pascal!

While in Germany, I decided I needed to try the Rose Flight!
Rose Flight
I sent Andy and the girls ahead of my to get the painted churros and I said I would meet them there. This was really refreshing and right up my alley.

Rose Tap
I really liked the Rose Ale and the Frose, of course.


Andy and the girls made it to Africa and ordered the painted churros. While there, Gwen found an artwork not on the list. And she was VERY proud of herself! Of course I don't seem to have a picture of it..

Painter Churros
But I do have this picture of 2 very happy girls. I will say, that I don't think these are the best churros. But I think the girls just love the presentation and all.

We were able to grab a table in the area and just sit and relax. The girls ate there snack / dessert. And I sipped on my drinks.

It was getting hot by now, And Andy decided he needed to get out of his pants. So, he took his shorts and left to find a bathroom. I told him there was one in Norway. But he ended walking all the way to Mexico for some reason. And even then, I think he ended up walking all the way to the EPCOT Expierence to change.

We enjoyed our snacks and got ready to head towards Andy.

But Gwen needed to play the drums before we left the area.

We headed into China to find the next paintings.

Where we found Mushu.

And the dog from something..
Gwen was slightly disappointed that this lady was sitting in front of him. But I said it counted that we found it.

I don't think we did much in China other than that. We moved on to Norway, where I "thought" Andy was...
Snow Babyies
We found some super cute snow babies!

And Gwen also spotted this guy.
Hidden Troll
Which again, Gwen was super proud of herself for spotting.

It was hot, so I suggested we go into the gift shop to get out of the heat for a second. I texted Andy to find out where he was. Which is when he informed me how far he had over shot. We waited inside the gift shop, as Andy said he was headed back towards us.

Gwen Viking
Gwen spent the time waiting posing for me...

Once we were all back together, we headed to Mexico!

We found the Freda Photo Op.
Gwen Freda
Which Gwen gladly posed for.

And the her cat did too!

Morgan was not up for that photo op but she did pose with the Coco art that we found!
Farts Art

Morgan with Farts
We had done really well, we found the first 2 rows of items!

We headed inside the Mexico pavilion to cool off and of course ride a ride!

I believe it was fairly crowded and I want to say this may have been the first time that there was a line to get on 3 Caballeros! It wasn't too bad. But Morgan and Gwen were kind of taken back by this. Ha!

La Cantina de San Angel
We talked about how we were going to eat there later!

Poor Donald Pinata
Poor Donald! Always my favorite part, that and the cheesy fireworks.

After our ride, we decided to try and do the Agent P game for Mexico. But the service was terrible. It wouldn't load the game at all. So, after trying for a bit we gave up.

I had also REALLY wanted to get a margarita but the line was long, as usual. So, we just moved on. I remember feeling a little defeated after not being able to get on the game and the line being long.

We kept walking not knowing what we wanted to do. And ended up stopping at the Pop Eats Booth and grabbing a few items.

Blue Sky Boba Drink
The girls both got Blue Sky Boba Drink. I believe it was Black Cherry "Juice" with popping boba. (which they love)

Champagne and Boba
I ordered basically the grown up version of that. Which was good, but in that glass you basically drank the champagne and then the boba.

Pork Farts Dish
And Andy asked me to order the pork dish to try. No, wait, it was Chicken!

It was Sous Vide Chicken Roulade w/ Apples and Sage served w/ Brie Fondue, Blueberry and Beet Gel
It was surprisingly good! I totally thought the chicken was going to be dry but it wasn't and the Brie Fondue and Blueberry Beet Gel was really good!

While we sat for a bit and enjoyed out items. We discussed what we wanted to do. Our reservation was at 5 and it was about 4 now. So, we didn't want to go too far but also did want to do SOMETHING.

So, we made a plan to try and ride on Figment and then head back for dinner.
Stich Art
We checked out some art as we walked over towards Figment.

I don't think there was any kind of line for Figment. Which was nice. I know it's not the best ride, but with no wait, why not? Plus Morgan and Gwen do like it.
Figment High Tech Phones
I never noticed these super high-tech phones in the question before! ha!

Figment Inventors.
For being such a "crappy" ride, they have some serious actors on this ride past and current!

We were on the ride by 4:30. And not too long before we were holding our noses to that yucky skunk smell
Skunk Smell


After the ride, we headed back to Mexico for dinner! We were hungry and ready to eat!

up next dinner!
Day One: Dinner

We checked in right at 5:00 and were seated fairly quickly. I was hoping for a "water" table, but didn't bother asking. We were ok getting a table where ever. It was our first time here.

Mo and Me
Andy snapped this picture of us waiting. Man, do I look tired and like a sweated alot today! Eek!

We ended up about 3 tables away from the water. And it was find. Although I will say we were VERY close to the family next to us. In this picture there is a kid next to me and then that was the dad. Like uncomfortably close! like I felt like I was apart of there table!!! They had 2 small kids and at one point one of them was being a little "bad" And they apologized. Which it didn't bother us, we know how kids can get. But it seriously was like they were eating with us!

A given for this dinner was Guacamole!
Which I was super happy came with the Chicharrones!
Topped with Mango and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds served with Chicharrónes and Salsa Valentina
This was excellent. Fresh Guac is always good.

Me and Andy
Morgan snapped this photo of me and Andy. And again, I seriously look exhausted! I think I need to a good nights sleep!

"Top Shelf" Clásica on the Rocks
Andy and I both ordered Margaritas. Andy went with a classic and I got some sort of flavored one. I really wanted the NPH one that the serve at the Tequila Bar. But I think I was too tired to even ask.

I am a little hazy on who ordered what on this night.
Morgan's Dinner - Guac.
I am pretty sure this was Morgan's as the guac is missing. Morgan hates all condiments, so I am sure I stole all of her guac.

I "think" this was the:
Tacos de Barbacoa
Seasoned Beef, Homemade Corn Tortillas, Mexican Rice, Refried Black Beans and Red Salsa
I think she liked it enough, but I think it was a strong flavor for her.

Ariella's Dinner
I think this what I got but I have no idea what it is. The menu right now doesn't seem to have anything that matches this...

And this is what I think Andy ordered:
Andy's Dinner
Some sort of Salsa Verde Chicken? Which also doesn't seem to be on the menu right now.

Gwen's Dinner
This was DEF Gwen's mea.! Kids Mac n Cheese with corn. And have to say, it was pretty good mac n cheese!

Everything here was fine. Andy really liked his meal but I think me and Morgan were underwhelmed by course. It was terrible but not great. I felt the same about the other sit down Mexican restaurant. Both are fine but meh. It was fun to eat in there and I am glad we went at least once.

After dinner, we were ready to go home! So we headed to the front of the park.

We happened to find the temp Mouse Gears and stopped in to see what it looked like.
Gwen and Angel
NO! Gwen did not buy this plush!!! But she wanted to... I don't think we bough anything while we were in there.

EPCOT at Night
We were at the front of the park around at 6:59

Good night Everyone
And some how I took this picture at 7:04!!!!

We must have walked right on a bus and then it must have left! I have no memory of this bus ride but the time stamps on my photos don't lie! ha!

We went straight to bed as I think the day had been longer and more exhausting than we had expected it to be!

Up next... Magic Kingdom!
We've never dined in the Mexico pavilion, but I've always noticed how close those tables are to each other!! I'm not even sure if that restaurant is open yet post-COVID, but it would probably be a nice change to have some actual space between parties!

Your Rose' flight looked delicious, especially the frose! And I LOL-ed about poor Andy trying to do his pants change and ending up halfway across the park. Poor guy.

Sounds like a long hot day! Hopefully you all got a great night's sleep before the next day of fun!
Enjoyed reading about your time in Epcot. We are looking forward to this summer because we get to see Epcot in Festival mode. The times we go we never see that since we travel in the summer so much, but this year we will get to see the extended Flower and Garden!

We've eaten at San Angel once before and we just don't even try those restaurants in Mexico anymore. Nothing against them and the food is not bad, but here in Oklahoma we have so many awesome Mexican restaurants and many of ours are authentic. We even happened to eat at dinner at one tonight!! So, for us, we just tend to like to experience other things when we are at Disney.
Had fun reading about your trip around the countries. I miss the Epcot countries so much. I'm currently pricing a right before Christmas trip. We will see if it happens.
We've never dined in the Mexico pavilion, but I've always noticed how close those tables are to each other!! I'm not even sure if that restaurant is open yet post-COVID, but it would probably be a nice change to have some actual space between parties!
I would hope there is more room now. Is that restaurant open? I could see it not, as it isn't a huge area. It was kind of a one and done visit for us, I think.

Your Rose' flight looked delicious, especially the frose! And I LOL-ed about poor Andy trying to do his pants change and ending up halfway across the park. Poor guy.
I might need to try and re-create that, this summer!

Sounds like a great Epcot evening!
It was a great day.

I am new to your TR but am enjoying it
Welcome!!!! Glad you are enjoying it!!!

We LOVE Katsura grill and now I am craving udon after seeing your pictures. And beignets, lol.
That is the problem with doing trip reports, it makes me crave everything!

Enjoyed reading about your time in Epcot. We are looking forward to this summer because we get to see Epcot in Festival mode. The times we go we never see that since we travel in the summer so much, but this year we will get to see the extended Flower and Garden!
That will be so nice! We have only been once with the topiaries. But it does spruce up the whole park!

We've eaten at San Angel once before and we just don't even try those restaurants in Mexico anymore. Nothing against them and the food is not bad, but here in Oklahoma we have so many awesome Mexican restaurants and many of ours are authentic
I totally get that! We have now tried both in Mexico and I don't think we will be going back to either anytime soon. Like you said they are just fine. But there is a lot of other restaurants that we like better.

ad fun reading about your trip around the countries. I miss the Epcot countries so much. I'm currently pricing a right before Christmas trip. We will see if it happens.
A trip before Christmas would be so nice!!! #fingercrossed
They ONLY silver lining of not going to Disney for awhile is that the plush collection has stopped for awhile.
I wish I could say the same. I still have to contend with a mother in law who substitutes sending plushies and crap for actually spending time with my kid >:(

he second was to get the Farts Churros. They just love those things.
I mean who doesn't love a good farting churro???

Can you spot Pascal? Andy saw this picture and asked me what in the world I was taking a picture of!
Is he on that guys shirt? :rotfl2:

And the dog from something..
He's my favorite :earboy2:

And the her cat did too!
That is hilarious!!! Gwen's arm fits right in I had to zoom in see how it was being held up

And not too long before we were holding our noses to that yucky skunk smell
Is it mandatory that kids have to hold their nose on this ride??? Casey is always the same way

Although I will say we were VERY close to the family next to us. In this picture there is a kid next to me and then that was the dad. Like uncomfortably close! like I felt like I was apart of there table!!! They had 2 small kids and at one point one of them was being a little "bad" And they apologized. Which it didn't bother us, we know how kids can get. But it seriously was like they were eating with us!
This is the one thing I hate about this place. Its like they said how can be cram as many people in here as possible and the answer was to just seat everyone together.

Gwen's Dinner
This was DEF Gwen's mea.! Kids Mac n Cheese with corn. And have to say, it was pretty good mac n cheese!
U sure that isn't Andys??? That is a lot of white food right there

Everything here was fine. Andy really liked his meal but I think me and Morgan were underwhelmed by course. It was terrible but not great. I felt the same about the other sit down Mexican restaurant. Both are fine but meh. It was fun to eat in there and I am glad we went at least once.
We generally feel the same. Its not bad but we can get so much better at home really no need to have Mexican in Disney

Gwen and Angel
NO! Gwen did not buy this plush!!! But she wanted to... I don't think we bough anything while we were in there.
Love this!!! Glad that one didn't come home with ya
Day Two: Magic Kingdom! (enough said)

Today we woke up with plans to head to Magic Kingdom today.
Day 2 Plan
We didn't have any hard plans for dinner, we were going to "wing it" And I will say, we aren't good at wining it in Disney!

I woke up a little after 7:00, and threw on some clothes, and headed to Sassagooula for some coffee with a refillable mug.
View from our Room
I "think" I might have brought an old refillable mug with me just to get coffee in the morning but I can't remember. Or I might have just bought a cup?!?! I don't remember.

French Quarter Street
Either way, it was a peaceful walk to the main building. There was lots of folks getting breakfast. Which I just never got. We have always been eat in the room kind of family.

Sassagoula Door
I got my coffee and headed back to the room.

French Quarter Garden

Everyone was still asleep when I came back but shortly everyone started to stir.
Tinkerbell Gift
Tinkerbell left her gift very riskily on the edge of the bed next to Gwen. (This also, by the way is now Morgan and Gwen slept this trip... Apparently they didn't want to be next to each other! Sigh...

The "coupons" were for one extra thing over the course of the trip. If you are new to my trip reports, somewhere along the way, we set up a rule of the girls only being able to get one thing per day. It made them really think about whether they wanted the item and stopped the massive amount of "Can I have this?" all day long. It does have sub-rules, like it can't be too pricey and (usually) only one plush per trip... Since this was our last trip for awhile, I thought that the one extra thing was a nice little think gift.

We all slowly got up and got ready to go.
Andy in Mirror
No idea why Andy took this picture. I guess he had never noticed the makeup mirrors before?!?!

After being so tired yesterday, we took our time this morning, everyone showered and got ready.
Bus to MK
We were on a bus to Magic Kingdom a little after 9. And in Magic Kingdom by 9:30!

Entering MK

First order of business? A photo pass photo of course!
Castle Photo Pass Photo
Morgan HATES that we do this first thing... but I think by now she has gotten used to it.

Castle Magic Shot
They did a magic shot as well, but I sadly don't have the photo. As I never fully downloaded all our photos from this trip. And they are now gone. :(

For some strange, strange reason, we decided to go to Barnstormer first. I have NO Idea why? Possibly because Space already had a long wait, or because we had a fastpass for it later in the day?

Storybook Circus

The Great Goofin Sign
Possibly because there was no wait?

Goofy Target
This area is really cute and def a must do area if you have little kids, for sure.

Tron Track
We did get to take a peak at the Tron construction. It didn't even have any of the covering yet!

Just before 10 we were on the SHORTEST rollercoaster EVER.
M & G on Barnstormer

Barnstormer Morgan
Look mom no hands!

On Barnstormer
We had fun on it, all the same. And with no real wait, why not?

After our ride, we hit the bathrooms in the area and found Pluto!
High Five from Pluto
He was just kind of wandering around...

Pluto Playing in the Water
Pretending to play in the water. It was super cute.

Storybook Circus Bathroom Wall
Andy snapped a picture of the signs on the bathroom wall. It was nice a quiet back there, which was nice!
We decided to get in line to meet Goofy & Donald. On a past trip we had met Daisy and Minnie.
The Great Goofini Sign

Goofy's Trophy
First was Goofy. While we were waiting, I got a notification that Big Thunder Mountain was down. So, our first fast pass turned into an anytime fast pass. Which actually was good. It meant we didn't have to rush across the park after this.

Goofy Shining his Trophy
Donald was taking longer to meet with each group, so Goofy would have some time to kill between each group. And he would shine his trophy and other things. Which was fun to watch.

Gwen meeting Goofy
We waited prob 15 minutes for our turn. So not bad.

Goofy really liked meeting Gwen.
Official Photo Pass Photo

Gwen & Goofy

Official Photo Pass Photo
And of course we all got in for a photo.

Then it was off to meet Donald!

Donald was in a silly mood today!

Donald giving Gwen the cold shoulder
For some reason, Donald gave Gwen the cold shoulder. I don't remember why but it was pretty funny.

Donald and CM
The CM face in this photo is hilarious!

Donald & Andy giving Gwen the cold shoulder
And I guess he got Andy in on it as well.

Donald made up with Gwen and we got ready to take a group photo...
Donald blocking Gwen
I guess Donald wasn't done with his revenge on Gwen...

Donald hiding Gwen peaking around
Gwen thought this was HILARIOUS!!!! And I love this photo with Gwen peaking around.

Donald saying Sorry
Donald didn't have a lot of remorse for his actions...

Donald letting Gwen in.
But he did let us take one nice photo..

Donald & Gwen
I don't know what Gwen and Donald are pinkie swearing about, but I guess they made up.

Saying Goodbye to Donald
It was a great interaction! And totally worth going in the morning. It was also a nice change of pace with us always just hitting rides.

After we of course, checked out the dump shop.

Gwen with Marie Plush
Gwen found a giant Marie plush. But she was given a hard no on it, as it was way to large.

Candy Apple
We did check out the snacks in here, which we had never done before!

Big Top Treats "Treats" One SIde

Big Top Treats "Treats" 2nd Side
Which is when I noticed they had the Chocolate covered Pineapples. We purchased 2 to try!

Chocolate Covered Pineapple Spears
We took them outside and dug in. And OMG!!! These are soooo good!!! The pineapple was fresh and SUPER juicy. We shared the 2 spears and all gave them thumbs up!

We wiped our hands, and arms off and decided what to do next!

Up next... more food!
Love the early morning quiet around the resort. Even at Pop, which is rarely ever "quiet" the early morning is my favorite time to walk around.

Awesome idea on the "one extra thing" coupons!!

Goofini and the Great Donald-o are two of Jimmy's absolute favorite meet and greets. I hope they get to come back SOON!!!
I love the "1 thing a day" purchase. My DH has already set a "we're only getting 3 coffee mugs" limit for our next trip :rolleyes2 . I also always really love your Tinkerbelle gifts, I may have to put some thought into doing something like this too!

And that interaction with Donald was adorable! And the PP got some great pictures. It's always such a great memory when you get those fun interactions!
I hope they get to come back SOON!!!
Like... say... before December of this year... posssibly... I feel like they will start some up soon!

I love the "1 thing a day" purchase. My DH has already set a "we're only getting 3 coffee mugs" limit for our next trip
I am going to have to give myself a rule when we finally go again!

I also always really love your Tinkerbelle gifts, I may have to put some thought into doing something like this too!
It is a fun little extra magic you can do! I will say it does take planning, but I don't mind that part. the hardest part is remembering to lay it out after a long day at the park!

Sounds like a great morning so far!

Joining in! I’ve only read the intro so far - but great start!
Glad you are here!!!! And thanks.
Fun morning! We tried those chocolate covered pineapples are last trip as well. I think Su-Lynn is a fan and I saw them on her TR??? And, yes!!!! Sooooo good.
Hi friend! It's Cloe :) not sure how often I'll pop in but its been so nice to read your pre-covid report up until this point! It's so crazy because I have already forgotten how Disney was before! Looks like it was a great trip though!

Do you have any plans to head back any time soon? Or just holding out for Hawaii in 2022?


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