The Pro-Genie App discussion thread - speculate how the app could make your trip next trip great!

One of my biggest concerns, along with pricing, is whether it will actually be working correctly without glitches upon rollout. My hope is that it won't be too pricey, if we have to pay. Any new system can be frustrating. So I'm hoping the Genie will work seamlessly...LOL!
I would be ok with it if it offers 1 pass per person per day for those staying on-site. An additional 1 pass per person per day if you are staying at a moderate and 1 more if you are at a deluxe or DVC. I would add an additional 2 passes per day for AP holders. This would mean that if you are DVC with an AP and already giving WDW a good chunk of change every year, you get 5 passes per person per day.
I have an AP, but do not agree that AP holders should get extra FP's. I think we may see tiering system where 1 FP value, 2 FP moderate, 3 FP's deluxe and DVC all with option to pay for more. Maybe the genie gives away three more free FP's. Maybe you will have to leave a credit card deposit and if you do not show up for your FP time, you get charged unless you cancel it - as I am sure there are many FP's that go unused- not sure how that would work if ride goes down though. Unless the system automatically reroutes your FP.
It will most likely be $15.00 or more per ride. They were selling 3 extra FP for $50.00 if you were staying in club level pre covid. They have all the data they need or what they know people are willing to pay.

They know what wealthy people are willing to pay. Data testing for Grand Villas and concierge doesnt give you a lulse on the general population.

My fear is that they learned from screwing over AP holders during covid that they only need to allow X amount of reservations and people will accept that and you can do what you please with the others.
Here's the thing about paid access...once you start charging people for something you damn well had better deliver. You can't promise faster access to TT for a return @2:30 if a thunderstorm shuts it down for an hour at 2:15. Or if they sell boarding groups at $50 a pop and it goes down for an entire day. People get pretty ticked off now and they don't pay anything extra for a BG. Imagine the blowback if that paid access to ROTR results in a day spent at HS waiting for the darn thing to work. There had better be some sweet guest recovery plans in place for those eventualities.
I’m hoping that it allows you to sign up for a Virtual queue, and then, given your location and interests, gives you suggestions how you can spend the time outside the queue. For instance, say you have 45 minutes until you get in line for Jungle Cruise. Genie points out the tree house is near by and has immediate access, if you prefer a snack the Dole Whip place is right there, and if you want shopping there are deals on Jungle Cruise mugs at the outpost.

And yeah, since I don’t plan rides 30 days out I would be happy to pay for access to a few of the rides I’ve never had access to before.
Just curious on what your price point would be? I think this is a valuable conversation. Thks!

First, by adding any additional costs I’m going to have to go less often or stay less days. The amount I save per month for the trips isn’t changing.

If I stretch out my trips from every 18 months to every 24 months, I’ll have more money to spend on things like FP.

Our budget is fixed. We’ll have a daily FP budget based on how much we saved during those additional 6 months we’ve added between trips.

With that in mind, my estimated price points are as follows:
$25/pass for headliners - it’s a yes
$40/pass for headliners - hmm, maybe
$50/pass for headliners - we would have to *really* want it

I know these numbers will offend people.

For us, an extra $1000 for a 4 day trip is worth it if we can slow down and enjoy our time in the bubble during Christmas. I’ll trade dollars for a more spontaneous day that still allows us to revisit our favorite rides.

It’s not the right choice for everyone, but is the right choice for us.

edited to add: we are a family of 4
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You’re welcome. I guarantee we have a lot more in common than not.

I hope the Genie app and the option to pay for FP (in addition to free ones) will give us more spontaneity while in the parks. I’m a super planner but I never loved that I had to commit to an hour window to ride Space Mountain 180 days before I would even set foot in the park.

I want to be able to decide on the fly what I want to do and where I want to go. And, of course, I don’t want to wait in ridiculous lines either. As it stands now, there’s always that mental reminder in my head of what is coming up next (“we have a dining reservation in 2 hours and a FP reservation in 5 hours”). I hope the genie app will allow me to reserve a broader FP time range and to be able to edit and modify it the day of (no more sold out slots). If that means I have to pay for additional opportunities to have that luxury, I’m ok with that.

What I really want, in the simplest terms, is to know that when I arrive at AK, I will be guaranteed to ride Safari, EE and FOP with minimal (30 min Max) waits.

As someone who is restricted to the busiest times of year to go, I can’t have that - even when we arrive 30 minutes before EMH to make the mad dash to FOP then again across to EE before slowing down because have a FP for Safari in 3 hours. There’s no magic in that experience for us. If I had a guarantee that I would at some point in the day get to ride all 3, even if that means paying for that guarantee, then I can experience the park in a whole new way. The early morning rush disappears as I can enjoy the magic of watching a park wake up.

What I am willing to give up to pay for that guarantee is the length of the trip and the frequency of our visits.

I know that this is not the right solution for everyone but to write it off as all bad and based in greed is unfair to those for whom it is an improvement

If the genie app can solve all those things and provide a high quality level of spontaneity, then I’d be on board with this as well. This is coming from someone who also can only go to WDW during peak times but also likes to plan everything far in advance.

Although my recent trip wasn’t our best for various reasons, the one thing we re-discovered due to lack of FP+ was spontaneity. We didn’t think it could happen at WDW anymore (we know what it is like at Disneyland with Maxpass and enjoyed it a lot actually) but we were wrong. WDW can be spontaneous if it’s done right, and if the Genie app does somehow succeed in helping with that while somehow not making you be on your phone refreshing the app 1000x a day (thats the type of day to day stress I loath in Disney), then I’m 100% on board with everything you said.

I just hope Disney’s IT can pull off some magic of their own to make this work right. Because that’s another big pessimistic story in of itself that I’ll leave out 🤣
First, by adding any additional costs I’m going to have to go less often or stay less days. The amount I save per month for the trips isn’t changing.

If I stretch out my trips from every 18 months to every 24 months, I’ll have more money to spend on things like FP.

Our budget is fixed. We’ll have a daily FP budget based on how much we saved during those additional 6 months we’ve added between trips.

With that in mind, my estimated price points are as follows:
$25/pass for headliners - it’s a yes
$40/pass for headliners - hmm, maybe
$50/pass for headliners - we would have to *really* want it

I know these numbers will offend people.

For us, an extra $1000 for a 4 day trip is worth it if we can slow down and enjoy our time in the bubble during Christmas. I’ll trade dollars for a more spontaneous day that still allows us to revisit our favorite rides.

It’s not the right choice for everyone, but is the right choice for us.
When you say "we" are you traveling as a family of 4 or more people? As a couple? You + a friend who pays their own costs?

I think there's a market for singles or couples at those prices. I think most families of 4 or more are going to choke on their Mickey pretzel at the thought of those prices.
When you say "we" are you traveling as a family of 4 or more people? As a couple? You + a friend who pays their own costs?

I think there's a market for singles or couples at those prices. I think most families of 4 or more are going to choke on their Mickey pretzel at the thought of those prices.
great question - we are a family of 4

As I said, to be able to afford this we would have to go less often.

Something I didn’t mention earlier but just occurred to me is that I’m not willing to pay for FP to m every ride, not would I pay the same amount for every ride.

If it’s $50 for Jungle Cruise FP, then I’m going to pass on that.

Paying $50 today to guarantee a FP on Tron during my next visit, on any day at any time, take my money!
Here's the thing about paid access...once you start charging people for something you damn well had better deliver. You can't promise faster access to TT for a return @2:30 if a thunderstorm shuts it down for an hour at 2:15. Or if they sell boarding groups at $50 a pop and it goes down for an entire day. People get pretty ticked off now and they don't pay anything extra for a BG. Imagine the blowback if that paid access to ROTR results in a day spent at HS waiting for the darn thing to work. There had better be some sweet guest recovery plans in place for those eventualities.

I keep combining this with the 'confronting guests on bad behaviour" thread. The benefit of pretty much every other 'skip the line' pass is that if your ride has troubles or another guest has their phone in your face, just go to the next ride, come back later or even hop right back in the speed lane for a better experience. No harm, no foul. But if I paid 10/pp for FEA because my kids just have to see Elsa and her face mapping goes screwy, or I have somebody constantly taking pictures while I'm trying to enjoy the ride I am probably not going to shrug and move on like I would with a free FP.

It's going to be a guest relations nightmare.
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First, by adding any additional costs I’m going to have to go less often or stay less days. The amount I save per month for the trips isn’t changing.

If I stretch out my trips from every 18 months to every 24 months, I’ll have more money to spend on things like FP.

Our budget is fixed. We’ll have a daily FP budget based on how much we saved during those additional 6 months we’ve added between trips.

With that in mind, my estimated price points are as follows:
$25/pass for headliners - it’s a yes
$40/pass for headliners - hmm, maybe
$50/pass for headliners - we would have to *really* want it

I know these numbers will offend people.

For us, an extra $1000 for a 4 day trip is worth it if we can slow down and enjoy our time in the bubble during Christmas. I’ll trade dollars for a more spontaneous day that still allows us to revisit our favorite rides.

It’s not the right choice for everyone, but is the right choice for us.

edited to add: we are a family of 4

I appreciate you laying this out, no offense from me :) ! That's what a discussion board is all about.

From what I've read, it sounds like you had a pretty commando touring plan. Rope drop, hitting the main rides, using FP later. That is definitely a touring choice many use. If I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying you are willing to pay ~$1000 so you don't have to have a commando touring plan.

We chose not to do that and instead preferred to plan extensively at 60 days and used other ways to obtain access to additional rides whether it was refreshing while in the park, visiting parks multiple times during the trip, you get the idea.

When we talk about headliners, what would that be considered at the MK? Space Mountain, 7DMT, BTRR, Splash, Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan?

During the holidays, these rides can all have wait times north of 60 minutes. In the past I would have had a FP. Now if the speculation is correct, I won't. My choice is gone unless I want to wait 6 hours or pay $25 pp per ride, per day. For the 5 of us, that would be an extra $750 for just those rides. We haven't even gotten to EPCOT/AK/HS with the tiers. So now I will have to switch to a commando plan, pay $ for what once was free, or not ride the rides.

The thread you started asks what will make me excited about genie. Based on everything I've read, and by what you and others are speculating, an app telling me where to get a Dole Whip while taking away my choice to plan in advance is not going to excite me enough to make up for the additional costs I am going to incur.

That's just me though and I'm sure others will find benefits if this all proves out.
I agree with the idea but fewer guests means less merchandise and food sold. It means fewer people filling hotel rooms. So Disney has a vested interest in keeping gate prices low enough to draw large numbers into the parks. But once they get those people inside the gates, they don't know what to do with them.
They know what to do with them, they grab them by the ankles and shake them upside down until their wallet falls out.
The thread you started asks what will make me excited about genie. Based on everything I've read, and by what you and others are speculating, an app telling me where to get a Dole Whip while taking away my choice to plan in advance is not going to excite me enough to make up for the additional costs I am going to incur.
This alone is going to make me irrationally angry if it’s one of the paid features.
I’m going to want to put that Genie back in it’s bottle. Lol.
I appreciate you laying this out, no offense from me :) ! That's what a discussion board is all about.

From what I've read, it sounds like you had a pretty commando touring plan. Rope drop, hitting the main rides, using FP later. That is definitely a touring choice many use. If I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying you are willing to pay ~$1000 so you don't have to have a commando touring plan.

We chose not to do that and instead preferred to plan extensively at 60 days and used other ways to obtain access to additional rides whether it was refreshing while in the park, visiting parks multiple times during the trip, you get the idea.

When we talk about headliners, what would that be considered at the MK? Space Mountain, 7DMT, BTRR, Splash, Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan?

During the holidays, these rides can all have wait times north of 60 minutes. In the past I would have had a FP. Now if the speculation is correct, I won't. My choice is gone unless I want to wait 6 hours or pay $25 pp per ride, per day. For the 5 of us, that would be an extra $750 for just those rides. We haven't even gotten to EPCOT/AK/HS with the tiers. So now I will have to switch to a commando plan, pay $ for what once was free, or not ride the rides.

The thread you started asks what will make me excited about genie. Based on everything I've read, and by what you and others are speculating, an app telling me where to get a Dole Whip while taking away my choice to plan in advance is not going to excite me enough to make up for the additional costs I am going to incur.

That's just me though and I'm sure others will find benefits if this all proves out.

For the record, I am against eliminating free FP. I don’t like the exclusively pay-toplay system.

Here’s what I realistically expect to happen:

All FP are paid but with dynamic pricing. A certain number of FP will be set aside to buy in advance at a higher “guarantee to ride” price. Most will be available to purchase the day-of with dynamic pricing engaged.

Staying at an on-site hotel will get you a certain dollar amount of “Genie Gems” (or some other catchy name) to put towards your FP. Values get less, deluxe get more.

To fill the hotels during slow times of the year, they’ll offer genie gems incentives “Book a 3-night package now and get $200 in magical tokens”

Do I love it? No.

is it an improvement for me? Yes.
I’m hoping that it allows you to sign up for a Virtual queue, and then, given your location and interests, gives you suggestions how you can spend the time outside the queue. For instance, say you have 45 minutes until you get in line for Jungle Cruise. Genie points out the tree house is near by and has immediate access, if you prefer a snack the Dole Whip place is right there, and if you want shopping there are deals on Jungle Cruise mugs at the outpost.
I think suggestions such as these may be helpful to first timers at DW, but it will come across as maddening/condescending to seasoned DW travelers.
great question - we are a family of 4

Paying $50 today to guarantee a FP on Tron during my next visit, on any day at any time, take my money!

No criticism because I fully appreciate that everyone makes different choices with their money but.... This ^ makes my jaw drop to my lap. $50 pp for one ride for a family of 4 is $200.

Not too long ago, that $200 got 2 adults a whole day's admission to a park, with full, unlimited access to all rides, shows and attractions.
Now it buys your family of 4 a shorter wait time on ONE ride, after you've already paid for each of those family members to enter the park.

This all makes me think of what that $200 would buy in other vacation locations and I'm not just talking Universal.... I'm thinking tropical island vacations, Grand Canyon + surrounding area trip, seeing more of California.
I really thought DH and I would be still going to WDW deep into our retirement years but IF these speculations are correct (IF!!) then I can't see us forking over this kind of money to ride things we've already done many times over (the classic headliners) and I also can't see spending WDW-level vacation money and being limited to attractions like Aladdin's Carpets and Swiss Family Treehouse.

It's interesting to read how varying everyone's "line in the sand" is .

Edited because these numbers are boggling my mind to the point that it affected my ability to do simple math! LOL
Family of four at $10 each would be $40 per two minute ride (e.g. SDD). It just sounds ridiculous after paying literally thousands of dollars for hotel and tickets.
There is no way that SDD is going to be **only** $10 per fastpass. Looking at the prices that just got announced for the Christmas AH event, I'm thinking closer to $50 for the headliners like SDD.
great question - we are a family of 4

As I said, to be able to afford this we would have to go less often.

Something I didn’t mention earlier but just occurred to me is that I’m not willing to pay for FP to m every ride, not would I pay the same amount for every ride.

If it’s $50 for Jungle Cruise FP, then I’m going to pass on that.

Paying $50 today to guarantee a FP on Tron during my next visit, on any day at any time, take my money!
First I want to state that I am not jugging anyone here on how they chose to spend their money. I believe my wife and I have a decent paying jobs but I have a hard time grasping how so many people seem ok with paying $15.00 or more to get on a ride that lasts for the most part less than 3 minutes especially after you are already dropping $100.00 plus per ticket to enter the park. A Disney vacation is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination when you add air fare, food, tickets, room and a rental car if you chose. Plus all of the other incidental costs such as parking and souvenirs. If they sell you a bundle of 3 for $50.00 ( old club rate) you have just added $200.00 a day for a family of 4 and for 5 days that is another $1,000.00 above and beyond all of your other expenses. So now a 5 night stay at a amusement park ( a very nice one I will add) is pushing close to 7k to 8k.


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